How to organize your day: methods of productivity geniuses
Be in a good mood from the very morning, get everything done and do it productively, get
How to properly keep a diary for a girl - my experience, 26 samples and ideas
Hello! Olga Gryzlova is with you again. When I didn't keep any notes, it seemed
Personality development in psychology: theories, factors, approaches
In this article: The concept of personality in psychology Distinctive properties of personality Theories of personality development in
What is the structure and components of communication in psychology?
Communication is an important process in the life of every person. It helps people share their experiences
Conflictology is a branch of knowledge of a theoretical nature
What is conflict management and how can it help you solve problems more effectively?
A person living in the modern world is, of course, subject to various kinds of influences and influences from outside.
Social groups definition, types with examples, characteristics and functions
Social groups: concept, examples, classification, functions
By the nature of interaction Primary Secondary Description People within the group support each other and are connected
'Book "Think Like an Engineer"
The 25 best self-development books of recent times that have impacted my life.
Good day, dear book lovers. Surely you are them. It’s not for nothing that you’re interested
Lecture “The concept of “giftedness.” Types of giftedness Psychological characteristics of gifted children"
Every mother in her soul considers her child the smartest, most capable, the best. Yes so
immature personality
7 signs of a psychologically immature personality. Which partner is your relationship doomed with?
It is impossible to build a healthy relationship with a person who, at 30-40 years old, thinks like a child,
Apraxia causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods
Article: Apraxia in speech therapy is a movement disorder that involves problems with pronunciation
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