Self-development and self-improvement: where to start, personal growth, working on yourself

If you trace the biography of many famous people from Franklin to Jobs, you can see that almost all of them were engaged in self-development to one degree or another. Modern researchers are trying to find out everything about the role of luck, origin, and innate qualities, but they agree that all these elements are additional, but not fundamental.

For example, Benjamin Franklin admitted in his autobiography that he prioritized self-development because he understood the importance of developing individual skills to achieve success. As a result, he became one of the most influential people of his time.

Self-development is personal growth, mental or physical development through independent study and exercise. By engaging in it, a person develops his talents, potential, accumulates human capital, which contributes to his employment, improving the quality of life and the realization of his aspirations. This is a lifelong process.

Of course, a person can engage in self-development both on his own and with the help of mentors, teachers, trainers and coaches (which, however, makes the prefix “self-” not very correct, but does not change the essence).

Personal self-realization

In addition to the basic needs at the level of the body, there is an instinctive desire for self-realization, when, when interacting with the outside world, a person displays talents and knowledge through actions.

It is possible to succeed as a person provided that you have developed intelligence and internal freedom that determines your occupation.

The process of becoming begins with the search for purpose. To identify goals and dominant traits, personal, material, and time factors should be analyzed.

Self-realization plan

  1. Ask yourself what you can handle easily.
  2. Immerse yourself, impartially evaluate negative and positive qualities.
  3. List what you would like to do. Intentions must be true, and not imposed by social stereotypes. Often problems arise because a person chooses the wrong field. An artist at heart cannot become a good financier.
  4. Next to it, write down the aspects necessary for a particular type of activity.
  5. Compare notes, note the prevailing character traits. Calculate how much time and money you are willing to spend on mastering a new profession or organizing a business. Decide who is your authority. Compare the facts with reality, form an idea of ​​the future.

Main directions of self-knowledge

  • Studying yourself, your own motives, fears and blocks. Rationalization of the unconscious, identification of one’s main creative interests.
  • Development of skills for interaction with the external environment (communication).
  • Working with your own psyche. Conducting effective dialogues with yourself aimed at internal changes.
  • Search activity and activity in real life.
  • Maintaining an effective lifestyle (physical, mental and energetic health).
  • Systematic acquisition of specialized skills and knowledge in various fields in accordance with specific goals.
  • Formation of short-term and long-term goals. Strategic approach to life.

Strategic directions of self-development can be divided into 4 basic vectors:

  1. Creating comfortable conditions for yourself.
  2. Establishing a satisfactory system of interpersonal relationships.
  3. Creative self-realization.
  4. Self-improvement in all significant areas. Development of a motivation system.

For those who intend to use certain self-improvement practices or engage in targeted training, the questions to ask themselves are: “Where can I apply this in real life? What specific positive changes do I expect? How does this application correspond to the chosen strategy?

If there is no clear answer and the wording is abstract, you should not waste time on these activities, since the application of the changes is unlikely. Development is possible only as long as it is interesting. Therefore, in order to determine strategic directions for self-development for yourself personally, it is necessary to formulate true goals.

At the initial stage of development, the strategic task for any individual is to reach the basic efficiency of life. A person needs to break away “from the herd” and move into self-determination, begin to feel natural aspirations and be aware of them. In other words, he must understand what he really wants.

For effective personal development, it is necessary not only to set goals for self-improvement, but also to have a clear plan. Often people claim that they are engaged in self-development, have a dream, take various actions, but at the same time have no idea about the correctness of the chosen path.

In this case, harmonious growth and maturation does not occur. The process is more reminiscent of chaos, exhausting a person and giving rise to apathy. To prevent this from happening, you should know the vital areas and areas of self-development and focus on them.

Choosing a priority direction for self-development

Now let’s talk about how to determine in which area of ​​life to start self-development, if it seems that there are too many problems: not enough money, and you need to improve your physical shape, and you need to learn English. There are so many things to do that you don’t know what to do.

The bad news: you won't be able to get everything at once. And it’s better to set a goal in one direction and gradually move towards it, giving it priority.

The good news is that by regularly engaging in self-development in one area of ​​your life, you will quietly begin to improve in all others.

Each person chooses the priority direction for development himself. For some it is a career, for others it is personal life, etc.

Psychologists identify eight main areas of life that are most important to most people. It is convenient to depict them in the form of a circle divided into sectors. Each sector is allocated to one main life area.

Right now you can rate each area of ​​your life on a scale from 0 to 10 and connect all the ratings with lines. As a result, you will see a clear example of how balanced your life is. Here is one example:

A frequently encountered example of a person who spares no effort in making money, forgetting about health, friends, spiritual growth, and communication with family.

In fact, thanks to a huge amount of psychological research, we can confidently say that a person feels happy when there is satisfaction in all areas of life. There is no point in putting all your efforts into one area and forgetting about others. Yes, you can achieve good success in this area, but why if you feel unhappy at the same time? Unfortunately, this is most often understood too late, when precious time is irretrievably gone.

Therefore, it is better to start self-development from the area to which you gave the lowest rating.


And as usual, after a general overview of the topic, I will write my personal opinion. Whether you agree with him or not, decide for yourself

I believe that self-development should begin with developing the skill of managing your mind and your attention. In my opinion, this is the basis for the success of any other self-development activity

After all, it is the lack of self-control skills that most often becomes the reason that a person cannot regularly engage in self-development.

How many times have you started losing weight, doing fitness, or learning English and giving up? There are too many distractions in the modern world: TV series, social networks, television, the Internet, a huge flow of information and information noise.

Thousands of signals around are trying their best to attract our attention and pinch off a piece of energy.

And the most unpleasant thing is that most of this information is simply useless and often harmful. If you hear good information, it means they want to force you to buy something. If you hear any news about events in the world, then they most likely want to intimidate you. And every little bit of information is trying to evoke at least some emotion in you.

To achieve your goals in self-improvement, you simply need to learn how to direct your energy in the right direction, and give a tough rebuff to everything that tries to distract your attention without your permission. And from all this I want to conclude that you need to start self-development and self-improvement with meditation

Meditation is training to control your mind. Meditation is a platform that ensures the effectiveness of self-development, be it learning foreign languages, public speaking, or physical development. We can say that the mind is a tool that we use to change ourselves. You shouldn’t be like the fool in the parable who spent three hours sawing a log with a dull saw because he doesn’t have time to sharpen the saw. Prepare a good tool first, and then with the help of it things will go much faster

And from all this I want to conclude that you need to start self-development and self-improvement with meditation. Meditation is training to control your mind. Meditation is a platform that ensures the effectiveness of self-development, be it learning foreign languages, public speaking, or physical development. We can say that the mind is a tool that we use to change ourselves. You shouldn’t be like the fool in the parable who spent three hours sawing a log with a dull saw because he doesn’t have time to sharpen the saw. Prepare a good tool first, and then with the help of it things will go much faster.

Developing the mind, the ability to manage yourself, your attention through meditation - this is where you need to start self-development

How to make a self-development plan

First of all, it is important for you to realize what exactly you want to achieve, in what specific areas you need improvement. So where to start?

1. Analysis

Analyze various areas of your life, and honestly admit to yourself what exactly you are not satisfied with, what skills you are deprived of. It's important to be objective. Now let’s conduct an “audit” in the main aspects.

2. Health, physical data

It is possible that you should get rid of any bad habits, get in good physical shape, switch to proper nutrition, and devote more time to sports.

3. Spirituality

Work on this area is necessary if you need to get rid of irritability, anger, malice, envy and other negative emotions.

4. Material sphere

If you are not completely satisfied with your financial situation, then you need to work in this direction. It is possible that you will need to change your field of activity, attend some courses or trainings. result.

5. Social sphere

It is very important to develop the right communication skills that will help you build your personal life, overcome conflict situations, and relate to your environment.

6. Personal growth

Perhaps you should pay attention to the development of intelligence, attention, memory, and abstract thinking.

After analyzing all these areas, think about which one needs the most thorough development and focus on that first. When you manage to achieve the desired results, move on to another aspect. You should not try to take on everything at once - this way you risk not achieving what you need.



  1. Reduce your sugar intake. The World Health Organization recommends eating a maximum of 25 grams of sugar per day. A Snickers bar contains 30 grams.
  2. Eat no more than 5 grams of salt per day.
  3. Don't overeat. Scientists have found that people who don't overeat live longer.
  4. Don't eat fast food.
  5. Don't eat flour. Favorite pies contribute to obesity and increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. They also cause excessive gas formation and bloating.
  6. Drink more water rather than tea and coffee. These drinks lead to yellowing of teeth and leaching of vitamins and microelements. If you eat them with food, it will “rot and ferment” in the stomach.

Physical activity

  1. The WHO recommendation is 150 minutes of physical activity per week. Run, do push-ups, pull-ups, do abs and squats.
  2. Walk 10,000 steps - 7 kilometers per day.
  3. Do exercises.


  1. Sleep 6 to 8 hours a night.
  2. Sleep in a dark room. Otherwise, the hormone melatonin, which is necessary for the functioning of the body, will not be produced.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

  1. Once every 6-12 months, undergo a full examination to identify diseases in the early stages.
  2. Take vitamins. For example, ascorbic acid.

Effective methods of self-development

Sometimes you really need to look at yourself from the outside. There is nothing complicated about this, just set up a camera and capture your everyday actions on video. In the professional sphere, this will also help to hone your skills and see your own shortcomings.

Quite often, many psychoanalysts call to “let go of your past.” But this is not a completely correct method. Yes, somewhere it is really needed, but it doesn’t get better for those who decide to develop. It is impossible to notice personal changes if there is nothing to compare them with. Therefore, sometimes it is useful to look at your past self in order to see changes for the better and personal growth.

The twenty-first century is oversaturated with information, sometimes our brain simply cannot cope with it, experiencing emotional and mental overload. If you notice such an alarming state in yourself, urgently arrange a rest for yourself! The main thing during relaxation is not to get stuck in gadgets or the Internet, but to completely distract yourself from the unnecessary flow of information. And besides, with a “fresh mind”, much more interesting ideas that are profitable for implementation come up!

If the risk is justified, then it is quite appropriate. As for senseless risks, you should be careful here in order to avoid unnecessary losses and failures in the future. Professional self-development sometimes requires passion and risky actions, the main thing is not to get too carried away with it.

Society and self-development

For self-development, it is so important to invest in yourself rather than in something else. Education, travel, proper nutrition, sports - all this is the key to good health + independent development

When you are faced with many different tasks, it is difficult not to forget everything. Keeping a planner or regular diary will make some of the work easier for you. As for professional self-development, you can’t live without a notebook! After all, who knows when another brilliant idea will come to your mind.

Using the above self-development methods, you are sure to achieve effective results in all your work endeavors!

Goals and ideas

Set the right goals to achieve which you have taken the path of self-development. If necessary, do not be afraid to ask questions of your own “I”. Only in this way will you determine whether you are really moving in the right direction, or whether you are faced with severe self-deception.

Any correctly set goal has guidelines that help in achieving it. Take care of them and you will definitely achieve the desired result!

Without good motivation, the process of self-improvement may well drag on for many years. Find a worthy example for yourself that will serve as a real incentive for you. For example, your boss or senior management would be a great example.

If you move in only one direction, it will be very difficult for you to achieve complete self-realization. In moderation, engage in both the physical development of your body and the improvement of your intellect, gradually increasing your IQ level.

Let's start self-improvement

Working on yourself is very hard and long work. Regardless of what social class a person belongs to, he can improve himself and his life as soon as he takes action. It is better to start self-development by reading specialized literature.


The foundations of personal self-development lie in learning new information and mastering new skills. A person’s personal growth always begins with increasing his cultural level. Those who read a lot are better able to formulate their thoughts, their speech is beautiful and correct.

Books about the basics of personal self-development are also widely popular. There are a huge number of them, and choosing from this list will be quite easy. Most often, psychologists recommend:

“Be the best version of yourself” M.D. Ryan. A book about promises to yourself, good habits and ways to develop them. “A Whole Life” M. W. Hansen, L. Hewitt, D. Canfield

This raises the question of setting the right life values ​​and how important self-affirmation is. “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” by B. Tracy

The leading publication covering personal growth in psychology. It discusses a plan to work on yourself by neglecting your life principles. “This year I...” D. Waldschmidt. Reveals the main ways of development and shows life examples of successful people.

After reading at least one of these books, a person rethinks his values ​​and receives motivation for further action. There is no need to be skeptical of everything that is written there, but you should not follow it blindly either. Any plan must be tailored to the individual.

Quitting habits

Working on yourself requires improvements not only in the intellectual sphere. First of all, a person needs to get rid of bad habits. Some of them take away his health, while others take his time.

The desire for self-development must begin with a healthy lifestyle. If you can’t quit smoking right away, then you need to develop willpower and fight your desires. The same goes for alcohol, drugs, love of junk food and a passive lifestyle.

Habits that take up free time are nothing more than the Internet, television, laziness, etc. By giving up one of these items, you can free up several hours to spend time with your family, relax or work.

21 day principle

It is known that it takes 21 days to consolidate a habit. Based on this principle, many methods of self-development and programs for optimizing your life, home or relationships have been created.

The most popular of them are:

  1. “Purple bracelet” - a person must wear a lilac bracelet on one hand for 21 days. But there is one important detail: as soon as the person complains, gets angry, or quarrels with someone, the bracelet is put on the other hand, and the report starts all over again.
  2. “Fly Lady” system – improving your home and creating comfort. For 21 working days, it is suggested to divide housework into small parts and complete them step by step. By the end of the course, most everyday worries become automatic, and a person does them without thinking or forcing himself.

By performing the same action during this period, you can introduce correct, healthy habits into your life. This way you can train yourself to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach or do the necessary work every day.

Reward system

For both men and women, in any path of self-development, not only the final result is important, but also the intermediate one. Moving forward fractionally is much more effective than having one big dream.

To make it easier to complete many segments, you need to develop a reward system for yourself. It can be anything depending on the preferences and capabilities of the person. Some people reward themselves with a new item or a trip abroad, while for others a luxury would be a cup of freshly brewed coffee or chocolate cake.

Travel is a great reward for success

Personality orientation in the works of C. Rogers

Rogers is considered one of the best psychologists of the last century, he founded the psychology of humanism. His concept is based on the individual’s desire for actualization; he identifies the following concepts:

  1. “Real Self” - includes a person’s awareness of thoughts, values, and attitudes in life.
  2. “Ideal Self” is a set of ideas about how a person sees his future, what he strives for, and his life experience.
  3. “Social environment” - includes values ​​and norms, behavioral characteristics inherent in a person’s social environment.

If there are discrepancies in life between the real and ideal state of a person and his implementation in society, mental disorders, neuroses, anxiety, and poor adaptation in society arise. To be in harmony with your Self and achieve an ideal state, you need to gain freedom, learn to listen to your inner voice, and act based on your experience and understanding of life.

Usually, problems arise in a situation where a person lives according to the rules of society, trying not to stand out from the crowd, forgetting about the “Ideal Self”. Rogers, working as a psychotherapist, believed that his task was to reveal the potential of the individual, to help determine and gain freedom through self-knowledge.

His “theory” found its application in pedagogy.

Key rules in the work of a teacher

  1. pedagogy should contribute to the formation of a healthy and adequate personality, promote personal growth;
  2. the source of development and growth lies in the person himself, only through comprehension and personal experience, responsible choice is it possible to learn and self-improvement of the individual;
  3. personal growth and development is impossible without understanding and accepting one’s essence. Respect for yourself and your inner world allows you to take risks and reveal new facets of your personality.

Basic qualities of a teacher

  • Trusting relationship;
  • Stimulate students' internal motivation;
  • Share experience, provide assistance in difficult situations;
  • Be sensitive to the child’s emotions and feelings;
  • Be active in relationships, express your emotions and experiences;
  • Understand and know yourself.

Of course, teachers are not always able to find time for each student and promote the full disclosure and development of their personality, so this question applies more to parents who must know and understand their child and help him develop

Each person in the process of his life asks questions of finding himself, his purpose, which is important for further development and self-improvement. “Know yourself and you will know the world,” the sages said

Help in self-development

You should not rely only on yourself. This is how mistakes are most often made and control over the successes made is lost. Therefore, you constantly need to read new literature on issues of harmonizing your life, as well as gain knowledge and skills.

Fortunately, there is a huge amount of information, spiritual books and Eastern practices on improving contacts with people around you and with yourself. In such manuals you can find tips and methods for adjusting your behavior and well-being. If you are constantly guided by the instructions of those who have long embarked on the path of self-improvement, then a person moves along it much further than acting alone.

You need to constantly look after yourself. Every conflict avoided in a work team, a suppressed desire to criticize a friend’s new hairstyle, or patience shown with a slow cashier in a store moves a person one more step towards self-improvement. He quickly begins to notice what prevents him and those around him from establishing relationships.

Once again it is worth emphasizing that work on oneself must be done constantly. She does not tolerate interruptions or backtracking. As soon as a person manages to advance further, he feels the extraordinary joy of being. It is she who gives a new impetus to the next achievements.

Self-development means harmonizing relationships with yourself and with loved ones. And it is these changes in consciousness that make life truly happy.

What does self-development consist of?

There are a large number of elements of self-development, but we will highlight the most important and valuable of them:

  • self-knowledge;
  • self-awareness;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • improving learning skills;
  • increased self-esteem (or decreased if it is too high);
  • development of strengths and skills;
  • developing skills needed for a career;
  • improved health;
  • study and application of methods of self-realization;
  • increasing social status;
  • fulfillment of aspirations;
  • creation and implementation of a personal development plan;
  • increasing social intelligence;
  • increasing emotional intelligence;
  • time management.

When we talk about self-development, it should also be said that mentoring is included in it. If you have mastered teaching techniques and are able to influence students in such a way that they progress as individuals, then you yourself are growing.

In addition to improving yourself, self-development comes through practice and research:

  • Practice is expressed in the search for personal development methods, training programs, assessment systems, tools and techniques.
  • As an area of ​​research , topics of self-development appear in journals, books and websites in the fields of education, management, and economics of human development.

Women’s self-development: the most common areas of life

Among the most important areas that they would like to improve, women name relationships with the opposite sex (for unmarried people) and relationships in the family (for married people). Despite the desire to succeed in the profession, personal life is put first.

Loneliness does not always indicate that a woman is not doing anything for self-development. Even good housewives with an attractive appearance may not have a partner. The problem is often that a woman simply does not understand what kind of man she needs and what kind of relationship she wants to build with him. As a result, the partner has annoying shortcomings (smokes, spends a lot of time fishing or watching football matches), which forces him to break up. A man can also be completely absent from a woman’s life.

To meet your life partner, you should make a list of the personal qualities of the best partner for you. Write down the shortcomings that you are willing to put up with.

The psychological portrait is complemented by the physical one if it is important for you that a man has certain external features.

The imperfection of the family (naughty children, drinking husband) is often a reflection of our own imperfection. Try to understand what traits of your character caused your children to become disobedient. You may be too accommodating to their whims. Don't forget that you don't have to tolerate your drinking spouse. If a man has abdicated responsibility for his life, he is not capable of being the head of the family.

Psychology of Rubenstein

Self-knowledge and self-development of a person occurs in the process of communication with other people, so a person realizes his characteristics and works on personality characteristics. A person’s character is partly an innate thing associated with the type of nervous system, and partly acquired through life and accumulated experience.

To some extent, the study of character is related to Maslow’s theory, since a characterless person does not have a rigid value system, but a person with a strong character clearly understands his purpose and is confident in his coordinate system, adheres strictly to his line of behavior. The concept of “personality” arises as a result of self-awareness of one’s “I” and one’s actions.


Self-awareness arises as a result of human development, mastering new knowledge, understanding one’s capabilities, and managing physical processes. Independence develops in the process of mastering speech and service skills, and later manifests itself in the ability to set tasks, goals, and find the main direction for the development of one’s personality.

Self-knowledge and self-development of the individual are important components in a person’s life; these processes are clearly visible in adolescence, when many questions arise before the individual. A person determines his purpose in this world, the abilities and capabilities of his “I”. These are the first attempts to understand yourself.

Each person has character traits and personal qualities that distinguish him from others. Understanding oneself leads to the formation of personality, awareness of the need for changes in certain directions, and the establishment of one’s own principles of life.

A personality is a person with his own worldview, a clear position in life, which arose as a result of great conscious activity, understanding of himself and life in general.

Individuality - a bright, unique person

Personality is a more global concept, and its formation requires quite significant efforts, attention to this issue and determination.

Such a person has his own characteristics, a “handwriting”, and consciously distinguishes himself from the general mass of people, which presupposes independent thinking and the presence of willpower. At the same time, the depth of personality is determined by the richness of the inner world and relationships with people.

Self-isolation leads to devastation of a person, although to a certain extent it is necessary for carrying out internal work and understanding one’s essence. A personality feature is the ability to look at the world from the outside for a more complete understanding of processes.

A developed person also helps others in the process of self-development. A real personality cannot cause indifference; there can be friends or enemies. Such a person always has strength and an active beginning. Self-awareness develops along with a person throughout life; self-reinterpretation occurs in connection with new experiences.

Each person goes through the process of understanding life, asks himself questions and finds answers, understanding what is most important for him and brings value. Accumulated experience and understanding of life leads to the formation of wisdom. Personality is created and built by a person throughout his conscious life, each person develops in a special way.

It is very important to carry out self-knowledge and self-development in a temporary period and ask questions: what was I like? - what am I? - what do I want to be? However, it is important to understand that a person needs to develop his existing potential, and in the process of labor and creation of something, the personality grows. There is a great relationship between a person and his result of activity


A person is always of interest if he can create something significant and it is clear that this is not the limit of possibilities. The development of personality over time can be tracked through human activity, in which it manifests itself and constantly develops.

A person’s characteristics are not always at the forefront of actions, but can also be a consequence. And abilities develop as a result of constant practice; the more attention a person directs to a certain area, the higher the likelihood of success in it and achieving high results.

Each person has his own life story, which can be reflected in an autobiography or resume; they will contain data about the person’s training, work, achievements - thus, the relationship of human development through activity can be traced.

In order to become a historical figure, you need to do things, create creations that will be in the public domain and go down in the history of society.

Start studying your favorite field of activity

It’s great when a person has clearly decided on his choice of life path from the very beginning and works at a job he loves. But this is not always the case, and not everyone goes to work as if it were a holiday.

Go to work like it's a holiday

After you have broken into yourself and built your own hierarchy of values, the time comes to take the next step on the path of self-improvement and personal development - start doing what you really love.

Let's say you work as a sales manager for plumbing fixtures, and in childhood and adolescence you were a great drawer.

They painted and then abandoned it - their parents insisted, or it was a lack of faith in their own abilities, or they considered this area of ​​activity unprofitable - it doesn’t matter

This unrealized potential of yours, this talent buried in the ground, remains with you, lives in your soul, giving rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction and melancholy. Cast aside fears and doubts, do not think that others may consider you crazy. Get back to what actually brings you satisfaction.

Don't be afraid to learn. Our time provides ample opportunities for this: educational literature, online courses, seminars, trainings, classes with coaches.

Personal development

  1. Learn a foreign language.
  2. Read 1 book per month or week.
  3. Attend seminars, courses and trainings on self-development.
  4. Find a mentor. All successful people have had a mentor. Warren Buffett learned the art of investing from Benjamin Graham. Bill Gates learned about the laws of wealth from Warren Buffett. Mark Zuckerberg learned to run a company from Steve Jobs.
  5. Learn something new every day. Read a new article, learn a new skill, listen to a new talk.
  6. Find a role model. What kind of person epitomizes who you want to become? I admire Elon Musk, Neil Patel, Brian Dean and Jeff Bezos. I read their books, watch their speeches, study their biography, try to copy their habits and behavior.

Get rid of bad habits

Stop it:

Imagine how many books you can read in this time.

40 pages per hour * 4 hours = 160 pages per day. 160 * 30 = 4800 pages in thirty days. 24 books a month!

How many good changes will happen to you if you read so much? A lot of!

Replace them with good habits

  • By reading;
  • Sports;
  • Studying foreign languages;
  • Taking courses;
  • Intellectual games;
  • Daily planning;
  • Yoga;
  • Meditation;
  • Setting goals.

Tips for female self-realization

The success of self-realization largely depends on the relationship with yourself and the world around you. The company of like-minded people and self-love will help you achieve high results.

Enlist the support of loved ones

The support of loved ones is important for everyone who intends to improve one or another area of ​​life. However, it is not always possible to find understanding. Some members of your family may have a more traditional outlook on life. Your grandmother believes that a woman should devote herself to her family and not do business. Parents may believe that a girl does not need to have a higher education.

Seek support from like-minded people and spend as much time with them as possible. When your relatives see your first successes, they will begin to view your actions more favorably. If you manage to achieve recognition in your chosen field, your loved ones will also support you.

Make new acquaintances

If possible, it is necessary to expand your circle of communication. Don't avoid introducing new people into your life. Every person, even those without a higher education, is able to teach something, tell something new. The appearance of new friends is necessary for a woman striving for self-realization and achieving goals, since the fulfillment of desires may depend on their presence in life. Communication is especially necessary for women who are forced to spend a lot of time outside of society (housewives).

It is necessary to monitor the quality of communication. You should avoid the company of people who have not achieved anything and who have a negative attitude towards the success of others. Communicating with those who treat you unkindly can be beneficial. Such people tend to notice your shortcomings, which will motivate you to work on yourself.

Learn to love yourself and others

Personal growth is impossible without self-love. If you consider yourself unworthy of the best, all your efforts will be in vain. A girl who cannot love herself needs to start showing respect for herself. Make 2 lists of your best qualities and achievements in life. You can respect yourself for your kindness, your ability to sing or cook. Be glad that you were able to get a degree in economics or buy an apartment without the help of relatives.

You also need to show love and respect to the people around you. Every person gets what he gives. Find bright qualities in your friends and family. Try not to pay attention to their shortcomings. Don't be shy to express love to your loved ones. People you don't know can be politely praised and thanked for small services. The expression of feelings must be sincere. Don't ingratiate yourself or flatter.

Don't give up

Be prepared for the fact that obstacles await you on the way to your goal, which you need to treat as calmly as possible. Changes in life always mean leaving your comfort zone. Remember that a leader is not someone who does everything easily and simply. A leader should be considered a person who is able to continue what he started, despite the obstacles that arise. You need to notice not only big, but also small victories. Perhaps you haven't found the strength to go for a morning run. But today you woke up half an hour earlier than usual.

Don't stop there

Less demanding people tend to stop at the results achieved. However, if there are no new aspirations, development stops. Having learned one foreign language, you can always start learning another, more complex one. If your income has reached the desired level of 50 thousand rubles per month, try to achieve an income of 70 thousand rubles per month. A person who has received everything he needs can use his potential to help other people.

Simple ways to start personal growth and self-development

So where to start with personal growth and self-development? Here are 7 simple steps to start this journey.

Think about your destiny. Think about tomorrow, and preferably many months in advance. You can't anticipate the unexpected, but you can always prepare for it. A person who has time to predict the course of accidents shows great foresight. It is better to avoid difficult situations than to solve them later. Take care of the future because tomorrow will not take care of itself.

Reflect on the past. If you want your future to be better than your past, then start drawing conclusions from your own experiences. Anyone who does not return to his past, but gets lost in the whirlpool of everyday affairs, eventually loses clarity of reasoning.

Become a fool. It is easy to tell us: “I know what I think”, “I know what will happen tomorrow”, “I know what I like”, “I know what the truth is”, etc. However, if you change “ I know" to "I don't know", you will stimulate your mind to an unconventional way of reasoning. You will begin to explore thoughts and ideas that were previously unknown to you. Many people would become another Socrates if they believed that they knew little.

Learn faster. Science can be enriched when we not only “do” but also think “about what we do.” This means that we learn faster and better when we not only do something, but also reflect on it.

Don't be guided by your first thought, start thinking for yourself. Thinking does not mean learning from other people or remembering information. Thinking means focusing on one thing until we develop an idea about it. The most valuable thing is to think for yourself and develop your own ideas. The first thought is never the best idea, it is usually heard from someone else. Therefore, we should not focus completely on the first thought that comes to our mind, nor on the first conclusion that arises in our mind. Only by focusing on a problem for a long time can we transform a thought into an original idea. However, this cannot be done in short periods of time interrupted by Facebook and YouTube. The brain needs time and space to make original connections and synthesize thoughts.

Lead your life wisely. Living a full life requires a certain amount of restraint. We must spend more time thinking and not take more actions than necessary. In the midst of a lot of tasks, we can forget what is really important to us. The only thing we really have is time, which we must use wisely. It's stupid to waste your life doing mechanical things. Many people open their eyes too late, realizing that all their lives they have been doing something they didn’t want to do. Realizing that it is too late brings only sadness. Some people start searching when only ashes remain. They found each other too late.

Condense your life. Take inventory of your actions, and then eliminate the many meaningless actions, replacing them with one very significant one. By changing the ratio of activity to importance, you will reduce waste of resources and use your time more wisely.

Hurry up slowly. A wise person assumes in advance that rash actions end in failure. Some people act first and think later, then seeking explanations for their own behavior. However, we often waste too much time. A great skill is to act optimally. Think about possible obstacles and problems that may arise on the way to your goal, and then boldly get to work. The disadvantage of wise people is that they are too tormented by doubts, which keep them from daring actions.

Take time to think

We are convinced that we know what is good and what is bad, what human behavior is correct, what well-being is, what success means, what happiness means, how to become happy...

To reflect is to delve deeply into something, that is, to really think about it and pose a certain question. We live as if we already know the answers to all questions.

We all live by certain principles, don't we? We are all in a constant search for the same thing - comfort, that is, a state of mind when we feel a stable feeling of happiness, craving for the unknown, excitement and love.

Don't you find it interesting that most of the people who come our way, including ourselves, do not feel the satisfaction (evaluate your level of satisfaction with life) that everyone usually strives for? Have you ever wondered why this is so?

If we don't take the time to really think about these questions, we'll never get to them, and we should start doing it soon.

As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, our mind and attention are already filled with the things we must do throughout the day. Our day begins with us literally accepting our responsibilities.

Taking the time to simply ask yourself where you are going and whether you will end up where you want to go is the most important thing you can do for yourself.

What is self-development worth without knowing where your desire to improve comes from and how it will affect the quality of your life?

Stop wasting your energy and relax

If we don't sleep, what do we usually do from 10 pm to 2 am ? I especially want to ask this question to every teenager.

It’s one thing when we spend time with friends or family and enjoy it, but it’s completely different when we watch TV or surf the Internet.

We often suffer from lack of time, but have we ever really thought about how much we spend on completely useless and meaningless things ? Time your day at least once to evaluate the usefulness of your daily activities.

Agree that if we stopped wasting our nights so uselessly, we could get a good rest, and then wake up ready to create our day according to our own rules, and not lament the lack of time for ourselves.

We all have certain obligations and we all have some desires.

Stop wasting time and take control of it so that your responsibilities do not take away all the precious time that you could spend on fulfilling your desires.

Films for self-development: top 5 best

Now we invite you to watch these films for self-development

. They will help you strengthen your motivation, better understand yourself and your desires, believe in your strength and be inspired for new achievements!

1. The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty.

“To see the world around, to know its dangers, to look through walls, to find each other, to become closer, to feel - this is the purpose of life.”

A story about how even the most incredible dreams of a “little man” can be turned into reality if you decide to take the first step towards life.

2. Eat, Pray, Love.

Methods of personality development: biography of great people

Studying the biographies of historical figures and contemporaries helps not only to identify the patterns that led them to success. In many cases, this method gives a charge of motivation, an example of courage and perseverance in any life circumstances. Every person has fear within them at the genetic level.

It is needed in order to protect a person from inevitable death every time. People no longer live in caves, and their lives no longer hang in the balance depending on the decisions of the community. But fears of all kinds - from phobias to social fears - sit deep in every person. All methods of personality development, one way or another, have as their goal overcoming inappropriate fear in a person.

It can be difficult for the modern generation to understand that the habit of heroism can be trained. Samurai, scientists burned for the truth - they all appear before us like shadows of the past. But history has thousands of examples of human heroism. Studying the biographies of both successful people and historical heroes is a powerful method that will allow you to look at life from a slightly different perspective. After all, for the majority, heroism is a gift that is given to a few. Not every artist becomes Raphael, and not every scientist becomes Einstein. Only a few athletes become champions.

But it’s worth studying the biographies of great people in more detail, and it turns out that leadership, intellectual development of the individual, and heroism are the work of ordinary people of flesh and blood. “It was not the gods who fired the pots,” said the ancient Greeks. Consider, for example, the inspiring story of Podolsk cadets - an example of the greatest feat, the result of which was the salvation of the Russian capital from the fascist invaders.

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