Characteristics of the liberal management style: its pros and cons

Each teacher uses a unique teaching style in his teaching activities. But is it so unique or can they be classified?

Teaching styles

Teaching style is an established system of pedagogical methods, techniques and means of implementing the teaching process. Each style reflects the pattern of relationships between the teacher and students, the method of self-regulation, communication style, and so on.

In pedagogy, there are 3 styles of communication between teacher and student. We will talk about them. Try to determine what type of teacher you are.

Why and for what purpose to use parenting styles

Parenting styles help establish order in the family and choose a strategy for behavior with the child. But what definitely won’t work is using one single style. Of course you can try. But does this make sense? Each parenting style has both pros and cons. And why not choose the best of them.

One style helps to improve the child’s relationships in society, the other teaches independence. And the choice to use a certain style (or several) of education is obvious. However, parents' opinions may differ. But one or another method must be used. And provided that parents know how to cooperate with each other, this will help to come to a unified approach to education. At the same time, using several types at once, you can find your own unique style, which most often happens. But you need to know the basic styles, their advantages and disadvantages.

What can liberalism lead to in education?

Thus, the liberal style of education most often leads to the appearance of “disliked” or uncontrollable children.
The most common are the following options for personality formation: an independent, purposeful, overly self-confident person who, unfortunately, may be distinguished by detachment from his own environment and society in general. Such a person never cares about others, does not think about their needs, and often does not understand how to show closeness to other people. These are loners in life who prefer to avoid people and do not want to participate in their lives, much less empathize with them or support them. People living outside the framework and laws accepted in society. They, as a rule, adhere to the principle of permissiveness and believe that they are not obliged to adhere to any norms of behavior. Very often such people can take the criminal path. They are distinguished by their inability to keep their word and rare irresponsibility.

Choosing a parenting style

All parents certainly want their children to be self-confident in the future, control their behavior, not avoid new situations and, for the most part, be in a good mood. It will be more difficult in life for those who are uncommunicative, afraid of unfamiliar events, trying to escape from them, while being in a sad mood. This happens in a person who has poor self-control and lacks self-confidence.

That is why psychologists recommend that those parents who strive to raise active, sociable and easily adaptable children maintain a balance between control and democracy in family relationships. Both styles must be used in optimal quantities. At the same time, adults must accept the child, as well as his interests, without trying to change them.

Authoritative style: features, consequences, recommendations

The authoritative style of raising children is one of the most common among modern families. Its essence lies in the fact that both parents and children live according to the same family laws. In families that adhere to such a development system, the elders are more loyal to the younger ones, parents listen to the opinions of their children in various everyday or life situations, everyone has the right to choose and vote. Everyone is always ready to help, there is no misunderstanding or tension in relationships, parents are open and happy to make contact with their children. A feature of the authoritative style is the complete absence of any hierarchy; all members of a small social group are equal to each other.

With an authoritative method of educating the individual, the child develops harmoniously; at a more mature age, his talents and characteristics manifest themselves more clearly than with other models of upbringing, and family ties with elders only become stronger. Children whose parents adhere to this model of upbringing grow up to be independent, sensitive, responsible, able to admit their own mistakes and take responsibility for them. They also clearly understand the essence of the concepts of “punishment” and “reward”; they are not familiar with physical (violent) punishment, but this does not mean that they are spoiled. When raising the next generation, such children will never be encouraged to simply and unnecessarily pampered.

Key characteristics of the authoritative style:

Spaces of freedom increase as the child grows and his behavior improves

They expand as a child can grasp them. Parents pay attention to the normal behavior of children, highlight exceptional ones, ignore minor mistakes, and correct and punish major deviations. The rules and goals are clear. This is a style that implies an appropriate emotional relationship. Parents are confident in themselves and are not afraid to communicate with their children, although they are not susceptible to blackmail. They are consistent, not arbitrary. They have patience.. Consequences of the personality formation of children raised in an authoritarian style:

Consequences of the personality formation of children raised in an authoritarian style:

  • High level of self-esteem and independence.
  • They have adequate habits.
  • They make decisions calmly and based on personal criteria.
  • They are less dependent on the peer group, maintaining a higher level of influence in the family and greater ability to persuade children.
  • They take the initiative to complete new tasks because they are confident in themselves.
  • Therefore, they are more creative and innovative people.

Psychologists recommend this model as one of the most suitable for education, because when following the rules of this system, the process of both the development of the child’s personality and the re-education and modeling of discipline in parents occurs, which is also one of the main aspects of raising children. The authoritative parenting style is especially suitable for those parents who are completely lost and do not know how to raise their child.

Characteristics of family parenting styles

14 February 2014 admin Home page » Pedagogy » Education

The topic “ Characteristics of family education styles ” is hotly discussed in the pedagogical literature. But we, parents, do not always think about how to educate and what impact our actions have on the development of the child. Let's think about it. After all, many of the negative consequences of family upbringing can be prevented by knowing the basic characteristics of parental behavior styles.

There are 4 main types of family education :

  • Conniving style (synonyms in other sources: indifferent, indifferent, guardianship, indifference);
  • Liberal (non-intervention; in some sources, the liberal style is equated with the laissez-faire);
  • Authoritarian (autocratic, dictatorship, dominance);
  • Authoritative (democratic, harmonious style, cooperation).

Parenting styles are used unconsciously by parents, but they cannot but exist. Lack of education is also a style.

Let's present the characteristics of each style in the form of a table, where the first column will describe the actions of parents, and the second will describe the behavior of children as a result of using the style .

Permissive style and its characteristics

Parental behavior (R.)Children's behavior (D.)
Parents (R.) unconsciously demonstrate a cold attitude towards the child, indifferent to his needs and experiences. R. do not set any restrictions for children; they are exclusively interested in their own problems. R. are convinced that if their child is dressed, shod and fed, then their parental duty is fulfilled. The main method of education is carrot and stick, and immediately after punishment, encouragement can follow - “as long as you don’t yell.” R. often demonstrate a two-faced attitude towards others. In public, R. shows boundless love and trust for their child, emphasizing his merits and justifying his pranks. They develop the child only because they want to get the maximum benefit from it. Such R. like to repeat: So what, I was like that myself and grew up to be a good person. Permissive style keywords: Do as you please! (D.) left to their own devices. Alone they are forced to deal with their little problems. Not cared for in childhood, they feel lonely. D. rely only on themselves, showing distrust of others, and have many secrets. Often D. are two-faced, like their parents, they demonstrate servility, flattery, fawning, they like to lie, sneak and brag. Such children do not have their own opinions, do not know how to make friends, sympathize, or empathize, because they were not taught this. There are no prohibitions or moral standards for them. The learning process for D. is not important, what is important is the end result - a mark that they sometimes try to cry out, defend, and challenge. D. are lazy, do not like work, either mental or physical. They make promises but don’t keep them; they are undemanding to themselves but demanding of others. They always have someone to blame. Self-confidence in older age borders on rudeness. The behavior of D. indifferent R. is problematic, which gives rise to constant conflict situations.

Liberal style and its characteristics

Parental behavior (R.)Children's behavior (D.)
In contrast to the permissive style, liberal parents (R.) deliberately put themselves on the same level as the child, giving him complete freedom. There are no rules of behavior, prohibitions, or real help that a little man needs in a big world. R. mistakenly believe that such upbringing creates independence, responsibility, and contributes to the accumulation of experience. R. do not set goals for education and development, leaving everything to chance. The level of control is low, but the relationship is warm. R. completely trust the child, communicate easily with him and forgive pranks. The choice of a liberal style may be due to the weakness of R.'s temperament, their natural inability to demand, lead, and organize. They either do not know how or do not want to raise a child and, moreover, absolve themselves of responsibility for the result. Key phrase: Do what you think is necessary. D. liberal parents are also left to their own devices. When they make mistakes, they are forced to analyze and correct them themselves. As adults, out of habit, they will try to do everything alone. D. is likely to develop emotional detachment, anxiety, isolation and distrust of others. Is D. capable of such freedom? The formation of personality in this case largely depends on the environment outside the family. There is a danger of D.'s involvement in asocial groups, since R. are unable to control their actions. Most often, in liberal families either irresponsible and insecure D. grow up, or, on the contrary, uncontrollable and impulsive. At best, D. of liberal parents still become strong, creative, active people.

Authoritarian style and its characteristics

Parental behavior (R.)Children's behavior (D.)
Parents with an authoritarian style demonstrate a high level of control and cold relationships. R. have clear ideas about what their child should be like and achieve the goal by any means. R. are categorical in their demands, uncompromising, any initiative or independence of the child is suppressed in every possible way. R. dictate the rules of behavior, they themselves determine the wardrobe, social circle, and daily routine. Methods of punishment and a commanding tone are actively used. R. like to justify themselves by saying that “I was also punished, but I grew up to be a good person,” “The egg doesn’t teach the chicken!” At the same time, R. strive to give their child all the best: clothes, food, education. Everything except love, understanding and affection. Authoritarian style keywords: Do as I want! D. experience a lack of parental affection and support. They are well aware of all their shortcomings, but are not confident in themselves and their strengths. D. often has a feeling of his own insignificance, a feeling that his parents do not care about him. A personality with a weak self is formed, incapable of contact with the outside world. The results of an overly demanding upbringing: either passivity or aggressiveness. Some children flee, withdrawing into themselves, while others struggle desperately, releasing thorns. Lack of closeness with parents causes hostility and suspicion towards others. Often D. of authoritarian parents run away from home or commit suicide, finding no other way out. Discovering the tyrant in yourself in time and not ruining the child’s life is the primary task of authoritarian parents.

Democratic style and its characteristics

Parental behavior (R.)Children's behavior (D.)
Warm relationships and high control are the optimal conditions for upbringing, according to psychologists. Democratic parents talk with their children, encourage initiative, and listen to their opinions. They coordinate the child's activities and set rules taking into account his needs and interests. R. recognize D.'s right to freedom, but demand discipline, which forms D.'s correct social behavior. R. are always ready to help, nevertheless cultivating independence and responsibility. R. and D. cooperate, act on equal terms, authority, however, remains with the adult. The democratic style can be called the “golden mean”. Key words: I want to help you, I listen to you, I understand you. The democratic style forms a harmonious type of personality, which is, as we remember, the main goal of modern education. D. grow up to be independent, proactive, reasonable, and self-confident people. These may not be ideal children, but they listen to comments and try to control their behavior. D. often become excellent students and leaders in the team. By raising children in a collaborative manner, parents also invest in their future. Such D. will cause a minimum of trouble, and as adults, they will be a support for the family.

Probably, after familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of styles , you have a question: “How can this be? We don’t use any of these styles in our family!” or “In our family, all styles have a place!” or “Our family has an individual parenting style!” And you'll be right. Family parenting styles are not always applied by parents in their pure form. For example, in some families, cooperation can sometimes border on indifference, dictate on non-interference, depending on the situation.

Chaotic alternation of styles , inconsistent actions of parents speak of chaotic upbringing. Conversely, parents can overdo it with care, and then cooperation develops into overprotection. In some sources you can find descriptions of judicious and competitive styles, but they, again, can be considered as variants of the main 4 styles .

So how should you raise children? the democratic style alone is not always effective, although in terms of personal development it is certainly the best.

The choice of family education style primarily depends on the personality of the children and parents, on family traditions and moral principles. The upbringing conditions of the parents themselves leave a huge imprint. How many parents - so many opinions. What do you think about this?

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Authoritarian parenting theory

This style implies a complete dictatorship. The child is kept under very strict control, so to speak, “with a tight rein”, prohibiting almost everything that can bring him joy.

If you imagine the “carrot and stick” method, then in this style of authoritarian education there is no carrot at all, only a stick. In fact, the only thing parents do is punishment, which the child is terribly afraid of.

This method has always caused heated debate among educators, dividing scientists into two camps. In the first, they proved that this brings positive results, developing obedience, integrity and organization in the offspring. The latter, on the contrary, spoke out categorically against the authoritarian type of education, explaining this by the fact that such children grow up with certain mental disorders and a completely suppressed will.

So what can actually be identified as the positive and negative sides of this method?


A boss who lets the work process take its course risks “earning” a negative attitude from both the team and senior management.

A liberal management style is usually associated with a manager’s negligent attitude towards work and causes negative associations. For some companies, however, a laissez-faire management style is optimal. This choice of leadership style is most justified when working with teams of people in creative professions: designers, illustrators, and so on. In this case, constant control and strict requirements only interfere with the work process. A liberal manager rarely makes proposals, but also rarely refuses if an employee shows initiative, so many ideas and creative plans can be implemented without hindrance.

To successfully work in a company whose boss has chosen a liberal management style, an employee must have the following professional qualities:

  • responsibility for assignments,
  • independence to make decisions,
  • responsibility and initiative.

The leader of such a team shifts all the rights and responsibilities onto the shoulders of the employees, maximally relieving himself of responsibility for the work process and its results, so you must be ready to take it upon yourself.

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A manager who has chosen a liberal management style will also not help with advice or otherwise interfere in the work process, so employees will have to make independent decisions, relying only on their professional skills and experience. A liberal manager also rarely offers fresh ideas, so if an employee is interested in his professional development and the growth of the company, he will be forced to take initiative, show patience and perseverance. The liberal manager himself must always have a “back-up plan” in case he does not come to the rescue in time and the team cannot cope with the task on its own; in this case, as a manager, he is obliged to think through ways of retreat and minimize the company’s losses.

A liberal leader can also be compared to a conductor, a mediator between his superiors and his subordinates. He waits for instructions from above in order to convey them to the team, showing a minimum of personal initiative. In this regard, he must not only understand the requirements presented well, but also be able to convey them to his subordinates without losing their meaning. It is also useful for a manager who has chosen a liberal management style to be able not to lose face in communication with subordinates, to be able to organize work so that he is not accused of inaction.

Style #3: Democratic

A democratic leader is a part of a general mechanism. He has established a connection with his subordinates, there is trust and mutual assistance in the team. Responsibility is distributed evenly between the boss and the team. Decisions are made collectively, employees support each other, there is no competition or grounds for serious conflicts between them. Staff are not afraid to speak openly with their boss, ask for advice, or admit to a mistake.

A democratic leader maintains warm relationships with subordinates not only during joint work, but also when the employee has already left the company. Therefore, following such a leader, employees often move from one organization to another, sometimes as a whole team. Everyone benefits from this: the manager does not need to select a new team and re-build trusting relationships, and the team itself has long worked with each other and acts as a single organism.

How does it harmWhy it's useful
Dishonesty of subordinates.
Some employees may take their manager's kindness for granted and neglect their work, knowing that there will be no significant punishment for doing so.
Because of mutual respect and human relations towards each other, the employee will be loyal to the manager for a long time.
High demands on a leader.
A democratic leader must have well-developed not only professional, but also psychological skills. He constantly has to catch the mood of the team and take timely measures to avoid the dismissal of talented workers, prevent conflicts or restore discipline in the team.
Because of the trusting relationship with the team, the manager knows the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. This knowledge is useful in distributing tasks and solving them effectively.
Slow decisions.
The more people working on a task, the longer it will take for decisions to be made on the project. This can make work difficult because, as a rule, a team is working on several projects at the same time.
A democratic boss is a proponent of collaborative discussions, where each team member has the opportunity to express an opinion and take initiative. At general meetings, the team shares their knowledge and ideas, and a goal and understanding of the task are formed. After this, the task is delegated to the one who can handle it better.
Personal effectiveness.
If the result of the overall work brought bad results, then the employee will think that it was the team that did something wrong, and not that he failed the team in some way. Personal responsibility should not be completely excluded, otherwise the employee will not analyze the mistakes he has made and think about developing his own effectiveness.
General responsibility.
The team is built on mutual assistance and close communication with each other. Each employee is responsible not only for his part of the work, but for the result as a whole. Responsibility for achievements and failures is shared between the leader and his subordinates.

The democratic leadership style is the golden mean between authoritarian and permissive methods, but it also has its drawbacks. When it comes to conflicts or crisis situations, a leader must be able to show firmness and act at his own discretion.

In democratic management, the manager is part of the team and the vertical of power is not clearly visible, but even in this style of management it is important to define boundaries. For example, agree in advance with subordinates that there is no place for personal relationships at work, but in an informal setting this is possible.

What parenting styles are used by parents?

As you know, experts distinguish four styles of parenting:

  • authoritarian style (characterized by excessively strict control on the part of parents, suppression of the child’s initiative and will);
  • democratic style (characterized by a partnership with the child, division of powers, trust and soft control);
  • permissive style (characterized by non-interference in the child’s affairs, excessive freedom and lack of control on the part of parents);
  • chaotic style (characterized by the absence of a clear line of parental behavior, unsystematic and inappropriate actions in relation to one situation).

It is believed that the best parenting style is democratic. But it's not that simple. After all, a child is not a robot with a given program, a child is a small personality with his own needs, characteristics and requests, so it is impossible to use only one style. Each child needs an individual approach.

Liberal democratic style

The liberal democratic style is characterized by the ability of subordinates to express and insist on their opinions. Such an opinion must be discussed in the team.

The leader listens to the opinion of the majority. His position can be expressed by the phrase “first among equals.”

Decisions in such a team are made in accordance with the opinion of the majority. The leader, even if his position is different from the position of the majority, retreats and agrees with the opinion of the team.

More parenting styles:


It is also called “inconsistent”. This style is characterized by the absence of a unified approach to education. Such an educational style can be formed due to: parents’ lack of experience, uncertainty, and inconsistency in the actions of adults.

All this leads to uncontrollable emotional reactions - swearing, screaming, crying, unreasonable punishments that do not correspond to the situation of “lisping” with a child. As a result, the child becomes uncontrollable and emotionally vulnerable.

In this case, one of the basic needs of the individual is neglected - the need for clear boundaries, rules, stability and orderliness in the surrounding world. In a child, this situation alternately causes anger, irritation, anxiety, and guilt, which often leads to social maladjustment.

In this parenting style, children explore the world around them under the protection of their parents. Parents believe that children need to be told about what they need and can explore. They are responsible for protecting their child in his learning process. This method focuses on creativity, empathy and responsibility.

Recommendations for parents: Parents should learn to control their actions. This principle of education is not bad if it has at least some boundaries. It is still worth using some methods in education. This will make the task easier for parents and make the child’s childhood calm.


In this case, this style is called indifferent. There is generally no control on the part of parents, as well as the relationship itself. Adults do not pay any attention to their children at all, do not engage or communicate with them. And there are no restrictions. This attitude on the part of the parents arises due to the fact that they are hostile towards their children. All this comes from their psychological trauma.

Recommendations for parents: Parents of this type of upbringing, or rather relationship, need to try to realize that their child is not to blame, and even more so, does not deserve such an attitude towards himself, despite the fact that bad things happened in the parents’ lives. This is your new life, try to give your baby what you missed so much in childhood.


It means that when it comes to parenting, you are likely to follow your intuition or outlook on life. Using this style, parents try to raise their children the same way they once raised themselves. They try to follow the same logic and rules that were applied to them in childhood. Very often this option brings the best results, especially if the parents were raised with dignity at one time. There is no point in worrying about your child not getting something. Most likely, the baby, on the contrary, will grow up to be a very well-mannered, balanced child. Because maternal intuition is very strong.

Recommendations for parents: sometimes you shouldn’t rely on intuition alone. It's better to have an idea of ​​what methods exist. But whether to use them or not is up to everyone.


This method involves the use of common sense based on strong family foundations and principles. At the same time, children grow up in a loving, warm, supportive, caring and positive atmosphere based on respect and trust. Parents develop their child's worldview and build their child's self-confidence to prepare them for life's unexpected circumstances.

Advice for Parents: A parent's role is to guide and inspire their children to believe in themselves, to control their own destiny and not to follow someone else's tune. It is believed that with this style of parenting, children have the best prospects for developing a positive mental attitude, good character traits, productive life skills, positive self-esteem and a happy and prosperous life.

Sometimes the relationship between parenting style and behavior can be very weak. And sometimes it's the other way around. However, it still exists and sometimes it is very useful to use educational methods in the family. The main thing to remember is that there is no ideal parenting style that will help you give your child everything that he and you dream of. But the child’s future depends only on you, so learn to analyze your behavior and what would be appropriate in any situation.

Authoritative or democratic parenting style

In its pure form, the democratic style of education is considered the most optimal. Children raised in this style grow up psychologically healthy, developing harmoniously and entering adulthood without fear.

Authoritative parents tend to encourage the child’s initiative and independence, exercising invisible control over his life. In democratic families, parents discuss their interests with their children, analyze their actions and find solutions together.

From childhood, a child is accustomed to discipline and respect for people and their work, therefore they trust him and do not limit his freedom. At the same time, each violation of the rules entails discussion and certain consequences: if you didn’t clean up after yourself, you were left without a tablet.

But, unlike the authoritarian parenting style, the child does not feel bad - he only realizes that he broke a rule and was responsible for his action. It will never occur to him that they began to love him less after that.

The only downside to the authoritative parenting style is that it is quite rare. Nevertheless, parents, like all living people, tend to get tired, nervous, sick and have circumstances that do not allow them to pay enough attention to their child.

However, if you adhere to democratic views in raising children, then you are on the right track, and your children have every chance of becoming happy and successful adults.


  1. Since the child’s freedom is elevated to an absolute level, and his needs and desires are always satisfied, such children are very spoiled. And if inside the family with its attitudes this can somehow be solved, then outside - in kindergarten, school - personal freedom turns out to be a not very pleasant side for both those around them and the children themselves.
  2. The absence of any prohibitions can ultimately play a cruel joke on the child. Solid rules for kids are like beacons by which they navigate; they must be immediately identified. Children raised in a liberal style do not understand that freedom is, first of all, responsibility; they do not know how to be demanding of themselves, and they themselves suffer from this. Such children are emotionally unstable and, when faced with prohibitions, can respond with aggression, hysterics, and sometimes become depressed from the “imperfection of the world.”
  3. The conviction that “everyone is obliged to accept and love me” is crushed by severe disappointment. Demanding exclusive treatment, children face harsh opposition and experience difficulties in communication.
  4. Growing up, a boy or girl turns out to be infantile, irresponsible, and completely unadapted to the realities of life. They think that solving their problems is the job of others. Often such young people cannot complete their education and in adulthood still live with their parents (which is not always fun for the latter, since the invasion of their personal space by grown-up children does not cause delight).
  5. Natural disobedience, which arises from the lack of boundaries and punishments, becomes a subject of trade. Does it bother Dad that I play catch while he's working? Let him give you some candy. Moreover, over time, the stakes grow, and sweets are no longer enough.
  6. Confidence in one's own uniqueness gives rise to inflated expectations from life for the most ordinary actions. For example, a child may think like this: after all, I go to these boring lessons every day, for this alone I should be given an A. As adults, such people will expect a promotion for simply going to work every day, and a diamond ring for cooking.

Find a balance between styles

Separately, none of the ways to lead will become a “magic pill” and will not solve the issue of management once and for all. As a rule, this is a balance of all three styles, each of which is needed at a specific moment and for a specific area of ​​business.

The democratic style is suitable for daily interaction with subordinates. The authoritarian style is needed when a significant and urgent project is being prepared; when discipline in the team sag or the quality of work decreases. The liberal style is suitable if the team consists of self-organized and creative people, for example: designers, developers, copywriters.

According to Li Yiting, a professor of human resources management at the Graduate Business School of the University of Navarra, employees know how to be loyal to their leader, but to do this, you need to meet them halfway. There must be a healthy coexistence between the boss and his team, there must be a connection between them. The main recommendation is to listen to your employees and control not the entire process, but only the result of their work. Then adjust the “settings” if you need to improve the performance.

Often the reason for an employee’s poor performance, procrastination and burnout lies not in the fact that the person works hard, but in the fact that he is busy with something other than his own business. When a manager gives an order, he should understand how realistic the task is, the timing of its completion, and how correctly the manager related the task and the employee to whom he assigned it.

Providing freedom and supervision

Authoritative parents ensure that their children get the freedom they need, but also monitor their situation. They do not allow their children complete freedom, since complete freedom may allow them to be derailed from their goals or distract them, however, for minor decisions and some actions, they give a certain degree of dependence.

For example - Your child wants to go to a party with his friends. You ask him about the meeting location, what time he will be back, and whether drinks will be involved (since you wouldn't allow an underage child to drink). If you feel something is unusual, ask his older siblings or one of your family members or your neighbors to keep an eye on him while he is away.

Disadvantages of authoritarian parenting

Lack of individuality. As a child, a person lives the life of his authoritarian parents, and not his own. Growing up, he knows nothing about himself: what he is like, what he wants, what he dreams about and what he is interested in. With an authoritarian style of work as a teacher, there is no individuality in the classroom: all children are practically the same, with similar thinking and views, as well as a fear of expressing themselves.

Low self-esteem. A person who is constantly criticized and shamed usually does not grow up with a good opinion of himself.

It is important for a child to be told from childhood that he is good and loved, then everything will be fine with self-esteem.

Deviant behavior. Girls from authoritarian families often grow up shy and timid

The situation with boys is different: they rebel, defending their right to an independent life. This often results in aggressive behavior, addiction to bad habits, theft, and self-harming behavior.

Dependence on the opinions and behavior of other people. The child is constantly afraid of doing something wrong: saying, dressing, deciding, choosing. Because he is worried that he will be judged, as they do in the family. As a result, he cannot express himself, communicate confidently and calmly with other people, especially with those older than him. He often does not have his own point of view, because he was not allowed to do so at home, and becomes a conformist: he accepts the views that those around him currently accept. So he can easily fall under the influence of destructive teenagers, afraid to express his opinion.

Not being able to say the word “no”. In the family, no one listens to the child; he is not allowed to refuse anything. Growing up, a person often has to stand up for himself. But a child from an authoritarian family cannot do this. Therefore, various problems arise: from the inability to refuse to work extra time without pay to your boss and getting married without love, to taking drugs just because you couldn’t say “no.”

Lack of initiative. An ideal performer grows up who is ready to do whatever he is told. But in the modern world, in order to live successfully, it is important for a person to be noticed; sometimes it is necessary to take the initiative.

Neuroses and mental illnesses. A person who grew up under constant psychological pressure has practically no opportunity to grow up mentally and neurotically healthy.

Your psychologist. The work of a psychologist at school.

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Communication with the teacher.

A child of primary school age is highly emotionally dependent on the teacher. The so-called emotional hunger - the need for the positive emotions of a significant adult, and the teacher is just such an adult - largely determines the child’s behavior. The teacher’s communication style with children determines their behavior in the classroom during lessons, in the playroom and in other places designated for activities and entertainment.

During the lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to influence the class and each child individually through those accepted forms that are prescribed by the traditions and rules of the school. Typically, the teacher stands in front of the students in the class, and the children must sit and listen to the teacher as he explains. The teacher walks between the rows and controls the work of everyone when the children write, count, draw, etc. The teacher is busy in the lesson implementing a work plan for teaching children. Despite all the uniformity of the external aspects of a teacher’s work in the classroom, a number of typical styles of his influence on students can be identified.

The imperative (authoritarian) style requires unconditional, strict obedience, which is why it is called the rigid style. The child is given a passive position: the teacher seeks to manipulate the class, putting the task of organizing discipline at the forefront. He subordinates children to his authority in a categorical form, does not explain the need for normative behavior, does not teach them how to manage their behavior, and applies psychological pressure.

The imperative style places the teacher in an alienated position from the class or individual student. Emotional coldness, which deprives a child of intimacy and trust, quickly disciplines the class, but causes in children a psychological state of abandonment, insecurity and anxiety. This style contributes to the achievement of educational goals, but separates children, as everyone experiences tension and self-doubt.

The imperative style deprives the child of the opportunity to realize his responsibilities and rights as a schoolchild, suppresses initiative and does not develop the motivation to purposefully manage his behavior. Children whose behavior is regulated by an imperative style, left in the classroom without teacher supervision and without the skills to self-regulate behavior, easily break discipline.

The imperative leadership style speaks of the teacher’s strong will, but does not bring love and calm confidence to the child in the teacher’s good attitude towards him. Children fix their attention on the negative manifestations of an authoritarian teacher. They begin to fear him. All experiences associated with the sharp forms of manifestations of an adult sink into the child’s soul and remain in his memory for the rest of his life.

The imperative style of communication between an adult and a child in its extreme expression is anti-pedagogical and therefore unacceptable in the practice of public education of children.

The democratic style provides the child with an active position: the teacher strives to put students in a cooperative relationship when solving educational problems. At the same time, disciplined behavior does not act as an end in itself, but as a means to ensure successful work.

The teacher explains to children the meaning of normative, disciplined behavior, teaches them to manage their behavior, organizing conditions of trust and mutual understanding.

The democratic style puts the teacher and students in a position of friendly understanding. This style evokes positive emotions in children, self-confidence, gives them an understanding of the value of cooperation in joint activities and provides joy in achieving success. This style unites children: gradually they develop a feeling of “We”, a sense of involvement in a common cause. At the same time, it is this style that emphasizes the special importance of personal activity - everyone wants to carry out the teacher’s task himself, to discipline himself.

The democratic style does not exclude alienation as a temporary method for the teacher to work with the class. But this is precisely a temporary element of work against the background of mutual goodwill. This style involves the inclusion of all children in control of the general order. It is designed to ensure the activity of the child’s position and moral attitudes, gives him the opportunity to understand his rights and responsibilities, and involves the development of motivation for purposeful management of his behavior. The democratic style creates favorable conditions for the successful development of targeted discipline and educational motivation. This style provides the experience of self-government with the motive of creating and maintaining a valued environment - the working state of the entire class. Children brought up in conditions of a democratic style of communication, left in the classroom without the supervision of a teacher, try to discipline themselves.

The democratic leadership style speaks of the teacher’s high professionalism, his positive moral qualities and love for children. This style requires great mental stress from the teacher, but it is precisely this style that is the most productive condition for the development of the child’s personality. It is under conditions of a democratic leadership style that a child develops a sense of responsibility.

The liberal-permissive (anti-authoritarian) style is condescendingly weak and allows for connivance that is harmful to the child. This is a layman's style. Lack of professionalism prevents the teacher from ensuring discipline in the classroom and efficiently organizing the educational process. This style does not ensure the joint activity of children - normal behavior is simply not organized, children behave to the best of their upbringing, dragging even the disciplined along with them. This style does not provide children with the opportunity to experience the joy of joint activities; the educational process is constantly disrupted by willful actions and pranks. The child is not aware of his responsibilities.

The liberal-permissive style of communication between an adult and a child is anti-pedagogical and therefore unacceptable in the practice of public education of children.

So, the imperative style controls discipline, but distorts the development of the child’s personality. The democratic style requires greater professional skill to organize discipline, but is the only acceptable one for nurturing the positive qualities of a child’s personality while organizing his cognitive activity. The liberal-permissive style, although it does not overload the child emotionally, does not provide him with positive conditions for personal development.

Most often, teachers use the imperative or democratic style.

The imperative style is characterized by the teacher's aloof position in relation to children. Without feeling emotional closeness with his teacher, the child unconsciously seeks to compensate for the unfulfilled need for positive emotions. As soon as, in the child’s opinion, the opportunity arises to turn to his desk neighbor or someone else, he immediately begins communication on any occasion. Tension of willpower that is not encouraged by adults quickly tires and exhausts the child; he unconsciously strives to relieve negative tension. However, the vigilant eye of the teacher takes the violator of discipline by surprise. The teacher makes a remark and punishes the child.

Researchers observed teachers with different communication styles and studied the types of punishment children receive for disciplinary violations. It turned out that teachers with an imperative communication style make more comments, diary entries, and rate behavior as a “2”; more often they place the child at a desk, at the blackboard, or in a corner; more often they say offensive words to the child, etc. Teachers with a democratic communication style never tug at the child’s ear or exert physical influence on him. They make oral comments, looking sternly at the child who violates discipline, but, most importantly, they work with the class, organizing it for educational activities, creating cognitive interest.

It was found that children give different answers to the question “Why do you follow the rules of conduct in class?” depending on the style of communication with them by their teacher.

The imperative style of communication generates, first of all, a response that reflects the child’s well-being: “I’m afraid that...” The child is afraid of the teacher; he is afraid that the teacher “will shout”, “will call names”, “will scold”, etc. This style helps the teacher maintain discipline in the class, but it is unproductive in terms of nurturing the child’s personality. The child develops negative reflection - the ability to correlate his behavior with subsequent results and the desire to extract maximum benefit from this foresight for himself. The child tries to behave in such a way that the teacher does not see his lack of discipline; he acts on the sly.

The democratic style of communication primarily generates motives for maintaining a good relationship with the teacher, motives for educational activities, and cooperation with the entire class. The child begins to feel embarrassed about the remark because it is a shame to break the rules. He wants his teacher to love him, his parents to be happy with him, and his classmates to treat him well. He begins to strive to follow the rules, because this is his responsibility, giving him the opportunity to exercise the right to silence during the lesson. An experienced teacher will not tell a child: “Get up! You're behaving badly! He will say differently: “Who is stopping the class from working? Who is depriving us of the right to silence?” In this case, the child's behavior is assessed primarily from the point of view of his attitude towards others. The good behavior of everyone is interpreted as the key to the success of everyone. The democratic style develops attitudes towards positive reflection - the ability to correlate one’s behavior with subsequent results and the desire to structure one’s behavior in such a way that it helps the work of the entire class, the teacher and the child himself.

The teacher's communication style influences the child's activity. We will consider three types of child activity: physical, mental and social.

Physical activity is the natural need of a healthy, developing body to move, exercise and overcome all kinds of obstacles. Physical activity in childhood is a prerequisite for the child’s mental development.

The tone of a child, his need for tireless movement, his dexterity are indicators of health and the potential development of his psyche. A healthy child strives to move and enjoys physical activity. At the same time, he is curious and inquisitive. He craves knowledge about the world around him. The physical and mental activity of a child are in close interaction: a cheerful, healthy child is mentally active, a tired, exhausted child is no longer interested in anything.

Mental activity is the need of a normally developing child to understand the surrounding life: the objective world of nature, human relationships. In addition, mental activity includes the child’s need to know himself. All types of mental activity are carried out through reflection - a form of mental activity aimed at understanding the actions of other people and one’s own efforts.

Children of primary school age have a difficult time at school. It is difficult for them to subject themselves to new rules. Perhaps one of the most difficult rules is to sit quietly. The teacher considers his primary task to be the organization of discipline in the classroom, forgetting that children frozen in immobility are not the ideal of order. A passive child sits motionless for a long time and has little vitality. It is quite difficult for an active deskmate with a violent temperament to fulfill this requirement.

How can you help your child get used to the rules that he must follow? Communication styles with a child organize his physical well-being in the classroom in different ways.

Democratic style implies the teacher's complete focus on the state of the class and each individual student. Numerous studies have shown the great importance of so-called physical education minutes, games, dances and movements to music, included in the content of the lesson.

The child's desire to be disciplined should be rewarded with the right to rest. All types of familiar movements for the child are relaxation after intense inactivity.

The imperative style disciplines the class primarily in terms of submission to the externally established order - children do not speak and sit motionless. This style, as we have already discussed, alienates children from the teacher. It is difficult to imagine six or seven year old children who will joyfully take advantage of a teacher’s offer to jump and dance to music if they do not immediately trust him. They will, of course, jump, but their fun will be forced, not releasing tension.

Special studies have shown that the communication style that is characteristic of a teacher determines the measure of a child’s success in educational activities. Depending on the teacher’s style of communication with the class and with an individual child, the performance and success of cognitive activity and the child’s mental activity change.

The democratic style carries a call for cooperation and cognitive activity. Normativity, expressed in a form of confidential communication about the current educational task that is attractive to the child, organizes his attention and makes his memory and thinking work. A child, being in a state of mental comfort, turns to mental exercises with pleasure. He works on the task with pleasure, strives to answer and is upset when the teacher calls on someone else to answer.

The imperative style makes it difficult to cooperate and organize cognitive activity, since forced normativity does not allow naturalness in communication. The child, of course, works and solves problems proposed by the teacher. He also reaches out his hand to answer. But here additional motives appear that compete with cognitive motives. In need of emotional support from the teacher, the child seeks praise in itself as compensation for the tension arising from the teacher's communication style.

Research has shown that only a democratic style of communication creates conditions for the development of a child’s mental activity. Over the same period of time, the same children remember more easily, think better, and fantasize in conditions of a democratic style of communication than in conditions of an authoritarian style. The democratic style gives freedom of cognitive activity; the child is not afraid to make mistakes when solving a given task. This style helps the child even when he is forced to practice actions that primarily require volitional regulation from him. Although writing elements of letters and numbers does not require great cognitive independence and does not contain conditions for intellectual interest, the teacher, using democratic style techniques, successfully organizes this activity of the child.

An expression of trust on the part of the teacher unites the children into a single whole - “We are the class.” When a class works, each student strives to be worthy of this common community.

The social activity of a junior schoolchild at school is manifested in behavior aimed at maintaining and fulfilling the rules that are mandatory for the student, in an effort to help his peers fulfill these rules. The child’s social activity develops along with his mental activity, when, under the guidance of an adult, the child’s self-awareness is revealed.

During childhood, physical health is of utmost importance. It is physical activity that determines the success of the development of mental and social activity. The fact is that an adult who has lost physical activity can have mental and social activity, confronting the ups and downs of life. The child must be initially healthy. A child’s physical activity will largely determine his progress mentally and personally. The social activity of a child of primary school age depends on a number of conditions, and above all on the style of communication.

Source: Mukhina V.S. “Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence”

Article on the topic Methods of family education

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Family influence

What are the features of raising children at home? They are directly dependent on many factors. If we consider the ideal option, then mom and dad, brothers and sisters, as well as loving grandparents should be near the baby. The process of raising children in a large, friendly family leads to the fact that they certainly grow up to be self-confident people, capable of solving assigned tasks and adhering to traditional spiritual values.

However, life often makes its own adjustments. One of the peculiarities of raising children in single-parent families is the lack of male influence. This is an extremely negative factor. It is worth noting that the father’s role in raising a child is quite high.

His presence is important not only for boys, but also for girls. A mother in a single-parent family needs to provide her child with an example of positive male images

In addition, the baby must have the opportunity to observe and communicate with his grandfather, uncle or older brother.

Sometimes a preschooler has both parents, but no brothers or sisters are expected to be born. These families have their own characteristics of raising a child. The main common mistake parents make in this case is excessive care and guardianship over their child. An only child often grows up to be an infantile person with inflated self-esteem. Subsequently, it becomes difficult for such a person to establish normal relationships with his peers, spouse and work colleagues. Parents raising an only child in the family should remember these dangers. To prevent narcissism and selfishness from becoming the main character traits, psychologists recommend creating certain conditions for raising children.

At the same time, it is important that such children always have communication with a group of peers. But it is worth keeping in mind that the best way to avoid the development of narcissism and selfishness is the birth of a brother or sister

There are a lot of problems in raising children in a family. After all, the features of this process are changeable and sometimes simply unpredictable. The fact is that throughout life, various circumstances, the financial capabilities of the family and the health of its members change.

At the same time, it is important for parents to use practical pedagogy and find an individual approach to their child. This will help overcome the difficulties of upbringing

But at the same time, we should not forget that the behavior of parents and their attitudes aimed at the child makes a significant contribution to the formation of the growing personality. This type of influence is called parenting style. Let's look at this in more detail.

Family and child development

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In preschool childhood, the child, due to his initial dependence, does not oppose the adult, but, first of all, learns to adapt to him as a natural condition of existence. When does a child begin to declare his “selfhood”, when he begins to oppose himself to others, asserting “I myself!”, “I will!”, “I will not!”, “I want!”, “I don’t want!” , adults naturally change their ways and raise their style of communication with the child to an adult manner. Of course, this happens gradually, following the developing “self” of the child and its individual manifestations, indicating ongoing changes in communication.

Family communication During the period when a child begins to go to school, the new social situation in which he finds himself leads to the fact that the style of communication that has developed in the family with the child acquires new nuances.

The authoritarian style, which implies strict leadership, suppression of initiative and coercion, finds its justification in the need to subject the child to school discipline. Shouting and physical punishment are a typical form of expression of an adult's power over a child. At the same time, love for the child is not excluded, which can be expressed quite expressively. In such families, either insecure, neurotic people grow up, or aggressive and authoritarian people - in the likeness of their parents. At school, these personality traits appear in relationships with peers.

The liberal-permissive style implies communication with the child on the principle of permissiveness. Such a child does not know any other relationship except for asserting himself through the demands of “Give!”, “Me!”, “I want!”, whims, demonstrated grievances, etc. Connivance leads to the fact that he cannot develop into a socially mature personality. What is missing here is the most important thing that is necessary for the proper social development of a child - an understanding of the word “need”. In such a family, an egoist is formed who is dissatisfied with the people around him, who does not know how to enter into normal relationships with other people - he is conflictual and difficult. At school, a child from such a family is doomed to fail in communication - after all, he is not accustomed to giving in, subordinating his desires to common goals. His social egocentrism does not allow him to normally master the social space of human relations.

One of the variants of the liberal-permissive style in the family is overprotection.

The overprotective style initially deprives the child of independence in physical, mental and social development. In this case, the family completely fixes its attention on the child: due to the possible threat of an accident or serious illness; due to the desire to compensate for one’s failures with the child’s future successes; because of the assessment of their child as a child prodigy, etc. In such a family, parents dissolve in the child and devote their entire lives to him. Voluntary sacrifice neuroticizes parents; they begin to hope for their child’s gratitude in the future, without seeing gratitude in the present; they suffer, not realizing that they are raising an infantile, insecure, also neurotic person, completely devoid of independence. Such a child constantly listens to his feelings: does his “head,” “tummy,” or “neck” hurt? Diminutive names for parts of his body will remain in his vocabulary for a long time and will evoke an ironic attitude from his peers. And infantile and dependent behavior will deprive him of the opportunity to communicate with them on equal terms. He will take a subordinate position, finding himself a patron among his classmates.

A value-based attitude towards a child with high reflection and responsibility for him is the most effective parenting style. Here the child is shown love and goodwill, they play with him and talk about topics that interest him. At the same time, they do not put him on his head and ask him to take others into account. He knows what “should” is and knows how to discipline himself. In such a family, a full-fledged person grows up with a sense of self-esteem and responsibility for loved ones. At school, a child from such a family quickly gains independence, he knows how to build relationships with classmates, maintaining self-esteem and knows what discipline is.

The listed communication styles in the family, despite all their differences, have one thing in common - parents are not indifferent to their children. They love their children, and the parenting style is often continuous, passed down in the family from generation to generation. Only a family that has the ability to reflect on the child’s characteristics consciously seeks the most effective style of individual upbringing. Of course, the culture of family education should develop in families and achievements in this area should be passed on to future generations. After all, in our time there are so many opportunities to learn and advance in this regard.

An analysis of parenting styles will be incomplete if we do not indicate another style that is not at all aimed at education. We are talking about alienated relationships in the family.

An aloof relationship style implies a deep indifference of adults to the child’s personality. In such a family, parents either “do not see” their child, or actively avoid communication with him and prefer to keep him at a distance (psychological distance). The disinterest of parents in the development and inner life of the child makes him lonely and unhappy. Subsequently, he develops an aloof attitude towards people or aggressiveness. At school, a child from such a family is unsure of himself, neurotic, and experiences difficulties in relationships with peers.

The described styles of relationships towards a child in the family show how thorny the path of a developing child’s personality is. In real life everything is still more complicated than in any classification. Several styles of relating to a child may be present in a family at the same time: father, mother, grandparents may conflict with each other, each defending their own style, etc. In addition to the styles of relationships addressed directly to the child, his upbringing is unconditionally influenced by the style of relationships between adult family members.

The style of family relationships, of course, determines the style of raising a child. A serious social problem is aggressive relationships in the family, when aggression is directed at each member. There are many reasons for cruelty: mental instability of adults; their general dissatisfaction with life, family relationships, and work status; lack of mutual love between spouses, their alcoholism and drug addiction; just lack of culture; betrayal. Mutual fights, beating the mother, beating the child - this is the main background of the life of an aggressive family. Intrafamily aggression entails the formation of an aggressive personality type in the child. He learns to secure his place in the sun with obscene language, fists, aggressive attacks, and sadistic antics. Such a child does not know how to adapt to regulatory requirements; he does not want to obey the rules of behavior in public places and at school. Already at the age of six or seven, he provokes the teacher, strives to bring him to an extreme state of indignation with his behavior, and in the heat of the moment he can shout swear words, roll on the floor, and attack his classmates. In the classroom, a child from an aggressive family does not know how to find a place for himself. He lags behind in development, cannot prepare himself for learning - it is difficult for him, incomprehensible, uninteresting. He already understands that he is “different”, that he has already fallen behind, and takes revenge for this. This is truly a socially neglected child. A child from a dysfunctional family has the right to special attention - after all, sometimes it turns out that he does not even realize how kind and beautiful human relationships can be.

Thus, having touched on the possible living conditions of a small schoolchild in a family, we saw how small the probability is for a child to live in ideal family conditions, where adults understand the peculiarities of his mental and personal development. Only normal, mentally healthy, loving parents provide the child with a sense of security, trust and conditions for a normal existence.

Parental antagonism and aggression, which most often arise from alcoholism, drug addiction and subsequent general degradation of the family, are dangerous. Alcoholization of the family arises as a result of the pathological tendency of adults to alcohol or the negative traditions of drunken drinking that exist in the immediate environment. It influences the social behavior of people, and as a result - low labor discipline in all sectors; aggressive behavior towards others, etc. All this is observed and accepted (appropriated) by children. In such conditions, they get used to the fact that drunkenness and drunken fights are the norm.

In addition to the problems associated with the developmental conditions of a child in a complete family, there are problems of raising a single-parent family or an adopted child.

An incomplete family is a family where one of the parents, most often the father, is missing. Children from single-parent families, as a rule, are more vulnerable and complex than children from complete families. In an incomplete family, the mother is often neuroticized by her social status as a divorced woman or single mother. Indeed, it is difficult to maintain peace of mind when a grown-up child begins to stubbornly wonder where dad is or who dad is. Even an acceptably balanced woman who has formed a good emotional relationship with her child begins to lose her mental balance when confronted with her child’s direct questions. Although in our time the legal status of single mothers is completely protected and public opinion is quite loyal to them, the essence of their psychological status remains very, very complicated: the mother does not have psychological support from the child’s father, she has no one to share responsibility for her baby with. She puts all the problems on her shoulders. The result is a deprived child, a deprived mother. Such a mother cannot be balanced: she either caresses her baby, or takes out her frustration on him for an unsettled, dysfunctional life. Maternal instability creates in the child a feeling (or confidence) that his birth is undesirable. Meanwhile, the child needs a close friend - a man (this could be his grandfather, uncle, someone else from close or distant relatives; maybe a good friend of his mother's). It is important that an adult man establish a friendly, trusting relationship with a child and not betray this relationship or confuse it with his relationship with his mother. Both boys and girls need an adult man as a friend - after all, the child’s correct gender identification will only be achieved if he has the opportunity to compare the roles of men and women.

There is a separate, very relevant problem in our time - the new pope. A man marries a woman out of his heart and love. Marriage is a free union of two people. But if a man offers his hand and heart to a woman with a child, then he bears responsibility for this child. An adult has life experience, endurance, intelligence. A child at such a tender age as six, seven, eight years old has little experience, he is vulnerable, anxious, and jealous. He was already suffering because of the quarrels of his divorcing parents or because of his absent father and the mystery of his birth. The child may begin to defend himself - he is so unsure of himself, he is so afraid of an uncertain future with the “new uncle”.

Communication with the teacher.

A child of primary school age is highly emotionally dependent on the teacher. The so-called emotional hunger - the need for the positive emotions of a significant adult, and the teacher is just such an adult - largely determines the child’s behavior. The teacher’s communication style with children determines their behavior in the classroom during lessons, in the playroom and in other places designated for activities and entertainment.

During the lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to influence the class and each child individually through those accepted forms that are prescribed by the traditions and rules of the school. Typically, the teacher stands in front of the students in the class, and the children must sit and listen to the teacher as he explains. The teacher walks between the rows and controls the work of everyone when the children write, count, draw, etc. The teacher is busy in the lesson implementing a work plan for teaching children. Despite all the uniformity of the external aspects of a teacher’s work in the classroom, a number of typical styles of his influence on students can be identified.

The imperative (authoritarian) style requires unconditional, strict obedience, which is why it is called the rigid style. The child is given a passive position: the teacher seeks to manipulate the class, putting the task of organizing discipline at the forefront. He subordinates children to his authority in a categorical form, does not explain the need for normative behavior, does not teach them how to manage their behavior, and applies psychological pressure.

The imperative style places the teacher in an alienated position from the class or individual student. Emotional coldness, which deprives a child of intimacy and trust, quickly disciplines the class, but causes in children a psychological state of abandonment, insecurity and anxiety. This style contributes to the achievement of educational goals, but separates children, as everyone experiences tension and self-doubt.

The imperative style deprives the child of the opportunity to realize his responsibilities and rights as a schoolchild, suppresses initiative and does not develop the motivation to purposefully manage his behavior. Children whose behavior is regulated by an imperative style, left in the classroom without teacher supervision and without the skills to self-regulate behavior, easily break discipline.

The imperative leadership style speaks of the teacher’s strong will, but does not bring love and calm confidence to the child in the teacher’s good attitude towards him. Children fix their attention on the negative manifestations of an authoritarian teacher. They begin to fear him. All experiences associated with the sharp forms of manifestations of an adult sink into the child’s soul and remain in his memory for the rest of his life.

The imperative style of communication between an adult and a child in its extreme expression is anti-pedagogical and therefore unacceptable in the practice of public education of children.

The democratic style provides the child with an active position: the teacher strives to put students in a cooperative relationship when solving educational problems. At the same time, disciplined behavior does not act as an end in itself, but as a means to ensure successful work.

The teacher explains to children the meaning of normative, disciplined behavior, teaches them to manage their behavior, organizing conditions of trust and mutual understanding.

The democratic style puts the teacher and students in a position of friendly understanding. This style evokes positive emotions in children, self-confidence, gives them an understanding of the value of cooperation in joint activities and provides joy in achieving success. This style unites children: gradually they develop a feeling of “We”, a sense of involvement in a common cause. At the same time, it is this style that emphasizes the special importance of personal activity - everyone wants to carry out the teacher’s task himself, to discipline himself.

The democratic style does not exclude alienation as a temporary method for the teacher to work with the class. But this is precisely a temporary element of work against the background of mutual goodwill. This style involves the inclusion of all children in control of the general order. It is designed to ensure the activity of the child’s position and moral attitudes, gives him the opportunity to understand his rights and responsibilities, and involves the development of motivation for purposeful management of his behavior. The democratic style creates favorable conditions for the successful development of targeted discipline and educational motivation. This style provides the experience of self-government with the motive of creating and maintaining a valued environment - the working state of the entire class. Children brought up in conditions of a democratic style of communication, left in the classroom without the supervision of a teacher, try to discipline themselves.

The democratic leadership style speaks of the teacher’s high professionalism, his positive moral qualities and love for children. This style requires great mental stress from the teacher, but it is precisely this style that is the most productive condition for the development of the child’s personality. It is under conditions of a democratic leadership style that a child develops a sense of responsibility.

The liberal-permissive (anti-authoritarian) style is condescendingly weak and allows for connivance that is harmful to the child. This is a layman's style. Lack of professionalism prevents the teacher from ensuring discipline in the classroom and efficiently organizing the educational process. This style does not ensure the joint activity of children - normal behavior is simply not organized, children behave to the best of their upbringing, dragging even the disciplined along with them. This style does not provide children with the opportunity to experience the joy of joint activities; the educational process is constantly disrupted by willful actions and pranks. The child is not aware of his responsibilities.

The liberal-permissive style of communication between an adult and a child is anti-pedagogical and therefore unacceptable in the practice of public education of children.

So, the imperative style controls discipline, but distorts the development of the child’s personality. The democratic style requires greater professional skill to organize discipline, but is the only acceptable one for nurturing the positive qualities of a child’s personality while organizing his cognitive activity. The liberal-permissive style, although it does not overload the child emotionally, does not provide him with positive conditions for personal development.

Most often, teachers use the imperative or democratic style.

The imperative style is characterized by the teacher's aloof position in relation to children. Without feeling emotional closeness with his teacher, the child unconsciously seeks to compensate for the unfulfilled need for positive emotions. As soon as, in the child’s opinion, the opportunity arises to turn to his desk neighbor or someone else, he immediately begins communication on any occasion. Tension of willpower that is not encouraged by adults quickly tires and exhausts the child; he unconsciously strives to relieve negative tension. However, the vigilant eye of the teacher takes the violator of discipline by surprise. The teacher makes a remark and punishes the child.

Researchers observed teachers with different communication styles and studied the types of punishment children receive for disciplinary violations. It turned out that teachers with an imperative communication style make more comments, diary entries, and rate behavior as a “2”; more often they place the child at a desk, at the blackboard, or in a corner; more often they say offensive words to the child, etc. Teachers with a democratic communication style never tug at the child’s ear or exert physical influence on him. They make oral comments, looking sternly at the child who violates discipline, but, most importantly, they work with the class, organizing it for educational activities, creating cognitive interest.

It was found that children give different answers to the question “Why do you follow the rules of conduct in class?” depending on the style of communication with them by their teacher.

The imperative style of communication generates, first of all, a response that reflects the child’s well-being: “I’m afraid that...” The child is afraid of the teacher; he is afraid that the teacher “will shout”, “will call names”, “will scold”, etc. This style helps the teacher maintain discipline in the class, but it is unproductive in terms of nurturing the child’s personality. The child develops negative reflection - the ability to correlate his behavior with subsequent results and the desire to extract maximum benefit from this foresight for himself. The child tries to behave in such a way that the teacher does not see his lack of discipline; he acts on the sly.

The democratic style of communication primarily generates motives for maintaining a good relationship with the teacher, motives for educational activities, and cooperation with the entire class. The child begins to feel embarrassed about the remark because it is a shame to break the rules. He wants his teacher to love him, his parents to be happy with him, and his classmates to treat him well. He begins to strive to follow the rules, because this is his responsibility, giving him the opportunity to exercise the right to silence during the lesson. An experienced teacher will not tell a child: “Get up! You're behaving badly! He will say differently: “Who is stopping the class from working? Who is depriving us of the right to silence?” In this case, the child's behavior is assessed primarily from the point of view of his attitude towards others. The good behavior of everyone is interpreted as the key to the success of everyone. The democratic style develops attitudes towards positive reflection - the ability to correlate one’s behavior with subsequent results and the desire to structure one’s behavior in such a way that it helps the work of the entire class, the teacher and the child himself.

The teacher's communication style influences the child's activity. We will consider three types of child activity: physical, mental and social.

Physical activity is the natural need of a healthy, developing body to move, exercise and overcome all kinds of obstacles. Physical activity in childhood is a prerequisite for the child’s mental development.

The tone of a child, his need for tireless movement, his dexterity are indicators of health and the potential development of his psyche. A healthy child strives to move and enjoys physical activity. At the same time, he is curious and inquisitive. He craves knowledge about the world around him. The physical and mental activity of a child are in close interaction: a cheerful, healthy child is mentally active, a tired, exhausted child is no longer interested in anything.

Mental activity is the need of a normally developing child to understand the surrounding life: the objective world of nature, human relationships. In addition, mental activity includes the child’s need to know himself. All types of mental activity are carried out through reflection - a form of mental activity aimed at understanding the actions of other people and one’s own efforts.

Children of primary school age have a difficult time at school. It is difficult for them to subject themselves to new rules. Perhaps one of the most difficult rules is to sit quietly. The teacher considers his primary task to be the organization of discipline in the classroom, forgetting that children frozen in immobility are not the ideal of order. A passive child sits motionless for a long time and has little vitality. It is quite difficult for an active deskmate with a violent temperament to fulfill this requirement.

How can you help your child get used to the rules that he must follow? Communication styles with a child organize his physical well-being in the classroom in different ways.

Democratic style implies the teacher's complete focus on the state of the class and each individual student. Numerous studies have shown the great importance of so-called physical education minutes, games, dances and movements to music, included in the content of the lesson.

The child's desire to be disciplined should be rewarded with the right to rest. All types of familiar movements for the child are relaxation after intense inactivity.

The imperative style disciplines the class primarily in terms of submission to the externally established order - children do not speak and sit motionless. This style, as we have already discussed, alienates children from the teacher. It is difficult to imagine six or seven year old children who will joyfully take advantage of a teacher’s offer to jump and dance to music if they do not immediately trust him. They will, of course, jump, but their fun will be forced, not releasing tension.

Special studies have shown that the communication style that is characteristic of a teacher determines the measure of a child’s success in educational activities. Depending on the teacher’s style of communication with the class and with an individual child, the performance and success of cognitive activity and the child’s mental activity change.

The democratic style carries a call for cooperation and cognitive activity. Normativity, expressed in a form of confidential communication about the current educational task that is attractive to the child, organizes his attention and makes his memory and thinking work. A child, being in a state of mental comfort, turns to mental exercises with pleasure. He works on the task with pleasure, strives to answer and is upset when the teacher calls on someone else to answer.

The imperative style makes it difficult to cooperate and organize cognitive activity, since forced normativity does not allow naturalness in communication. The child, of course, works and solves problems proposed by the teacher. He also reaches out his hand to answer. But here additional motives appear that compete with cognitive motives. In need of emotional support from the teacher, the child seeks praise in itself as compensation for the tension arising from the teacher's communication style.

Research has shown that only a democratic style of communication creates conditions for the development of a child’s mental activity. Over the same period of time, the same children remember more easily, think better, and fantasize in conditions of a democratic style of communication than in conditions of an authoritarian style. The democratic style gives freedom of cognitive activity; the child is not afraid to make mistakes when solving a given task. This style helps the child even when he is forced to practice actions that primarily require volitional regulation from him. Although writing elements of letters and numbers does not require great cognitive independence and does not contain conditions for intellectual interest, the teacher, using democratic style techniques, successfully organizes this activity of the child.

An expression of trust on the part of the teacher unites the children into a single whole - “We are the class.” When a class works, each student strives to be worthy of this common community.

The social activity of a junior schoolchild at school is manifested in behavior aimed at maintaining and fulfilling the rules that are mandatory for the student, in an effort to help his peers fulfill these rules. The child’s social activity develops along with his mental activity, when, under the guidance of an adult, the child’s self-awareness is revealed.

During childhood, physical health is of utmost importance. It is physical activity that determines the success of the development of mental and social activity. The fact is that an adult who has lost physical activity can have mental and social activity, confronting the ups and downs of life. The child must be initially healthy. A child’s physical activity will largely determine his progress mentally and personally. The social activity of a child of primary school age depends on a number of conditions, and above all on the style of communication.

Source: Mukhina V.S. “Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence”

Article on the topic Methods of family education

Liberal style

Liberal (or indulgent) parents give their children too much freedom and do not hold them accountable for their actions. Typically, in such families, children have the rights of adults, but few responsibilities. No norms of behavior are imposed on the child; balanced independent decisions and self-control are not required or expected from him. Liberal parents play a leading role in the relationship with the child; they do not adhere to traditional methods of education, do not show strictness and try to avoid any confrontation and conflicts. Therefore, indulging parents raise dependent, emotionally immature (infantile) children who behave poorly and are responsible for their actions. Liberal parents are usually overprotective of their children, always open to communication with them, and are often perceived by the child not as parents, but as friends.

Parents who practice a liberal parenting style value their child highly, consider his weaknesses excusable, trust the child’s opinion, and are not inclined to prohibitions, restrictions and control.

Main characteristics of the style

Liberal parents:

  • do not impose any rules and norms of behavior on the child;
  • the rules of conduct they establish are often inconsistent;
  • show care (often excessively) about the child and openly demonstrate love for him;
  • often act more like friends than parents;
  • may try to “bribe” the child with toys and gifts to behave well.


Children of liberal parents:

  • characterized by a lack of self-discipline;
  • sometimes they lack social skills;
  • can be selfish and demanding of others;
  • often lack self-confidence due to a lack of boundaries and guidance.

Liberal parenting style: pros and cons

A recent study found that permissive parenting styles increased the likelihood of underage drinking and drug use; Teenagers raised in liberal environments are three times more likely to become alcoholics than their peers. Research also points to a strong relationship between permissive parenting styles and poor school performance, as parents show little interest in their children's education and do not engage in discussions with them about various topics. Other negative consequences include sleep disturbances and a lack of security.

Unmet psychological needs result in children not being able to fully participate in society, which impedes their social development, self-esteem and positive self-esteem.

Read more → Indifferent

Article tags:

parenting styles

  • Liberal and indifferent parenting styles and their consequences for children
  • First love: joy or trauma for life?


For staff

  • This type of leadership encourages anarchy. Or dividing the group into subgroups. In such cases, an informal leader necessarily appears who seizes power rather than being appointed by management. And depending on his personal characteristics, the general mood and effectiveness of the entire team depends.
  • Not every person is able to withstand freedom of action. Therefore, there is a risk that if a conflict arises, the participants will not be able to cope with it on their own, which is why the entire planned action plan will be at risk.
  • Lack of praise can reduce motivation to act, since it is important for everyone to feel important. But the problem is that some people need it excessively, and it is important for them to receive it from the outside, since they do not know how to focus on their own feelings. Why can they unconsciously create a tense environment, seeking recognition from colleagues, even committing sabotage?

For the company

  • Disadvantages also manifest themselves in the form of passivity and relaxation of employees due to the lack of control over their activities. Without fear of reprimands and reprimands from superiors, for one simple reason - the liberal type of leadership simply does not accept them and does not include them in its list of functions. Employees allow themselves to take work issues lightly and perform their duties poorly.
  • Often a leader chooses a liberal position only because he does not know how to cope with conflicts and regulate them. Then it becomes safer for him to isolate himself from the process, relieving himself of responsibility for the consequences. And this leads to the fact that the company simply fails, because, in this case, let’s say, it was important, on the contrary, to show character and get involved in the process, strictly controlling the actions of subordinates.
  • Due to lack of motivation, the speed of work completion is significantly reduced, which may delay the delivery of the project.
  • The outcome of the project mainly depends on the ambitions and development aspirations of the group of people involved in the work. If they don’t care about career advancement, much less the reputation of their company, then they will “give all their best” accordingly. For example, entrusting the construction of a high-rise building to a foreman and the conscientiousness of the workers, there is a risk of getting an emergency structure.


Examples of the fact that sometimes the liberal style is harmful are such a successful corporation as Coca-Cola. She lost most of her income because, having fired lower-level employees, managers stopped participating in the activity, believing that this would help increase productivity.

But it turned out to be the opposite, and subsequently I had to put in a lot of effort and spend time to recover.

Liberal style of pedagogical communication

The liberal style of a teacher has many similarities with the liberal upbringing of a child, since the goal in both cases is the same - the development of certain traits.

This style does not involve familiarity, distance must be maintained, this is a mandatory rule. But the liberal style of the teacher implies respect for the student, the absence of condescension and disdain.

The result of the liberal style of pedagogical activity is the formation in the student of respect for himself and, as a result, for others, as well as an understanding of his responsibility and the significance of the decisions made.

The advantages of a liberal communication style are always respect and perception of a person as an equal, seeing in him potential and the ability to think and make decisions independently.

This statement is true in relation to leadership, teaching, raising children and any interpersonal relationships.

Liberal-permissive style

The liberal-permissive style is fundamentally different from the liberal leadership style. With connivance, we are talking about the fact that the leader is completely indifferent to what exactly and how exactly his subordinates are doing.

This style will inevitably lead to disaster and, at a minimum, the dismissal of the manager.

Thus, if the basis of the liberal style is the belief in the independence and responsibility of a person, but the basis of the liberal-permissive style is indifference towards a person and the results of his work.

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