Charisma, charm, charm A charming person is a person who has magnetic power. He's like a magnet
Emotional incontinence - this can be briefly called a temper of temper. Multiple scientific studies show that
How not to think about the bad and not stress yourself out if you are overcome by negative ones every day
Body-oriented psychotherapy is a way of getting rid of emotional experiences through interaction with the body.
Boredom (synonymous with melancholy and apathy) is one of the main reasons that prevents you from enjoying
Man, as a social being, needs constant communication with others. To live
Often, when giving a personal characteristic to a person, we hear: he has a terrible character or
Psychological complexes are a very common phenomenon. We can say that almost every person has
We have already discussed the management of emotions in some detail on the pages of our website (course “Emotional Intelligence”),
People are accustomed to communicating with each other in everyday life, exchanging various information on the subject