The best books for self-development that a woman should read

Hello everyone! Another blog article has been published. Achieving success in the modern world requires constant physical, spiritual, emotional development, constant progress of one’s personality. So what books should a woman read for self-development that will be able to solve internal problems without the involvement of qualified specialists? There is a lot of literature on book shelves and in electronic libraries, from which it is difficult to choose worthy copies. In addition, not every representative of the fair sex knows exactly what prevents her from achieving harmony, achieving success, loving herself and being loved.

Unfortunately, even when you get into the chair of a renowned psychotherapist, it is not always possible to find the exact cause of the problem. And that means answering yourself: “What do I need to be happy?” Choosing a direction among the most common ones will help you take the first step towards self-knowledge:

  • psychology of relationships - who cannot find a soul mate, tries to save the family, suffers from jealousy, experiences a breakup crisis;
  • building a successful career - for developing will, developing motivation, for those who are still at the foot of the career ladder or have climbed to the top and do not want to fall;
  • personal growth - those who have experienced severe stress, want to overcome fears and complexes, are afraid of starting something new or losing something familiar.

Books on relationship psychology

Interpersonal relationships are the most confusing and complex. This is especially true for the delicate relationship between a man and a woman. There are many scientific works in which psychologists tried to find patterns of feelings and build a clear formula of love. Books about relationships are books about femininity, about the art of being a woman, a special segment in literature that can forever change the concept of family and marriage, making life in a couple happy and harmonious. They will be useful both for girls under 30 and for those who have extensive experience in marriage.

  1. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray. A real bestseller, translated into 15 languages, with a multi-million circulation all over the planet. The author is a practicing psychologist and sex therapist John Gray. The book reveals the essence of the differences in the psychology of the opposite sex in the perception of various situations. What sets her apart is a narration that is absolutely open and honest, without unnecessary veiling. It’s easy to recognize yourself in the stories described, and apply the conclusions drawn in practice.

  2. "Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man" by Steve Harvey. “The book that saves relationships” is how this treatise was dubbed on the Internet. It describes, in an accessible and incredibly easy-to-follow manner, the personal characteristics of men and the reasons for their behavior in different situations. The work gives a lot of practical advice that can be used in real life. It will be useful both in family vicissitudes and in building new relationships.

  3. “Fear of Intimacy” by Ilse Sand. The creation of a Danish psychotherapist, which can be attributed to the collection of life-affirming books. Allows you to realize the hidden reasons that have erected a psychological barrier that does not allow you to feel true happiness, both in relationships and in life. The book will help you find and overcome attitudes received in your youth; it will teach you not to forget unpleasant, painful situations, but to overcome them.

  4. "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Without a doubt, a masterpiece included in the list of the best books after 30 years. This age category is explained by the life cycle of marriage, when a crisis occurs in a married couple. And also the point when unmarried ladies begin to realize the craving for children and home. The book allows you to understand the choice of the most understandable option for receiving love, through help, gifts, encouraging words, wasted time or touch. The author, Ph.D. and eminent family consultant, through practical instructions, will help to establish a connection between the opposite sex.

  5. "The Charm of Femininity" by Helen Andelin. The selection of books would be incomplete without a work by a woman author. Helen Andelin is a happy mother of eight children, who wrote her work back in 1963. But there is still controversy about it. Numerous admirers have long dedicated the creation to tabletop reading, choosing from there the secrets of building a harmonious marriage, rules for raising children and recommendations on ways to help your husband achieve success. Others denounced the work, accusing the author of excessive subservience to husbands and an obvious gender division of responsibilities. But this book is worth reading.

Instructions for a business woman

In addition to relationships and a better understanding of one’s desires, needs and character traits, self-realization and financial independence are of great importance in a woman’s life.

Representatives of the best books for women's self-development that talk about business are the works of Stephen Covey and Natalia Grace.

"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

book by Stephen Covey
This book has repeatedly been included in selections of the best literature on business, and its author, Stephen Covey, is on the list of the 25 most influential people in the United States.

The book was first published in 1989 and has not lost its relevance since then. This is a recognized bestseller on personal growth, many people have spoken about its impact. Among them are Bill Clinton, Stephen Forbes and Larry King. In many companies, familiarization with this book is a prerequisite for employees.

The content of the book focuses on how to set goals, achieve them, effectively build relationships with people and engage in continuous self-improvement.

“Work, money and love. Guide to Self-Realization"

Work, money and love.
Guide to self-realization This training book by Natalia Grace is designed to help women identify their strengths, develop them, and rebuild their thinking to the level that is characteristic of self-sufficient and harmonious individuals.

The author’s rather tough and categorical style motivates readers to change.

Books for building a successful career

In the modern world, women have realized their rights and are ready to fight for high leadership positions. The authorship of most business books belongs to men, which means that the approach to doing business will be different from that of a woman. Therefore, when choosing your guide to the world of influence, you should take your favorite books of successful women as an example.

  1. "Women's Business" Diana Ferdman. The author is a successful entrepreneur and business coach Diana Ferdman. The book is entirely based on her experiences. This is not just a description of “how to do it,” but real consistent instructions for starting a business from scratch. Her approach is unique, because the peculiarities of women’s business have not yet been studied and have their own nuances that should be taken into account in order to achieve success, prosperity and independence.
  2. "Don't be afraid to take action" by Sheryl Sandberg. Many women are subject to public opinion about the need to choose - a successful career or a caring mother and housewife. This imposition of stereotypical thinking prevents you from trying your hand. Fear of condemnation forces you to fix yourself and choose the submissive role of a mediocre worker. The author fundamentally disagrees with such outdated rules, and shows from her own experience how to overcome difficulties. This is a truly motivating book that makes you believe in your ability to conquer any peak.

  3. “Your own financier” Anastasia Tarasova. The dream of an office with panoramic windows on the top floor of a skyscraper, of course, can exist, but it will not be possible to bring it to life without a financial cushion. It is a mistake to believe that the art of money management must be learned only after acquiring wealth. Any profit must be multiplied and spent correctly; the need for accumulation must become a sustainable habit. This is the only way to achieve financial independence.

  4. 9 Secrets of Women Who Get It All by Kate White. This is a book from the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan Magazine, who decided not only to reveal the secrets of her path to the leadership of a major publication, but brought together the stories of many women who came to success. Kate White has woven them into strategies that work. The book develops your own creative thinking so that the path to the top is graceful and elegant, as befits a woman.

  5. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" Robin Sharma. In fairness, you can include in the list of useful books on achieving true success one work created by a man. It is strikingly different from other treatises on conventional success, tied to money and influence. Robin Sharma suggests giving up battle and strategies, and first achieving harmony with yourself and understanding what exactly you need to be happy. Sometimes in reality, all that is missing is the absence of anxiety for tomorrow and the constant presence of familiar comfort.

“100 ways to change your life”, Larisa Parfentyeva

Larisa Parfentyeva is a speaker, motivator, writer and expert in the field of effective self-improvement. From personal experience, she was convinced that it is possible to radically change your life and realize yourself. A job you don’t like, excess weight, bad habits - the author will help you reject what drags you down and prevents you from being happy.

The book consists of several sections: “Purpose”, “Motivation”, “Movement” and others. In each you will see answers to long-standing questions. And with the help of the author, you will understand how to know yourself, take the first step towards qualitative changes and develop inner strength.

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Books for personal growth

A person needs to develop, and it is not too late to learn, both at 20 and after 40 years. Personal growth is a concept based on the true goodness of human nature and the unlimited possibilities of inner potential. But to accept such simple truths, it is necessary to free yourself from internal fears and imposed values.

  1. "Fearlessness" Thich Nhat Hanh. The most profound revelations ever published are related to Buddhism. The author is a Zen Buddhist and spiritual leader from Vietnam. This is one of his 100 works, which is presented as a guide to accepting and becoming aware of fear. Even such basic ones as death and illness. She will teach you how to practice mindfulness to help you fight for success.
  2. "As a Man Thinks" James Allen. The act of thinking is a human talent that needs to be trained. To change, you need to stop thinking “automatically”, and learn to look at familiar things with a fresh look. After all, the inner world is nothing more than a reflection of the way of thinking. By starting to think positively, you can make positive changes in your life. The technique with a lot of practical advice has been around for more than a century, but it is still relevant.
  3. "Willpower" by Kelly McGonigal. A book that inspires achievements, action now, in the present moment. It makes the reader a strong person, forcing him to stop succumbing to various temptations. The main feature of the publication is its scientific validity. All material is supported by research, both psychological and medical. And at the same time it is easy to read, without the feeling of being preachy.
  4. "Get out of your comfort zone" Brian Tracy. The book was written by a successful millionaire who shares his secrets that led him to success. It has been translated into 40 languages ​​and has sold more than 1.2 million copies. The author is not distracted by a long narrative; all advice is “to the point.” The preface already contains the first useful time management skills. At the same time, the material is easily absorbed, and in the end, everyone will certainly change their life for the better.
  5. The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch. The job is different from the rest. She does not call for the development of abilities, does not try to strengthen the will or switch to hourly planning of a life schedule. The author follows a purely scientific path to success - the Pareto method. The point is not to waste time on trifles, but to identify the most effective actions and concentrate on them. The book itself is structured in such a way that 20% of its content shows the essence, and the remaining 80% is spent on examples.

Here are the best books for women on self-development, which will certainly give results, without wasting such precious time. If it’s difficult to decide on the direction of your path, you should start with personal growth, with the basis of development. By lifting the curtain of the soul, you will first of all be able to understand yourself and your aspirations. The main thing to remember is that it’s never too late to start, everything is just ahead!

How to read books to a woman to get the most benefit

Most likely, you have already realized that reading for the sake of reading is a useless activity. Swallowing at speed is the path to “digital intoxication” - when letters are swarming in your head, and at the same time nothing is clear, you’re bored and want to do something else. So I'll give you some tips on how to get the most out of this reading.

Take time to read

This is not easy in a woman’s life, but still find a piece of time when you are not distracted and you are not distracted. Only in such conditions is it possible to concentrate. I have written a whole article about how much time you need to read for self-development.

Don't read too much at once

So you downloaded the best books for self-development of a woman’s personality and are trying to “swallow” everything at once. But too much information at once is a bad idea. You chaotically try to figure it out, but end up switching to something simpler.

Do not do it this way! It is better not to rush when reading particularly complex passages and to assimilate new things in small pieces. No one is chasing you!

Write down

The most valuable thing in self-development books is our personal opinions and thoughts that emerge as we read. But they should not go into oblivion. Get a beautiful notebook or diary where you can write down your thoughts. If the book is paper, you can underline and make notes in the margins. The phone will also help: take notes or speak into a voice recorder.

You can write down not only a summary and your own thoughts, but also unfamiliar terms and their meaning - this way they will be remembered faster.

Write a book review

This could be something for you personally (diary entry) or for everyone (social media post). Then it will be interesting to re-read what you think about what you read, what impression the book left, what you took from it. Perhaps decide to re-read the book itself or recommend it to your friends!

"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

By the age of 32, Elizabeth Gilbert, the author and main character of the book, seemed to have received everything she dreamed of. There is a career, a home, a husband, sleepless nights and the first signs of depression. Divorce and a relationship with another man did not bring happiness either. This means that the time has come for global changes. Elizabeth plunges into self-discovery, studying the cultural traditions of other countries.

For several months, the main character took refuge in an ashram - a Hindu abode of wisdom. She learned to be silent, listen and accept herself. At the end of a long journey through Italy, India and Indonesia, Elizabeth found not only her own self, but also the love of her life. The book perfectly motivates not to give up even in the most desperate moments.

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“Mom is at zero. A Guide to Parental Burnout”, Anastasia Izyumskaya, Anna Kuusmaa

Children are happiness and a lot of work. Sometimes it can be very difficult for parents: despair sets in and it seems that everything is getting out of control. Many mothers experience emotional burnout, but few dare to talk about it openly. The main characters of the book speak truthfully about their emotions and share their fears, worries and experiences with experts. The book will be a revelation (“I’m not alone!”) and a reference guide for a tired mother who needs to do so much in 24 hours.

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Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ"

Who will be interested? For those who want to understand the mechanism of their own and other people’s emotions. And learn to manage them competently “for the good of the business.”

According to the author, empathy (the ability to “read” the emotions and mood of an interlocutor) today is more important than other applied skills and abilities. People are desperately missing real feelings and emotions. And they really value those who quickly tune in to their emotional “wave.”

Success in many professions is based on high emotional intelligence. “Sensitive” salespeople, managers, coaches and client managers are much more effective than their “cold” colleagues. In addition, emotional intelligence is important in areas such as raising children, family life and even health.

The highlight of the book: a lot of real life examples.

Quote: “The emotional brain existed long before the rational brain existed.”

Betty Friedan. "The Feminine Mystique" (1963)

The book, which received a 3.86 out of five rating from Goodreads users, sold millions of copies. American writer Margalit Fox believes that Friedan breathed new life into the modern women's movement. This ultimately changed social relations in the United States forever.

In the book, the author explores the male conviction that female self-realization should not extend beyond the function of “mother-housewife”. Friedan, with her characteristic scrupulousness, analyzes the factors that led to the rooting of this stereotype. She rightly blames the education system, popular culture, illustrated magazines, religion, etc. for this state of affairs.

All girls should read the book, as it tells why housework and raising children should not be considered a full-fledged alternative to a career.

Cover of the book “The Feminine Mystique”: YouTube/Flow of Light

Christine Newman "What I Did While You Were Having Babies"

“What I Did While You Were Having Babies” is a bold and honest adventure story from the writer of the cult comedy series “How I Met Your Mother.” Written with humor and self-irony, this book is the answer to the question that every woman asks. Christine Newman is a girl who will not leave anyone indifferent. You can reproach her, you can envy her, feel sorry for her, worry about her - any reaction will be correct. She invites you into a life full of the wind of ocean freedom, real feelings and men, bright emotions, colorful countries and self-discovery. Read and decide which path is yours!

“Lovely little things. Inspirational Stories for Those Who Don't Know How to Move On by Cheryl Strayed

If it seems as if the world has turned against you and there is no light in the darkness, truthful and unsentimental advice from a woman who has learned from her own experience what loss is and how difficult the path to oneself is will come to the rescue. Author and columnist Cheryl Strayed knows more about pain, disappointment and despair than many of her readers. And she is ready to share her experiences, fears and hopes with those who desperately need a reliable, friendly shoulder.

A collection of absolutely honest stories, advice and revelations will help you survive difficult moments and resist the powerful force of destruction leading to death. A book-dialogue with a true friend motivates you not to give up and continue to search for yourself.

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Barbara Sher "What to Dream About"

Who will be interested? For those who don't know what they really want.

Today there are tons of books on the market on the topic "". What if a woman has no idea what she wants to do? Or is she scattered in several directions that are interesting to her? Or can’t complete a single task?

How can a woman engage in self-development if she has no idea what and why she should develop?

In the book “What to Dream About?” Barbara Sher proves: deep down, each of us knows perfectly well what he wants. It’s just that our real desires are disguised by psychological attitudes or programs (usually originating from childhood). True dreams just need to be found and “turned on”!

Quote: “Life is too short to live without a goal. An unlived life is a real hell.”

“Don't be afraid to take action. Women, work and the will to lead, Sheryl Sandberg, Nell Scovell

A woman and a business - how many copies have been broken in the debate over whether she can combine career and family. Exactly the same number of women give up in advance and do not try to jump above their heads, as their relatives and friends inspire them to believe. Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, calls for an end to the dark ages and an end to outdated myths and fairy tales about the incompatibility of women and business.

The author openly talks about her ups and downs, and also shares experiences that will help women realize themselves and achieve the maximum in their careers, while not forgetting about their family.

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Margaret Atwood. "The Handmaid's Tale" (1985)

This dystopian novel by a Canadian writer received a 4.12 rating on Goodreads. The book was nominated for 13 awards, but won only four: Arthur C. Clarke Award (1987), Audie Award for Fiction (2013), Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction (1986), Governor General's Literary Awards. Charlotte Newman of The Guardian writes that The Handmaid's Tale is a political and dark but witty novel.

The book talks about the future. The main character Fredova lives in a world in which women are deprived of all rights: they are forbidden to vote, work, have bank accounts, communicate with friends, go out and read. All they can do is serve men.

Once a month Fredova meets with her master on the bed. Her main dream is to give birth to a healthy child. The woman writes about all her experiences in her diary.

Author Margaret Atwood said her book was a cautionary tale about some dangerous human desires. The novel helps you understand how important it is to appreciate what you have, live today and enjoy the simplest things.

Cover of the book “The Handmaid’s Tale”: YouTube/Artem Ursov

Nina Mel “Yoga Energy”

Who will be interested? For those who believe that yoga is not just a set of physical exercises, but a conscious practice on several levels.

  • What muscles are involved, and how the asana affects organs and vital systems (physiological effect)
  • Which chakras open, and what happens to energy channels at this moment (energy effect)
  • How does asana affect mood, and what character qualities does it develop (psychomental effect)
  • What to look for during execution
  • How to correctly enter, stay in and exit an asana

What type of book is the book “Yoga Energy”? In my opinion, this is both an encyclopedia and a useful practical guide. Allows beginners and experienced yoginis to get the most out of yoga classes.

Nina Mel honestly described the contraindications of each asana. Therefore, the book will be useful for pregnant women, women with health problems and those over 40.

The trick of the book: for each asana there are pictures and a description of the technique. The author tells you what to pay attention to (main mistakes, correct breathing) and gives variations of the asana.

“Healthy, happy, sexy. Ayurvedic wisdom for modern women by Katie Silcox

In the whirlwind of days, it’s easy to forget about your feminine essence - you have to constantly be higher, faster, stronger. Katie Silcox, like many others, worked long and hard, experienced stress, ate fatty foods and drank alcohol, gradually driving herself into depression. She found a solution in the wisdom of Ayurveda - ancient Indian knowledge about human health and longevity. Katie shares the information received from experienced teachers with readers.

In the book you will find simple and working recipes for nutrition and self-care. The author explains in detail and clearly what doshas are, how to adjust nutrition in relation to this or that energy, and how to regain self-love in order to enjoy life and be in harmony with your inner self.

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Harry Lorraine "Supermemory. Development of phenomenal memory"

The book includes two psychological bestsellers by Harry Lorraine, the famous brain researcher. The unique system for developing mental abilities that he developed allows you to use not 10 percent of the brain’s resources, as is usually the case, but all 90! Having mastered this system, you will notice not only increased observation, sharpened attention, increased ability to concentrate, but also a phenomenal improvement in memory, imagination, and creative potential. Moreover, the proposed method is relatively simple and accessible, and it is not for nothing that the author called it “a method for the lazy.”

The first part of the book is devoted to the basic techniques and methods of memorizing large amounts of information. The second is to apply the acquired skills in everyday life.

Stefan Zweig. "Letter from a Stranger" (1922)

The work of the Austrian writer received a rating of 4.13 points on Goodreads. Jim Hoberman of The New York Times said Zweig's book is a heartbreaking tale of a woman's masochistic love for an indifferent man.

The book begins with the hero receiving a letter from an unknown woman. In it, the author says that he loves him. The letter goes on to describe all their meetings.

The hero learns that life first confronted them when the unknown woman was a 13-year-old girl. It turns out that he lived next door to her for several years. Intimacy occurred four years after the first meeting. Then the secret admirer became pregnant. 11 years pass, another romance occurs between the hero and an unknown lady. A woman he did not recognize dies, having bequeathed a letter to her beloved.

It’s worth reading this book to understand how dangerous blind love is, especially if timidity and fear of rejection prevent you from telling about your true feelings.

Cover of the book “Letter from a Stranger”: YouTube/Zerozer

Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

The best-selling book tells the amazing story of successful lawyer Julian Mantle, who managed to overcome a spiritual crisis with the help of Tibetan culture. Having immersed himself in a world that was not familiar to him, he learned simple and wise rules and learned to live in accordance with them: think positively, follow his calling, believe in the power of his mind, value time - our greatest wealth, value relationships with loved ones, but the most important thing is to live here and now.

Robin Sharma, like the hero of his book, also began his professional career as a lawyer, but soon realized that his calling was not this, but to, by creating his own concept of self-improvement, help us become better, more successful and happier.

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