the art of negotiation
The art of negotiation: basic rules. How to negotiate with people?
People must learn to hear each other, accept the other’s position and be able to negotiate. Otherwise human
The importance of a person’s image and the rules for its formation
Image is an image, a stereotype, a set of certain qualities that has developed in people’s minds that are associated
10 Billionaire Principles You Should Adopt to Succeed
15 Billionaire Tips for Those Who Want to Succeed and Live a Happy Life
Learn to understand a little bit of everything I noticed that the basic ideas are 95% of the important
workers listen to their colleague
Professional communications: means, functions, principles of organizing the process
Professional communications are a prerequisite for allowing company employees to effectively interact with each other. From
Human needs
What is a need - its types, classification, as well as the pyramid of human needs from Maslow
Updated July 23, 2021 772 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. WITH
Effective self-presentation: how to keep attention
Concept: why do you need to present yourself? By presenting his abilities, a person sets a goal: to make a certain impression
cognitive mental processes table
Material on psychology - table “Cognitive processes”
One of the most complex, diverse in its manifestations and least studied in the human body
Need as a source of personality activity. Types of needs.
Needs as a source of human activity Need is the state of a person’s need for something that is necessary
Removing negative programs from the subconscious: the most effective methods
Cleansing the subconscious. Cleansing practice. And guaranteed results
Hello, dear reader, I am glad to welcome you to the reality of yoga! In this article I will reveal
Mechanism and types of perception
Development of perception in preschoolers: games and exercises
Mechanism and types of perception For the full development and effective learning of a child, a sufficient level of
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