How can a person become an individual: what is necessary for this

A person grows, develops, gains new knowledge, skills, and learns life lessons. These factors influence the process of becoming his personality.

Today, more and more people strive for self-development, self-improvement, knowledge of themselves and the world. More and more often we are faced with the question: how can a person become an individual, discover and develop his individual characteristics?

What does it mean to be a person?

- What does it mean to be a person? — Individuals are not born, they become individuals — Signs of personality — The process of becoming an individual — 5 simple tips. How to develop your personality? - How to be an individual? Advice from psychologists - How do you become a person? Practical steps - Tips on how to become a harmonious person - Personality formation: what is needed? - Conclusion

Personality is an individual who is the result of mental activity. It is important to remember that such a person has a whole complex of socially significant elements that are successfully implemented in public life.

Recently, more and more people are striving for self-development and self-improvement. More and more people are trying to live meaningfully, setting goals and working towards them. This, of course, makes me happy. But how to become a Personality? How not to get lost in the crowd?

I want to start my answer with a question: So, do you think that you are not a person? If you need to become a person, then at the moment you are not one. How did this opinion come about?

If you follow the train of thought of the person who asked such a question, it becomes clear that the idea could only come from external sources, negative opinions, and the assessments of others. Such a formulation would not occur to a holistic person who perceives himself as an individual.

For your information, I will give a definition from Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. “Personality is a person as a bearer of some properties.” Based on this definition, everyone is a person.

Therefore, the problem of the person who asked the question can be reformulated - how to become holistic, perceive oneself as a person?

Initially, we are born as individuals. In the process of growing up, giving up the value of one’s opinions, one’s desires, accepting the priority correctness of the opinions of adults, a person loses integrity, a sense of himself as a valuable person. Of course, after all, he was told so many times that what he was doing was wrong, bad, that he decided to agree with it. At this moment his future problems begin.

Let's skip the period of accumulation of troubles. Let's go straight to the moment of asking the initial question: What does it take to become a person? Great question! This means that you are ready to become her again. To do this, you need to start becoming yourself. First of all, OBSERVE. For life, for yourself, for relationships. From observations, create your OWN POINT OF VIEW. The opinions of others, any information is only an impetus for reflection and research.

Listen to yourself and do what you want. Don't suppress, don't scold yourself. LOVE AND ACCEPT YOURSELF. It's very difficult at first. After all, first you will have to deal with all the accumulated burden of anger, unlove and shame for yourself. When you feel whole, accepting yourself, then you again become a full-fledged person. Good luck to everyone on this journey.

Read about personality degradation.

Tablet for a mature personality: Algorithm for growing up

Reading Time: 8 min.

Lately I have been paying a lot of attention to the problem of infantility, both female and male, because behind this lies much more than just life with rose-colored glasses. Having studied many books by both our compatriots and foreign writers and psychologists, I discovered new causes for our adult problems. And I share this knowledge with you.

So, if you accept the fact that your personality is at the stage of a small child, and understand that this prevents you from living a big, adult life, I bring to your attention an algorithm thanks to which you can become a mature person who has more opportunities in the modern, big world and who lives according to her creed, is free and realized.

If you want to grow up, you need to go through several stages that will lead your personality to an adult and conscious life. Since my circle of readers is mainly female, I take a little girl as an example.

Stage I – Take parents off their pedestal

Of course, the problem of infantility originates in childhood, when the little girl was broken by her parents, whom she considered gods and truth in the seventh light. This is typical child psychology.

A girl’s world consists and is built on two big personalities – mom and dad. Most often, these are the same infantile individuals who did not have the proper skills, resources and knowledge in order to raise a psychologically healthy child. They could not agree among themselves, let alone contribute to their child.

And the girl, growing into a girl and a woman, never throws her parents off the pedestal of the gods, they remain for her some kind of saints, and she, accordingly, remains some kind of little girl.

Growing into a mature personality, a girl simply needs to realize that she is already as mature as her parents. Sometimes this girl is already a mother and grandmother herself, but inside she is still that little wounded child who looks up to her parents. She does not recognize the fact that she has already matured and still perceives her parents as the arbiters of her life.

If you are already 18 years old, then you can safely remove your parents from the pedestal of unattainable divinity and stand next to them, maintaining respect for them. Although you shouldn’t do this if your parents caused trouble in your childhood and were cruel and cold, or maybe completely absent and you don’t want to respect them. This is your right, and you make your own choice how to treat them, because you are already an adult woman. If you don't want to respect them, don't force them or come up with illusory reasons to start loving and honoring them if you have good reasons for doing so.

Having taken your parents off the pedestal, start looking at them as mere mortals who are just as sinful and make mistakes.

Stage II – Forgive parents

After you stand next to your parents on equal terms, removing them from the pedestal and getting rid of the illusory nature of their perception, you will make mom and dad mere mortals who did not know and did not know how to educate, raise and invest. You will begin to clearly see all their mistakes and mistakes in your upbringing.

Yes, this realization is very painful, to understand that your parents are not just some monsters, but real people who simply screwed up while you were growing up. And in order for you not to remain at the stage of an embittered teenager who sees the mistakes of your parents, you need to understand and forgive them. Exactly in that order.

Scroll through your head all the painful moments that are mentioned with horror and fear. Live them as an adult woman and understand that your parents did this because they could not do otherwise. They treated you this way because they were treated the same or worse by their parents, they were empty and could not give you anything. Their level of awareness did not allow them to raise you as a healthy person; they simply did not have such knowledge and resources.

Yes, of course, they could try and invest a lot more in you, but the past cannot be rewritten, and living in a state of resentment is living in the state of a little girl who, pouting her lips, is offended by adults for not buying her toy

In essence, resentment is the manifestation of a wounded child who is unable to do anything to solve the problem, and all that remains for him is to silently hold the grudge. This is the behavior of a little girl. And growing up, she takes this pattern of behavior into adulthood, thereby not giving herself the opportunity to develop interpersonal and personal relationships with herself. Resentment is a poison that a woman keeps within herself in the hope of harming the offender. Thus, he only poisons his own life.

No matter how angry you are at your parents, you just need, for the sake of self-preservation, to start forgiving them. Yes, you are not doing this for them, but only for yourself, in order to no longer poison yourself and become a mature person.

Stage III – Become your own parent

This is the most important stage on the path to personality development. Because without it, you will simply become a drug addict in search of a new donor. You need to become your own best parent, become the person you wish your mom and dad were for you. Start doing what they supposedly should have done to you.

Yes, in a sense, this is a prosthesis, because real maternal and paternal love and care can never be replaced by anything, nothing in this world can compare with the power of maternal love. And all the people who are dependent on anything, be it cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, food, sex - they are all victims of being unloved in childhood. Growing up in age, they remain the same children who are in search of the best thing that will finally close the deep gaping hole inside, the place where instead of love, care and safety (the basic needs of every person, starting from the cradle), there is fear, pain and negative.

So, in order not to live your life carrying all this garbage with you, you need to cleanse it inside with forgiveness. And begin to pour into yourself what should be there by right of birth. Like I said, it still won't be the truth, but it will be the fuel that will help you live a bright, happy and full life.

A prosthesis is a good comparison. Look at the soldiers who arrived from hot spots with serious injuries, with the absence of any organs or limbs. Most of them fail to cope with this and end up in tears, but the bravest and strongest individuals choose a different path. They learn to live life to the fullest, no matter what.

Some will have a wooden prosthesis, others according to the latest advances in technology, but everyone will have a chance to live the fullest possible life.

So it is in becoming your own parent. What exactly should a parent give you?


Of course, this is the most important thing for every person. People who grow up without parental love become adults who are unable to love themselves, anyone else, or the world at large. They simply didn’t include it as a basic function. And a child, without receiving this in childhood, automatically becomes mentally crippled.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to love yourself, unconditionally and irrevocably. The way you would like to be loved by your parents. Not because you are a good girl, a helper and an excellent student, but simply because you exist. For all your shortcomings, mistakes, problems. Loving yourself as a constant.

Understand that if you do not fill your empty vessel with love yourself, then no one can fill it except you. No, you, of course, can hope that your parents will change, understand what fools they are and how many mistakes they have made, come running to you with a pink teddy bear and begin to love you extraordinarily. I assure you, they won’t come running and start.

Or you have the illusion that if you meet “that person” you will find love. And here I will disappoint you too. A partner cannot possibly be a source of love. Only you!

I also want to include self-care as Love. For me, these are very interconnected actions, because without care there can be no love. Take actions towards yourself in which you show self-love. Choose the best for yourself, take care of yourself.


A child who does not feel protected and accepted by his parents will grow up schizophrenic and will be afraid of everything and everyone. Because his parents didn't give him this feeling. Because they themselves were aggressors and reasons for fear for him. Because in a “good” way, a child should feel safe at home, know that he is under the protection of his elders, and when going out into the world, into society, he should be confident in himself and in his rear.

But most often, a little girl at home receives a charge of aggression and fear, caused either by criticism in her direction, punishments for some little things, swearing between the parents themselves, when the girl herself separates them from each other, after which she goes into even more terrible situations. there is a big world out there and there is much more fear there.

With age, this pain and fear fades away, but rarely goes away completely on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to give an indestructible feeling of security, a feeling that someone (I myself, the universe or God) will take care of you, that no matter what the problems are, everything will definitely be solved. That is, to instill confidence in yourself and in the world, the confidence that everything is always good and there is nothing to fear.

Take care of your frightened little child, give him shelter and a sense of security, become a strong wall, protection and support.


This is the most striking feature that determines the level of maturity of an individual. By the way a person bears responsibility for himself, his decisions, his life, one can find out how much he is in the infantile stage. If a person blames external parties for all his troubles (parents, husband, boss, government, etc.), this means that the responsibility for his life lies with someone else, but not with him.

Thus, he puts himself in the role of a child, when nothing depends on the little man, and all decisions are made for him by his parents, who also punish and limit him.

A mature person is mature because all her decisions, actions and thoughts are under her own control and her own area of ​​responsibility. If a mature person “gets” into a certain problem, then she will not waste time and energy blaming someone else for what happened, she simply accepts it as her area of ​​​​responsibility and begins to resolve the issue as an adult.

Only the children, hitting the corner of the table, begin to scold the wooden structure. An adult will remember this angle and next time he will take it into account and go around it.

Stop blaming strangers for all the troubles in the past, for the problems in the present - start taking the reins of your own life and being responsible for everything that happens in it. After all, you are the co-creator of your existence.

The area of ​​responsibility also includes our own material support. Yes, my dear women, you heard right. For some reason (also stemming from childhood), many women are delusional with the dream that they will be supported by a man, and she will just flutter around him like a queen and spend money on herself.

This is the level of the universally desired Vedic woman who sits at home, practices, raises 7 children and does not go to work, because her main work is to inspire her husband. But this is a utopia. A Vedic woman can only be close to the same man.

So, by the way, the example of a Vedic woman without a Vedic man is a typical example of an infantile girl. She doesn't want to decide anything, she wants a dress. In the modern world, a woman should not depend on anything, because any dependence takes a lot of strength and energy.

A woman must be able to provide. Not theoretically, but practically. And not because “what if something happens,” but simply because she is a mature person and she wants to mind her own business. Yes, it is not so important what exactly a woman will do, the main thing is that it gives her a charge of energy and inspiration, otherwise she will not be a woman, but a plowman.

PS: I'll tell you one secret. If you live in a state of victimhood, stop doing this to yourself. Once you get out of the victim state, you will become a cut taller and more mature. Because the state of the victim is nothing more than the state of a small unnecessary child.

If you have decided on this difficult and long path of growing up, becoming yourself, I sincerely wish you strength! Because it will not be easy, but after going through this period of life, you will say a huge thank you to yourself, because your world, your life will never be the same.

It will become much larger, wider, more abundant. She will become real!

People are not born as individuals, they become individuals.

Before considering how a person becomes a person, it should be noted that there are two opinions about whether every person can become one.

1) Some argue that in the process of socialization and development, every living unit of Homo sapiens becomes a person to one degree or another.

2) Another group of specialists indicates that there is a circle of people who cannot be called individuals. Such people do not develop in the process of their development, but degrade.

Personality cannot be formed at the moment of birth; it is formed in the process of socialization of the individual, i.e. gradually. Everyone knows that babies cannot express their thoughts because their brains are not yet developed enough; cannot express their views and tastes, have no moral guidelines. Their behavior is initially subordinate to instincts.

After all, all our views and beliefs are formed gradually, over quite a long time, and do not appear immediately after birth.

The term “personality” itself means the internal characteristics of a person, his spiritual world (opinions, interests, guidelines). A person becomes a person in the process of such a phenomenon as socialization. Socialization refers to the process of a person’s adaptation to generally accepted rules of behavior in society, its traditions and values.

Thus, we can conclude that a person becomes a person not at the moment of his birth, but gradually, going through the process of socialization. That is, in essence, the formation of personality is a process of assimilation of norms and values ​​that are relevant for a particular society.

You may be interested in the article “Personal Magnetism“.

History is the path to integrity

Art coach Eva

Everyone has their own path in life, as well as the path to internal integrity. But I know for sure that it is very difficult to cope without help. The realization that you need to work with your “inner self” came intuitively. Practices, people, events - everything came together and active work began.

Events began to happen in life that threw me off balance. At first I couldn’t understand where this was leading. I even saw prophetic dreams.

Suddenly I found myself in that very place: I screamed, cried, felt that someone was infiltrating my space. Then I got emotional and I attacked my husband with aggression. I decided to sort out this situation with a psychologist.

And do you know what it turned out to be? This was the release of my inner child, who was traumatized at age 5. And only after carrying out the correct techniques, awareness of the problem came and peace of mind was restored. I learned to give myself what my parents didn’t give me, and reconnected with that little girl. It’s as if she took on the roles of mom and dad. And finally, harmony reigned in me.

As a result, a holistic personality was formed: strong, self-sufficient, loving, open, conscious, abundant, energetic, happy.

Personality traits

Are there certain characteristics that define a person as a person? So, psychologists highlight the following points:

  1. Openness to new experiences.
  2. A person constantly tries something new, learns and develops in new directions.
  3. Individuals are aware of the capabilities of their body and completely trust this feeling.
  4. Personality knows moderation in everything.
  5. A full-fledged person stops looking for approval or evaluation from the outside. Such people have a so-called internal locus, where personal value judgments of everything that happens are formed.

Read books on personal growth.

A little about an independent personality

Having understood how to become an interesting person, you must not forget that you also need to be an independent person. This does not mean that you should refuse the help of others. But you need to rely only on yourself, without expecting outside help. Independent individuals have their own opinions, which are simply impossible to influence from the outside. Such people always find a way out of a difficult situation, learning not only from their own, but also from the mistakes of others. And most importantly, they know how to admit personal mistakes and apologize.

The process of becoming an individual

Psychologists have provided two simple steps that illustrate how one becomes a person:

Step 1. You need to look under your mask. That is, to be naked in front of oneself, to understand who a person really is, throwing away all images. This search is the most important stage of development.

Step 2. Experiencing feelings is the next stage. In moments of strong emotional stress, a person becomes who he really is. Forming the right self at such moments is an equally important stage.

Concepts and theories of personality development

The topic of personality has always fascinated the minds of psychologists and philosophers. Since this concept is complex and multifaceted, there are several scientific doctrines that explain how personality is formed. Let's briefly look at the main ones.

Sigmund Freud's theory

The founder of psychoanalysis viewed personality as a three-component structure consisting of:

  1. The id (It) is the unconscious part of the psyche, in which instincts, inherited characteristics, and deep-seated drives dominate.
  2. Ego (I) is a mental component that is in contact with the outside world. The ego transforms part of the id energy into a socially acceptable form and ensures the successful integration of the person into society.
  3. Superego (Super-I) is a component associated with the value system that dominates society. This is a kind of judge who supervises the compliance of a person’s behavior with generally accepted norms.

Sigmund Freud's theory has gained unprecedented popularity in both scientific and lay circles. It reveals the deep processes underlying human behavior. The main idea of ​​the concept is that our behavior is largely determined by irrational unconscious drives, in particular sexual drive.

The theory of Carl Gustav Jung

According to Jung, personality formation is based on innate principles that are passed on from generation to generation. They are called archetypes. Over the course of life, these archetypes acquire individual characteristics and form a personality.

According to Jung's concept, a person's “I” constantly strives for unity and integrity. This unity is achieved by balancing various elements in the process of self-realization of the individual.

Jung identified several main areas of personality:

  1. Unconscious collegiality. It stores the memory of the entire historical path of mankind.
  2. Unconscious personal. Affects feelings, complexes, and aspirations of a person that are repressed from consciousness.
  3. Conscious personal. That part of the personality that a person is aware of and which he is able to influence. Consists of thoughts, memories, feelings, desires.

Humanistic personality theory

This theory is based on the idea of ​​a person as a subject who strives to realize his potential. Creativity and purposeful activity are the main driving force of personal development.

Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are considered the most prominent representatives of the humanistic school.

Maslow created the famous pyramid of needs. According to his theory, needs are divided into lower and higher. The former cease their effect after they are satisfied, while the latter intensify their effect.

Rogers believed that personality formation is the result of active self-knowledge. A person discovers his innate potential and tries to realize it.

Behavioral (behaviourist) theory of personality

According to this theory, the main driving force of personality development is the environment in which a person finds himself. Personality is an intermediate link between stimulus and response. The formation of personality occurs in the process of learning.

Behaviorists believed that humans have virtually no free will. All his actions and deeds are determined by external circumstances, to which he reacts almost reflexively.

How to be an individual? Advice from psychologists

According to developmental psychology, a person’s personality can be developed up to the age of 23. Further growth and development depends on the person himself and the circumstances in which he finds himself during his life.

What does it mean to become a person in the ordinary sense? First of all, it means having a strong character. A person is not susceptible to any influence, has his own point of view on what is happening around him and is able to independently manipulate others. When a person becomes an individual, he ceases to depend on someone else’s opinion, which, you see, is important.

What do you need to do to become an individual, and not remain an object of constant manipulation? First you need to develop the appropriate qualities:

1) Learn to be confident in yourself. Break down what complexes are preventing you from looking ahead proudly and not being afraid of anything. Practice a confident look and gait.

2) Get rid of shyness and embarrassment. Read out loud when no one is watching. Practice a confident voice and clear diction. No one will respect you while you mumble. This is one of the first steps to becoming an interesting person.

3) Learn to tell people the truth face to face and express your personal opinion. Get ready to defend your case to others.

4) Get rid of excessive self-criticism. A person who is thinking about how to become a strong personality must know his own worth and not allow others to underestimate it.

The most important thing is to love yourself. Remember - how you treat yourself is how others will treat you.

Action plan

A plan for finding individuality within oneself has been proposed by some scientists. There are only two points, but their implementation will help a person find his personality:

  1. Lack of fear of oneself;
  2. Stage of emotional experience.

Don't be afraid to admit your weaknesses, failures, and shortcomings. Everyone perceives them differently. For some, failure in their personal life may not be solvable, but for others it may be an unimportant trifle. Women are more emotional than men. A woman may take the breakup hard, she will think about her guilt in what happened, and look for shortcomings in herself.

If accepting yourself causes difficulties, create a certain scheme and act on it. A common and truly working piece of advice is to compliment yourself in the morning.

Learn to focus on individual qualities and your attractiveness. Remind yourself that you are a strong person, that you are capable of doing what you want, capable of achieving your goals.

Being an individual does not mean being very smart or a genius. It is enough just to want to develop, to be confident in your successes, to be purposeful, to have a creative or technical mind, to understand that all your shortcomings and advantages make you a complete person.

How do you become a person? Practical steps

How to become a charismatic person if you have to speak in front of large audiences or simply interact with a large number of people? In this aspect, no special work is required.

1) remember the names of your interlocutors. For a man there is no sound more pleasant than his own name;

2) be interested in people. Your interlocutor’s favorite topic is himself. Take an interest in his affairs, and you will definitely gain respect;

3) know how to listen. Every person should be allowed to speak. Having seen you as a good listener, they will also begin to listen to you;

4) offer help. In the modern world, you rarely have to rely on others. Give people this opportunity and in return you will receive a sea of ​​gratitude.

Also read the article on how to find a spiritual teacher.

How to preserve your individuality?

Each person has an individuality. It is determined by a number of properties that a person has:

  • Specific interests
  • Behavior
  • Ways of thinking
  • Communication style

The formation of individuality is influenced by the following factors:

  • Physiological characteristics of the individual
  • Heredity
  • The environment in which it grows and develops
  • Character qualities that a person has developed in himself independently

Individuality in itself is neither good nor bad. A person's qualities are determined by his actions. And individuality is necessary if he wants to distinguish himself from others. According to psychologists, individuality can rather not be created, but learned to demonstrate. People treat a person with individuality with respect.

How to develop and maintain your individuality:

  • Know yourself to understand who you really are. You can preserve your individuality only if you know how to distinguish your own desires from those imposed by someone.
  • Form your own view of things. You must have your own personal judgment. Don't be a slave to the opinions and attitudes of other people or the media. In the modern world it is difficult to maintain individuality of thinking. But it is necessary if you want to become a strong person.
  • Cultivate your independence. You can respect other people's principles, but you should not adapt to those around you. Do as you see fit.
  • Don't be afraid to be different from others. Of course, a person lives in a society and must obey its basic laws. However, do not strive to be like everyone else. Do not take part in activities or conversations that you are not interested in or enjoy.
  • Don’t be afraid to displease someone and take criticism calmly. Listen to the opinions of only those people who are important to you and whom you respect.
  • Find yourself a passion. Doing what you love not only gives you pleasure, but also gives you strength. It is much easier to maintain your individuality if you are a versatile person and have different hobbies. In addition, the wider the range of your activities, the more opportunities you have to meet like-minded people.

Find a passion
When showing your individuality, be tactful. Learn to choose the right time to demonstrate it. After all, a person who strives with all his might to be different from others, and goes out of his way to try not to be like everyone else, ultimately only causes laughter and misunderstanding from those around him.

Tips on how to become a harmonious person

Even if you are already a strong and influential person, do not forget about your inner world. Tips on how to become a harmonious person will help you with this:

1) Love your body and everything that surrounds it. Take care of your home, create comfort in it and get rid of unnecessary things and household items in a timely manner. Show love for your body through exercise and healthy eating.

2) Nourish your feelings. Watch films that evoke a storm of emotions, give yourself and your loved ones small pleasant gifts. Only a person who knows how to empathize and feel has the right to be called a person.

3) Create harmony within yourself. Know how to relax. Do yoga or meditation, because sometimes you just need to learn to relax and listen to your inner voice. Listen to your intuition, and it will help you out many times in difficult times.

A full-fledged strong personality includes a harmony of brightness, charisma and inner charm. Sometimes it takes many people a lifetime to achieve this. Learn to work on yourself, respect everything that nature has given you. Be yourself, and people will be drawn to you.

A little about the creative personality

Very often people are interested in the question: how to become a creative person? Here, in addition to working on yourself, you also need a bit of talent. If it is, just great. After all, a creative person is a socially developed individual who has certain creative abilities or simply creates. If nature has not given you the inclination for singing or drawing, you can successfully do something that does not require special skills. So, you can easily learn how to embroider according to patterns, weave baubles, bracelets, or make origami figures. These types of creativity have instructions, following which you can create beauty yourself.

Personality formation: what is needed?

It's time to figure out how to become a person. What do you need to know or be able to do for this? It is important to remember that the main thing in this case is the presence of the following points:

1) Self-awareness. That is, how much a person feels the strength and desire to improve and change. This inextricably follows the concept of self-confidence (not self-confidence, which is precisely what prevents a person from becoming a full-fledged person). You need to understand that a person is responsible for all his actions.

2) We must hope and count only on ourselves, without expecting help from outside. A person is an independent person. Neither from other people, nor from circumstances.

3) And most importantly, be able to admit your mistakes and be flexible. Principles are good, but you need to be able to give in and lose.

4) Auxiliary tools. These are specialized books or other publications, various thematic trainings. And of course, communication is very important. To do this, you can seek help from certain specialists who will help you cope with this process. This could be a psychologist, coach or another person who knows how to properly motivate.

A little about an attractive personality

I would also like to talk a little about how to become an attractive person. Or - in other words - charismatic. However, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed. After all, it’s not a matter of external attractiveness, but of that very charisma. That is, in a complex of such characteristics as self-confidence and natural charm. How to become an attractive person, what do you need to do for this?

  • You need to have a bit of optimism.
  • Having a sense of humor is important.
  • Attractive individuals are successful people. These are not only the rich, but also those who have achieved everything on their own.
  • And, of course, these are strong-willed people.

Mirror rule

The first rule that is worth considering is this: you should treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Everyone has long known the rule of mirroring: if an individual behaves rudely and impudently with others, then a similar attitude will manifest itself towards him. However, this rule does not always work in the opposite direction.

Thus, friendly and polite people receive endless reproaches. What is this connected with? The thing is that people who are treated poorly and unfairly, as a rule, themselves allow such treatment towards themselves. People around them see weak-willed individuals and begin to control them like puppets.

What could be the solution here? As usual, everything is decided by the golden mean. A person should be friendly and polite to everyone, but not driven. In certain cases, especially arrogant people should still fight back. However, this must happen delicately and culturally. You shouldn’t be offended, much less be rude. Others should not notice instability in a person’s behavior: on the contrary, a strong inner core should be visible, which is not so easy to break.

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