Conditions for successful socialization of a preschool child

Factors of successful socialization

Socialization is a complex process that occurs under the influence of a fairly large number of diverse factors. Thus, in modern science it is customary to distinguish several main groups of conditions (factors) of socialization:

  1. Megafactors – cosmic factors, conditions of planetary significance, global trends and factors;
  2. Macro factors - the state of the state, ethnicity and its characteristics, attitudes in society, and in general the country’s place on the world stage;
  3. Mesofactors - the type of settlement in which a person is located and undergoes his socialization, QMS, the presence of a subculture and the role of the individual who is being socialized in it;
  4. Microfactors are a person’s family, neighbors who surround him and can influence his mental state and worldview. This should also include peer groups, educational organizations, various organizations of various significance: public, state, religious and private organizations, counter-social organizations that have a deviant influence on society. The factor of microsociety and its condition cannot be excluded.

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We offer to become the author of the Directory. Working conditions. Means of socialization can be very different, and depend on the area they belong to. This may also be the method that the mother uses to feed the baby and subsequently care for him. Researchers include among the means of socialization the everyday and hygienic skills that are being formed, the products of material (mass) culture that surround a person, and the elements of spiritual culture that are instilled in a person. It is important to take into account the style of communication, its content, how dialogue is built in the family, and how it is subsequently maintained. It is often said that for the successful socialization of a person it is necessary to show him respect, even if he is still small. The child feels everything, and the behavior model is subsequently transferred to his communication with peers and other members of society.

Based on the so-called subject-object approach, the process of socialization and its conditions should be considered as a complex formation that has a serious impact on human development and its direct self-change in the process of assimilation of cultural elements and their subsequent reproduction. Living conditions can lead him to spontaneity, or they can be strictly aimed at a specific result.

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Criteria for successful socialization of an individual in a boarding school



A criterion is a sign on the basis of which a particular work is assessed or verified. Scientists identify criteria for result, process and conditions. All this implies a set of quality indicators that determine the socialization of students, characteristics of personal development that the student needs to master as sustainable skills for successful socialization in modern society.

Socialization is a triple union of the processes of learning, education and social adaptation. The student must fit into these processes, gaining social experience, successful experience that is necessary in the family, school, and in the community of peers.

Very often, students studying at a boarding school do not always have the opportunity to assess the student’s personal qualities, knowledge and skills. It is important to evaluate interaction with boarding school students, who, as a rule, have a whole set of psychological complexes that depend on assessments of their personal qualities and actions.

The main method of teacher research should be observation, situation analysis and collective decision-making on the development of pedagogical support. To do this, it is necessary to identify indicators of social development that will reflect the desired result.

The main activity of the educational system of a boarding school should be the positive information that the pupil needs in a life situation, through mastering the skills of social competence and creating his own plan.

The result of successful socialization can be considered:

— achievement by the pupil of an independent decision that is adequate to his interests, needs, capabilities, and plans;

- having clear ideas about oneself and one’s capabilities;

- the ability to cope with difficulties that arise on his way, if necessary, to know where and from whom he can get help, the ability to seek it in time;

— understanding one’s actions or misdeeds, possibilities and limitations, i.e. the ability to include and use reflection as the main mechanism of socialization;

- the ability to work in a team, the development of memory, thinking, the ability to resolve conflicts, find personal meaning in every task, develop qualities such as tolerance, humanity, be able to make choices, and be responsible.

Among the indicators of social adaptation are high motivation to study, compliance with behavioral norms, and the presence of mastered skills.

For a successful pedagogical solution to this issue, the teacher’s competence must be determined, which must be aimed at solving all these areas: i.e. knowledge of the features of the pedagogical process, the ability to build and set it in motion, professionalism, which includes professional pedagogical abilities, deep knowledge of the student, methods of raising and teaching children, taking into account the changes that occur to him under the influence of educational work.

Professional competence must have a clear structure that determines its content.

Work on the socialization of boarding school students must be carried out consistently, continuously, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of the students. If necessary, the pedagogical process must be organized and pedagogical correctional work organized. All this will help students achieve the level of general and mental development, the formation of an active position in life self-determination.

Thus, a solution to the socialization of boarding school students is possible. To solve it, pedagogical correctional work, well organized and correctly carried out, is necessary.

Definition of socialization

In short, in psychology, socialization refers to the process of a person acquiring personal and social qualities in the course of various types of activities, the individual’s ability to adapt and participate in public life.

The meaning of the concept in social science:

  • mastering generally accepted rules and patterns of behavior (starts from the day of birth and continues throughout life);
  • degeneration from a biological being into an individual with a set of significant qualities characteristic of the entire social structure;
  • the entire path of evolution of human behavior and abilities that society has gone through throughout its existence.

Socialization involves acquiring the necessary skills and development in:

  • industries serving the basic needs of the population;
  • physical sphere;
  • creative, cognitive, theoretical, empirical, divergent, convergent, sanogenic and pathogenic types of thinking.

The formation of personality is both the transfer of information and perception, the assimilation of experience and the rules of society, which cannot be created artificially.

Table: “How psychological schools and directions reveal the essence of the term”

HumanisticThis is a manifestation of a person's self-concept
NeobehaviorismThe process of transferring accumulated experience and knowledge from the older generation, imitation of social roles.
Symbolic interactionismInterpenetration of the individual and agents of socialization.
Russian and Soviet psychological schoolPractically does not separate upbringing and socialization.

All about asocialization: successful and unsuccessful socialization

Personal development is not always successful; problems often arise from which no one is immune.

Asocialization (social maladaptation) is the adoption of exclusively antisocial rules, negative actions, directions and stereotypes of thinking. All this provokes a change in public relations and a loss of stability.

There are 2 more terms associated with this problem.

  1. Desocialization is the loss by an individual of social experience for some reason, which affects his life activity, the possibility of self-realization and existence. The problem in adolescents is often provoked by an unfavorable microenvironment. As a result, there is a disintegration of former norms and the comprehension of new antisocial values ​​and patterns of behavior.
  2. A lag in socialization is a delay in an individual’s mastery of positive rules and tendencies that are assigned by society to a certain period of personality formation. Over time, it can provoke a craving for negative norms, or complete submission to the will of antisocial elements.

Successful and unsuccessful socialization are extreme states that are rare. With completely successful socialization, the individual would strictly follow all social rules and fully agree with any aspects of social life. Such a person is completely satisfied with his position in society.

Absolutely unsuccessful socialization means that a person completely ignores all, without exception, the rules and regulations that social life dictates. This condition occurs only in people with severe mental disorders.

Stages and stages of socialization

During socialization, a person goes through several stages, moving from simple to complex, from small groups to large groups.

Periods of socialization:

  1. Fast.
    Lasts from 5-10 years, approximately 7. During this time, the child absorbs everything that the environment provides him. During this period, children manage to acquire the maximum amount of knowledge that they require for a decent life.
  2. Slow.
    Lasts up to 40-50 years.
  3. Slow decay.
    For people over 50 years old, the process proceeds very slowly, and by the age of 70 it is completely completed. There is a decline in intellectual, physical, and psychological capabilities.

Table: “3 levels of personality development based on periods of socialization.”

OrdinaryTypical for most people. The period of rapid socialization is short-lived, the stability phase begins at the age of 20, and after 45 it gradually subsides. The process of personal formation gradually finishes, approximately by the age of 50-70.
LowerTypical for people who were born and raised in an environment with a low level of education and culture.
In the first 5-10 years, children do not receive the necessary knowledge, their socialization is incomplete. The slow socialization phase lasts up to 30 years, the cycle of stability almost immediately moves to the level of attenuation. All processes of personal development stop completely when you reach 40 years of age.
Highest levelRapid development at an early age, a short stage of slow socialization, but a rather long duration of the stabilization and attenuation phase. Weakening of social activity and working capacity occurs after 75 years.

The threshold of socialization - an individual has a huge store of knowledge, a maximum level of general culture, which allows him to mature even without the help of the social environment. The process is often called self-socialization. People with such qualities are mainly found among creative and intelligent individuals.

A high level of personal development is beyond the threshold of socialization.

The environment in which an individual's socialization occurs significantly influences the process itself. With hard physical work, personality formation stops at the age of 25-30, and a decline begins. Among the intelligentsia, the decline occurs slowly and begins after 60 years.

Classification of stages according to Petrovsky:

  1. Adaptation.
    The period from birth to adolescence. The assimilation of social experience is devoid of critical evaluation; children and adolescents absorb knowledge through imitation and adaptation.
  2. Personalization.
    The desire of an individual to exhibit individual characteristics. A person critically evaluates generally accepted norms of behavior and often denies them completely or partially.

Adolescents experience a stage of intermediate socialization. The individual’s character and worldview are unstable, but there is a strong desire for self-determination. Which often leads to conflicts with others and within oneself. The process of final maturation of personal properties ends at the age of 19-27.

  1. Integration.
    A person strives to find his place in society and is determined by the type of work activity. The success of the process is determined by the compliance of the individual’s personal qualities with social expectations. If these criteria coincide, the individual can be called a mature personality.

If a child does not undergo adaptation, then in the future it is almost impossible to teach him the basics of life in society.
Adults with established skills, even after a long period of loneliness, remain people and individuals; it is not difficult for them to return to society and recreate their previous habits. Since the foundations of socialization norms are laid in childhood, several stages of this process are distinguished.

Table: “Stages of socialization depending on the age of the child”

PrenatalBegins from 3-5 months of intrauterine development, the baby begins to experience the world at the level of sensory perception.
IdentificationFrom birth to 3 years. Children identify themselves with the people and objects that surround them. Pre-speech practical intellectual abilities are being formed. Mental activity is based on the perception of what is happening and motor reactions.
CorrelationAge range: 3-5 years. Intuitive thinking is developed, social connections are born, leadership and subordination skills are acquired.
ExpansiveAt the age of 6-10, children actively expand the range of social roles. Self-esteem and a system of demands on oneself are formed.
ConventionalExplosive stage of puberty.
The teenager creates conflict situations and tries to find a way out of them. In search of the right decisions, he turns to various sources, but the most trustworthy is the opinion of his peers and information from the media. All actions are driven by a desire for self-affirmation; adolescents often commit actions that do not correspond to their moral principles.
Conceptual16-20 years old, the time of the beginning of independent life. There is a need to choose a life path. The system of views and values ​​is almost completely established.

The process of determining personality in a simple society and a complex one proceeds differently. The multifaceted structure of a complex society implies the assimilation of not only generally accepted social norms, but also the rules of intergroup communication.

Stages of socialization

The process of socialization has its own patterns and characteristics. Its course is subject to strict socio-psychological laws, which are the same for primary, secondary, and permanent socialization. For this process to be considered fully completed, it must go through three stages.

Adaptation stage

This period is characterized by the active assimilation of norms, rules, and mastery of forms of sociotypical behavior. In children's socialization, it takes place under the guidance of adults; in re-socialization, a person, as a rule, is active himself. After all, it is very important to become a full member of a new team, so the individual tries to quickly find out what is accepted here, what is not, with whom and how to communicate, and what traditions should be remembered.

Young children follow group norms under the influence of adults. Initially, these norms are external for children, and only then do they undergo a process of internalization. The same is typical for an adult who behaves in a certain way in a new team, just so as not to stand out, not to seem like a stranger.

The internalization of social norms—their transition from the external level to the internal—is the main psychological mechanism of this stage. Becoming like everyone else is the main goal of an individual at the adaptation stage.

The gradual nature of the socialization process is clearly visible in young children, who, as they learn social norms, begin to notice their violations. But, first of all, not for yourself, but for other children. And when they notice, they snitch, that is, they report the violation to an adult - the main guarantor of correct social behavior. Although it is believed that lying is bad, it is a natural and, from the point of view of social psychology, a normal phenomenon. In children, of course. For them, it indicates that the adaptation stage is in the active phase.

Individualization stage

This is the most difficult and problematic stage, as it is often associated with the demonstration of antisocial behavior in adolescents. Having mastered the basic norms of society or a social group, a person no longer wants to be “like everyone else.” He feels the need for individualization, for self-expression, for the manifestation of his own “I”.

The child reaches this stage of primary socialization just in time for adolescence, and the crisis characteristic of it is superimposed on the teenager’s desire to prove his uniqueness, demonstrate his abilities and talents. This manifests itself in changing different hobbies and interests, because you can only understand what you are capable of through activity. Those children who were able to quickly find a sphere of self-expression (sports, fine arts, design, collecting, etc.) endure the crisis of adolescence much easier.

A child who has found his way is calmer, because he is confident in himself and feels respect from society. Accordingly, the adults around him also experience fewer problems. Therefore, an important task of parents and teachers is to help the teenager in search of self-realization, otherwise he will express himself in his own way, for example, in shocking behavior, violation of discipline, antisocial behavior, and aggressiveness.

This stage is also observed when an adult moves to another group, although it is usually less noticeable than in adolescents.

Integration stage

So, if a person has overcome the most difficult stage of socialization and has determined how he can earn the respect of society, then he begins to look for an area to apply his abilities and like-minded people for joint activities. This stage is clearly visible in adolescence, when young people are faced with choosing a professional activity or are just starting one. They strive to be active and demonstrate their talents, but, unfortunately, they still lack experience and public trust. Therefore, it is easiest for them to be in a circle of like-minded peers. This is the most “party” period, young people create their own fan clubs, informal groups, communities where they can discuss common interests and engage in a common cause, where they all have equal rights.

This is the final stage of socialization. On it, a person can demonstrate his importance to society and begin his path to success. If, of course, he successfully completed the first two stages. Unfortunately, often a person fails to find his calling at the stage of individualization, then he begins to feel like a failure and can still look for his path for a long time, changing different occupations and professions, or simply go with the flow.

This person is also a full-fledged member of society, but he is not able to realize himself fully. However, one should not be disappointed and give up; many have found their calling and way of self-realization even in adulthood. And from this they not only felt satisfaction, but even became younger.

Thus, socialization is one of those global processes that underlie the existence of society. Therefore, not only each individual, but also society as a whole is interested in its organization. We can say that all the forces of society are devoted to this and all its main institutions are engaged in socialization: the state, family, school, religious and public organizations, the media, literature and all types of performing arts.

Socialization functions

Socialization plays an important role for both the individual and society. The main functions of socialization are the following:

  • For the individual : a comprehensive, time-extended entry into the objective world - a separate part of society, a family or other community. Socialization makes it possible to understand oneself and interpret the behavior of other people, and interact with others.
  • For society : socialization is one of the factors of normal reproduction of society. Despite the fact that people are constantly born and die, socialization makes it possible for society to reproduce itself and is a condition for the preservation and development of social culture.

Mechanisms of socialization

The assimilation of social norms and rules is carried out through socio-psychological mechanisms of socialization, which include suggestion, mental infection, imitation, identification, conformity, stereotyping, social assessment, reference group, authority, popularity, prestige, role prescriptions, social and group expectations - expectations , directed at the subject by society and the group to which he belongs. At different age stages, different mechanisms of socialization are dominant.

Socialization results

In the process of socialization, social norms, values ​​and requirements move into the internal plane and become the basis of human behavior. In the process of socialization, there is interaction between the individual and society, coordination of mutual requirements and expectations. At the same time, the individual does not simply assimilate and reproduce social patterns; on the contrary, in the course of socialization, the actualization of its capabilities, potentials, expansion and deepening of self-awareness is carried out, i.e. personality development occurs.

Indicators of successful socialization of an individual are:

  1. Inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations.
  2. Expanding and deepening the individual’s connection with people and various spheres of society.
  3. Mastery of social experience, its appropriation and transformation into one’s own values, attitudes and orientations.
  4. Active activity of the individual with his active involvement in the social sphere.
  5. Active reproduction of the system of social connections.

It should be emphasized that the main vector of socialization is a positive focus on morality and law. Deviation has the opposite direction - the deviation of the subject’s behavior from social norms.

Types of socialization

There are 2 phases:

  1. Primary
    – covers the periods from the birth of a child to adulthood. The process is influenced by family, relatives in a direct ascending and descending line - the foundation for the further formation of personality. Then preschool and school institutions are affected, children have to deal with large groups and behave in accordance with the new rules.
  2. Secondary (resocialization)
    – eliminating old reflexes and acquiring unusual patterns of behavior. Examples are emigration, acquiring a new religion, acquiring a higher social status. This period lasts from maturity to old age.

Types of socialization:

  1. Group - the desire to imitate the norms of behavior of the group where the individual spends the most time.
  2. Gender – learning the roles of men and women; in childhood, girls learn to behave femininely, and boys learn to behave masculinely.
  3. Organizational – acquiring the skills and knowledge required to perform certain tasks at work.
  4. Early – testing potential social relationships. An example is the mother-daughter game among children.
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