How to get rid of a bad mood? 15 ways proven by science

What to do if the mood has been spoiled - it was good or just ordinary and just like that, when we least expect it, someone takes it and throws a spear at us. Maybe even with poison. It seems to break through our energy field and we lose our vitality. I myself know how unsettling this is. This is especially painful for sensitive and vulnerable people. And, of course, those who have low self-worth. Many of us, unloved as children, continue to flounder in this mess as adults. But everything can be fixed on your own.

When someone or something spoils our mood like this, we are slightly perplexed: why is this suddenly addressed to me? What do you want from me, why do you treat me this way? What did I do to you in the end?

Sometimes you want to send a response spear, and sometimes you have no strength at all. A childish feeling of helplessness appears. So what's going on?

It’s strange, but we ourselves created what happened. Like this? And so that they resonated and, as it were, sent a request into the atmosphere so that the one with the spear would start throwing it. For what? He is here to make us better. And the more deeply we slept before, and did not want to see or understand something, the stronger and sharper the spear will respond to us.


A 2011 study at the University of Michigan found that positive thoughts that make you smile make you feel happier.
The fake smile that some workers are required to keep on their faces, on the contrary, leads to emotional exhaustion. But another 2003 study from Clark University in Massachusetts found that smiling itself triggers positive memories.

So just smile and hold that expression for a while.


There is such a thing as a triad of symptoms for depression. It includes:

  1. Persistent deterioration in mood.
  2. Slowing down of mental activity.
  3. Decreased physical activity.

You can also identify a number of symptoms that manifest themselves in various types of depression and depressive states:

  • sad mood, feeling of hopelessness, feeling of disappointment and lack of feeling of any prospects in the future, despair;
  • increased anxiety;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • emerging thoughts of suicide;
  • self-harm, suicide attempts;
  • blaming others for your failures, self-blame;
  • feeling as if the whole life is gray, there is no joy or sadness, there is a huge emotional hole, as if a person has been deprived of the ability to feel;
  • sudden mood changes that cannot be predicted;
  • deterioration in mental activity, difficulty in planning and solving everyday problems;
  • perception and memory of received information deteriorates;
  • thoughts become viscous like chewing gum;
  • speech becomes slow and monosyllabic, a depressed person wants to be silent more than speak;
  • sleep and appetite disturbances are observed. Sharp weight loss.
  • a sharp deterioration in the condition of hair and skin, hair loss and brittle nails;
  • frequent headaches, as well as pain in the heart, joints, stomach and intestines;
  • disturbance in the sexual sphere, significant decrease in libido;
  • cessation of menstruation in women and often the development of impotence in men;
  • decreased interests and pleasures from activities;
  • decreased energy and increased fatigue;
  • increased irritability, emotional weakness (moody, tearfulness), hysteria.

Find something to laugh about

Laughter has positive effects in the short and long term.

When you laugh, the consumption of oxygen-saturated air increases, the work of the heart, lungs, and muscles is stimulated, and the amount of endorphins increases. Laughter helps fight stress and provides a calm, relaxed state.

In the long term, laughter improves the immune system and reduces pain, helps cope with difficult situations and improves mood, eliminating apathy.

Interesting facts about human mood8

The time of year and weather have a significant impact on a person’s sense of self. When there is no sun for weeks, the content of vitamin D and some hormones in the body drops, which means there is no good mood. Waking up on a cold day in a warm apartment, you want to stay under the covers and do nothing, but when the sun is shining brightly, a person is eager to go outside, wants to walk, breathe fresh air, and do some kind of action.

The amount of sleep, the level of stress, and life circumstances also have a significant influence, however, experts have found that in general our mood depends on the amount of certain hormones in the blood - endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.

Endorphins regulate a huge number of processes occurring in the human body. First of all, they affect metabolism, the immune system, and help strengthen and preserve memory. However, among other things, endorphins cause a feeling of joy. This same hormone is the “culprit” of the feeling of falling in love with another person. people who have normal levels of endorphin experience joy every day, their lives are filled with bright colors.

Another hormone is serotonin. Interestingly, people who are divided into pessimists and optimists can actually all quickly switch roles if the amount of serotonin in the body changes. Pessimists often complain of poor sleep and decreased sexual activity, however, as soon as the hormone level rises, the situation quickly returns to normal.

To quickly increase serotonin levels, you should improve your diet and introduce chocolate, bananas, and dates into your diet. It’s also worth taking care of lighting, using more lamps at home, or going outside more often into the sun’s rays.

The third important hormone is dopamine. When there is a lack of it, a person plunges into a stressful state. The decrease occurs when doing unloved work, as well as with a small amount of sex and chocolate.

Listen to joyful music

The Journal of Positive Psychology published a recent study by Yuna Ferguson and Cannon Sheldon, which tested the effects of joyful music on a person's mood.

Students listened to positive music and tuned in to a feeling of happiness. As a result, they really began to feel happy.

Those students who did not think about feelings of happiness, but simply concentrated on the music, did not feel the same enthusiastic positive emotions.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: use joyful music as a tool to lift your mood, but do not forget to concentrate on the feelings of joy and happiness that arise from it.

Delicious food and exercise

No mood, what to do in such a situation? A piece of chocolate, strawberries and cream, or everyone’s favorite shawarma will quickly and perfectly lift your spirits. A well-fed person is always more content and peaceful than a hungry person. But beware of regularly eating depression - this is fraught with obesity and loss of a beautiful figure.

Another great way to lift your mood is through sports clubs, gym classes, or simply exercise in the fresh air. The main thing is that sport brings you pleasure and is not a burden:

  • Kick a ball in the yard
  • Play badminton.
  • Visit the gym.
  • Go for a run in the park.
  • Go for a swim.
  • Rollerblade or bike.
  • And so on…

By replacing overeating with exercise, you will tone your figure and burn a lot of calories. It has been scientifically proven that endorphins produced during sports activities quickly relieve a person of a bad mood.

How to get rid of anxiety and worry: 9 proven methods

Walk wider

It turns out that when you walk, it’s not only where you walk that matters, but also how you do it. Sarah Sondgrass from Florida Atlantic University conducted a study on the type of gait and the sensations associated with it.

One group of people was given the task of walking with long strides, waving their arms and holding their heads high, the second was given the task of walking in small steps with their hands clasped and their eyes downcast.

Finally, participants were asked how they felt during the experiment. It turned out that people from the first group felt much more confident and happier.

When going out for a walk, even under the weight of your problems, do not forget how to walk.

Eliminating the cause

By getting rid of the cause of your bad mood, you can quickly restore your good mood. If you are a cheerful person and it is very difficult to make you sad, then there is clearly a good reason for your spoiled mood. Plunge into introspection and try to remember what happened in your life that caused your mood to deteriorate. Consider the situation from different angles in order to find the most profitable solution to it.

Why is there a bad mood? Let's imagine a situation with a quarrel with loved ones. What needs to be done? Get together, find common ground and make peace. There is a problem with the car - we go to a car service center. We couldn’t get enough sleep - we set aside time for additional sleep, and so on... If the problem is not of a global scale and can be solved, then basically the solution is on the surface.

When you solve problems on your own, you will understand that they are not so significant and painful, your good mood will resume, and your constantly bad mood will completely disappear from your life.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

In fact, it could be a notebook, a note, or a regular document in which you write down what you are grateful for.

A study published in the Journal of Happiness proved that there is a direct link between gratitude and feelings of satisfaction and happiness.

Participants in this experiment wrote thank-you letters for three weeks, listing everything they were grateful for in life. Every week the letters became longer and people felt more satisfied with their lives.

What to do if a bad mood does not leave you?

Teach yourself gratitude. This feeling can significantly revive any despondency. Express gratitude daily for what you have. If you want, thank people personally, out loud to yourself, but it’s better to write down the events for which you are grateful. The diary we talked about above will also be useful for this. It will perfectly help you focus on the positive aspects in life.

In conclusion…

Anyone in a bad mood can lift it up using our methods mentioned above. Once you do this, you will inevitably feel a burden lifted from your shoulders and become more positive. The key to all of this is an optimistic outlook. Accepting that bad moods are an inevitable part of life will immediately reduce their impact on you.

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Plan your vacation

One study by Dutch scientists conducted in 2010 showed that when going on vacation, even two months in advance, people feel happier.

If you don’t have a vacation, think about the New Year holidays and subsequent holidays - it’s also nice.

More than 1,500 Dutch adults participated in the experiment, which lasted 4 months, about 1,000 of whom were going on vacation.

It turned out that two months before a planned vacation, a person’s mood improves. He begins to plan a vacation, which provides many pleasant thoughts, and looks forward to a great time. His mood increases as he approaches date X.

How to cheer up a girl if she's upset with you

Everyone knows how to cheer up a girl on the Internet: likes, comments, cute pictures and phrases. But none of this will help if she's mad at you. Here you will have to try to earn trust, but you need to start with the reason. You can blame each other, get angry and go on principle over nonsense, but it just so happens that it is the man who has to give in.

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This does not mean that you need to allow yourself to be twisted into ropes, but be more lenient towards her “quirks”, and if you understand that she has already gone too far, then think about whether such a relationship is necessary. If you are really guilty, then you cannot wait until everything is forgotten and resolved on its own. Even if she pretends that everything is fine, she will take revenge if necessary. Let me be sure that you understand your guilt and repent.

Play with your pet

One study found that playing with a puppy increased pleasure levels more than eating chocolate.

Scientists recorded brain activity during different activities using EEG to find out what brought more pleasure.

Activities that were more rewarding triggered activity in the left side of the brain, which is associated with pleasure and happiness.

As a result of the experiment, scientists found that people experienced the greatest joy when they found 10 euros. The next greatest pleasure arose when playing with a puppy. Since you can't find money at will, you can get a pet and improve your mood any time every day.

At-risk groups

  • children who have experienced violence;
  • people over 45 years old, especially single people;
  • participants in hostilities;
  • people of creative professions;
  • teenagers;
  • people with low self-esteem;
  • women after 40 years of age, due to hormonal changes and the onset of menopause.

Depression aggravates a person’s current mental and physical illnesses, increases the risk of suicide and can provoke alcoholism and drug addiction. Depression can cause disability and even death.

Depression is not at all a short-term bad mood, it is melancholy and despondency when looking even at the joys of past years.

Carl Gustav Jung called depression - the lady in black - precisely because a person loses the ability to see the various shades of the events of his life.

It is important to remember that treatment of depression and depressive disorders is carried out by psychiatrists, psychotherapists and clinical psychologists!

Take a nap

An experiment by Dr. Matthew Walker proved that without the right amount of sleep, people become more pessimistic and react more to negative stimuli.

The experiment involved sleep-deprived students who had to remember a series of words. They remembered an 81% percentage of words with a negative connotation, such as cancer. And remembering another list of words, with a positive connotation, they were able to name only 41% of the words.

This may be because negative stimuli are processed in the amygdala, while positive and neutral stimuli are processed in the hippocampus.

Lack of sleep has a stronger impact on the hippocampus than on the amygdala, so people who don't get enough sleep are quicker to forget good events and more likely to remember bad ones.

Red curtain effect

We all imagine a stage and a beautiful heavy curtain - often red. And here you are standing backstage, getting ready to perform like an artist. Attention! The curtain opens! The curtains moved together in different directions to show you something new. You are on stage - and the script of the play is entirely your own. What do you have in mind for all the best things for yourself? Such a curtain can be opened every morning, or it can be opened in a situation when you want to change something. Just open it up and play the best version of yourself.

If you are cold, act warmer...

That's all for today, ways to decide what to do if you ruin your mood. I remain with the hope that I somehow managed to raise it for you. I wish you not to get stuck in situations that are uncomfortable for you and slowly get out into the light. No matter what happens, the light always remains on for you.

Enjoy a cup of tea

Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, author of Hardwiring Happiness, argues that noticing and focusing on pleasant little things is a way to “train” the brain to feel happiness.

10 seconds of a beautiful view outside the window, 20 seconds of pleasure from tea and chocolate, and you have already tuned your brain to good stimuli.

In general, we are accustomed to reacting much more strongly to negative stimuli than to positive ones. This is explained by the desire to ensure security. However, now such attitudes “from the Stone Age” do not so much help you survive as they prevent you from feeling happy.

And you can completely change the habit of concentrating on bad events by “reconfiguring” your brain to other stimuli - positive ones. To do this, you need to pay attention to positive events, happiness and pleasure.

How to cheer up a girl at a distance over the phone

When your beloved is nearby, sometimes a gentle hug or a passionate night is enough to calm her down. But here's how to cheer up a girl from a distance: finding the right words is not as easy as having a heart-to-heart talk. Try to ensure that no one interferes with your communication: the screams of friends in the background will lead her to think that you don’t need her either.

Try to smile and encourage during communication: after discussing her problem, switch to other, more positive topics. Remind me of an interesting incident that happened to you, or tell me about a recent funny situation. Your task is to improve her mood, and talking about problems over the phone only worsens her condition. Don’t forget to add at the end of the conversation that you love and support her, even though you’re not around right now. Such behavior is not so difficult to cheer up a girl over the phone and it will help to completely make her fall in love with you.

Sign up to volunteer

Dr Suzanne Richards from the University of Exeter analyzed about 40 studies over the past 20 years that related to volunteering and happiness. It turned out that volunteers almost never experience depression and feel great.

Scientists believe this is due to several factors:

  • Volunteers' level of physical activity increases. The activity takes place far from home, you have to walk, stand, work with your hands, etc.
  • Volunteers have more live communication and the opportunity to make friends. Eye contact, smiling - real social interactions improve mood.
  • Good deeds, as we already indicated in point No. 5, help you feel happier.

Wonderful Universe

Suppose you woke up cheerful and cheerful, left the house, came to work and your boss immediately ruined your mood, and maybe not at work, and maybe not your boss. Perhaps someone crossed your path at home leading to a great day, or did you get off on the wrong foot? In general, your mood is completely spoiled and then everything goes at random, because it corresponds to your state. And if you are reading this article now, it means the question “ What to do if your mood is spoiled?”
"is very relevant for you. Then let's figure it out.

- You control your emotions, not your emotions. If you cannot track your emotions and control them, at least in most everyday situations, then emotions will rule your life, and unwanted and unpleasant situations will simply rain down on you. It's not what happens, but how you react to it that matters. Let's say someone deliberately wants you to ruin your mood

, step back from it and become just an observer, see at what point you start to get irritated, what causes a negative reaction in you. If you do not react, then your opponent will have no desire to continue.

- Take responsibility for everything that happens to you.

I can already see how many are beginning to be indignant: “What do I have to do with this? It’s my mood that’s being spoiled, not me.” See, this is the position of the victim. I have nothing to do with it, the boss, spouse, parents, friends, etc. are to blame. If you are in this position, you will always have those who will be to blame, but it will ruin your mood. Every person experiences undesirable events, but we choose our own reaction to what is happening. If you find yourself in this situation, it means you did something that led you to this result. Get out of the victim position, stop blaming others for what happens to you. Instead of asking “Why do I need this?” start asking other questions: “Why am I given this situation”, “What can I do?”

— The external is equal to the internal. What surrounds you, what happens to you, corresponds to your inner state. The world is a mirror, it reflects your condition. Of course, you may disagree with this and say that everything was fine with me, and my mood was suddenly ruined

. But maybe the day before you were indignant that the roads were not cleaned or there was nowhere to park your car, the products in the store were of poor quality, taxes were high, or you never know for some other reason. If you are on a negative wave, then you will attract the same events into your life. For example, if I see that I meet some indignant people in transport, in a store some dissatisfied customer is standing at the checkout, etc. I understand that this is a small signal that it’s time for me to change my mood and I try to start thinking and talking about something good and pleasant in order to change the negative to the positive.

- Change your focus. And finally, I want to invite you to do one small exercise. Look how many green things are in the room around you (or whatever red you want), and now close your eyes and tell me how many white things are in the room? You will either not name them at all or name very few, and when you open your eyes, you will see that there are many more of them than green ones. So in life, we only notice what you are focused on at the moment. Therefore, if you are in a bad mood

, then you will notice only annoying factors, while there will be a huge number of interesting and pleasant things around. Change your focus and pay attention to them. And let your life sparkle with bright colors.

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More sex

The report by Nick Dridakis, an employee of the Institute for Labor Research, presented interesting results of the experiment.

It turns out that people who have sex at least four times a week are happier and more confident, they reason better and suffer less from sad moods.

In addition, sex has a positive effect on health, relieves stress, strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems. And the feeling of happiness and health are closely related.

Emotional states in psychology9

Psychologists have found that the various experiences that fill a person’s soul are a representation of his emotional sphere. No one begins to hate or love just like that, all feelings are directed towards one specific object. Hormones and certain factors can influence a person’s condition, but mood changes constantly. It is important to understand that long-term, stable states are feelings. Short-term changes are understood as affects.

Both states color a person’s life in certain shades and influence all areas.

By some signs, one can distinguish a person’s mood from other, stronger and deeper emotional states: personal characteristics of the state, which depend not on external factors, but directly on the person and his attitude to the situation.

The mood may have no connection with any specific situation. However, it manifests itself so strongly that it affects almost all areas of life, and can greatly ruin the situation in the public and social sphere.

Mood is a whole fusion of different experiences and states. Even at one point in time, a person can combine emotions such as joy, sadness and irritation, and sometimes even hatred.

Types of depression

There are two main types of depression:

  1. An exogenous species caused by environmental influences. This could be the death of a loved one or another stressful event in a person's life.
  2. An exogenous species caused by an internal conflict, the causes of which in most cases remain unknown.

In addition to the two main types, the following forms of depression are also distinguished:

Clinical depression. “Classic” form of depressive disorder. Characterized by pronounced symptoms. In this case, depression develops gradually and consistently. At the peak of the disease, a person feels depressed, mentally and physically exhausted. Inexplicable anxiety, fear and despair appear. Suicidal thoughts and attempts may be present.

Chronic depression. Its main difference from the clinical one is the length and severity of the disease. Symptoms may be milder, but appear over a period of 2 or more years. A person can even lead a normal lifestyle, but his mood will be low, apathetic and depressed. In this course of depression, a person experiences:

  • Insomnia.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Regular headaches and even migraines.
  • Performance decreases.
  • Libido decreases.
  • Possible disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  • It is possible that suicidal thoughts and attempts to commit suicide may occur.

Bipolar depression or manic depression is one of the severe types of depressive disorder. Most often it is inherited or occurs due to the presence of other mental disorders. The main feature of such depression is a sudden and causeless change in mood.

This type of depression is characterized by irritability, depressed mood, and a desire to give up one’s hobbies and social interactions. There is slowness of speech, physical and mental passivity. This type of depression may be accompanied by:

  • Attacks of aggression.
  • The occurrence of hallucinations and delusions.

This type of depression can occur in two ways:

  • Apathy, lethargy.
  • Euphoria, hyperactivity.

Most often, this type of depression must be treated in a hospital using drug therapy, as there is a risk of manifestation of other mental illnesses.

Masked depression. This type is difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms are hidden by the appearance of somatic pathologies, including vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, osteochondrosis and other similar diseases.

Based on psychoanalytic theory, one of the causes of masked depression is hyperactive activity.

A person does not want to notice the fact that he has a depressive state and completely focuses on his own health, forgetting about work and family responsibilities, as well as self-care. It is important to understand that this type of depression is especially difficult to treat, since the person does not recognize the fact that it exists. In this case, medical and psychotherapeutic support is necessary to effectively improve the person’s condition.

Psychotic depression. This type develops due to brain contusions, as well as due to genetic predisposition.

During this type of depression, a person withdraws, experiences severe apathy and reluctance to contact society. Even contacting a specialist in this case causes resistance, since the person does not want to discuss this condition. This type of depression has the highest threshold for suicidal cases.

Atypical depression. In addition to the previously described symptoms of depression, in this form one can observe an increase in appetite, modesty and impulsive overeating. Constant desire to sleep and cry. There are pain sensations throughout the body. There is increased anxiety and panic attacks.

Postpartum depression. Such depression can occur as a result of a successful birth. But, more often, this type of depression will occur with: interrupted pregnancy, miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, stillbirth. The main reason for the manifestation of this type of depression is a sharp hormonal surge.

Most often, the manifestation of this type of depression occurs 2-4 months after childbirth.

Main signs of postpartum depression:

  • Hyper-emotionality.
  • Feeling of inner emptiness.
  • High level of anxiety.
  • A lingering feeling of guilt.
  • Indifference to the child.
  • Feeling angry towards the child.
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