14 signs that make it crystal clear to you that a man is flirting

When flirting, we start a game with people we like in an attempt to win their attention or just have fun.

Sometimes guys act so weird that it's hard to tell who's flirting with you and who's just being friendly. Especially if you are not very good at reading signals and hints.

Once you learn to spot the hidden signs of a man's flirting, you'll know whether he's just a good friend or whether he's crazy about you.

We've put together 14 key tips to tell if a guy is hitting on you.

He looks at your lips

One of the most honest signs. If during a conversation you realize that he is constantly looking at the movement of your lips, know that he is thinking about kissing you or about being closer to you.

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Signs that a guy likes you

His look

To determine whether you like him or not by your gaze, pay attention to where and how the man is looking. At first, he examines the lady he likes appraisingly from head to toe, analyzing why the lady hooked him. Then the gaze focuses on the chest and hips.

This is the view of an experienced buyer who wants to qualitatively examine the product, whether it suits him or not. Therefore, a man more often begins to look in the direction of the girl and examine her. If a girl repeatedly catches an appraising, intent male gaze, it means he liked her.

In the case of a shy guy or boy in class, there may be a different tactic. You noticed that he was timidly looking at you, but when you caught his gaze, the boy suddenly began to look to the side, trying to act as if he was very busy with something. This is a clear sign.

The young man is nervous and tries to hide his feelings, afraid that the girl has realized that he likes her. After all, most males are embarrassed to make eye contact with the girl they like.

The behavior of his friends

Pay attention to his friends, they probably know whether he likes you or not. The guy could have told them about it himself, or his friends could have guessed from his behavior and attempts to hide his sympathy from you.

Therefore, when you are in a company, watch how his friends behave. Perhaps your appearance among them causes a grin to appear on their faces, while his comrades glance sideways at him and nudge him on the shoulder. They begin to make fun of him, make subtle hints, wink with their eyes, pointing at you. All this is a clear sign, since his friends know for sure that he likes you.

Tries to completely ignore you

It sounds strange, because in this case, how do you know that a guy likes you? Remember, this is a normal feeling among guys who are attracted to someone of the opposite sex. Men use a similar strategy when they know that a lady is liked by many members of the stronger sex, who constantly pursue her.

Firstly, he may not have the courage to admit his interest in you, fearing the expected rejection. Secondly, he doesn’t want to be like other applicants trying to attract you. Therefore, he tries to completely ignore you, avoiding meetings, as if he is not interested in you at all.

Remember, when a man is not interested in a woman, he does not ignore her, much less avoid meeting her. Since he does not have to hide his feelings in order to communicate calmly with her.

A man’s interest in you can be revealed by an insinuating glance, or during a casual conversation with you, his Adam’s apple begins to twitch sharply up and down due to tension and nervousness.

He compliments you

If a member of the stronger sex gives you nice compliments about your beauty or appearance, then this may be a sign that he is interested in you. Even if it's just complimenting your hair. For example, he says that with this hairstyle or hair color you are more attractive.

When a man notices such details, it means he pays special attention to what the girl he likes looks like, looks at her, evaluates her. And with praise he wants to win the lady over.

Therefore, if you observe this in your relationships with the male sex, know that these are signs that a man likes you. It is unlikely that he will notice changes in the appearance of a lady who is not interesting to him, much less give her compliments and praise.

The second side of the coin: he tries to give compliments, but he doesn’t do well with it, his words only insult the girl. The young man is at a loss, trying to somehow praise, speaks intermittently, and chooses his words poorly, which is why he stutters and looks pitiful.

Chivalrous behavior

A man's instinct is to protect the woman he likes. For example, even instinctively a guy will try to somehow protect the girl from the crush in transport, rude, vulgar speech addressed to her, from not only strangers, but also his friends. Give your jacket when a lady is cold, drive away an angry dog, support her so she doesn’t fall.

When this is observed in a guy’s behavior, it means he likes her. He is driven by the desire to show the object of his affection that he wants and will take care of her and her safety.

The man is ready to waste

The male sex likes to show their readiness and desire to spend money on the lady they like. From ice cream or dinner at a restaurant to expensive purchases. A man will try to pay for her purchases faster than the girl herself, receiving some pleasure from this even on a subconscious level. He wants from the bottom of his heart to show himself as a generous person, he wants to do something for the woman.

I am also ready to waste my time, energy, and opportunities to help or be useful to a lady who inspires sympathy. Men tend to be very conservative in offering help to those they don't like, especially office colleagues.

Offer to help with work, coursework, bring coffee or water, take you home, bring it home, negotiate something, solve some problems - they will do all this only when they like the girl and are interested in her.

The guy will be looking for communication

This is one of the best ways to understand that a guy likes you. If he likes you, he will definitely look for contact: call you on the phone more often, communicate via Skype, Viber or by correspondence in order to chat at least somehow.

Even supposedly casual conversations on the phone will drag on, asking, for example, what are you doing, what are you doing, actually trying to drag out the conversation. Then he can turn the conversation to movies, sports, music, clothes, school. Ask a hundred questions, many of which are not even relevant, just to communicate longer and get to know her better.

Therefore, if a young man asks for your phone number, know that he is looking for a way to keep in touch with you. You notice that the guy is trying to spend more time with you or drags out the conversation on the phone a little longer than usual, which means that he is hooked and likes you. Because if a guy likes a girl, he will look for opportunities to communicate with her as much as possible.

In addition, if he tries to add friends on various networks: Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, and also constantly likes your photos, posts or leaves comments, this can also be the answer to your question “does a guy like me?”

He is jealous

When a man is not interested in a lady, he is unlikely to be jealous of her. If you notice that your jokes or fun with other guys gives rise to jealousy in your prospective gentleman, this is a clear sign of his sympathy for you.

The guy will try to look calm, but his gaze, and then a further cold attitude or harshness, rudeness towards you indicate jealousy. He may also begin to speak badly about those guys to whom, as it seems to him, your smiles and affection are dedicated.

You will probably like these articles about male jealousy and what should a girl do when a guy is jealous of her for everyone?

The phrase "just kidding"

Have you ever heard the phrase “just kidding” said after a supposedly bad joke? In fact, 99% of the time it means what a person really thinks about. With this phrase they are trying to turn their feelings and thoughts into an unreliable funny joke. If a guy tells you, “We could be a perfect couple; we could have the most beautiful children; I’ll marry you soon.”

At the same time, he adds “it’s just a joke,” most likely the young man actually wants something like this to happen. Therefore, if this kind of “jokes” occurs more and more often, this is a definite sign of his sympathy.

Doesn't rush into sex

By the way, this is one of the most powerful factors in how to understand that a man likes you. He avoids giving ultimatums, demanding proof of your affection for him, or getting offended. He likes that the object of his affection values ​​his honor and knows his worth. Therefore, a man is ready to wait for the start of an intimate relationship as long as necessary.

Especially if a girl, for some reason, says that sex is only possible in marriage. Why are you ready to make such sacrifices? Because he likes a woman, not just her body. Because he has serious plans for her, and does not consider her only as an object of sexual satisfaction.

Remembers delicacy, softness

Even if he has troubles or difficulties at work or business, a man will avoid rudeness, dissatisfaction, and harshness in communicating and treating the girl he likes. He will be delicate, soft, because he is afraid of losing or pushing away the lady he likes.

Since a woman is a source of inspiration for him, a joyful mood, his bad mood disappears like fog in a short time. With her help, a man tunes in to positivity, positive emotions, which is why he will be polite to her.


Most guys naturally dress well. When you notice how some guy consciously tries to look even better in your presence, this proves his desire to impress you. His desire is to look presentable. Analyze whether changes in his hairstyle are noticeable, whether he began to shave or, vice versa (depending on your likings).

He began to dress much better, smell nicer, look a little more well-groomed than usual when he meets you. Seeing these obvious changes in appearance, you know that he liked you and now the guy is counting on reciprocity.

There was an error

Do not rush to make quick conclusions about the emerging sympathy for you. What if you mistake certain actions of a man for intimate signals? Watch the man’s behavior, try to mirror him. If he smiles at you, smile back. If he touched you, touch him too. If the gentleman “seized” on the signs of attention shown on your part, then you can celebrate your victory. If not, you misunderstood something, wishful thinking. Perhaps this man really treats you well, but you are far from being the object of his dreams. It is possible that he was simply in a good mood and decided to flirt a little. Or he is interested in you in a business sense, and feels sympathy for you not as a woman, but as a business partner.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir:

How to understand that a boy likes you


Firstly, if a young man imitates a girl in front of everyone, he does this not only to amuse others, but also to demonstrate his interest in her. However, if a guy imitates all the girls in the class, then this is his communication style. But if he only imitates you, this is a sign of his interest.

Secondly, he may allegedly accidentally touch your hand, put his hand on your shoulder, stroke your back, or grab your hands, playfully wringing them, and also try to hug your neck and waist as if playfully. Experts say the more physical contact a guy makes like this, the more clear it is that he likes you.

The purpose of such advances is to touch the object of your sympathy, without revealing your feelings. If the girl does not push him away, does not pull away during such “games,” then these advances will occur more often.

Wants to appear more courageous

Believe me, thanks to this sign it will be easier for you to find the answer to your question “does he like me?” Most guys tend to slouch, so it's immediately noticeable when they stand up straight. When he sees a girl he likes, the young man subconsciously takes a deep breath.

In this way he wants to make his waist smaller and his chest wider in an attempt to impress the girl with his body. At the same time, in the company of a girl, he constantly walks like this, afraid to relax and show his stoop. It is unlikely that a young man would behave this way in front of someone he is not interested in.

Interested in your reaction to his jokes

After he says or does something funny, he looks at your reaction. Suppose a boy/young man says a joke or does something funny among his classmates, and everyone around him starts laughing. If a guy looks at your reaction first, this is a sign that he likes you. Because he wants to make sure that you noticed the joke and laughed too.

Changing behavior in your presence

If a guy's behavior changes as soon as he sees you, this is a sign of his desire to impress the girl. For example, just now the boy was being rowdy, laughing loudly, fighting as a joke, but when he saw you he instantly calmed down. Or he was quiet, and then suddenly he tries to become the center of attention, wanting to surprise you.

Guys, do you want to know the signs that the fairer sex likes you? Then read this article.


Women have a natural sixth sense - intuition, which helps them determine whether men are interested in them or not. But, wanting to give you more concrete evidence, we have listed the body language signs of men. Thanks to the considered signs of how to understand whether a guy likes you, a man or not, it is not difficult. Take a closer look to see if these signs are visible in a man’s behavior, which can tell you more than his words.

Of course, it is worth noting that not all representatives of the stronger sex will behave this way. The look, gestures, and behavior of a particular man may differ from the behavior of another, so it is important to be observant.

Also, if only one of the signs is visible in a guy’s behavior, then this can hardly be considered proof of his sympathy for you. But if a representative of the stronger sex does most of them, then you can be sure that he is hooked and likes you.

Also watch the video, in which in 6 minutes you will learn other signs: the pupils of the eyes, a smile, throwing the head back, demonstrative busyness, the desire to be in the center of attention and close space, as well as the soles of the feet, mirroring.

Some secrets of male psychology

It has long been known that representatives of the stronger and weaker sex differ in nature. Therefore, women should not expect from men what they cannot give them. In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, girls must take into account some of the characteristics of men.

Young people do not know how to vigorously show delight and admiration; they prefer to hide their emotions. Even a small compliment can be regarded as the highest praise. A woman is unlikely to hear words in superlative form.

Almost all men love to interrupt. They do this not on purpose and do not want to offend or belittle their interlocutor. This manner of communication occurs on a subconscious level. A man's brain is designed in such a way that he looks for a solution. Therefore, while the girl is explaining the essence of the question, he can already think through the answer and skip information that, in his opinion, is unnecessary.

When talking with a man, you must first state the main idea, and only then move on to discussing the details.

Young people love to argue, but a woman should not perceive this as a quarrel or disagreement. There is no need to prove anything to a man if the issue is not fundamental. It is much wiser to agree with him and admit the correctness of his arguments.

When a tense situation arises, it is enough for a woman to touch a man and hug him to calm the quarrel. This behavior turns off logic and tunes him to emotions.

The most valuable thing is actions!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is quite predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. You should not agree without making sure that the young person has intentions. If he is, he will definitely prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to court for a long time and seek the attention of his passion. Women should remember this so as not to experience a bitter feeling of disappointment later.

How to understand that a man likes you? Family psychologist, interpersonal relationship consultant, director of the dating agency “Me and You” Elena Kuznetsova tells the story.

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