What signs indicate a woman's breed? Top class lady

The phrase “purebred girls” sounds strange to many. After all, when it comes to thoroughbreds, our smaller brothers usually come to mind. I immediately remember a film about the faithful and smart Mukhtar, whose role was played by a German shepherd named “Count” with a crazy intellect and famous ancestors - champions.

But it turns out that this concept is quite applicable to humans. If we turn to historical facts, we will see that belonging to one class or another, and this, in general, is the subject of our conversation, played a huge role in the life of every person.

In those days, noble birth and the presence of great ancestors opened all doors, although they also imposed responsibilities. The term had a very specific meaning. It meant belonging to a certain group of people. Aristocracy, merchants, peasantry and others.

In our time, the division into castes has become conditional, but still exists. In the early nineties of the last century, it was fashionable to find counts, barons, and even princes among your ancestors. It seems that if desired, they can be found in the family tree of almost each of us. Another thing is, is it necessary?

It turns out there is demand. Many representatives of the stronger sex, who have achieved some success in life, want to connect their fate with purebred girls or, at least, arrange the personal happiness of their sons.

At the same time, you need to understand that the concept in question has somewhat changed and expanded its meaning in our time.

She loves herself in the body that she got by nature

You don't have to be beautiful to love yourself. The canons of beauty are so changeable, but love and respect for one’s own body are constant. A high-class woman knows how to enjoy extra centimeters, small breasts or large ears, recognizing them as a feature that emphasizes her individuality. And she knows how to present herself “deliciously”, no matter where - among friends, in home clothes, in bed, while washing dishes or at a business presentation. To look and feel beautiful, she does not need the incentive of spectators and applause.

What signs indicate a woman's breed? Top class lady

Meeting a purebred woman in your life is the highest pleasure and luck, which you still need to earn from God. And it doesn’t matter who she comes into your life as - a friend, mother, daughter, wife, mistress, boss, or just a woman who, once you meet on your way, will leave behind an unforgettable, pleasant aftertaste. She fills, creates, inspires, even if she does nothing. Who is she and what signs indicate a woman’s breed, elitism, upper class?

She is self-sufficient, but allows herself to be weak

She can take care of herself, she has a profession and she understands her calling and purpose in this life. But she is strong enough to allow herself to be weak. Men next to her feel like heroes and perform feats that other women considered them incapable of. Even the most unworthy men in her presence pull out the best qualities from their coarsened and angry souls in order to become more worthy, nobler, more courageous. Near a great woman, you want to sound with a capital letter – Man.

What are these signs? Let's listen to the opinions of men.

You won’t believe it, but men also believe in magic, and they have cherished fairy-tale dreams from childhood. Each of them, as a child, certainly dreamed of becoming a king and proudly, autocratically ruling the power entrusted to him.

With age, fairy tales become a thing of the past, there are not enough kingdoms for everyone, but the dream of a real queen remains for life. Note that almost none of the men have ever seen the real queen in person, except on TV or ancient portraits. However, this does not prevent them from having a completely clear idea of ​​the signs of the royal “breed”, by which they will unmistakably identify the woman of their dreams. So, what are these signs?

Royal bearing


A woman's true royal "pedigreedness" is manifested in her manner of carrying herself - majestically, slowly, without shuffling her legs or swaying her hips. It seems as if even among people running in the subway, she floats in the crowd, attracting admiring glances.


The Queen will never allow herself to fussily wave her hands during a conversation, gesticulate energetically, cross her legs and fidget in her seat, trying to straighten her skirt. She knows how to emphasize with her movements not the commonality, but the difference between a man and a woman, behaving gently, easily and delicately. She just walked in, sat down in one calm movement, put her legs down freely (knees together, legs one slightly in front of the other or slightly crossed), gracefully folded her hands on her knees... And everyone realized that in front of them was Her Majesty.


It is impossible to imagine a true woman of the royal “breed” speaking in a thin, shrill voice, interrupting her interlocutor and using slang words in her speech. She attracts attention with her low, well-produced voice, correct literary speech and the ability to listen carefully to her interlocutor.


With all the freedom of morals in the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a person of the royal “breed” dressed in a unisex style. No fashionable sneakers or chic trousers can replace an elegant dress and high-heeled shoes that will highlight your femininity and beauty, arousing the admiration of men.


It is not appropriate for a person of the royal “breed” to have an ultra-short haircut, tanned skin and flashy makeup. A woman worthy of a king should have hair flowing to her shoulders, delicate skin and discreet makeup that emphasizes her dignity, like Marie Antoinette, for example.



A woman worthy of a king is aware of all the news and will easily support a conversation on any topic, in the language of her interlocutor, tactfully explaining to other participants in the conversation the essence of her dialogue with a foreigner if they do not understand what it is about. Such a person knows how to listen with sincere interest to the nonsense of an amateur about a problem in which she is a professional and knows the issue perfectly. As you know, men prefer educated women.

She allows herself to be imperfect

Ideally there is no dynamics, colors or life. Those who do not make mistakes do not develop. A woman of the upper class reserves the right to make mistakes, but also allows others to make mistakes. She recognizes and allows the people around her to be imperfect, so she has no need to pretend and wear masks. Taking responsibility for her own life, decision or choice, she is never a victim of circumstances, and is not subject to other people's influence or pressure.

She is not obsessed with herself

It is difficult to accuse her of egocentrism or narcissism. She loves herself, but this love has nothing to do with narcissism and conceit. A woman of the upper class does not demand that the world revolve around her, but she will not allow her own world to be neglected or disrespected. This is because she is used to not only taking, but also giving. She is overflowing with creative energy, capable of inspiring people and harmonizing space. Therefore, people with a wounded soul, brokenness and emptiness often find themselves near her. This woman knows how to fill, but only those who themselves want to be filled.


Bastards are illegitimate children. History contains many cases when noble people in power gave birth to children on the side, out of marriage, sanctified by the church. Some of them were recognized, received the throne, inheritance, and the right to command the country and troops.

For example, the English king William I the Conqueror, the only but illegitimate son of Robert the Devil. Or the English Queen Elizabeth I, whose father was Henry VIII. But the majority were not so lucky; they were persecuted even in their own circles.

In addition to an unexpectedly flared passion or love for ordinary peasants, the reason for the appearance of bastards is, so to speak, a change in genetics.

Excessive pallor, although it was considered a sign of aristocracy, in fact, most often it was the cause of some diseases and general weakness. Wanting to improve the health of future descendants, noble people entered into relationships with people of lower origin. Which were distinguished by their strength of body, hard work, activity and endurance.

She does not collect gossip, does not participate in squabbles and does not incite conflicts

They say about her that she is a mature person. A thoroughbred woman will never stoop to groundless criticism, self-affirmation through weak, humiliating gossip, empty accusations and quarrels. She values ​​her time and energy too much to waste it on conflicts in the name of personal ambitions. Of course, she can allow herself emotions and show strength or weakness of character, but if she turns out to be wrong, she will always ask for forgiveness and honestly admit her mistakes. This does not humiliate her, but makes her richer spiritually, because she understands that by letting in someone else’s point of view, her own world becomes wider and more interesting. That is why she never wastes herself on meaningless books, mediocre films and empty people.

Aristocrat today: 10 signs of a top-class woman

How does a modern lady stand out from the crowd?

Everyone has probably heard the words “aristocratism” and “gentility”. Some can even confidently say whether a person has these traits or not. But it is quite difficult to give an exact definition of these terms. These are the signs by which a modern aristocrat can be distinguished.

Perfect posture

The main sign by which one can accurately determine the “breed” is correct posture: dropped shoulders, slightly raised chin. And, of course, a straight back. Only a successful and self-confident man will make a worthy match for such a lady. A random person next to her has nothing to do, because the chance is zero.

Another important point is a truly royal gait, regal and unhurried. Wagging your hips, mincing steps or a sweeping move a la a longshoreman - all this is not about a true lady. A real aristocrat, slowly floating in the crowd, can be distinguished even in the subway or on a busy street.

Calm movements

A well-mannered woman will never allow herself to make animated gestures, waving her arms, or fussy gestures. She behaves calmly and confidently in any situation. Tenderness and delicacy in movements make you realize that in front of you is, if not Her Majesty, then certainly Highness.

Knowledge of manners

It's not just about the skill of using a fish knife and knowing the purpose of all cutlery. A true aristocrat is fluent in the art of receiving guests, knows what to say and to whom, and is invariably friendly and friendly without a hint of intrusiveness.

Correct speech

A well-mannered girl, in whom one feels the true breed, cannot be imagined speaking in a raised tone, in an unnatural, shrill voice. She never interrupts her interlocutor, does not allow the use of jargon and colloquial expressions, not to mention obscene language.

The voice of a real lady, as a rule, is low-pitched, with pleasant velvety notes, and her speech is correct and literary. An aristocrat knows how not only to clearly express her thoughts, but also to listen carefully to her interlocutor.

Femininity in choosing clothes

The unisex style, so popular today, stretched oversized pullovers, jeans and sneakers - this is not about a real lady. The lady is somewhat conservative in her clothing. She prefers an elegant dress to fashionable denim trousers, and nude shoes with low comfortable heels to sneakers or ankle boots with 12-centimeter stiletto heels.

She has her own opinion and is not afraid to express it, even if it differs from the generally accepted one.

A woman of the upper class is sufficiently educated and never stops developing, which allows her to have high authority in the eyes of others and boldly express her own point of view, even if it differs sharply from public opinion. She knows how not only to speak and defend the truth, but is also ready to listen and hear, to show tolerance and condescension. But she also always reserves the right to be honest, and can say: “I don’t understand you!”, “I don’t know!”, “I don’t share your opinion.” She will not pretend to appear, not to be.

Purebred women

Observing people, I concluded that there are very few beautiful women. Now I'm not talking about the beauty of the soul. I want to talk about what I consider beautiful in a woman. Of course, men will not like my opinion, and I will incur a storm of indignation. I love walking around the city and noticing and celebrating beautiful people. But more and more often I am overtaken by disappointment. Here comes a young girl, a magnificent face, eyes, breasts, butt, legs - everything about her is individually good. All together it's terrible. I painfully collect the whole image in my head and understand what’s going on! There is no breed.

Do you know the difference between a working horse and a thoroughbred? Have you seen how a thoroughbred horse holds its neck, like its back, how it carries its tail and head? What graceful tall thin legs does she have? What is the look of a thoroughbred horse? How does she communicate with the rider? Try to hurt her, try to treat her rudely, and for a very long time you will not be able to approach her at all, and not just sit on her back. Have you ever seen a thoroughbred horse pulling a plow?

And workhorses, sweet workhorses, they pull their weight through life. Their sides got used to the whip. Rough and hard work requires a lot of food, a lot of water. That is why their build is so different from thoroughbred riding horses. They beat her, but she pulls the plow even harder, does not kick, does not show her temper, only food and the whip control her. Her head is always in the ground, her eyes are guilty and fearful. Large bones, a good layer of fat, a gentle disposition - otherwise you won’t survive. Everything about her is great, everything is good, but there is no breed.

So women are purebred and not quite. But there are fewer and fewer purebreds. Men do not like the breed in a woman. They are simpler workhorses, more reliable, and there are fewer worries and easier maintenance. In addition, for a thoroughbred mare, harnesses need to be silver. And if you come across a breed, then you really want to try to harness it to the plow, and with a whip, a whip! What if you submit? What fun and pleasure! Thoroughbred horses choose freedom, and women prefer loneliness to humiliation. So there is less breed and beauty on earth.


She never makes excuses

She does not have a feeling of guilt, which is the most destructive emotion, the root cause of her own and other people’s troubles. She knows how to ask for forgiveness and apologize if she has offended, learn a lesson and correct the situation if possible, but she will never carry the burden of guilt for everything in the world, constantly making excuses and demanding indulgence. It is possible and necessary to admit your failure, but only once; all subsequent times are justifications, and they are needed to drown out the feeling of guilt. A high-class woman knows that it cannot be silenced. You can only say goodbye to him by forgiving yourself.

She lives consciously and is in the wisest state of “here and now”

Being a wise person, a thoroughbred woman understands the value of the “here and now” state. She does not live in the past, no matter how bright it may be, and does not live entirely in a ghostly future, no matter how happy it may seem. She knows how to live consciously and find joy in the priceless moment “here and now,” since this is where life happens. Life is a process, not a result. Therefore, she knows how to find the positive in everything, knows how to be flexible and change her attitude to the situation if she cannot change the situation itself.

“What a disgusting mongrel your husband is!”

This phrase belongs to one of my friends in relation to the spouse of another.
This same husband is truly a terribly vile person.

I stopped visiting our common company precisely because of him.

Because he:

  • has 150 kilograms of excess weight;
  • always poorly shaven;
  • the scent of sweat and bad breath are his constant companions;
  • stains on his clothes are a wonderful illustration of his gastronomic habits;
  • he simply eats disgustingly (this process has no other name), accompanying the absorption of food with slurping, belching and wiping his hands on his pants;
  • always gets drunk like a pig, and then begins to behave accordingly;
  • insults his wife in public;
  • cheats on her left and right (...I’m writing this and I’m already starting to feel nauseous.)

How can you even live and sleep with this creature?

This is a HUGE mystery for me!

I heard the story that led to the nickname “Vile Mongrel” for this creature from a witness to the scandal, since by that time I myself had no longer communicated with this company.

So, during some kind of party in a bar, this body, as always, got drunk and, as usual, began to yell and swear at the entire establishment, then began to make obscene jokes at the address of all the women in the room.

The wife, naturally, did not interfere, so as not to receive her share of swearing, or even a slap on the wrist.

But when the “mongrel” began his favorite pastime – taking off his pants – my friend could not stand it and shouted out this phrase: “Vile mongrel!”

And what do you think the wife did?

She burst into an angry tirade: “Don’t touch my husband, you pest. Let him have fun. He’s funny, and you’re just jealous!”

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