How to Know If You Have Low Emotional Intelligence and What to Do About It

All people inhabiting the world are different. This statement also applies to the intellectual level. Almost everyone considers himself smart, but a person cannot objectively assess his intelligence. Of course, the thoughts in your head always sound very smart, but there are several signs of high intelligence in a person, as well as characteristics of low IQ.

Intelligence, both mental and emotional, is very important. Especially in a professional context, a developed and flexible mind can be the best prerequisite for success in life. “A person of low intelligence often has habits that can lead to disastrous consequences,” writes The Independent. So, people with low intelligence...

Blame others for their failures

This habit is expressive, unprofessional, and not typical of a person with a high IQ. Trying to blame other people for your failures does not characterize the smartest person. People with low IQs prefer not to be responsible for wrong decisions; it is better for them to “wallow” in self-pity or simply blame others for everything.

T. Bradberry, author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, says: “Don't blame or shift responsibility to someone else. If you played a role—even a small one—in a particular case and something went wrong, admit it,” says Bradbury. “Once you start blaming others for your failures, others will begin to perceive you as someone who is not responsible for his actions.”

An indicator of high intelligence is the recognition that a mistake is a chance to gain new experience. J. S. Moser from the University of Michigan, in the course of his research, came to the conclusion that the brains of intelligent individuals react to mistakes and failures in different ways.

How to increase your intelligence level

IQ tests determine which thinking is most developed: mathematical, verbal, logical, figurative. And by which of them is less developed, you can determine the direction in which you should improve.

The following methods will help raise your personal intellectual level:

  • solving logical problems;
  • playing chess, poker and other intellectual games;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • reading fiction books;
  • study of exact sciences;
  • mastering foreign languages.

Always prove you're right

In a controversial situation, intelligent people have a better chance of taking the place of their opponent, understanding his arguments, integrating them into their thought chains, and reconsidering current views. A clear manifestation of intelligence is the ability to look at things from a different point of view and understand them. Intelligent people are open to new information and changes in generally accepted principles.

On the contrary, people with low thinking abilities continue to argue, do not give up their position, do not understand the existing arguments, and do not notice the intelligence and competence of their opponent. This increased evaluation of oneself is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is a cognitive bias that causes less competent people to overestimate their own abilities while underestimating the intelligence of others.

An intelligent person also proves that he is right, but he knows how to listen, consider the available arguments, basing the final decision on them.

A few more characteristics of people with low EQ levels

  • They are not interested in people, they do not want to understand what their character is, what is hidden behind their actions.
  • They experience negative emotions, but often cannot understand the reason for them.
  • They are focused on themselves and do not always notice that others need help.
  • They are afraid of mistakes and do not draw conclusions from them, have a hard time recovering from failure, often become fixated on mistakes, and engage in self-flagellation.
  • They don't trust intuition and think it's stupid.
  • They adapt poorly to new conditions and do not like change.
  • They do not know how to listen and hear.

In order to determine your level of emotional intelligence, you can also take a test developed by psychologist Nicholas Hall.

React angrily and aggressively to arguments

Of course, a high level of intelligence is not determined by constant calm; even the most intelligent people get angry. But for a low IQ, aggression is literally synonymous with getting out of a situation that is not going according to their plan. When there is a feeling of lack of control of the situation according to their ideas, such people tend to use anger to prove their position.

Scientists from the University of Michigan in a study clearly showed the relationship between aggression and low IQ. In their final report, they stated: “We think that people with low IQs react aggressively from an early age. Such angry manifestations complicate the child’s mental and social development, leading to the appearance of certain disorders.”

The objectivity of IQ tests

The level of intelligence in a general sense demonstrates how broad a picture of the world is drawn in the thinking of an individual. The more extensive a person’s understanding of the structure of reality, the higher the IQ. In people with low intelligence, signs of a low level of intelligence are always insufficient abilities to learn and develop.

However, any IQ tests cannot be considered completely objective and accurately rank people by intelligence level. Testing is just one of the methods for determining intellectual capabilities. No less important is the analysis of human behavior, by which one can recognize the general level of thinking and intellectual capabilities of an individual.

Doesn't care about others' feelings

A reasonable person can put himself in the shoes of others, which allows him to understand their position. R. James of the University of Texas, in a study of 1,000 Americans, found that highly intelligent people often offer help without expecting anything in return. Therefore, scientists believe that the ability to take into account the needs of others makes smart people more likely to help.

“Individuals with advanced thinking abilities can understand other people’s feelings,” the study says. People with low IQ find it difficult to imagine that someone could have a different opinion, so they do not agree with him. In their minds, the idea of ​​doing something for someone else without expecting kindness is, to say the least, strange.

This is the norm!

Despite the instability of the indicator, the average level of intelligence for an adult of approximately 35 years was determined - this is an interval of 90–120 points. To determine the further direction of education of adolescents, IQ testing is often carried out at the age of 14. The average IQ at this age is 85 points. However, this is not the only criterion for a teenager’s mental abilities, but only allows one to understand which areas should be emphasized.

Here is a table with a generally accepted intelligence scale for adults:

  • <75 points – reduced;
  • 75–90 points – low;
  • 90–120 points – average (norm);
  • 120–130 points - above average;
  • >130 points – high.

Consider themselves the best

Intelligent people can help others without fear of being left in the shadows. They have a healthy level of confidence and intelligence necessary to accurately assess their competence. On the contrary, people with low intelligence tend to slander others in order to present themselves in a better light. According to scientists, prejudice is not a symptom of a good IQ.

In a study conducted at Brock University in Ontario, researchers found that “people with lower IQs often demand harsher punishments, are more homophobic, and are more likely to be racist.” According to biologists, the ability to cooperate has played an important role in the overall development of mankind. This suggests that one of the most important signs of IQ is the ability to work well with others.

What does IQ depend on?

It is important to remember that IQ does not determine intellectual abilities, but the speed of thinking processes. And they depend, to a greater extent, on the psychological qualities and physiological characteristics of a person.

To solve test tasks well, it is important for a person to:

  • be able to concentrate and have perseverance;
  • quickly analyze the text and highlight the main thing;
  • have a large vocabulary;
  • be fluent in spoken language;
  • possess logical thinking and spatial imagination.

Intelligence depends on heredity and social environment, with the contribution of genes, according to scientists, ranging from 40% to 80%. At different times, attempts were made to find the dependence of IQ on nationality, gender and other physiological data, but all of them were unsuccessful.

Statistics show that residents of developed countries have a higher average IQ. It is influenced by factors such as access to education, variety and quality of food, and level of medical care.

Intelligence levels change with age. The highest peak occurs around age 26, after which testing shows a decline in results.

Is it possible to increase the level of IQ? Good results are obtained by completing tasks to develop logic, memory, attention, and analytical thinking. To do this, you can solve crossword puzzles, play chess or poker, study foreign languages, read fiction, and study exact sciences.

Classical music, heavy and metal rock have a positive effect on the brain, which is confirmed by a number of studies. However, hip-hop and R'N'B, according to scientists, reduce the speed of thought processes.

The result of passing an IQ test largely depends on the person’s well-being. The level of intelligence decreases due to poor health, fatigue, excitement, and haste. To maintain high brain activity, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor the condition of the body.

Surprising Signs of Intelligence

However, according to expert research, there are other interesting factors that can show your intelligence goes beyond mediocrity. Find out how to understand that you have high intelligence; see if any of the amazing scientifically proven signs of a good IQ apply to you.

You are the firstborn

If you are the oldest child, congratulate yourself. A new study from the University of Edinburgh has found that first-born children score higher in IQ than their younger siblings. What connection could there be between first-born children and exceptional mental abilities?

Experts followed 5,000 children from birth to age 14, and assessed how the children read, write, and solve word problems and math problems every two years. Scientists have found that, despite the same emotional support provided to children by their parents, first-born children receive more tasks that help improve their thinking.

you are swearing

Most people associate swearing with a lack of mental ability and education, but, surprisingly, harsh language can sometimes indicate high intelligence. Scientists from Marist College in New York have emphasized the connection between "strong words" and IQ.

They asked volunteers to say (orally or in writing) as many words as possible from different categories, such as obscenities, animals, words starting with a certain letter. After evaluating the results, the experts learned that people who managed to write the most everyday concepts included more swear words in their lists.

Experts explain this in such a way that obscene words expand the vocabulary, and the correct use of a wide range of words is a sign of increased intellectual abilities.

Do you have the concept of black humor

The next sign of high intelligence in adolescents (usually 16-17 years old) and adults is the concept of black humor. A slightly distorted sense of humor, which not everyone understands, according to Austrian scientists in the field of psychology, indicates high intelligence. They asked more than 150 people to rate cartoons that included dark humor. Then they measured their verbal and nonverbal intelligence, mood swings, and aggressiveness. Participants who preferred the most vulgar jokes had higher levels of both types of intelligence and were less aggressive than people who preferred traditional forms of humor.

According to scientists, the reason is that the concept of a vulgar joke requires the use of all mental power, which not everyone can do. Dark humor is much more complex than a typical joke, so it requires good thinking skills to appreciate it.

Your mother suffered from nausea during pregnancy

Unpleasant nausea during pregnancy affects almost all expectant mothers, but its intensity may be an indicator of the intelligence of their children. Researchers from Toronto, Canada, studied expectant mothers during pregnancy and then their children after birth.

Experts found that the children of women who suffered the most from morning sickness during pregnancy later scored higher on IQ tests than the children of mothers who did not spend every morning cuddling the toilet.

Scientists have linked this phenomenon to maternal hormone levels, estradiol and prolactin. Women with morning sickness expose their babies to higher levels of these hormones, which can lead to increased fetal brain development.

You are an owl

Is the rhythm of an owl characteristic of you? In this case, according to a British study, you are smarter than people who prefer to live in accordance with the opposite rhythm (larks). During an 8-year study, experts observed 20,000 teenagers and came to interesting conclusions.

People who go to bed later than their peers are more intelligent and have higher IQs. Scientists believe that individuals with advanced mental abilities were able to change their natural circadian rhythm (more commonly known as the internal clock), causing them to go to bed earlier.

Our ancestors instinctively slept at night to avoid nocturnal predators, but smart, modern humans evolved on these risks, adapting to the night hours, which our ancestors could not do.

In order to increase IQ, you should not change your circadian rhythm. Enough training of the brain, memory, attention. Also, remember that most healthy people need at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

You are an introvert

You don't like the big city, you don't like going to parties, you feel uncomfortable in a crowded bar? These signs, characteristic of introverts, indicate increased intelligence. A British study that assessed 15,000 adults found that those with a high IQ score were less satisfied living in a densely populated area.

In addition, these people reported greater life satisfaction when spending less time socializing with friends than people with lower intelligence levels. Introverted thinking evolved along with evolution—our ancestors lived in tribes, and socialization was often necessary for survival, the researchers explained. But smart people probably went beyond "tribal support." This means that they can adapt to today's fast-paced society, regardless of their peers.

Your desk is a mess

Good news for clutter lovers. If you have a lot of different things on your desk that don't always have a use, you may be smarter than others. A chaotic environment, according to research from the University of Minnesota, supports creative thinking.

Factors influencing intelligence

The basis for the development of human mental abilities is made up of three main factors:

  1. Heredity. Genes are considered one of the main factors. It has been experimentally proven that in highly intelligent families, children grow up more developed than their peers. Indicators of memory, thinking, speech literacy and ability to concentrate are usually higher in such children.
  2. Environment. It is this that forms a person’s system of values, aspirations and goals. The ability to correctly choose your life task helps the intellect to develop to the proper extent.
  3. Race, gender and age. A number of studies confirm that some races exhibit signs of low intelligence to a much greater extent than others. So, for example, Europeans are, on average, smarter than people from Africa, and men are smarter than women. Age also affects intelligence - the peak development of mental abilities occurs around the age of 25. Later, with age, intelligence gradually fades away.

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