Regressive hypnosis - past lives from A to Z

Hello, dear readers, Alexander Tsarev is in touch.

Regressive hypnosis is a method of working with the subconscious through a trance located between esoteric teachings and classical hypnotherapy. Experts use it when they put a person into a trance to search for and resolve negative situations that connect past and current incarnations. Reincarnation researchers receive confirmation of their beliefs in the method. Ordinary people find in it the key to deep self-knowledge and resolution of internal conflicts and problems. This can also be called “conversation with Souls.”

This material is a combination of my practical knowledge on the topic of regression, inside the most complete answers about what regressive hypnosis and past lives are, whether it is a tool or a weapon and how to start your practice in it.

Regressive hypnosis - what is it in the simplest words

If you are reading this, then you are already above the average level of understanding of the structure of the world and the Universe. And that's great!

It’s no secret that our soul lives and is reincarnated dozens of times; from the moment it appears until the present moment, it accumulates a significant amount of information, say, like a flash drive. And everything is stored in it: knowledge, life experience, skills, joy, pain, trauma, hatred, all the good and bad that happened to a person during his life - this data is stored and rewritten from time to time, deeper and deeper forming a permanent information egregor of the Soul.

And this “flash drive” also has a margin of safety, it can act up and break down, sometimes life-ending situations, betrayal or other deep emotional shock can leave an “information virus” on it in the form of a negative memory, which over time will strengthen and begin to have an impact for new incarnations. Normal life programs will also begin to experience disruptions.

Upheavals from past lives do not necessarily manifest themselves in a person’s present life, but our research (more than 4,000 hours of regression sessions) shows that the majority have similar problems in some form.

The “virus”, or genetic memory, or the pain of the soul will at some point turn out to be strong enough, and then they can get out into real life. Examples of such outlets for the pain of the soul: birthmarks, scars without a situation of occurrence, spontaneous neuroses without the possibility of explanation, panic attacks, nightmares - the list is much wider and each of these phenomena can arise as a result of tragedies of the past and the soul screaming about them.

Regressive hypnosis works with such problems; past lives are the cause of them.

Benefits of Regressive Hypnosis

I attribute this to favorable side effects. At the moment of immersion, our brain activity is greatly activated, we grasp new sensations and emotions, remember everything old and forgotten, so after the session new talents, abilities for new languages, sports and other forgotten or previously unknown hobbies may begin to reveal themselves.

Areas where regressive hypnosis helps

There are more, but these are the most common:

• Diseases of internal organs; • Personality complexes; • Almost all phobias; • Neuroses, neurasthenia, anxiety; • Bad habits; • Dependencies; • problems in your personal life; • Personal conflicts and life difficulties

Frequently asked questions about regression:

1) Question: is this not dangerous?

Answer: we work mainly with memories; this has already happened, which means it is not dangerous for the present time. In addition, we have methods for comfortable management even through traumatic situations, so that you can get through them (remember, rethink, etc.) in an environmentally friendly way for you. And remember that we can interrupt at any time if we wish!

2) Question: will I remember everything? I'm afraid of hypnosis.

Answer: as I already wrote above, I use a non-hypnosis method, where you simply relax - similar to meditation - look at the different images of memories that arise in your head, and we work with them. Everything remains in memory. The immersion is shallow, sufficient to bring out the memories we need, but not enough for you to turn off your consciousness entirely.

3) Question: will my whole problem be solved in one dive?

Answer: There are times when we actually reach a solution in one dive. But there are complex problems that require a lot of resources. Multi-layered and very traumatic - such problems sometimes require a series of dives. The number and frequency are determined individually. But I recommend no more than 1 dive per week - because... After each dive, colossal work takes place in the subconscious, and changes occur on the physical level.

4) Question: how will I understand that these are not my fantasies?

Answer: We have a good way of distinguishing fantasy from reality, I will give it to you before diving. Plus, the emotions and sensations that you will experience during the dive are impossible to imagine. Yes, sometimes during immersion information comes out so shocking that the brain then cannot accept it for a long time, and tries to pack everything into a “fantasy” to make it easier.

You can sign up for a regression session and ask all your questions from the CONTACTS page.

Overview of regression hypnosis techniques

Those that are presented and described in full.

Dolores Cannon Method

Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) regressionist and Soul researcher, born in St. Louis on April 15, 1931. Dolores Cannon encountered reincarnation in 1968, through regressive hypnosis: “It began when I observed regression experiments carried out by my hypnotist husband. He used traditional methods of hypnosis and realized that he was working with reincarnation completely by accident, putting a woman into a trance who wanted to lose weight.”

In 1979, Dolores and her family moved to Arkansas, which is when Cannon began her writing career. Her articles were successfully published in newspapers and magazines. She later became interested in reincarnation again and studied various methods of regression hypnosis techniques. Beginning in 1979, Dolores developed her own method of hypnosis, which allowed her to extract useful information from the patient’s past life, as well as a lot of new historical and scientific knowledge from the human subconscious, lost by our civilization. Dolores Cannon's technique was a significant success; it healed people's mental and psychological trauma. Dolores has written many useful books, relying on information obtained from the subconscious of people, thereby confirming the phenomenon of reincarnation and the existence of lives between lives ("Between Life and Death", "Jesus and the Essenes").

The Dolores Cannon method works with the human subconscious when the client is immersed in a somnambulistic level of trance - the theta level: “A person is constantly immersed in one of four states of altered consciousness. Beta level—wakefulness or when the subject thinks he is awake. In fact, when you close your eyes, you are already in an altered state. The alpha level is commonly used by hypnotists and for meditation. The deepest level of trance is theta - somnambulistic. At this level I hold the patient and work with him, between the alpha and delta levels. Delta level is a state of sleep.” The concept of the method is the predominance of imaginative-synaesthetic thinking (synaesthetic thinking - the relationship between the conscious and unconscious in the process of cognition) over rational. The hypnologist, during the client's deep trance state, gives him the necessary instructions for the second to explore the past life experiences that have been integrated into his subconscious during the course of individual evolution. The client prepares for the session in advance, identifying questions to the subconscious, thereby they appear during the therapy itself.

This method of regressive hypnosis technique safely and effectively affects the health of a person’s subconscious, restoring his mental balance. Dolores Cannon argued that in hypnotic practice the term "subconscious" is not analogous to the "Freudian" concept of the subconscious as practiced in psychiatry. The regressionist was convinced that we were talking about something deeper, about superconsciousness.

Michael Newton Method

Michael Newton (1931-2016) is a certified hypnotherapy practitioner, the first president of the Society for Spiritual Regression from 2002 to 2005, a member of the American Counseling Association and a Doctor of Counseling Psychology, Ph.D. Founded the Institute of Hypnotherapy of Life Between Lives named after. Michael Newton. Dr. Newton dedicated his private practice of hypnotherapy, which he has been engaged in for more than 50 years, to correcting various behavioral abnormalities and helping clients reveal their higher spiritual self.

In 1998, Michael Newton was awarded the "Most Unique Contribution of a Hypnotherapist" by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Dr. Newton spent years researching soul memory and life after death.

In the process of developing his own age regression technique, Dr. Newton discovered the phenomenon of an immortal soul existing in the space between physical incarnations. Michael Newton's method of regressive hypnosis placed subjects in intermediate periods of their memories between past lives, it was called LBL regression (LifeBetweenLives). Thanks to hypnotic regression, the hypnologist was able to describe the possibility of life after death - spiritual life. Michael Newton was able to recognize what was happening in the spirit world through his clients who were in a state of deep hypnosis and visualized their journey. The LBL regression method was aimed at helping people find themselves, their purpose in life, to know themselves by turning to the superconscious.

On the topic of his discoveries, Michael Newton wrote 3 bestsellers: “The Journey of the Soul”, “The Destination of the Soul” and “The Life Between Lives”.

The world is not limited only to these techniques (there is also the technique of Calogero Grifasi and others, but they are not for this material), everything changes and transforms in movement...

Hypnotrance technique for regressions: in detail

The first goal of the regressologist: to bring the immersed into a state of altered consciousness - this is when we are relaxed, immersed in a trance state and ready for hypnotherapy (in general, hypnotized). It is in this state that viewing a past life is real. This requires preliminary preparation for the session (~1.5-2 weeks).

And during the immersion we go through the stages: 1. Leading questions from the contactee in which we search for facts that created a problematic request 2. Correcting the situation in the past incarnation and editing its image in the subconscious 3. Returning to the point of reality

The altered state of consciousness activates the hidden mechanisms of the brain, and we can remember things that were never recorded in our lives. Critics and skeptics do not believe in this, nor do they believe in the habitability of our Universe. Their right. Look at the video of regressive hypnosis sessions and reviews at the end of the material, and draw your own conclusions.

What exactly happens during past life regressions?

Let's delve into the essence of the phenomenon. Through regressive hypnosis (either on our own or through a regressologist), we are immersed in a trance, where additional synchronization of consciousness and subconscious is activated; it must be free from external stimuli, this is important.

We help our brain relax and begin to receive information, I call this place a “sandbox”, it allows the mind to open fully to the usual signals of meditation and peace, and then gain access to hidden information from the past incarnation, and it is safe to begin working with her.

Through the leading questions of the contactee (or through the power of self-hypnosis, if we act independently), we find in it memories of past incarnations that bother our Soul. Through catharsis (emotional release) and then awareness, we gain freedom from problems. Understanding the information received will also take some time, usually up to a week, after which the problems worked out in the session recede and a new internal stage begins, which is individual. There are also difficult cases when one immersion into past lives from regressive hypnosis is not enough.

What happens to a person after regression, what changes:

  1. Immediately after the session, there may be a slightly disoriented state, full of positive emotions (depending on the outcome of the work), a resourceful state of recovery, and a kind of “enlightenment” - because you found a solution to the problem that was tormenting you, and at the energy level, the clamp, the block, was removed - and energy flowed through the body more freely.
  2. During the post-dive period, it is better to remain calm. If you want to sleep, sleep. Don’t burden yourself with anything, let new understandings and sensations grow within you.
  3. Over the course of several days after a dive, sometimes the effects “catch up”—comprehension and discovery continue. Event responses of any kind at your request (for which we dived) are very frequent.
  4. Regarding the issue that we have been working on, your attitude towards the problem changes, you stop feeling emotional pressures, blocks, oppression, etc. - you become calmer, braver, more decisive (depending on what we worked on and what result needed to be achieved) - due to changes within you, your actions change, which means you finally find a solution to your problem, and it ceases to exist.

How to undergo regression hypnosis?

1. We create a list of problems that, in our opinion, affect our life 2. We sign up for a regression session or study the immersion technique on our own 3. We prepare according to the instructions, adjusting our inner world for the event 4. We immerse ourselves in regression hypnosis, it takes 4-6 hours.

Set aside an evening for your first independent lesson, follow the link with our method of preparing for regressive hypnosis and listen to the test meditation, try to relax, if you immediately feel the inner movement, then everything is great, you will definitely succeed.


If it doesn’t work right away, then try to return in a more relaxed state, the result depends on your personal approach. There is no magic pill; without your desire, even the most experienced hypnologist will not be able to immerse you in regressive hypnosis and send you to past lives

The immersion technique is easiest for practitioners of meditation, yoga and other activities aimed at balancing body and spirit in the moment; it will also be easy for those who are engaged in creative activities in life. Those who follow the path of logic and skeptics experience difficulties.

Second option: start self-paced or centralized regression training.

How the dive goes, what is required for it.

1. The immersion takes place via Skype and lasts from 1 to 3 hours (very rarely - 4 hours)

2. For the dive you will need: headphones with a microphone, and up to 3-4 hours of free time, as well as a place where you can lie down quietly or sit relaxed, leaning on the back of a chair.

3. Before diving, go to the toilet and take a small sip of water so as not to feel thirsty.

4. If during the session you experience pain or uncomfortable sensations in your body, you MUST TELL ME ABOUT IT IMMEDIATELY! Often, blocks that we are not aware of appear through the body, and if something gets sick right in the course of work, we go to that point and reveal what block has come out there, what is contained in it. Our body is very intelligent - it always tells us.

Regressive hypnosis technique for self-immersion

You can achieve results for free, set yourself goals.

For example:

  • Increasing the level of personal qualities
  • Improved health
  • Optimizing personal effectiveness
  • Getting rid of negative attitudes and own blocks
  • find yourself, discover new areas of creative activity and self-realization
  • Increased vitality and ability to work
  • Elimination of phobias and complexes


To properly conduct an independent hypnotic regression session, you must have good theoretical training: familiarize yourself with the works of Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon, read and study their methods of regressive hypnosis techniques, watch videos on YouTube on this topic in order to explore the process on a visual level.

A simple entry into regressive hypnosis will now be described. The complete preparation scheme is above.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, leaning back, do not cross your legs, your arms should lie freely along your body;
  2. Relax, free your mind from worries;
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply for 10-15 minutes at the same pace:
  4. Allow yourself to go into a trance, give yourself complete control over what is happening, tell yourself that you can get out of the hypnotic state on the count of 5.

Introduction to Trance

Use a combination of eye movement and countdown. Give yourself the mindset that by moving your eyes left and right while counting down from 10, you will enter a trance.

Enter the trance process with your eyes open. Starting from 10, slowly raise your eyes up and then to the right, keeping your head static. Continue until your eyes get tired. Then lower your eyes and lift them up, and then to the left on the count of 9, hold in the position until your eyes get tired. Repeat these movements rhythmically on each count, as if watching a pendulum, while always keeping your eyes at the top. Gradually your eyes will get tired. On count 1, close your eyes and fix them on the top position. Plunge into a trance with your eyes closed, relax your facial muscles.

Immersion in trance

  1. To deepen your trance state, imagine any landscape that pleases you, relax your body completely, starting from your head to your toes.
  2. Consider the details of your landscape, immerse yourself in its comfort, and feel harmony with nature. You are safe.
  3. Concentrate on the little finger of either hand, feel its warmth, heaviness, slight tingling and pulsation, and then release this feeling. Then let it come back again. Make it clear to yourself that you can control and manage your consciousness in trance.
  4. Imagine a situation from childhood that evokes pleasant feelings. Slowly immerse yourself in the events, allow the picture to open up and become voluminous.
  5. Remind yourself that you are in complete control of the situation and can exit the trance state at any time on the count of 5. Tell yourself that you are safe. Also make sure that when you come out of the trance, you will remember the experience you gained in your past life, which will be useful for your present life and future personal growth.

Dive into the corridor of past lives

  1. Go deeper and deeper into trance. Repeat this to yourself. Go all the way to the moment of your birth and beyond. Move towards your corridor of past lives. He is individual.
  2. Look around the corridor of your lives. Inside each door are reflections of the experiences of your past lives, you again pass them through yourself. But at any moment you are able to change the situation, because you are fully aware of your experience.
  3. You can choose any door you want. When entering the space of a certain door, you can move in absolutely any direction. To enter the door you count from 1 to 3, if you want to return, then count in reverse order.
  4. After examining the situation from your past life, leave the space of this reality by exiting its door. It is recommended to limit yourself to only one memory, since a large number of experienced events can weaken the memory of previous experiences.

Ending a Regression Session

  1. Allow yourself to leave the corridor of past lives and return to childhood, and then to the present.
  2. Go back to childhood memories, then to the present
  3. Before leaving the trance state, remind yourself of all the past life experiences that you were able to see. Tell yourself that you will remember in the present everything that happened to you to the extent that you require, that you realize the importance of all the impressions you received.
  4. Start slowly counting from 1 to 5.
  5. Slowly open your eyes and remain in a calm state to process the information.
  6. Record your experiences in a “past life journal.”

What is "Regression"

In psychology, this term means “back”, going into the past. Both into the past of this current life, and into a deeper one - into previous incarnations, as well as during the period of life between lives.

Regression is mainly about working with memories.

Initially, in psychology, regression was used to analyze adults - their past childhood traumas, etc. But after the discovery by Michael Newton and other psychologists of the 20th century - a method of regression even deeper, into past lives and life between lives (LIL) - psychology gained a wider opportunity to work through psychological trauma, traumatic situations, fears and blocks - taking into account the fact that people can carry these problems not only from childhood, but also from other incarnations.

Working with the world of souls is also very useful. For more information about what the world of souls is, read this article “What is the soul - about the world of souls, mentors, etc.”:

Useful literature, films

Friends, this small list will help you better understand regressive hypnosis and past lives, start with any:

Michael Newton: “Journeys of the Soul” “Purpose of the Soul” “Memories of Life After Life” “Life Between Lives. Past Lives and Journeys of the Soul"

Richard Webster: "Kindred Souls"

Dolores Cannon: “Between life and death. What awaits us on the other side? “Memory of Past Lives” “Jesus and the Essenes. Conversations through millennia" "Three waves of volunteers and the New Earth"

If you want to find more interesting things, then write the following keywords in the YouTube search bar: channeling, past lives, regressive hypnosis

And be sure to visit my YouTube channel “Alexander Tsarev” - there are more than 300 videos on the topic.

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