How to recognize intuition: signals of intuition and how to learn to use them

What is human intuition?

Information for those who are interested in the concept of intuition and what it is in philosophy. Ancient thinkers discussed this phenomenon, each of them offering their own explanation. Generally speaking, this is the ability to penetrate into the essence of an event and gain deep knowledge of how to act. Occurs as a result of accumulated experience, sensuality, emotionality or the ability to think deeply.

Intuition is a word that appeared in our language from Latin, from “intuitio”, literally - contemplation. Plato considered it an insight that appears after intense mental activity. Feuerbach attributed intuition exclusively to the emotional sphere and believed that it was in no way interconnected with logical processes.

Intuition in rationalist psychology, according to Descartes, was considered nothing more than a clear and transparent reason, not taking into account imagination and feelings. But he, in their opinion, is capable of capturing the subtlest patterns of our world, but again, without the participation of logic.

Another meaning of this word, intuitiveness, is simply a natural instinct. It was this statement that Henri Bergson relied on when creating his theory of “creative evolution.” In his understanding, intuition is presented as a vital force that opposes reason and even reason.

Henri Bergson

Researchers of our time have made an attempt to create computer intuitive thinking. Artificial intelligence is capable of generating insights, like humans, without logical reasoning. But behind this ability are megawatts of information and logical algorithms embedded in its memory. A machine can provide “intuitive” answers to questions, but only after extensive training and “experience.”

Intuition in psychology

Psychological science considers intuition as overcoming the boundaries of the conscious, rejecting stereotypes based on logical conclusions. The first among the classics of psychology to deal with the problems of intuition was K.G. Jung. In his theory of the collective unconscious, he outlined ideas that describe and explain intuitive processes.

The psychologist believed that intuition is closely related to the emotional sphere, a person’s feelings, and is a reflection of his thinking. He considered the main condition for the development and use of the capabilities of intuition to be the rejection of stereotypical thinking, excessive intellectualization and the desire to logically predict the outcome of processes.

Different psychological concepts have their own view of intuition:

  • in psychoanalysis it is perceived as a truth that is not subject to logical explanation, but gives relief to the soul, capable of healing emotional wounds;
  • from the point of view of archetypal theory, intuition is a set of unconscious collective and archetypal knowledge. Throughout life, a person constantly compares them with reality, and when they coincide, he receives an intuitive answer;
  • The dialectical-materialistic approach to the issue of intuition explains it as a consequence of a person’s constant replenishment of the reality in which he resides, about all its properties and manifestations.

The psyche stores this knowledge in the unconscious and uses all or only part of it spontaneously, bringing information to the surface.

What kind of intuition is there?

Since the concept as such does not have an exact formulation and everyone uses their own interpretation of such a phenomenon as intuition, at least some kind of classification is necessary. Therefore, it is customary to use a division into types, as well as methods of using the so-called sixth sense.

They use intuition in different areas of life:

  • In everyday life, the so-called common sense;
  • In scientific and mental activity - artistic intuition;
  • In the inventive sphere - technical;
  • In professional activities - professional.

There are also types of intuition:

  • Intelligence based;
  • Based on sensuality;
  • Based on emotions;
  • Based on mystical premonitions;
  • Based on professional skills.

How to develop your intuition

Developing your intuition and beginning to understand it is the main key to achieving your goals. But to do this, you first need to learn to understand and listen to the subconscious.

First, to develop intuition, you need to increase your self-esteem. A person who is unsure of himself and his actions will in any way look for opportunities to ask other people for advice and will indulge them in every possible way. And only a confident person will completely trust himself and his thoughts. Good self-esteem is the basis for the process of developing intuition. Don't be afraid to listen to your thoughts and follow them.

The next step is faith in intuition, without which it is difficult to develop it. And don’t forget to learn to ask the right questions to your intuition - clear, meaningful and preferably in an affirmative form.

For example, if you want to know whether your proposed project will be approved at work, mentally say: “My project will be approved.” Next, you just have to listen to your feelings and thoughts, they will help you find the true answer and develop your abilities.

To develop intuition, try using your left hand instead of your right hand if you are right-handed when performing daily actions: writing, typing on the phone, brushing your teeth. This exercise will improve the functioning of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition.

How does intuition work?

Of course, I want to know what intuition depends on in order to master this skill at will. After all, “tamed” intuition can open up unimaginable prospects for humanity. However, this miracle is only available to a select few people. Why can some people foresee events or understand the essence of things, while others fail to do so?

Most often, this term refers to the ability to draw correct conclusions based on previous experience in similar situations. It is this type that researchers pay attention to first of all, as the most understandable and explainable phenomenon. At the same time, the size of the experience is crucial; the larger it is, the more often insights occur. Here is an example of hand-to-hand combat. During a fight, a fighter has no time for analysis and reflection, and intuitive flashes occur instantly.

Can you trust intuition that is based on feelings?

  • To answer this question, they give an example of an experiment on a group of people. They were asked to choose cards from two proposed decks with a blue and a green back. At the same time, sensors were attached to their hands, and for certain cards, the subjects received a monetary reward or gave it away.
  • The green deck had fewer “lucky” cards, but the participants in the experiment did not know this. After some time, they began to understand what was wrong and came to the right conclusions using logic. But the essence of the experiment was that people guessed this on a subconscious level before they could realize it. This is evidenced by the indicators of humidity and pulse sensors. An intuitive person has increased and developed attention; he observes his own feelings and makes the right choice, without realizing the process itself.
  • Human intuition can be of a mystical nature. It is considered the most interesting and mysterious. According to researchers, this is the most irrational way to receive information from above. The ability to come into contact with the information field or God, as you prefer to call it. In this case, the process cannot be explained as in previous cases. It is this type of intuition that is called providence and clairvoyance.

Brilliant musicians, artists and other artistic people are subject to such spontaneous contact with higher powers. Many of the greats said that they did not invent their works themselves, but heard or saw them in their visions or in dreams. Probably, Mendeleev with his periodic table can also be considered an example of such mystical insight.

Male intuition is less common due to the fact that men are more rational and less emotional. Their sensuality is less “pumped up”. Therefore, they are less likely to experience insights in everyday life, but developed intuition in the professional sphere is as common as in women. It just has a slightly different form, more rational and down-to-earth.

Empathy and intuition are not always related to each other. This again depends on the type of intuition. The ability to penetrate into other people's emotions and take on their burden may affect the sensual and emotional form of the sixth sense, but will not have any significance for the intellectual and professional one.

Intuition and its meaning

Do you know what the future holds for you? Which solution will be optimal for you in a given situation? Do you feel how the person you like treats you?

In fact, everyone has an answer to such questions. We know much more about ourselves and the world around us than we think. But for many of us, this information remains useless - we are not aware of it and are not ready to use it.

Why does this happen and where to look for it? The answer lies in the structure of our psyche.

Consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness

Our personality has a complex structure. In psychology, it is usually divided into three components. These are consciousness, subconscious and unconscious.


- processes of our psyche that we can easily understand and realize in everyday life. These are thoughts and feelings that are in the area of ​​attention. For example, at the moment you know that you like this or that person, that you want to eat and that you prefer to read books rather than go to the cinema.


- something that we do not understand and are not aware of at the moment, but with a certain effort, engaging in a kind of self-research, we can see. That is, these are poorly conscious processes, but if we pay attention to them, they can be recognized. An example would be beliefs and ideas that have already been internalized, and you don’t need to think about them all the time, but you take them into account: “stealing is wrong,” “money is earned by working,” or even not so important: “porridge tastes better with milk than with water.” .


- mental processes that we cannot understand without special techniques or the help of a specialist simply by an effort of will, and which cannot be controlled by the individual. An example can also be beliefs, but deeper ones, learned in early childhood, childhood impressions received before the development of consciousness, up to about 2-4 years.

What is intuition?

Intuition is our connection with unconscious parts of the personality, a “straight line” with ourselves.

Consciousness is like the tip of the iceberg, which has the least influence on our actions and decisions. Basic information, impressions, as well as our beliefs and stereotypes, life rules and the like, lie in the subconscious and unconscious.

Often the answers to important questions are found there, and not in the mind. And if intuition is not developed, then it is difficult for us to make a decision, we doubt for a long time, and are not sure of our own choice.

If you have developed intuition, there is no need to doubt what is the right thing to do, there is no need to go to fortune-tellers and psychics, or ask the question “what is mine is not mine.” You yourself will feel what is yours and what is not.

How does intuition manifest itself?

Sometimes you just feel what needs to be done, don't you? You feel something. For some reason, you want to go down a certain path, do things in a certain order, although from a logical point of view there is no difference. This is intuition. There is no mysticism in its manifestations. It’s just that it relies on all the information that your psyche has, and not just on what is visible to you.

Everyone has intuition. And it manifests itself even when you suppress it and don’t listen to it. It happens that you act under the influence of an internal impulse, without realizing yourself, you simply act on some inner call, do something that you cannot help but do.

When you feel something, listen to yourself. When you are asked about something and you answer: “It seems to me...”, you are often talking about an intuitive feeling.

Attitude to intuition

Each of us has heard in response to our own “it seems” - “when it seems, we need to be baptized.” In our country we are accustomed to rejecting what cannot be seen, the intangible. It was impossible to control and therefore they were afraid of it. And they defended themselves as best they could - with cynical sayings, denial, and ridicule. This attitude has largely been preserved in our time.

Often - and this applies not only to Soviet times, but also to the modern education system - this subtle part of our nature is broken in childhood. When a child at school begins to talk about something that he cannot explain, he is forced to give a rationale - this is the essence of teaching.

The education system has a very negative impact on our connection with the subconscious also because it evaluates. It is necessary to learn a lesson, come and answer correctly, competently. Intuition does not help here, because explanation and logic are required. And people begin to live with their heads. And if it’s easier for men, for women it sometimes turns into a disaster.

The role of intuition for women

Intuition is largely a feminine quality. In the system of relationships in a couple, intuition is the “sixth floor”, which comes after security, desires, money, love and creativity. And usually a woman is responsible for this floor. If order has been established at the previous levels of relationships, then intuition opens up as a more subtle sphere.

Moreover, in fact, every person has access to intuition. There are intuitive men, and they are usually creative and versatile. But for a woman, communication with her inner world is especially important.

It is a woman with developed intuition that a man, the world and herself need. If intuition is developed, there is no need to look for an external guide, a guide, there is no need to expect care and support from other people, since intuition gives it. Such a woman listens and knows herself well, does not “hang” on a man - she has inner support and confidence.

Don't confuse intuition with thoughts

Intuition can be recognized, it has its own language. It is not something supernatural, it is something that is within you, you just need to access it.

Intuition does not come through endless thinking. Thinking and intuition are different things. There is a distance between what we think and what we feel. When you think from the point of view of common sense, from any benefits that are clear to your mind, but not to your inner self, which is indifferent to them, when you begin to think about your steps - this is logic. If you start thinking about your choice - the pros, cons, benefits for yourself, then you stop listening to your intuition.

Logical thinking and reason are, of course, necessary qualities that need to be developed. But their importance should not be exaggerated. Even if we concentrate on our intellectual development, we will never be able to fully understand our entire personality, all the information, all the nuances of our own psyche. And intuition, unlike logic, has access to everything that we have, and more. And all this is open to us - if we have a connection with intuition.

Don't confuse intuition with fear

You should also distinguish intuition from fear and doubt. Fear serves to protect us; it protects us from troubles - fictional or real. And intuition calls forward to possibilities.

At the moment when you start to see the “mine is not mine” swing, ask yourself how you feel in this situation? If the answer is: fear, doubt, tension - this is not intuition.

Intuition always knows what is best for you, your subconscious will not let you down, it does not have such a task. His goal is for you to live the best life, the best opportunity for you at the moment. And intuition pushes you in the right direction.

How to access your intuition

To develop intuition, use less logical language. Don't say: "I think", say: "I feel!" In this case, you will not need to logically explain to yourself what this means. Essentially, through “I feel” you open the door to an intuitive state. When you say “I feel,” you also won’t have to explain anything to others.

The moment you understand where intuition lives, what language it speaks, how it manifests itself, where it is kept alive, you have the opportunity to establish contact with it.

If you are a woman, then, using similar language, you can more easily convey some advice to your man. When you say “I think,” you become his opponent, since he thinks and you think. Offer him your perception in the language of intuition. Say: “You know, I feel like it would be better to do it this way.” But here, too, do not confuse intuition with fear when you say: “Darling, I feel you don’t need to go there, it’s dangerous.” Through this you transmit fear.

At the same time, most men have no need to develop intuition; for them, the fact that life can be explained by feelings is some kind of mystery. They do not understand that it is possible to feel not just “warm-cold”, “pleasant-unpleasant”, but to feel life, the future, and so on.

But in fact, it wouldn’t hurt for them to listen to themselves a little more, either.

Intuition training

The easiest way to train intuition is to work with time.

You may have noticed that there are people who can tell you what time it is without looking at their watches, and sometimes very accurately. They usually have strong intuition. And it can be trained like this.

If you are wondering what time it is, don't look at the clock, but try to guess what time it is. Try to set yourself up and wake up at the right time (by setting your alarm 10 minutes later to be on the safe side). Try to do something with the expectation that you will complete it within a certain period of time, for example 30 minutes or 2 hours. And try to meet this time without looking at the clock.

This way you can train your sense of time and sensitivity in general.

Vadim Kurkin

Signs of developed intuition

Almost all of us actually have this ability, which is called social intuition. It is thanks to her that we can interact with society and the world around us. However, there are especially gifted people who have a heightened sense of what is happening and the ability to draw the right conclusions before their minds turn on. Women often have strong intuition. Even Einstein recognized the importance of the sixth sense.

People who have highly developed intuition have distinctive qualities:

✔️ They see vivid, rich dreams that resemble reality. The plot of dreams can be fantastic, but the emotions are quite real. After an event experienced in a dream, a person wakes up with a desperately beating heart and one thought or emotion, which is the key knowledge.

✔️ For example, a woman can foresee a divorce several months before it happens. At the same time, she has no reasons or reasons to think about breaking up. She may see in a dream a hurricane or tornado that plunges the world into chaos and threatens her death. Moreover, the confusion of feelings is actually a reflection of what she has yet to experience.

✔️ From such people you can hear the phrase: “intuition told me.” Indeed, clues from the sixth sense can be caught at the most unexpected moment. For example, when meeting someone or in an unfamiliar place. You suddenly understand where you need to go, or you can foresee the reactions and behavior of the person you see for the first time in your life.

Sometimes an intuitive sense can predict trouble, but we try in every possible way to drive away bad thoughts from ourselves. Those endowed with sense also have a sensitivity to physical processes. They are dependent on weather changes and pressure changes, and suffer from weather sensitivity.

✔️ Sometimes developed intuition (mystical) is accompanied by visions. Not hallucinations, but a spontaneous play of the imagination. Just as we see dreams while at rest, such people are able to see pictures in reality. But only very creative people with a rich imagination are capable of this, who are able to “superpose” a picture on top of reality.

Signs of intuition

1. You experience a peaceful sensation in your chest or abdomen.

© belchonock/Getty Images

Sometimes your intuition is so strong that you can physically feel its effects.

While some people may experience a sense of peace in the chest and heart area, others experience some tone in the abdominal area.

“Many people describe their intuition as a certain sensation in their chest or stomach. They often talk about tension in these areas and a feeling that something is not working,” says psychologist Shevitz.

Which zodiac signs have the strongest intuition?

It is possible to identify zodiac signs with strong intuition, but it cannot be said that others are completely devoid of it. As you remember, everyday, intellectual and professional intuition appears with experience, and in general, does not depend on what day and month a person was born. In addition, hereditary traits cannot be denied. If parents have the gift of foreseeing certain events and finding solutions through flashes of insight, then their children are likely to also be endowed with these abilities.

Zodiac signs with superhuman intuition:

  • People born under the sign of Cancer have a sensitive nature and can foresee trouble long before it happens. Some of them have a good understanding of people, but use this gift ineptly and imprudently. As a result, they only harm themselves. Thanks to their “feeling,” they find the right tone of conversation and know how to win over their interlocutor.

  • Those born under the sign of Pisces rarely have such a trait as constancy. They swim with the flow of life and choose one direction or another in an intuitive way. When asked how they knew what to do, they themselves do not know the answer. They just feel that it will be right and that’s all.

  • Scorpios are very difficult to deceive. And not only because many of the people of this sign have intelligence and insight. They are acutely aware of lies. But only if they themselves do not want to be deceived. In this case, they become blind and deaf not only to reasonable arguments, but also to their own intuitive signals. The stronger the disappointment that eventually overtakes them.

  • Libras are endowed with an extreme degree of curiosity. After a person of this sign understands that he is marked from above with the gift of intuition, he begins to experiment on himself and those around him, accumulating useful experience. Thanks to their developed sense, they are able to guess the danger posed by their opponent and avoid unnecessary problems.

  • Virgos have always been considered good diplomats. They are among those who meticulously and diligently carry out their work and therefore accumulate the very professionalism and experience from which a special type of intuition is born. Often they find the right solution to a problem, relying precisely on their sixth sense.

Why do you need to develop intuition?

Every day in a person's life there are many situations when you need to make quick decisions. However, he does not always have sufficient information to logically assess the consequences of his choice. Intuition uses knowledge previously acquired and repressed into the unconscious. It updates them and gives an answer, many people call it the “inner voice.”

The concept of intuition can be compared to a compass, which points in the right direction, makes it clear in which place a person will be as safe and comfortable as possible, he will be able to realize his skills and realize his aspirations. By listening to intuition, which can manifest itself in sudden thoughts, bodily reactions, creative acts, a person manages to understand whether this or that option for the development of events is suitable for him or not, whether he will be good or bad if he makes a choice.

Most people are prevented from making the most of their intuition by distrust of their own feelings and thoughts, a tendency to rationalize, and a negative, skeptical attitude. Anyone who has been able to identify how they manifest themselves, has learned to track the moments that interfere with the development of intuition, gets the opportunity to quickly make the right decisions.

Well-developed intuition opens access to creativity. It suggests which of the many hypotheses is correct, which project is the most promising. Guided by intuitive feelings, it turns out to abandon options that seem unattractive and focus on those that seem the best.

In this case, it is important that intuitive clues are consistent with conscious ones and are not the result of mental stereotypes and prejudices.

How to tune into the intuition channel

To develop intuition, meditation will come to the rescue. During meditation, the brain changes its mode of activity - stimulation of specific parts of the brain responsible for analyzing thoughts begins.

Quality is important in meditation. For beginning practitioners, 5 minutes will be enough to develop intuition. There are certain requirements for successful meditation practice. It is advisable to meditate in a secluded place where no one can disturb you. Be sure to create a cozy atmosphere: put down your phone, light candles, turn on pleasant background music. Formulate the purpose of meditation: to know yourself, tune in to achieving a goal, etc. Having completely relaxed, ask your inner voice a question and begin to listen to yourself, watch what pops up in your head, what sensations it causes.

How can you hear your intuition?

Probably, like many, you believe that intuition will present you with a clear, direct answer to the question sent. But, unfortunately, it works differently. Images, symbols, signs may pop into your head, or you may have to turn to your emotional senses to pick up on the signals.

It is not uncommon for people to cancel flights at the last minute and return their tickets only because of a bad feeling. And they were not mistaken, and thereby prevented their own death and the death of loved ones.

Be sure to pay attention to your feelings when you are about to make an important decision. If you feel something pleasant, then you are on the right path, and if negative feelings appear, you should abandon your plan. This is one way to develop intuition.

When there is a choice between two options, you can use...your own hands! For example, you haven’t decided on the color of the wallpaper, you are accepted for 2 vacancies, both of which suit you, you are thinking whether or not to go to the meeting. Imagine holding one solution to a problem in each palm. Give weight to the decision, and under the “weight” of what is more important and significant for you, your hand will drop - which means this decision is correct, as your inner voice believes.

Practical lessons

If you listen to your sixth sense, it will open up a lot of opportunities for you. Below are a few more techniques that will help develop your intuition:

  • Find a lost item

It turns out that when you manage to develop your inner voice, you can find lost keys, a comb, or cards in the house. To do this, you need to tune in to your sixth sense: close your eyes, relax, forgetting about problems and worries, and try to fill your house with energy waves from the subconscious. When you listen to your sensory sensations and recognize what your inner voice is telling you, then most likely you will be able to find the missing item.

  • Blind reading

Blind reading will help you find the answer to your question. It is easy to use and will help you quickly develop your sixth sense. It is necessary to write down on sheets of paper solutions from your point of view that are suitable for the problem that concerns you. Place these sheets of paper with the inscriptions facing down, mixing them well together, and while relaxing, begin to hold your hands over the sheets. Believing that you can find the answer will help you, and soon you will feel a tingling or slight warmth in your palms. The piece of paper above which the sensations in the palm are the most vivid will be the answer to the question.

  • Mantras

In addition to meditation, there are a large number of techniques for developing the inner voice. For example, you can use mantras - poems with mystical meaning. They must be read during the waxing moon and combined with meditative practices. Mantras allow you to develop a person’s hidden abilities and allow you to see the future. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to achieve such an effect; numerous trainings are required for the result to appear.

To develop intuition, you need to understand that this is not a gift from God, available only to a select few, but a human feature that everyone can develop and use in everyday life, making their life and the lives of loved ones better.

How to develop intuition using the John Kehoe method

The popular book The Subconscious Can Do Anything!, written by John Kehoe, describes one practice that will help you develop a connection with the subconscious, reveal hidden abilities and change your life.

How to Awaken Your Intuition: 3 Steps

Below you will learn more about this technique, consisting of 3 steps that will help awaken your intuition and develop it. It is recommended to carry out this technique daily, before bedtime, and spend 5-10 minutes.

  • Step 1

For a few minutes, think about the fact that the subconscious already has all the correct answers to the questions. Repeat this and connect your emotional perception: internally feel the emotional joy of realizing the fact that you can control your reality. Feel genuine confidence and only then move on to the next step.

  • Step 2

You will need to clearly formulate the question you are looking for an answer to. Then repeat repeatedly and realize that the subconscious and intuition will definitely help you. At the same time, imagine possible solutions to the problem from your point of view, using the phrase “Now my subconscious is telling me that...”. Repeat this several times.

  • Step 3

One of the important principles that you should not forget about is to relax and be sure that the correct answer will definitely be found. Don't forget that all the emotions you experience are primarily energy, and it must be positive in order to generate equally positive decisions.

Imagine how you will feel when you find the answer? Joy, excitement, delight? Live them right now, as if everything has already happened, but don’t overdo it.

In order to develop your inner voice, it will be enough to devote five minutes a day to this practice. Don't torment yourself with thoughts about this throughout the day. It’s better to turn this into a ritual at a certain time, this will help you concentrate and develop intuition.

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