The truth about why people fall in love at first sight

All our actions, words and thoughts come from the state . No matter what we do, no matter what we say, if our state does not correspond to our words and actions, nothing will work out between a guy and a girl . There will be no attraction or love between them because they are not natural, open and sincere with each other and with themselves first and foremost.

Our state depends on our perception of the world, ourselves and the beliefs that we have. All this is called the level of consciousness. Our freedom is determined by our inner beliefs, by how we perceive people.

The level of consciousness (vibrations) is how aware a person is of himself and the surrounding reality. This is how much he depends or does not depend on everything that happens in his life, and how free and happy he feels at a constant natural level without any external stimulation to raise his condition.

The level of consciousness is how much we understand ourselves, the feelings and desires that are present in us, and how we perceive the surrounding reality.

Our state comes from our level of consciousness

When a guy meets a girl, they communicate with each other, all that matters and determines the outcome of the meeting is their level of consciousness .

An insufficiently conscious person does not know who he is, what he is doing, and why he is reacting to everything that happens in his life.

There is no need to react to the outside world . Regardless of him, have your desires and feelings.


The biggest challenge in a long distance relationship is staying a part of each other's lives. A funny incident at work, an incident in the parking lot, a little adventure in the grocery store - all this, it would seem, does not matter, and after a week it will be completely forgotten. But when you live this together with a loved one, a feeling of kinship and a sense of involvement in each other’s lives arises between you.

The hardest thing is for those couples who are used to seeing each other every day, and then were forced to separate for an indefinite period of time. After all, living together gives a lot of advantages and imposes certain obligations, lovers get used to relying on each other, deciding everything together, spending leisure time together, sharing both the bad and the good in each other’s lives, and suddenly this disappears. And now one life for two is divided into two, problems such as understatement, disorientation of feelings and blurred prospects for a joint future begin.

Another difficulty is the lack of communication or its complete transformation. Long-distance relationships are transformed into text-voice, which makes them somewhat flawed, especially when the couple regularly communicated and saw each other before separation. In our modern age, of course, there are many alternatives to live communication: telephone, text messages, video calls, social networks, but they still do not fully fulfill the functions assigned to them. After all, the feeling develops and requires closeness not only mental, but also physical.

Long-distance relationships have another specific difficulty in communication - the inability (on occasion) to clarify the relationship in all generally accepted ways. People who are geographically far from each other cannot quarrel and then calmly make peace, as is possible for other couples living in the same territory or in the same city. In a situation where one ignores phone calls and messages, the other cannot run to him (her) at any moment to solve the problem. Therefore, every quarrel risks being the last.

Long-term communication at a distance turns out to be acceptable only for those people who highly value their own space and believe that there should be a lot of it, but do not want to lose touch with their loved one.

The next difficulty, which carries with it perhaps the most terrible danger for long-distance love, is a possible loss of trust. Many relationships end due to a lack of trust, and long-distance relationships in this sense are just a minefield. After all, there is no chance to check whether your loved one is deceiving you. Trust in a relationship largely depends on the individual, on her previous experience of romantic encounters, on her behavior pattern and, naturally, on how jealous the person is.

If, for example, your other half loves to flirt, then you may face real problems. And even if such behavior is not typical for your loved one, then the fear of betrayal and betrayal can still lead to the collapse of long-distance relationships under the weight of suspicion.

For people who monitor their material expenses, an important obstacle on the path to distant love can be the price of such communication. Now, in order to see your chosen one, you need to spend money on travel (flight), and in some cases, on accommodation, as well as on long-distance calls, parcels, and so on. For some, this factor can become quite significant.

How to support and preserve your love? How to turn your feelings at a distance into a blooming garden called “happy love”? Oddly enough, there are quite simple tools that can protect relationships from stagnation.

Signs You've Connected With Your Soulmate Through Your Eyes

Two pairs of souls communicate on all levels: through body language, words, gaze. Of all these types of communication, the energy transmitted by our eyes is the most powerful.

Here are signs of energy communication through gaze:

  1. Breathing stops. When you meet your soulmate and look into each other's eyes, you feel like your breath stops. Your meeting is a real cosmic event, and the energies that are transmitted through your eyes are proof that you are in front of your twin.
  2. At first you feel unbalanced, then you experience a feeling of calm and serenity. The strong emotions you feel when you connect with your significant other destabilize you. You begin to tremble and your heart beats very fast. But then you calm down.
  3. You have a feeling of déjà vu. When your eyes meet, you feel that this person is extremely familiar to you. You experience a feeling of déjà vu, as if these eyes are familiar to you, they are part of your destiny.
  4. You feel embarrassed.
  5. You see this man's face everywhere. Once your eyes meet, the connection between you will no longer be broken.
  6. You understand him perfectly, even without words. Even if you have met your soul mate for the first time, there are no communication barriers between you. Your connection is perfect.
  7. You will immediately fall in love with the person you are meant for. When you look into your soulmate's eyes, love instantly invades you. It doesn't take time for it to grow between you because it is strong and perfect from the very beginning.


Circumstances may prevent you from living and spending time together, but nothing can prevent communication. Phone, email, Skype - today lovers have many opportunities to be close, at least virtually. Talk and ask about what's new, about new hobbies, friends and experiences, consult with each other.

You can try different techniques. For example, go to the cinema at the same time and watch the same film: laugh together or discuss episodes of the film, share your impressions. The same can be done with books or articles.

You can arrange a Skype date: light candles around your laptop, dress nicely and say warm and affectionate words to each other. Or start a joint blog on the Internet and write down all the significant events of your life, your feelings and experiences. An important condition is that only you two should know about this blog, make it your little secret.

You can also create your own communication rituals : whether it will be daily bedtime stories or love letters every morning - it depends only on your imagination and desire to once again please your loved one and become even closer to him!

Many people underestimate this daily communication, the exchange of information about routine days, and as a result, when they meet after a while, they feel like strangers. Communicate as often as possible, do not hesitate to express your feelings!

You instantly feel comfortable with each other

Have you ever dated someone who made you feel awkward and awkward around you? Well, in a relationship where both partners sympathize with each other, this is difficult to imagine. When we meet someone for the first time, our natural reaction is to be wary. Our back straightens, and our posture reveals our emotions. However, with the right person, this quickly passes and we begin to feel as if we are talking to an old friend. This is a good sign and indicates that there is chemistry between you.

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Lack of your own personal life is almost the biggest mistake that loved ones can make while apart. In my opinion, your loved one should not take up your entire life; in addition to this relationship, you can also have friends, family, interesting work, and hobbies.

You cannot limit yourself and “freeze” your life until you meet your loved one. Instead, develop as a person, open up new opportunities and horizons for yourself, do things for which you previously did not have enough time: foreign language courses, dance lessons, drawing, professional development, and so on.

Let the time you are apart be a time of growth for you. Enjoy your life, be positive and enjoy what you do.

You have the same interests

It's good if you have interests that are different from your partner's hobbies. This can add spice to the relationship - because you will always have something to talk about. But if all your interests match, it's a sign of chemistry between you. It's rare to meet people with such similar hobbies. However, in this case you need to be careful - it is likely that one of the partners is living someone else's life in an attempt to get closer and win favor. But if you find someone who is really interested in your hobbies, then that's a good sign.

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The key to a happy ending to a long-distance relationship is the clearest possible idea of ​​a future together. Make plans, talk about your expectations, discuss when your next meeting will happen and how you will conduct it.

You can create a constantly updated list of things that you will definitely do together when you see each other. This could be a list sent by email from one partner to another with the condition that each one adds one or more planned actions there.

Effortlessly carry on a conversation

According to relationship experts, conversation flows easily between two people if there is a connection between them. Questions and stories follow one after another, and time flies by. If a pause suddenly occurs in a conversation, it does not cause awkwardness. Conversations with such a person will be pleasant, and you will want to communicate with him again and again.

If you don't have chemistry, you may have to fill the silence with conversations about the weather and the latest movies. At the same time, you will burn with awkwardness and want to be as far away as possible.


Distance should not become an obstacle in her path. Saturate your life with romantic episodes. There are millions of ways to say “I love you” or “thinking of you.” The Internet helps you send a postcard, flowers, chocolates, countless souvenirs, and even order a romantic dinner, the delivery of which can be arranged directly from the restaurant to your loved one’s home, paying for all this by electronic payment.

You can come up with a great many pleasant surprises that scream about your feelings: this is a collection of “your” songs sent by email; and Skype dates in the most revealing outfits; and joint shopping trips, during which you can exchange photos via messenger and get advice on choosing clothes. Fantasize, constantly “warming up” the relationship.


Very often, long-distance relationships fall apart not because of the inability to be together all the time, but because of mistrust and jealousy. People begin to harass each other with suspicions of treason. An integral part of long-distance love is complete and unconditional trust. If it is present, love will pass the test of separation. But how can you trust your partner when he (she) is there and I am here?! In fact, everything is simple: if you truly love a person, then you must trust him in absolutely everything.

In a long-distance relationship, it is very important that both believe that living together, in the same city, in the same apartment is quite possible and there is a chance to overcome the separation!

At the same time, you also need to take into account the fact that not all relationships begin in order to last forever. Distance can be only one of the reasons why love unions cease to exist. But if this is not your case and you are sure that you have met true love, do not give up! And then the distance will turn into the same wind that extinguishes a small fire, and helps a big one to flare up more than before.

Physical attraction is obvious

Physical attraction is not the only important aspect of a relationship, but it is what distinguishes falling in love from friendship. A good indicator of attraction is how attracted you are to each other. In the end it all comes down to biology. “Evolution has meant that we tend to choose people to mate with whom we have a strong physical attraction,” says Dr Sue Laurie.

This cannot always be explained. Your favorite type may be light-eyed blondes, but at the same time you may unexpectedly fall in love with a brown-eyed brunette. Romantic relationships are not something you can plan.


It would be a good idea for people who love each other and are preparing to move into a “long-distance relationship” format to immediately agree on when the next meeting will take place. Firstly, because it is extremely difficult to wait endlessly for weather by the sea. Secondly, because everyday chores that “cover” lovers far from each other tend to drag on. It is important to prevent a situation where a long-awaited meeting is constantly postponed for seemingly objective reasons. This can greatly traumatize one (if the meeting is regularly postponed by the other) or both partners, and also undermine confidence in the partner that this meeting is generally desirable for him. It would also be a good idea to discuss a “schedule” of daily communication - that is, time “windows” that both partners will be happy to give each other. This will help avoid the irritation associated with the need to warmly answer calls and letters at a time when one of the partners is objectively busy.

Tricks of the unconscious

No one has canceled the area of ​​the unconscious in people, something that is still recognized as present in a person, but at the same time very little studied, because it is not known where to look for it.

If consciousness is the highest level of human mental activity, then the unconscious is the sphere of unconscious ideas (which often becomes the cause of conscious actions). This also includes intuition, which is part of consciousness, but based on other, also unknown mechanisms.

That is, at the level of intuition and unconsciousness, a woman picks up small details in a man’s behavior, summarizes them and, based on this, receives information that she begins to interpret and feel at a distance.

What can your constant thoughts about a person lead to? No, of course, this won’t make him love you if he didn’t love you before. But he may often have thoughts about you. He will want to meet you by chance, he may have such an inexplicable desire. Also, a man will suddenly remember the smell of your skin or hair.

It is believed that it is precisely on such, only deeper moments, that magic is based. Based on the laws of energy, which people begin to use, sometimes not at all for good purposes.

It is believed that any magic is an act of harm, because through the energy attracted to help, a person begins to subjugate the thoughts and feelings of another. And this, according to the same energy laws, is fraught with the return of negative, negative manifestations to those who use such techniques for unseemly purposes.

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