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Scientists have long been concerned with the question: is there a direct connection between the constitution of the body and character? Idea
Milton Erickson: biography At the end of the nineteenth century, the parents of the famous psychotherapist moved to Nevada with
If a child writes poorly, he rearranges or skips letters, makes “stupid” mistakes in good
Anomie is a state of public or individual moral and mental consciousness, which is characterized by the corruption of moral norms,
Almost everyone who gets a job goes through this test - a preliminary conversation with HR,
Behaviorism is a psychological theory based on human behavior, which is a set of reactions to
Hemophobia is the fear of the sight of blood. This concept was first formally formulated by George Weinberg -
Professional deformation leads to changes in people's behavior. Has it ever happened to you that,
Home>Articles> Alcoholic Korsakov psychosis: causes and consequences quick menu (hide) History of Korsakov psychosis Differences
From a psychological point of view, communication is a complex process within which we can distinguish