Features and psychological characteristics of successful people

The article explains:

  1. Concept of success in life
  2. 3 components of life success
  3. 3 qualities of successful people
  4. What goes into success in life?
  5. The influence of positive thinking on success in life

When wondering what accompanies success in life, many will name external factors: money, social status, acquaintances, and so on. This is not to say that these are trifles, but without them, even a representative of the richest family can feel like a failure or simply spend their life aimlessly.

Psychologists have identified various components of success, as well as what accompanies it. In our article we will talk about these factors and character traits and understand the very concept of success. After all, everyone interprets it differently.

"Code" of success

To attract success, you should use some rules:

  1. Become a “director of positive scenarios” for your own life. Many events happen a certain way because we program ourselves for a certain outcome. A person who is confident in his strengths, abilities, the support of loved ones and a favorable combination of circumstances is more likely to become successful than a person who doubts and is constantly in fear of possible failures. Therefore, the first step is to neutralize negative assessments regarding one’s own human qualities or actions that led to an undesirable result. Stop blaming yourself and considering yourself a failure.
  2. Learn to filter other people's ratings. Every person is praised or scolded. Of all the assessments that you hear, take into account only those that help you achieve your goal - those expressed by knowledgeable people.
  3. Failures pass, but experience remains. This postulate can be applied to any area of ​​life. If the goal is success in business or career growth, episodes from the past that previously brought success will become assistants. Even a young specialist can make experience work for him. Remember and “scroll” in your head thoughts about previous successes - the environment, people, interior details, clothes. Such thoughts work to attract what you want.
  4. Develop the right reactions. Every reaction to environmental events is accompanied by the production of hormones. The joy of success triggers the production of neuropeptides. You can train the body to consciously produce them as a response to a given influence - a memory, a pleasant meeting. In this way, on a physiological level, you program yourself for business success.
  5. Success is not only material wealth. There are many wealthy people who do not enjoy material wealth. They cannot be called completely successful. And the ability that is important for a successful person to have is the ability to perceive positivity, the love of loved ones, the sympathy of others, the beauty of the world, to enjoy great well-being, to have a broad outlook, to be able to make loved ones happier and more successful.
  6. Similar to similar. If you achieve success, enjoy more than just your own results. Find out more about famous successful people - about their lifestyle, habits, hobbies, character traits.
  7. Don't be afraid of responsibility. Successful promotion accompanies people who know how to make decisions and are ready to take responsibility for them. The well-known formula “I can” is brought to life by making decisions and believing in them.
  8. Learn to tune your brain to solve the problems you need. Making a decision involves thinking about the necessary actions and their consequences. Therefore, this process naturally tunes the consciousness to solving problems on which the outcome of the project depends.
  9. Self-esteem is a necessary companion for a successful person. No one is born with a sense of self-respect. Not everyone gets the experience of developing self-respect at an early age. Therefore, an important task for a person who wants to become successful is to learn to respect and love himself.
  10. Form the right attitude towards others. People nearby in your personal and professional environment are your main helpers; the psychological background of communicating with them must be correct.
  11. Take time to communicate. Some people avoid others for fear that they will find faults and mistakes in their actions. Detachment, self-affirmation, and exaggeration of one’s merits in the eyes of others lead to failure. Build positive communications with colleagues, managers, and learn to enjoy communicating with others.
  12. Rest is an important skill. Success comes to people who know how to properly alternate between rest and work. The ability to regularly devote attention to family and favorite activities should become an obligatory part of life. The chance of successful professional fulfillment depends on the quality of rest
  13. Don't be afraid to raise the bar. The first step to achieving what you want is a correctly set goal - realistic and achievable. But you cannot set the bar at the required minimum.
  14. Expand your range of needs. If your ideas have formed an understanding of the sufficiency of little, the need to limit yourself, on the path to success you will have to reconsider it and adopt a program in which it is possible to use all the conveniences of the modern world.
  15. Don't make self-justifications. People create obstacles to their goals themselves. And one of these obstacles is the habit of justifying failures. This way of thinking implants a scenario in a person's mind that he has no control over. Justification is the opposite of responsibility, shifting it onto another person or “circumstances.”

Success and success

In psychological, acmeological, pedagogical studies devoted to issues of general professional development, professional training, vocational training, the factors of professional and career success, the success of vocational training are highlighted. At the same time, the definition of the very concept of “success” is difficult, although it is actively used in theoretical and empirical works.

The etymological similarity of the concept of “success” to the concepts of “success” and “successful” suggests an analysis of the content of these categories.

The concept of “successful”, as defined by S.I. Ozhegova, means containing success, successful,” and the concept of “success” is “luck in achieving something.” “Luck,” in turn, is interpreted by the author as “a necessary, desirable outcome of a matter.”

The study of success in the history of Western European humanitarian thought arose and developed as an important component of the human problem. The need for success and achievement is considered in many concepts as one of the fundamental ones. It is understood as the desire to set ever-reaching goals and strive to achieve them; it reflects a person’s constant competition with others and himself in an effort to exceed a previously achieved level. Many authors tend to connect not only the characteristics of personal development, but also the level of civilization with the need for success, with success as the leading life value of the individual (Weber, Durkheim).

Orientation towards success and the desire for fame were highly valued already in ancient Greece and were recognized as one of the driving forces of civilization. Plato's work contains an analysis of the motives for seeking fame, recognition of certain merits, and the possibility of assessing the real and imaginary merits of a person.

A very clear orientation towards success can be seen in American culture, in which the individual was considered, first of all, as a subject of economic competitive activity. In this regard, such personality qualities as ambition, desire to win, hard work, discipline, diligence, risk-taking, independence, independence, perseverance in achieving goals received a positive assessment. In the American mentality, an image of personality was formed that had a life orientation toward achievement.

Success is the presence of a positive socially significant result in an activity.

Success is a combination of the current level of socially significant achievements and individual abilities to assimilate significant information and perform activities.

Subsequently, a high need for achievement becomes a traditional social attitude in North American culture. The desire for success has come to be considered in psychology as one of the main motives of human activity. In A. Adler's analytical psychology, the desire for excellence and achievement is a fundamental driving force in human development.

The study of success continued in social psychology in the second half of the 20th century (works by D. McClelland, J. Atkinson, etc.). During this period, success began to be interpreted as a consequence of cooperation, i.e. togetherness, when people avoid conflicts, help each other, build more friendly relationships, and develop trust. This model of behavior allows a person to feel more psychologically comfortable.

V. Friedrich and A. Hoffman considered the focus on success as conscious and purposeful behavior, which is determined by abilities, dispositions to achieve, and motives. From the authors’ point of view, a significant role in the emergence of motivation for success is played by the value structures of the individual and the assessment of what has been achieved. At the same time, society places demands on individuals in the form of norms, values, and standards.

The understanding of success as a fundamental social need, which is formed under the influence of social factors, is also characteristic of Russian psychology. Yu.M. Orlov defines the need for success as a person’s competition with himself in an effort to exceed a previously achieved level. It is this need that encourages a person to set new goals and strive to achieve them. He introduced the concept of “achieving personality,” which constitutes the “golden fund of humanity.”

Domestic researchers studying both individual and group activities of small groups and teams correlate the concept of “success” with the result of the activity (A.L. Zhuravlev, A.V. Petrovsky, Yu.P. Platonov). In the publications of these authors, such concepts as “effectiveness”, “productivity”, “efficiency”, “performance” are also used in relation to the result. A.L. Zhuravlev, considering

the relationship between the result and the costs of achieving it, uses the term “efficiency”. G.M. Andreeva points out that efficiency should be considered in a system of two interrelated indicators - the productivity of the group (productivity) and the satisfaction of group members with work in a team, or the emotional satisfaction of the individual with the group.

A.V. Petrovsky notes that the concept of “efficiency” should be distinguished from “effectiveness”. If the criteria adopted for assessing effectiveness can be measured quantitatively, then we can talk about effectiveness as a synonym for efficiency. If psychological aspects that cannot be measured quantitatively are added as criteria, then the concept of “success” is usually used for them. At the same time, “efficiency” as “the ratio of the achieved result (according to one or another criterion) to the maximum achievable or pre-planned result” does not clearly imply a positive result. Thus, assessing the activity performed as successful presupposes the presence of a positive socially significant result and high emotional satisfaction of the subject of the activity with the process and result of the activity performed. The division of success into objective and subjective can also be seen in approaches to defining professional success.

According to B.F. Zeigarnik, success is understood as the normal development of an individual, when the processes of socialization lead to an adequate reflection of reality. Failure is understood as a violation of controllability, criticality of behavior, incorrect assessment of one’s actions, uncriticality of one’s experiences, and a violation of mental performance.

Characteristics of a successful person

There are a number of distinctive characteristics of a person who controls luck:

  • sees opportunities, is not prone to excuses and does not invent all kinds of obstacles;
  • does not stop there, does not strive for stability, but wants more;
  • acts without delay;
  • knows how to motivate himself independently, without expecting help from others;
  • in pursuit of a goal, he is not afraid of failure;
  • is not content with individual small results, but builds a path to a big dream;
  • believes in his own strength;
  • knows how to be patient;
  • knows how to take reasonable risks;
  • not afraid of falls.

Components of the psychology of success

When you sincerely believe in something, you view the entire surrounding reality from that point of view. We, and only we, classify, process and distribute the information around us. If it does not correspond to our understanding of the world around us, we simply discard it.

To become the captain of the ship called life, we must first want and then believe that it is possible. Believe in yourself and your strength.

When we are kind to the world and trust that the world will treat us the same, we open ourselves to possibilities that we had not seen before. Life takes on a new meaning, and the rudder of our ship obeys the hand of the captain.

Successful people attract successful people. Happy people attract happy people. In other words, there is a system of resonance in our lives: If we run a certain business, lead a certain lifestyle, adhere to certain principles, cultivate certain thoughts, we will always attract those whose life position resonates with our ideas, feelings, style, work. This leads to a simple rule of life: if you want to be successful, communicate with successful people. Since childhood, each of us acquires an “individual set” of beliefs, attitudes and complexes, which are “lovingly” brought up by parents, peers and other people who have influenced us. We can adopt or acquire these views and beliefs, we can also inherit them, reflect on their rightness or wrongness. We invite others to hold our beliefs and even remain true to them. However, we often forget that every single belief is a limitation that acts as a brake on our potential; it holds us back. Moreover, our scaffolding creates the two main enemies of personal success - doubt and fear, which, in turn, prevent us from fully using our natural talents and abilities.

Success Factors

Successful individuals love change because it develops and gives new opportunities to achieve their desired goal. If you are going to become a successful person, get ready for the fact that your lifestyle will need changes:

  1. Plan your time. This does not mean that it is necessary to schedule actions minute by minute. Some people are comfortable with a detailed plan, while others prefer a general schedule, which allows them to devote a little more time to something than expected for the sake of efficiency.
  2. Set high goals. Any goal is achievable if a person believes in himself. But it’s not enough to say “I can”—you need to put in the effort and create the conditions to achieve it.
  3. Constantly learn new things. Professional self-development is definitely necessary, but, in addition to it, create the habit of devoting time to personal interests every day - reading books, studying foreign languages, sports, hobbies. Train yourself to manage your time correctly.
  4. Leave bad habits behind. Bad habits include not only drinking alcohol or tobacco products and playing computer games, but also consuming too much sweets, watching TV for many hours, surfing on social networks and talking on the phone for long periods of time. Imagine how much important and valuable you can do in this time.
  5. Look back at successful people. When creating your own successful life, look for similarities in your qualities with people who have achieved certain heights.
  6. Make new acquaintances. Communication skills are a hallmark of successful individuals. Learn to enjoy communication, show interest in new people.
  7. Surround yourself with people and things that bring good luck. Failure is contagious. Protect yourself from pessimists and losers.
  8. Treat failures correctly.

What is success in human life

It is impossible to give an exact definition of success. Each person has his own vision of this issue. For some, success in life is built on the amount of money, career, power. For others, these are family values: marriage, children. For others, it is recognition by society of their achievements in sports, art, and science. And many believers determine success by their relationship with God.

To come to our own definition of success in life, we looked into the book by writer Grace Bonney, “In the Company of Women,” where successful women (designers, musicians, artists, writers, entrepreneurs) told what success means to them. Let's share the most interesting opinions.

Daniel Kolding (interior designer) Success is a quality life. To me, a quality life means the freedom to make choices not based on fear.

Dana Tanamachi (Graphic Designer) For me, success in life means staying true to the vision and values ​​I had before I started on the path to success. As long as my work continues to bring me joy, a sense of celebration, generosity and simplicity, I am on this path.

Jodi Patterson (fashion model) We can keep working on our dreams forever, and if we love what we do and what we are, we feel fulfilled. To feel successful, I rely on six things: my children, love, work, health, travel, spirituality.

Shizu Saldamando (artist) For me, a successful life is a good psychological state, a feeling of happiness and self-confidence as an individual, regardless of salary, position or professional role.

Christina Gill (photographer) My vision of a successful person is to support and take care of his family.

Abbi Jacobson (writer). I understand that success has nothing to do with money, but a lot to do with confidence. I am successful when I feel strong in what I am and in what I want to create and give to this world. In addition, I have another secret to success in life - laughter.

Maya Angelou (writer) Success is loving yourself, loving what you do and loving how you do it.

From the statements of these women it is clear that success is a subjective concept, which means it will not be the same for two different people. Most of all, it depends on the personal goals of each person and how to achieve them.

Conclusion in understanding life success

So what conclusion do we come to?

  1. What is success in life? It's more than money, power or fame. This is a feeling of deep satisfaction from the work done in achieving the intended goals. The ability to see the results of this work and experience lasting joy.
  2. What kind of people succeed in life? Those who can transform their definition of a successful life into reality. Even if his vision of success in life differs from most stereotypes accepted by society.

But what components does it consist of? Let's continue to figure it out.

What makes a person rich?

The rules that we have outlined are universal for any goal, be it successful education, sports achievements, health, success in your personal life or career. However, most trainings on the psychology of success are still developed for those who want to achieve material wealth.

The algorithm is the same, the main thing is to concentrate on goals that will lead to the desired heights.

  • set achievable goals;
  • break them down into tasks needed to achieve them;
  • plan your time;
  • keep a calendar of achievements;
  • When you reach a new goal, move the bar higher.

How to become successful

How to believe in success and become successful - these are the main questions that the psychology of success reveals. In people's minds, the psychology of success forms an image of a person based on the following characteristics: sociability, decisiveness in action, positive attitude, optimism, slightly inflated self-esteem, motivation to achieve the most unearthly heights.

Why don't all people believe in success? All people are different and not every person can tune in and accept the image described above, so many subconsciously consider themselves losers, even without doing anything to achieve success.

Western information about success factors is so firmly driven into people’s minds that other criteria do not even hypothetically fall under the success formula and it is difficult for a person to believe that he will succeed.

Being a broad concept, success means, for example, scientific discoveries, the creation of a transnational corporation, holding a high government position, winning the Olympics, the birth of a long-awaited child, moving up the career ladder, recovery from a serious illness, getting a long-awaited job, happiness in your personal life, etc. . Every person in the course of life achieves personal success in various areas, and is there really a universal template for a successful person who effectively achieves everything? Of course not.

Psychology identifies only psychological factors of success that can help bring it closer faster.

What to do if you can't become successful? Be yourself. One can name many specific areas of life where the qualities that the psychology of success attributes to a successful individual play against a person.

It is no secret that many strong individual qualities of a person allow one to achieve no less success in certain situations. And even what psychology classifies as weaknesses can turn out to be strengths. For example, a person’s low self-esteem is a good driver in achieving real success, in comparison with inflated self-esteem, which is inherent in a self-sufficient person.

Closedness, unsociability, absorption in one’s thoughts and ideas can be used to focus on one’s goals, and as a result, this is a mandatory achievement of success in life. But a lack of concentration on one’s goals is an obstacle to quick success, but can serve as the basis for a calm and harmonious life.

Being similar to the ideal of a successful person, an individual loses his individuality as a whole. Passion for positive attitudes, communication training, and motivation can “erase” what is simple, living, and real that exists in every person. Friends, boss, business partners, and loved ones can feel this.

How to become successful and not fall into the trap that the psychology of success sets? You need to think, compare, try on any advice from books, trainings or blogs.

In any case, the choice remains with the person: whether to remain an individual or follow the psychology of success. You can take on any business in this life, but only those who understand it will succeed, and it doesn’t matter whether they know the psychology of success or not. Each individual decides for himself whether he needs fame, recognition or whether he prefers to remain unknown. And this does not mean that a person is good or bad, just that all people are different.

Differences between successful people and unsuccessful people

Any way of thinking works for success or failure. By choosing your attitude, you choose the result. Differences between successful people and losers:

Successful manJonah
Radiates positivityTends to be negative
Not afraid of mistakesPerceives a mistake as a disaster
Believes in himselfNot confident in my abilities
Looking for opportunitiesLooks for excuses for inaction
Really evaluates himself and circumstancesProne to self-deception
Constantly moving forwardNot moving anywhere
Prone to flexible approaches and creative solutionsStubborn
Works with the present and thinks about the futureObsessed with the past
Able to form his own opinionTend to agree with the majority

What is success

Success... Having heard this word, a poor student will most likely imagine himself as the son of rich parents, riding a Lamborghini, and basking in the attention of girls with model appearance. And a girl of the same age as this student, an equally poor girl, will most likely dream of regular shopping in Paris and Milan. And after some time, our heroes, being “actively searching” for a good job and personal life, will understand success as having good friends who can help with advice and put in a good word...

You can give an infinite number of such examples, considering how a variety of people imagine success, and... drown in information noise, not understanding anything. There is a better way. Simply, looking at the above examples, let’s fix two properties of success so that, starting from them, we can move on.

First, the concept of success varies from person to person. Since all people live at some distance from each other, we can say that the concept of success changes in space.

Secondly, the concept of success changes over time. After all, what seemed significant ten years ago may lose all value and meaning today. In the same way, today's values ​​may become irrelevant after some time.

Where do space and time intersect? They intersect at a point called “here and now.” This means that “here and now” there is always some chance of success. When they say that “success is having time,” they leave out one important detail. Success is not just about being on time. Success is having time to see or find your chance here and now. But this does not always work out and not for everyone. And now it’s time to talk about the qualities that allow you to see and find your chance here and now.

Ways to make failure work for you

Failures are an inevitable part of any movement. But any failure can be used to serve your success. To do this, you need to learn how to treat failures correctly:

  1. Make smart mistakes. “Stupid mistake” - made through carelessness. “Smart” mistakes are the mistakes of people moving towards their goal, but making a mistake in a risky step or experiment.
  2. Learn from situations. One of the successful business coaches often repeats: “all situations are divided into pleasant and useful.” Mistakes and failures enrich you with invaluable experience. The main thing is to draw the right conclusions and take them into account in subsequent steps. Every situation, be it unpleasant or sad, can teach a lesson, it is only important to see it.
  3. Don't blame others. People tend to look for someone to blame because they find it difficult to admit they are wrong. This trait is inherent in losers. Evaluate only your own actions.
  4. Don't blame yourself. Decisions involve responsibility, but if they turn out to be wrong, feelings of guilt are unacceptable. Feelings of guilt will make the situation worse because it will knock you out of the right frame of mind. Evaluate actions with reasonable criticism and only from a constructive position.
  5. Use other people's experience. Many mistakes have already been made. Take them on board and learn from them, without repeating the experience of other people's failures.

The psychology of success is the ability to achieve what you want. Success in psychology is a “winning scenario” implemented in life, prosperity, healthy self-esteem. How to set yourself up for success, wealth and prosperity? How to get what you want and be successful? Answers in the video clip:

What goes into success in life?

In short, it is honesty, inner confidence, perseverance, positive thinking and hard work. Let's look at each action separately.


It promotes openness, gives strength, sharpens our perception and allows us to clearly see everything that is happening around us. Honesty allows people to see what you are like before they even start doing business with you.

An honest person feels much calmer. His mind is completely focused on coming up with new ideas rather than making up lies or excuses. His speech and actions win the attention and respect of others, and this leads to success.


The basis of confidence is the ability to see the value that you can give to people. Confidence is the ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. This is the ability to believe in the person you are.

A confident person builds his own life, and does not allow someone else to do it for him. Confidence gives you the strength to pursue your goals, even despite temporary setbacks. So be confident in everything you do. Then you will never be denied success.


All people who have achieved success have faced failures, which were sometimes even difficult to control. But what helped them to persevere when struggling with physical, emotional or mental problems? Persistence.

For example, watch a video about the conditions under which people have achieved success in life.

These people endured unfathomable conditions, abuse, ridicule or contempt because they refused to give up. Their perseverance, willpower and belief that they could achieve their goals accompanied their success. Therefore, continue to persistently pursue your goal.

Hard work

Why did athletes like Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ovechkin become successful? Because they worked hard and hard to become the best in their business. They trained and worked harder and longer than others to become stronger, faster and better than others.

So work harder, spend more time to become the best at what you do. No matter what goals you set for yourself, success comes with hard work.

Positive thinking

Success also comes with a positive mental attitude. We become the people we show.

People with a positive attitude surround themselves with optimistic people and end up becoming like them. Such people view things around them as opportunities to achieve their goals, even if this is not the case. And those with a negative mindset miss out on opportunities because they simply don't think about them.

Since thinking affects who we become, it needs to be protected from the source of negativity.


Stop listening to sad music or negative words, complaints, thoughts. Stop taking bad advice and hanging out with negative people who will come up with thousands of excuses to justify their laziness.

Look for the good in every situation and it will accompany your success in life.

The article "Can Neuroscience Help Us Rewrite Our Most Traumatic Memories?" published on newyorker.com stated that the more we think negative thoughts, the more we train our minds to feel those negative emotions and the more we believe in what we are reproducing. mind.

Soon we will begin to believe that we have nothing good, no talents, no abilities, and therefore we will never be able to be successful in life.

Final word

As you noticed from reading the article, all 9 factors that accompany success and on which it depends are interdependent. Each of them is closely related to other factors.

Take some time to think about what makes your life successful. Make your own list of factors. Keep trying and grow in confidence that you can achieve what you want.

Success in life is not a nurse for one hour, but the right motivation, knowledge and specific actions. And although you will have barriers and resistance, you will also have many victories. Therefore, strive to have fun while achieving your goals.

Thank you for reading the article. Do you know what will help you achieve success? Then read 11 secrets of achieving it.

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Personal self-development is a factor in your success!

Legendary director Quentin Tarantino said in an interview that at the beginning of his journey, few people did not believe in his concept. Today Tarantino is the “guru of cinema”! How did the director-screenwriter manage to reach such heights? Work, perseverance, attitude and self-development as an individual. The combination of these principles is a recipe for success.

It is possible to achieve results through individual development. Self-development forms the desired image or leads to a change in a person’s negative characteristics. To do this you will have to make practical efforts and train:

  • Attention . Concentrate on certain things, direct your gaze to the desired object or object. Moreover, the concentration and duration of attention should constantly increase.
  • Speech . A person must convey information with meaning. They will listen to those who transmit valuable data. The speech itself must be completely understandable and distinct.
  • Memory . A person should not just remember numbers, but connect them with existing knowledge. For example, if you remember the numbers 1492. This digital value itself does not carry information. If you connect it with the date of the discovery of America, two components are combined in the mind.
  • Thinking . It must be deep, penetrate all segments, and not be superficial. Thinking must be independent; imitation does not lead to significant results. This trait must be extremely flexible. You cannot stand on your own if the opposite is proven; all stereotypes must be completely discarded. An individual must think quickly and navigate the situation quickly. In addition, thinking must be objective, with a degree of criticality.
  • Imagination . The individual must expand boundaries, create interesting images without plagiarism.
  • Will . To achieve a goal, a person must act decisively, boldly and deliberately. Will is, first of all, determination and perseverance. It is necessary to expend effort to achieve an acceptable result. At the same time, you need to bring your undertakings to a victorious end, and not give up halfway. Throughout the entire journey, the individual will be exposed to negative factors. You need to have courage and endurance not to break down.

Consciousness needs to be developed in parallel with practical skills. You need to adequately evaluate your talents. It is better to concentrate on those properties that correspond to personal characteristics. Self-confidence and further victory will help you realize your dream.

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