Perception of the external world through the senses. Ways of perception

Reality is a projection of our mind. Many ancient philosophers spoke about this, and quantum physics partially confirms this. In his incomparable poems, like the sweet honey of primordial wisdom, Omar Khayyam reflected this truth: “Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe. Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul."

Hell and heaven do not exist somewhere in parallel worlds. Hell and heaven are two states of consciousness. Buddha Shakyamuni said the same thing about nirvana and samsara.

Nirvana is an enlightened state of consciousness. And samsara is a darkened state of consciousness. And each of us sees this world only through the prism of our consciousness. And only due to our own obscurations we see the world as imperfect.

Surely everyone has noticed this interesting feature: two people can live in the same city, in the same yard, and even in the same apartment, but, objectively speaking, exist in different realities. It often happens that people are in the same conditions, only one sees exclusively positive, and the other sees exclusively negative. Sometimes you can see people who only see the bad in everything. And they influence those around them so much with their negative worldview that, indeed, the illusion is created that this person is the most unhappy person in the world, and if at least something in his life changed, he would immediately become happy. But the paradox of such situations is that even if something objectively positive happens to a person, he immediately finds reasons for his own suffering, even in a situation that, by all logic, should bring happiness to the person.

However, some of us are lucky enough to meet other people - everything is always fine with them. And even in the hours of the most difficult trials, the smile does not leave their face. Such people have a different logic, different from the logic of the majority, which, unfortunately, today is focused on a negative view of the world. Here, however, you shouldn’t go to the extreme either, becoming followers of philosophy in the style of Advaita Vedanta - they say, “everything is non-dual,” so there is no point in worrying or worrying about anything at all. Such a position, as experience shows, is also, unfortunately, unviable. Such people simply turn a blind eye to problems and stop acting altogether. It is said very well in the Bhagavad Gita: “Do not strive for fruits - you do not need their pleasure, but you also do not need to be inactive. Misfortune and happiness are earthly anxieties - forget them, stay in balance - in yoga.” How can you learn to “stay in balance” and not go to extremes?

What is the feeling

Sensation (sensory experience) is a mental process, which is a mental reflection of individual properties and states of the external environment that affect our senses. Simply put, it is the body's detection of external or internal stimulation. For example, the eyes detect light waves, the ears detect sound waves.

The sensation process consists of three successive stages:

  1. Sensory receptors detect stimuli (stimuli).
  2. Sensory stimuli are converted into electrical impulses (action potentials) that must be decoded by the brain.
  3. Electrical impulses travel along neurons to specific parts of the brain, where the impulses are deciphered into information (perception comes into play).

For example, when soft tissue is touched, mechanoreceptors (sensory receptors on the skin) note that your skin has been touched. This sensory information is then converted into neural information through a process called transduction. Next, the neural information travels along nerve pathways to the corresponding part of the brain, where sensations are perceived as touching tissue.

There are two points worth mentioning here. First: despite the fact that our body experiences sensations 24 hours a day, we feel only one thing at a particular moment (with the help of attention). After some time, we can remember other sensations, recalling the experience corresponding to them. Second: we are not superheroes, so our sensory experience cannot detect radio waves, x-rays or microscopic parasites crawling on our skin. We also cannot catch all the smells around us or taste and understand every spice in a dish. In this regard, dogs and other animals are significantly superior to us.

Many psychologists have asked the question “How to measure the intensity of a sensation?” The answer has not yet been found, but the thresholds have been identified:

  1. Absolute threshold: The minimum amount of stimulation that a person can detect 50% of the time. This is the point at which something becomes tangible to our senses. For example, the quietest sound we can hear, or the slightest touch we can feel. Anything below this threshold goes unnoticed.
  2. The difference threshold (or simply noticeable difference) is the minimum difference that must occur between two body stimuli to identify them as two separate sensations 50% of the time. Here's an example: you hear the sound of a radio in the next room, and then realize that someone has turned up the volume. The difference threshold is the amount of change required to recognize that a change has occurred. However, the difference itself is not absolute. Imagine that you are holding a suitcase weighing 5 kilograms in your hand. If you add 1 kilogram, you will feel the difference. But if it weighs 50 and you add 1 kilogram to it, you will hardly notice it. Therefore, we need to talk about percentages and not absolute ratios. In the first case the difference is 20%, and in the other 2%.
  3. The final threshold is the maximum amount of stimulation a person can feel.

There are several theories that can help us better understand the concept of sensation.

Signal detection theory

You've probably been in a crowded room with many people talking at the same time. Situations like this can make it difficult to focus on a single stimulus, such as a conversation you're having with a friend.

We often face a similar challenge: focusing our attention on certain things while at the same time trying to ignore the flow of information entering our senses. When we try to confront this, we make conscious decisions about what is important to us and what is background noise. This concept is called signal detection theory because we want to focus on one thing and ignore everything else.

Sensory adaptation

Have you ever wondered why we immediately notice certain smells or sounds, and then after a while we seem to stop noticing them, and they fade into the background? As soon as we adapt to the perfume or the ticking of a clock, we cease to recognize them. This process is called sensory adaptation: perhaps the logic of evolution here is that if the stimulus does not change, then why do we need to constantly feel it?


Saturday, July 13, 2013 01:08 + in the quotation book
Topic 4-5. Sensation and perception There is nothing in consciousness that was not previously in sensation.
Ernst Heine Has it ever occurred to you to count the entire stock of knowledge about objects, phenomena, i.e.
about everything that surrounds you? Even if someone willing to do so was found and did the calculations, he would be surprised that the stock of knowledge is so huge.  How do we gain knowledge about the world around us?
A person receives the very first knowledge about the world around us with the help of special mental processes - sensations and perceptions.
Sensations and perceptions are the main provider of knowledge. Thanks to them, a person distinguishes objects and phenomena by color, smell, taste, temperature, smoothness, size, volume and other characteristics. Sensations and perceptions underlie more complex mental processes - thinking, memory, imagination. Thanks to accumulated ideas obtained through sensations and perceptions, we learn to adapt and navigate the world around us. Let's take one of the simplest examples. If we are lightly dressed and get caught in the rain without an umbrella, we return home in wet clothes, dirty, and cold. The lesson is not in vain - we remember our unpleasant feelings. The next time we are going to leave the house, we listen to the weather forecast and not only take an umbrella, but also put on a raincoat or jacket and appropriate shoes. Sensations and perceptions are similar, but there are significant differences between them. ^What are sensations?
Sensations arise from direct contact with an object.
So, for example, we learn about the taste of an apple that we were treated to when we try it. It looks red and beautiful, but when you bite into it, it may turn out to be sour. How did our favorite variety of apples come about? We tried different varieties, our feelings summed up - this apple is sweet for some, sweet and sour for others, sour for others - I like it. However, there are people who love all apples. ^ Sensation is a mental process that occurs in a person when the sense organs are exposed to objects and phenomena, which consists in reflecting (cognition)
the individual properties of these objects and phenomena. Underline the word “separate”.
All surrounding objects have many properties. Touch the desk. What do you feel? By touching, we gain knowledge not about the entire desk, but only about its individual properties - it is hard, dry, rough. Now look at the desk. What is she like? Through vision we can say that the desk is of a certain color, shape (gray, dirty, written on, rectangular, etc.). Knock on the desk. How do you feel? Through hearing we determine that the desk is wooden and makes a dull sound. All these are examples of individual sensations through which we experience the world around us. Remember: through sensations we receive information not about the entire object, but only about its individual properties. ^ Mechanisms of sensations.
To make it even clearer what sensations are, let’s consider how this process occurs.
Have you heard of the concept “ analyzers
This is a complex nervous mechanism that produces a subtle analysis of the surrounding world, i.e.
highlights its individual elements and properties. Each analyzer is designed to isolate and analyze certain information.
The most famous analyzers in humans are: visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, tactile - according to the five basic senses. Each analyzer has a specific structure: 1) receptors
- sensory organs (eye, ear, tongue, nose, skin, muscles);
2) conductor
- nerve fibers from receptors to the brain;
3) central sections
in the cerebral cortex.
How does the sensation happen? For example, we touched the desk. The receptors on the skin of the fingers received a signal, they transmit it through conductors to the cerebral cortex, where complex processing of the received information takes place (the sensation actually occurs) and the person receives the knowledge that the table is cold, rough, etc. Or a hot iron... In the cerebral cortex, information is processed and an instant conclusion is made: it’s hot and painful. Immediately there is a reverse signal: withdraw your hand. All analyzer departments work as a single unit. If one department is damaged, there is no sensation. For example, people born blind will never know the sensation of color. We experience the world around us and communicate with each other using our senses: eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue. Through these organs, information enters the brain, and we know where we are, what is happening around us, etc. Think about how a person hears sounds? “I hear with my ears!” - you say, but this is an incomplete answer. A person hears with the help of the hearing organ, which is complex. The ear is only part of it. The auricle, or outer ear, is a funnel through which a person catches air vibrations. After passing through the auditory canal, they affect the eardrum. The vibrations of the membrane are transmitted to the auditory ossicles and reach the inner ear. Further along the nerves, the impulses reach the auditory center located in the cerebral cortex. Only with its help can we recognize sound signals. This is how sensations arise. It is not without reason that the definition notes that sensations arise when surrounding objects and phenomena influence the analyzers (sense organs). ^ Types of sensations.
The sensations, as you already understand, are different.
The main sensations associated with the five human senses are identified. 1. Visual sensations
Through them, a healthy person receives about 80% of information about the world around him - sensations of color and light
What, thanks to visual sensations, can we say about the world around us?
Visual sensations help to navigate in space.
Colors affect people differently. ^ Red
– excites, activates;
– cheerful and cheerful, sociable;
– warm, invigorating, flirtatious, crafty;
^ Green
– calm, cozy mood;
- calm, serious, sad, invigorates mental work; if there is a lot of it, it causes coldness;
is mysterious, a combination of red and blue: attracts and repels, excites and sad.
2. Auditory sensations.
They occupy the second place in importance in a healthy person.
The main purpose for humans is speech recognition and other sound signals
Speech, music and noise sensations are distinguished. Loud noise has a negative impact on a person (on mental activity and the cardiovascular system). Why do we need two ears? Maybe one would be enough? Two ears allow you to determine the direction of the sound source. If you close one ear, you will have to turn your head in all directions to determine where the sound is coming from. The importance of hearing in a person’s life is very great. With the help of hearing, people receive information and communicate with each other. The child hears the speech of adults, and at first simply recognizes the sounds, and then begins to imitate them. Little by little he learns to pronounce individual sounds and words, and then masters speech. Rear 1.
Using a simple experiment, check who has better hearing.
To do this, you need to sit sideways to each other at a distance of about one and a half meters and close your eyes. The presenter brings his watch closer to you and away from you in turn. When you hear ticking, you say, “I hear it.” Having stopped hearing, “I don’t hear.” 3. Taste sensations.
The human tongue has taste buds that are responsible for
four taste sensations
The tip of the tongue recognizes sweet sensations, the back surface of the tongue recognizes bitter sensations, and the sides of the tongue recognize salty and sour sensations. As a person becomes full, the role of taste sensations increases, but a hungry person will eat less tasty food. Food consists of different components and evokes complex taste sensations. When we eat, we feel heat, cold, and sometimes headaches due to changes in atmospheric pressure, all of which affect the taste of food. In addition, taste sensations are not perceived in their pure form; they are associated with olfactory sensations. Often what we think of as “taste” is actually smell. For example, coffee, tea, tobacco, lemons stimulate the organ of smell more than the organ of taste. 4. Olfactory sensations.
Responsible for
recognizing odors.
In modern man, they play a minor role in understanding the world, but they influence the emotional background and well-being of a person.
When vision and hearing are affected, the olfactory sensations become important. Many animals, such as dogs, live solely by smell. In our nose, the membrane of sensory cells responsible for the sense of smell occupies an area about the size of a fingernail on both sides. In a dog, if you straighten it, it will cover more than half of its body. A person’s weak sense of smell is compensated by the higher development of other senses. By the way, when we simply breathe, the stream of air passes the membrane, and therefore we have to sniff - pass air over the membrane in order to smell it. There are five main types of smell that we can detect: 1. floral; 2. spicy (lemon, apple), 3. putrid (rotten eggs, cheese), 4. burnt (coffee, cocoa), 5. ethereal (alcohol, camphor).  Why does a person need taste and smell sensations? 5. Tactile sensations - a combination of skin and motor sensations when feeling objects.
With their help, a small child learns about the world.
For people without vision, this is one of the important means of orientation and cognition. For example, when reading, Braille is used. Deaf people, in order to understand what the interlocutor is saying to them, can recognize speech by the movement of the vocal cords (by placing the back of the hand on the speaker's neck). Deaf-blind Elena Keller was able to fully exist in society through the tactile-motor learning system. She received an education, graduated from college, defended her dissertation, and held a government position in the employment of people with disabilities. The sense of touch is associated with sensations of temperature, pain, pressure, humidity, etc. These are the main types of sensations. ^ Others are also highlighted. 6. Organic – sensations of hunger, thirst, satiety, suffocation, abdominal pain, etc.
Receptors for these sensations are located in the corresponding walls of the internal organs: esophagus, stomach, intestines.
Everyone knows the feeling of hunger. But how do we know when we feel hungry? Hunger has nothing to do with an empty stomach, as many people think. After all, patients often, despite the lack of food in the stomach, do not want to eat. Hunger occurs when there is a lack of certain nutrients in the blood. Then a signal is sent to the “hunger center” located in the brain - the work of the stomach and intestines is activated. This is why a hungry person often hears his stomach growling. How long can you go without food? It depends on the individual. A very calm person may not eat for longer, since protein reserves in his body are consumed more slowly than those of an easily excitable person. The world record for the duration of fasting was claimed by a woman in South Africa, who, according to her, lived only on water for 102 days! ^ 7. Kinesthetic (motor) sensations - sensations of movement and position of body parts
Do a little experiment. Close your eyes and stand in some position: follow the command “at attention”, and then take the same position again. Think about which of the five senses helped you repeat the movement? It was a motor sensation caused
by irritation of receptors located in muscles, ligaments, and joints.
When walking, dancing, cycling, we feel a change in the speed or direction of our movement thanks to the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. 8 ^.
Vibration sensations - occur when the surface of the body is exposed to air vibrations produced by moving or oscillating bodies. They play an important role in the deaf and blind.
With the help of these sensations, deaf-blind people learn about the approach of a vehicle or a person, touching the lips of a speaking person and feeling their vibration, they can learn the alphabet and then speak. are distinguished separately .
There is evidence that a person, using ordinary senses, can perceive stimuli that are beyond the lower threshold of his sensitivity, i.e.
a person reacts not only to those signals that he is aware of, but also to those that he is not aware of. Premonition and foresight are built on this. ^ Examples from life: 1. Pshonik conducted an experiment with his daughter in 1952. In the kitchen during breakfast, the daughter kept her finger on the button to which the current was connected. When the light came on, the current flowed, you had to have time to take your finger off the button. Over time, the girl, without the light bulb, withdrew her finger, reacting to subthreshold sensations. Together with the light bulb, Pshonik turned on a generator of high-frequency sounds that were not audible to the ear, the girl reacted to these sounds. 2. “25th frame.” The human eye consciously perceives 24 frames per second, and the video is based on this. An experiment was conducted: while watching a film in a cinema, the 25th frame with an advertisement was turned on: “Buy suspenders.” The human eye cannot consciously read this inscription, but the picture of the frame leaves an image on the retina. None of the viewers will say that they saw this inscription, but 15-20% of the viewers went to buy suspenders. This technique is prohibited. ^ The importance of developing sensations.

What happens if a person is deprived of many sensations from birth?
This person will develop more slowly and worse.
It is not for nothing that blind children begin to walk and talk later. Sensations are formed and developed as a result of practical actions and exercises. Therefore , it is necessary that the child receives the maximum number of different sensations
(through games, toys, communication).
Mowgli children are examples of the importance of early child development. So, in 1825, a young man of about twenty-two years old was found in a German city. He avoided people, bumped into objects, and did not respond to speech. Gradually he learned to speak and said that he lived in a cellar and remembered hands that sometimes appeared and gave bread and water. Once a week I woke up feeling washed and wearing new underwear. Then they took him to the outskirts and left him. There are people who see only two colors or see 40 colors. Why does this difference depend? From human experience. For example, 5 thousand years ago The Egyptians saw only 6 colors. This was explained by the peculiarity of the colors of the landscape where they lived. ^ The sensations depend on the exercises.
Every person has an innate ability to sense. Over the course of life, sensations transform and become more diverse. But for this they need to be developed. To make sensations more perfect, it is necessary to specifically exercise the senses. Many professions require subtle sensations and, in turn, contribute to their development. For example, artists, musicians, dancers, foreign language teachers, and musical instrument tuners have significantly higher sensations than other people. The blind have excellent hearing, the deaf have excellent vision. The Germans often blinded their hunting dogs in one eye and one ear, which increased their sense of smell and vision. This means that sensations can and should be improved.

Task 2.
We can check your tactile threshold for differences in sensations, i.e.
the minimal difference between two stimuli that produces a noticeable difference in sensation. Work is carried out in pairs. Take a paperclip and straighten it. One of you closes your eyes and extends your hand, the other places the two sharp legs of a paper clip on the back of your hand. At first, the distance between the legs is about 6 cm, gradually reduce this distance until the participant has the sensation of one touch (although the two ends of the paper clip are still touching). Measure the distance between the ends of the paperclip. This is your tactile sensitivity threshold. The lower this indicator, the higher the tactile sensitivity. ^What is perception?
The second mental process, which is responsible for our primary knowledge of the world around us and is closely related to sensation, is perception.
^ Perception is a mental process that occurs in a person when the sense organs are exposed to objects and phenomena, which consists in a
holistic reflection (cognition) of these objects and phenomena. Underline the word “whole”.
As you already understand, sensations allow you to reflect and perceive only individual properties of objects: colors, shape, size, smoothness, sounds, temperature, etc. But we will not receive objects through sensations of a complete image. So, if you describe a lemon through sensations, it will be something yellow, sour, oblong, rough and nothing more. Perception allows us to “see” the holistic image of an object. During perception, the individual properties of objects are combined into a single image. We see objects not only with our eyes, but also with our minds. Information about the world around us gradually accumulates in the brain - we have experience that is involved in the process of perception. ^ Perception is based on a person’s sensations and past experiences.
Look at the notebook and describe it.
How will you create her image? From sensations of color, shape, volume, roughness. Why are you sure that this is a notebook and not a ball or a shirt? Only thanks to past experience. When perceiving familiar objects, recognition occurs immediately; a person only needs to combine 2-3 signs. For example, you have geranium at home, you know what it looks like. When you come to visit someone and see the same geranium, you will recognize it instantly. And you see the plant standing next to it for the first time and wonder what it’s called. ^ Types of perceptions.
According to the action of the predominant analyzer, there are visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile perceptions.
There are also more complex types of perception that arise as a result of the work of several analyzers. 1. Perception of objects.
All types of sensations operate in the perception of objects.
When we see an orange, we combine visual, gustatory, olfactory and tactile impressions. The perception of individual objects is a very complex process. We identify the main features of an object, discard the unimportant ones, and then recognition of the object occurs. When perceiving familiar objects, recognition occurs quickly. Every time we perceive, we form a visual image of an object. We call this object a word. Therefore, perception is closely related to speech. When we perceive an unfamiliar object, we try to establish its similarity to a familiar one. For example, perceiving a watch and mentally calling it with this word, we are distracted from such unimportant features as the material from which the case is made, size, shape and highlight the main feature - the indication of time.  Does everything that surrounds a person fall into his field of perception? How does the choice of an object of perception occur? 2. Perception of space,
the distance of objects from us and from each other, their shape and size
These perceptions are built on the basis of a combination of visual, auditory, skin and motor sensations. Only accumulated experience gives us a correct idea of ​​the size of objects. A person standing in a boat far from the shore appears much smaller than a person standing on the shore. But no one will say that one person is big and the other is small. We say: one person is close and the other is far from us. By the strength of the sound of thunder, we determine the distance separating us from an approaching thunderstorm; using touch with our eyes closed, we can determine the shape of an object. Through the experience of perceptions, we form an idea of ​​perspective. When we look at the rails going into the distance, we see that they converge on the horizon line. Our eyes see this, and our brains, therefore, our experience suggests that they do not converge anywhere. The children have no experience yet, they think that the rails converge, so they ask: what is there? 3. Perception of time.
There is
a reflection of the duration and sequence of events
occurring in the world.
This is a very subjective process. The perception of the duration of time depends on what fills that time. Time periods filled with something pleasant are perceived as shorter. So it feels like a change always flies by instantly, and a boring lesson lasts a very long time. Depends on age: children perceive time as dragging on for a long time, while for adults, days and months fly by very quickly.  Why is it that when we feel good, time is perceived as passing quickly, and when we feel bad or bored – as dragging slowly?
There are people who always know what time it is.
Such people have a well-developed sense of time. The sense of time is not innate, it develops as a result of accumulated experience. Task 3
Check who has a well-developed sense of time. Periodically, without looking at the clock, say what time it is; the one who guessed correctly more often (or was closer to the correct time) has an excellent sense of time. 4. Perception of movement.
There is
a reflection of changes in the spatial relationships of the environment and the observer himself
It involves visual, auditory, muscle and other sensations. If an object moves in space, then we perceive its movement due to the fact that it leaves our field of best vision and forces us to move our eyes or head. If objects move towards us and we try to focus our gaze on them, our eyes converge at one point and the eye muscles tense. Thanks to this tension, we form the idea of ​​distance. By internal sensations we perceive the movements of our own body. Perceiving the world, a person highlights something in it, but does not notice something at all. For example, during a lesson you can enthusiastically watch what is happening outside the window and absolutely not notice what the teacher is saying there. What a person highlights is the object
of perception, and everything else is
the background
Sometimes they can change places. Task 4
Look at the image of the young woman half turned away. Can you immediately notice an old woman with a big nose and chin hidden in her collar? The individual uniqueness of perception depends on the mental state of a person at the moment. If he is cheerful, cheerful, joyfully excited, then one perception, if he is scared, sad, angry, then a completely different one. Therefore, the perception of the same person, event, phenomenon by different people is so different. Thus, each perception includes not only sensations, but also a person’s past experience, his thoughts, emotions, i.e. Every perception is influenced by a person’s personality. ^ Illusions of perception.
Sometimes our senses and our perceptions let us down, as if deceiving us.
Such “deceptions” of the senses are called illusions.

^Which square is larger?

Vision is more susceptible to illusions than other senses. No wonder they say: “don’t believe your eyes”, “optical illusion”.  Light objects against a dark background appear enlarged compared to their actual size. A dark object appears smaller than a light one of the same size. These illusions are explained by the fact that each light outline of an object is surrounded by a light border on the retina. It increases the size of the image. In general, all light objects seem larger to us than dark ones.
People appear thinner in a dark dress than in a light one.

^Which of the horizontal segments is longer?
^ Which lines are longer?

 When comparing two figures, one of which is smaller than the other, we mistakenly perceive all parts of the smaller figure as smaller, and all parts of the larger figure as larger. This is clearly visible in the figure: the upper segment in it seems longer than the lower one, although in fact they are equal.  Look at the picture, which shows lines - horizontal and vertical. Which ones are longer? You will say that the vertical ones are longer. This is a visual error. Lines of equal length. The horizontal ones are divided in half by the vertical ones and therefore seem to be shorter.  Artists, architects, and tailors are well aware of visual illusions. They use them in their work. For example, a tailor sews a dress from striped fabric. If he arranges the fabric so that the stripes are horizontal, then the woman in this dress will appear taller. And if you “lay” the stripes horizontally, the wearer of the dress will appear shorter and thicker.  Upside-down is a type of optical illusion when the nature of the perceived object depends on the direction of gaze. One of these illusions is the “duck hare”: the image can be interpreted as both an image of a duck and an image of a hare.

^ How many bars?
Is it possible to create such a figure?

 Sometimes illusions arise under the influence of strong emotions: For example, in fear a person can mistake one thing for another (a stump in the forest for an animal.)

^What do you see in the picture?

 There is an illusion of non-existent objects, most often based on a false perspective, ambiguous connections.  There are illusions caused by the relationship between “figure” and “ground”. Looking at the drawing, we see first one figure, then another. These could be stairs going up or down, or two profiles changing to a drawing of a vase, etc. Sometimes other senses deceive us.  If you eat a piece of lemon or herring and wash it down with tea with a little sugar, the first sip will seem very sweet.  An interesting phenomenon is experienced by astronauts. When weightlessness sets in, they experience the illusion of turning over. That is, they think they are upside down and feet up, although in fact their body is positioned correctly.  There are entire illusory works of art. They are a triumph of fine art over reality. Example: drawing “Waterfall” by Maurice Escher. The water circulates here endlessly; after the wheel rotates, it flows further and ends up back to the starting point. If such a structure could be built, then there would be a perpetual motion machine! But upon closer examination of the picture, we see that the artist is deceiving us, and any attempt to build this structure is doomed to failure. Task 5.
All people have illusions of perception. Ask your friends to look at these drawings, and they will create the same illusions as you.

Which of the central circles is larger?Which of the vertical segments is longer?
^Are the lines parallel?How many legs does an elephant have?

New concepts
perception, sensation, kinesthetic, organic, vibration sensations, illusions of perception. Test questions.

  1. What is sensation and perception?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between these processes?
  3. What are the physiological mechanisms of sensations?
  4. What types of sensations and perceptions do you know? What do they mean?
  1. What role do sensations and perceptions play in our lives?
  2. What are perceptual illusions? Give examples of illusions.
  3. Describe what sensations make up the image of the perception of a pine tree.
  4. Why do we notice dust on furniture and not feel the specks of dust that land on our face?
  5. Choose the correct answer.

During training, the sensitivity of the senses: a) does not change;
b) improves to a certain limit; c) improves without limit; d) gets worse. 9.2.
The perception of objects depends most of all on: a) the quality of a person’s sensations and experience;
b) on the temperament and character of a person; c) from the movement or rest of these objects; d) all answers are correct; d) all answers are incorrect. Follow the link and complete the test tasks. Test tasks. Literature
1. Rogov E.I.
Psychology of cognition. – M.: Vlados, 2001. 2. Dubrovina I.V. and others. Psychology. – M.: Academy, 1999. 3. Yanovskaya L.V. Basics of psychology. – M.: World of Books, 2007. 4. Proshchitskaya E.N. Workshop on choosing a profession. – M.: Enlightenment, 1995. 5. 6. 7. https://www.e-psy. ru/html/publish/st6.html 8. 9. ru&base=colier&page=showid&id=8872 10. 11. 12. /vospriyatie/ 13. Illusions of perception
1. 2. https://vadim-andreev.narod. ru/ufo/iluzia.htm 3. 4.
Development of sensations and perception
1. https://adalin.mospsy .ru/l_01_00/l_01_13b.shtml 2.
Diagnostics of sensation and perception
1. -metodicheskie-…perceptivnyx-sposobnostej.html This is interesting to know
^ Is it possible to improve your perception?
You can improve your perception. To become observant, do the following.

  1. Listen carefully to how your friend, who studies better than you and always gets excellent grades, answers in class. Try to imitate him and only after that develop your own style of answering the teacher’s questions.
  2. When preparing for lessons, learn to highlight the main thing in the material and focus your attention on it.
  3. Choose your examples to illustrate the rules and laws you are learning.
  4. Learn to analyze your activity in class and in social events and note the features of your perception, comparing it with the perception of your classmates.

5. To train your powers of observation, we offer you a simple exercise. a) remember who answered in class today? But yesterday? b) what questions did the students answer? c) what actions did the teacher perform? d) what was their purpose? e) do you know how many blondes and brunettes are in your class? Try to systematically train and develop your powers of observation, devoting at least a few minutes to it every day.[/td]

Categories:Psychology. Imagination training, puzzles, chess Understanding the world and yourself


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Why and how to train sensations?

If you train your senses, you will significantly improve your memory. As you may know, the information that is best remembered is that associated with the senses: for example, English words need to be written, made vivid, maybe even “sniffed.” And memory, in turn, is closely related to creative thinking. In short, by consciously sensing, you develop many cognitive skills.

There is one simple but very effective exercise. The essence of it is to devote five minutes to training one of the senses:

  • Vision: Pay attention exclusively to what you see. Look at the object, its shape, curves, highlights.
  • Smell: Open the refrigerator, take out foods one by one and smell them. It is best to do this, of course, alone. Try to compare smells and analyze them. Let us remind you once again: try to turn off all other senses.
  • Hearing: Begin to pick up all the sounds you hear. Compare them, try to switch from one to another.
  • Touch: touch different objects - paper, table, blanket. Try to understand the difference in sensations, stay in this moment.
  • Taste: Try different foods (little by little). Don't swallow it right away, try to understand all the flavors. Compare varieties of cheese, bread or meat.

You may ask: “Why doesn’t sensory training occur in everyday life?” The thing is that we don't do it consciously. The sensations only occur if you pay attention to them. Everything else seems to fall on deaf ears.

Where does all the information from the senses flow?

As we previously found out, a person perceives and processes information from the senses and analyzed the process of perception of each organ. Let's look at this action comprehensively.

All receptors are responsible for the perception of specific stimuli, reacting to each impulse in their own way. Then all the information from the sense organs enters the intermediate sections of the analyzers, which are formed by nerve fibers located in the spinal cord, as well as in the brain stem region.

From this area, the signal passes to the central section of the analyzers, that is, to the telencephalon. This is where the assessment and integrity of the nervous excitation begins as a result of the perception of an impulse by the senses. To summarize, the stimulus passes through 3 groups of departments:

  • superficial;
  • intermediate;
  • central.

They, in turn, are firmly connected to each other and are an integral system. Let's discuss a very important issue, how to protect the senses.

What is perception

Now let’s find out what perception is and try to understand how and how it differs from sensation.

Perception (perception) is sensory knowledge of objects in the surrounding world, which subjectively appears to be direct, immediate. While sensation is used to detect sound waves, perception is used by the brain to interpret the sound of a guitar, for example. The way we perceive our surroundings is what sets us apart from animals and from each other.

To look at the phenomenon of perception, we need to talk about theories that are either directly or indirectly related to it.

Gestalt principle

The German word “gestalt” roughly translates to “whole” or “form,” and Gestalt psychologists believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. According to the theory, in order to interpret what we receive through our senses, we try to organize this information into certain groups. This allows the information to be interpreted in the future without unnecessary repetition.

For example, when you see one dot, you perceive it as such, but when you see five dots together, you group them together, saying “a series of dots.” Without such a tendency, our perception will view the same series as “dot, dot, dot, dot, dot.” In this case, the processing process itself will increase approximately five times in time, and also reduces perceptual ability.

Maintaining Constancy of Perception

Imagine if every time an object changed in perception, we had to completely rework it. For example, as you approached a building, with each step you would have to re-evaluate the size of the building because it would get bigger.

Fortunately, this doesn't happen. Because of our ability to maintain consistency in our perceptions, we roughly estimate the height of a building no matter how far away we are from it. Perceptual constancy refers to our ability to see things differently without reinterpreting the properties of the object. Usually they talk about three constants: size, shape, brightness.

Size constancy refers to our ability to see objects as maintaining the same size, even at a distance. This is true for all our senses. As we move away from the speaker, the song becomes softer. We understand this and perceive the sound to be approximately as loud.

Everyone saw the round plate. However, when we look at it from an angle, it looks more like an ellipse. The constancy of the shape allows us to perceive this plate as round, although the angle from which we look seems to distort the shape.

Brightness constancy refers to our ability to recognize that a color remains the same regardless of how it appears at different levels. That dark blue shirt you wore on the beach suddenly “turns” black when you walk into a dark room. Without color consistency, we will constantly reinterpret color and be amazed at the miraculous transformation that constantly “happens” to our clothes.

How to take care of them

Hygiene of the sense organs greatly influences their development and health. There is a list of basic rules that must be followed to protect your receptors and analyzers. Let's look at them for each organ.


To maintain the normal condition of your eyes, you should:

  • use good lighting for reading;
  • no smoking;
  • Healthy food;
  • visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year;
  • if your doctor has recommended that you wear glasses or contacts, do not ignore these recommendations;
  • lenses or glasses require appropriate care and timely replacement;
  • moderate communication with gadgets - no more than 5 hours a day;
  • daily eye exercises.

If you follow these simple instructions, you can maintain your good vision or even improve it. It should also be taken into account that vision may deteriorate due to natural trauma. Therefore, do not ignore protective equipment such as glasses or a mask if you work in a factory with welding or machine tools, etc., and also try to avoid contact with bright lights.


The tongue is a very elastic muscle and one of the strongest in the body. The shell of the tongue is very rough, due to the fact that there are many small papillae on it, which serve as receptors that recognize the taste of food. These receptors are divided into several types, each of which performs its own function:

  • mushroom-shaped;
  • threadlike;
  • groove-shaped;
  • conical;
  • leaf-shaped.

Here is a list of rules on how to protect each of them:

  • wash your hands before eating;
  • Drinking hot food or liquid is prohibited;
  • do not talk while eating, so as not to accidentally damage the receptors;
  • Before eating food, make sure that it does not contain dangerous ingredients, for example, small seeds.


With the help of our nose we can not only smell pleasant smells. This body also warns us about various threats, such as gas leaks or fires. Therefore, care for this organ should not be neglected. Here is a list of recommendations:

  • smoking or passive perception of such an irritant contributes to a deterioration in the sense of smell;
  • Dust is very harmful to the nose, so you should carry out wet cleaning and ventilation of the rooms in which you are daily;
  • Avoid contact with strong odors, especially from small containers (the smaller the container, the more particles accumulate in it).


In order to protect your hearing, you need to follow 3 rules:

  • you should not listen to loud music;
  • try to clean your ears daily using cotton swabs and rinse them with water;
  • Do not use sharp objects to clean your ears, otherwise there is a risk of tearing the membrane.


The skin has the main function of protecting most internal organs from external irritants. Thanks to the skin, we distinguish between heat and cold, and also feel pain. How to protect it?

  • try to wash every day;
  • make sure your clothes are clean;
  • you should also not buy low quality clothes;
  • It is prohibited to touch unfamiliar plants and street animals.

By following these rules, you can keep all your senses in good condition.

Perception training

To train perception, you must first be aware of your feelings and sensations. The best way to do this is to have a list of questions. Write them down on a piece of paper and ask yourself several times a day:

  • How adequate is my perception?
  • Do I have a lot of subjective and emotional bias in me now?
  • Do I have a fear of seeing what is really happening?
  • How do I perceive the world in its movements, colors, shapes and smells?
  • How much information from the senses can I absorb at once?
  • Is my perception complete?
  • Does my consciousness look deep or skim the surface?

The answers to these questions, which you will give every day, will significantly change your attitude towards perception, and therefore improve it.

Applications of perception research

Knowledge of the laws of aesthetics plays a decisive role in such areas of human activity as art, architecture, design, advertising, food and perfume industries, cinema and the recording industry, etc. The study of the laws of formation of aesthetics is important. B. children and adolescents. A detailed study of the mechanisms of V. disorders as a result of diseases and local brain lesions leading to agnosia, aphasia, deafness, and blindness helps in the development of methods for correcting, enhancing, and prosthetizing human sensory and perceptual capabilities. A large class of applied V. research includes work on modeling V.’s individual characteristics and recognition of faces and emotions. Great practical The creation of multimedia information is important. systems (for example, for the entertainment industry) and virtual reality systems (for example, the development of simulators that simulate virtual reality conditions and actions in special types of professional activities).

Difference between sensation and perception

These are very similar concepts, which, however, are very different. So let's find out what exactly it is.

We have five different sensory organs (in the classical sense): eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. They are responsible for sensing stimuli around them. The signals we receive from the environment are called sensations . Simply put, sensations are what our senses perceive and transmit to the brain. When the brain receives a stimulus, it transforms it into feelings, taste, sound, sight and smell. In this regard, perception can even be called the sixth sense: it is how we form an opinion about something that happens around us.

Perception is an absolutely personal experience, while sensations are objective. We may be cold (sensation), but we force ourselves to believe that we are warm (perception). Perception is a psychological concept, sensations are physiological.

Two different people can have completely opposite perceptions of the same sensations: the taste of food, the perception of a masterpiece of art, and so on.

In this regard, I would like to take away one lesson: your level of happiness and success in life depend on perception. It doesn’t matter what life circumstances you are in now: learn to perceive them in such a way that they evoke optimism and a desire to learn and develop. Remember that when two people look through a grille, one sees dirt and the other sees stars. We are biological beings and are highly dependent on living conditions, but we have been given incredible power to change our perceptions in such a way as to be satisfied with life and happy in any situation. Or it can deliberately cause a state of dissatisfaction if this motivates us to become better.

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Why do people believe in magic
  • Feelings, emotions and sensations: the first step to profiling
  • Sensations: what they are and what they are like
  • Cognitive load theory
  • Learning Experience: Gibbs Model
  • Managing emotions with color
  • Psychic reflection
  • What is consciousness?
  • Cognitive processes
  • Mental processes: types and brief description

Key words:_D1027, 1Cognitive science, 4Psychoregulation

Feelings and desires

In the context of perception, it is very important to understand that it is in the process of perception that both fears and desires, as well as the state of mind and state of a person as a whole, are born. It is very similar to liquid in a container. If you pour dirt into a vessel, the vessel itself will remain dirty, even after the liquid has been removed. If you pour clean water into a vessel, the vessel itself will become clean, even after the water has been poured out. Various stimuli are very dangerous for perception, since they not only do not carry any meaning, but also pollute a person’s consciousness. Such irritants are meaningless and excessive entertainment, empty conversations or arguments, news that is often broadcast through the media. News especially negatively affects a person’s mind, since bad news causes severe stress, but the person himself cannot do anything in response, he is forced to only observe, which leads to the accumulation of stress and, as a result, emotional depression, depression or chronic stress.

At the same time, the perception of information that allows a person to change for the better allows him to more fully reveal his life, potential, talents, as well as cleanse himself of various kinds of bad habits and negative qualities, which in turn leads to an increase in happiness and standard of living. Both external and internal. Cultivating positive qualities with the help of this kind of information is the path to intelligent life and the evolution of consciousness.

The world is one, but everyone experiences it differently

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
A young man took his girlfriend by the hand and walked with her to the seashore. They both sat down and looked up at the sky as the sun slowly set below the horizon. The night was now clear, the stars were shining. Without exchanging a word, they both knew that each of them felt the incredible size of the Universe.

After several minutes of silence, the young man asked his girlfriend:

– What do you see now?

It became very quiet for a moment. Then the girl replied:

“I see the same sky and the same sea as you.” But I see them with different eyes.

As the young man immersed himself in the clear reflection of the starry sky in her beautiful eyes, he allowed himself to understand the answer. What she said was new to him. He had never seen a world like this before. The night passed, but the realization remained and changed his life forever.

This short story is intended to focus on a personal perception of the world. All people look at life differently. Everyone has their own reality. Everyone has a different picture in their head.


We examined the number of sense organs in humans, their names and functions, as well as a holistic reflection of the objects that affect them. In conclusion, we would like to answer the questions that are most often asked on this topic.

The largest sensory organ in humans

The largest sensory organ is the skin. If you examine the skin particles under a microscope, it looks completely different. When you zoom in 500 times, you can see that our skin tissue is a layer of non-living cells, on top of which many tubercles and holes are formed.

If a person could shed his skin like a snake or spider, and then stretch it along the entire perimeter, then its diameter would be approximately 5,000 - 5,500 square meters. However, its thickness reaches no more than a couple of millimeters, as a result its average weight is about 3 kilograms.

Also, skin tissue is constantly growing, that is, new cells appear, which suggests that all cells cannot be dead. If we return to the experiment with a microscope and zoom in another 15 - 20%, we will notice that dead cells are continuously divided into several parts, from which new ones are reproduced.

What sense organs are best developed in humans?

By and large, it all depends on many factors, maintaining health, work, sleep, and so on. These processes occur differently for each person. This question can also be considered in reverse, which organs are developed the worst. For example, for me personally, due to my profession: SEO copywriting, my vision clearly “lags behind” other organs.

Unfortunately, there is practically no accurate information about the most developed organ in humans. However, according to some doctors and professors, the most important organ should be the most developed. In most people, the skin, that is, the organ of touch, prevails. In principle, if you think about it, this is quite logical. Imagine being locked in a dark room in which you can’t see anything at all. It would be possible to do without hearing, sight, smell and taste in such a situation, but not without touch.

But many scientists argue that vision plays a more important role than touch in everyday life, arguing in reverse about which organ is most difficult for a person to live without in everyday life.

We tried to give the most detailed and detailed information about what the sense organs are and what functions they perform. If you have not found an answer to your question or have difficulty understanding any terms, write to us in the comments and we will certainly answer you. We will also be very interested in which sense organ in your opinion is the most important for a person.


For quite a long time it was believed that touch is an indivisible sense. But it is now generally accepted that it is divided into three main sensations: pressure, temperature and pain. Need I say how important they are?

We don’t feel air pressure, it constantly affects the whole body, but the change in pressure can still be felt by the nose, lips and cheeks! And the most unreceptive part of our body is... the big toe, and that is the only reason it withstands the pressure of the entire body of ballet dancers and dancers during fouette and pirouettes.

The feeling of temperature saves us from frostbite and burns, and the feeling of pain is the most powerful irritant that is almost impossible to ignore. And strangely enough, this is our happiness. Pain quickly teaches a child not to touch hot objects or chew his tongue. People born with a rare genetic disorder, insensitivity to pain, tend to die young because they cause irreparable damage to themselves that they do not feel.

Artificial organs: fantasy in reality

It's no secret that modern medicine has reached heights in the creation of artificial organs such as an arm or a leg. There are already prototypes of mechanical hands controlled by signals directly from the brain, and exoskeletons that will allow people who have never stood on their feet to walk before. Doctors implant artificial hearts in patients. The development of artificial skin is in full swing, which will not be rejected and will allow people to be treated after the most terrible burns. However, the creation of an artificial ear, and even more so, an artificial eye, still poses difficulties.

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Hearing is the second provider of information after vision. Our species dominates the Earth; we have long ceased to fight for survival in the primeval forest, where in the darkness of the night only hearing could warn of danger and save our lives. So why does hearing rank second among the senses?

Crickets and grasshoppers listen with their front legs. Dutch physicists were able to reproduce this organ of hearing, which turned out to be one of the most sensitive acoustic instruments

The answer is simple: because it is the most accessible channel for exchanging information between people. No hearing - no speech, or it is very difficult. Using a special technique, a deaf person can be taught to speak, but the speech will not be very intelligible and is often excessively loud. But speech is the most important component of thinking, helping to organize it, and thinking is again the brain.

We do not hear ultrasound (very high tones) and infrasound (very low tones), although they also affect us. The ears also play the role of an organ of balance. Without them, we would constantly feel dizzy and walk with an unsteady gait.


Yes, it is difficult to compete with vision and hearing, but other senses are also vitally important. Perhaps the most primitive sense is smell. After all, the smell is perceived by the brain directly from the receptors located in the nose; there is no long chain of amplification, transformation and encoding, as happens with image and sound. But at the same time, the sense of smell plays a huge role in our lives.

An experienced perfumer is able to distinguish up to 2000 aromas, although in daily work he uses only 300 to 800 scents

The sense of smell definitely protects our lives from many dangers; thanks to it, we do not eat rotten food and can recognize the smell of gas or smoke in time. It is nature’s reliable assistant in the matter of reproduction. A small butterfly can attract a male with its scent for mating from several kilometers away! And a dying ant emits a specific smell, sensing which its relatives rush to remove the body of their fellow from the anthill.

In addition, the sense of smell is one of the most reliable and durable “anchors” for our memory and emotions. The smell of warm milk is grandma, the smell of wildflowers is summer and holidays at the dacha, mother’s perfume is a feeling of peace.

Associations formed in childhood accompany us throughout our lives. You may forget the face of your first lover and even her name, but you will never forget her scent.

“And a rose smells like a rose, whether you call it a rose or not” (W. Shakespeare)

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