What is thetahealing and does it really heal?

Thetahealing is a unique practice that can restore health, restore harmony to life and attract into your life what you would like to see in it. The literal translation of the term means “theta healing” and characterizes a state of extremely deep relaxation. During the transition period to the sleep state, theta waves are activated in the brain, and it is this frequency that allows changes to be made at a deep level.

Studying the physical mechanism of a particular practice will tell you how the technique works and help you determine how to enter the thetahealing state yourself. Achieving a state of complete relaxation using special techniques will allow you to evaluate the possibilities of practice for unlocking your internal reserves.

What is theta-healing

Translated from English, Theta Healing means “theta healing.” Or healing in the theta state. Theta in this context is a certain spectrum of frequencies at which oscillations of the electrical fields of the brain occur. And such waves have long been known to scientists.

The human brain has electrical activity called Brain Waves, which can be monitored using an electroencephalograph. The pulses follow at different frequencies. It has been established that different ranges correspond to very specific conditions. Theta waves of interest to us with a frequency of 4–8 hertz are the rhythms of rest, deep relaxation. They occur when a person is almost asleep, is about to wake up, or is in the REM phase (with dreams).

Adherents of theta-healing are sure About Thetahealing that the theta state is not just the border between reality and sleep, but also the border between consciousness and subconscious. Getting here, a person enters a kind of trance, in which he gets the opportunity to connect with a higher spiritual force and, with its help, start the process of improving his own life. And also - to quickly heal Thetahealing: Theta State from the most serious illnesses. Thetahealing: DNA Activation is enough only according to some rules to “activate DNA”.

Thousands of people around the world participate in this impressive esotericism. But there are enough questions.

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