Calm, only calm - how to stop being nervous about anything

Situation 1

You made an appointment with a person, but 20 minutes have already passed beyond the stated time, and you still haven’t gotten to the date on time.
Your colleague is already tired of walking around the monument in twenty-degree frost. All sorts of bad thoughts and unflattering words about you creep into his head. Finally, half an hour later you appeared and, having apologized, proceeded to discuss business. But your interlocutor’s mood is below the waterline, and he quickly ends the conversation and takes his leave. You have an unpleasant feeling in your soul. This leads to a simple rule in order not to let people down: if you feel that you are late, find a way to warn about it. If you promised to call someone on such and such a day and time, be sure to do it.

Ways to create a calm life

Today, many people are obsessed with productivity and achieving goals. In itself, this desire is commendable and very desirable, but balance is necessary in everything. With a little wisdom, you can achieve anything you want and still be in a state of peace.

A calm, peaceful life is one in which you live in harmony with yourself and others, regardless of their religious, political and cultural preferences. You will probably never achieve utopia, but you can start with yourself. This lifestyle brings great benefits in the form of a clear mind and the ability to see more than other people, to notice new opportunities.

Here are some ways to achieve peace and tranquility.


Respect and love, don't control

You won't have a peaceful life if you want to control other people. Stress lies in this behavior.

It is better to act more wisely: instead of imposing your point of view, find original ways to confirm it or let the person know that this is his thought.

Respect people, otherwise you risk making enemies instead of friends. Respect pays off a hundredfold.


Find your inner peace

To do this, find a place where there will be no irritants or extraneous sounds and spend 30 minutes a day there. You can meditate, reflect, or just lie with your eyes closed and not think about anything.

The second step is to learn to be yourself in social situations. You've probably often felt how your thoughts and behavior change when you're in company. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. In any case, you need to remain yourself.

When everyone around you is panicking and angry, but you are calm and able to think, then you have moved to the next level.


Moderate your beliefs

Thinking in absolutes is a bad strategy for someone who wants to quiet their mind. In this world, only the Universe is infinite, and even that is not a fact.

Why should beliefs be moderated? Such behavior leads to reactive thinking, hasty decisions, and conflicts with others.

Always be open to new information. This way you can grow faster as a person.


Be patient

Patience is needed always and everywhere: when achieving a goal, communicating with difficult people, thinking. There are so many impatient people in the world that you will have no competition.


Be peaceful

A peaceful person never uses aggression against another person or animal unless it is a matter of survival. “When thoughts run out, hands open.”


Rely on thoughts

When someone insults or offends you, do not react. Stop and think. Choose your own behavior, and do not react like primitive irritants.

Emotions are needed in other situations; during a conflict, they are harmful in 99% of cases. Think with your head and you will see that you feel, understand and experience more than everyone else around you, because anger does not bother you.


Learn to forgive, not take revenge

Live in the present, not the past. Holding a grudge and harboring thoughts of revenge is the worst strategy you can have. Moreover, it causes the greatest damage to you. The desire for revenge eats away at a person from the inside.

Forgiving is always difficult, which is why the vast majority of people don’t do it. In life, often the best decisions are the most emotionally and psychologically challenging.


Live in joy

Calmness does not mean that you cannot rejoice. On the contrary, the more joy, the more peace inside. And this joy should not concern buying new things and other unnecessary things. It's more about self-sufficiency.

Be happy with what you have. Celebrate the best moments in life, enjoy communicating with other people.


Be the change you want in the world.

If we don't accept the world as it is, we end up with a lot of stress. We want to change people, circumstances and the laws of physics.

But the best way is to change yourself. Become a better person in every way and be a role model. Only in this case can something be changed in this world.

We wish you good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • How to stop being a victim
  • How to Prevent Stress and Depression from Tony Robbins
  • Inner harmony: what it is and how to achieve it
  • How to Deal with Annoying and Irritable People
  • Thoughts that hinder growth
  • Eight mistakes when setting goals
  • Qualities of a Great Leader
  • Self-development: things worth knowing
  • Overcoming the fear of confrontation
  • How to get rid of negative thoughts

Key words:1Psychoregulation

Situation 3

For some reason, you find it very difficult to get along with other people. You have very few close friends with whom you can discuss deeply personal problems. And then the unexpected happened: the person you trusted and confided all your innermost secrets told about your problems to everyone in your work team. You cannot forgive him, you are hurt and bitter.

What to do? Never return to the person who betrayed you. He will never change.

The ability to understand a person's experiences

Experiencing and being in different emotional states is the basis of psychological well-being. The ability to understand a person’s experiences and cope with one’s emotions is what children need to be taught from birth. After all, it’s no secret that our emotions, their stability and, in general, a positive vector, depend quite heavily on our lifestyle. From how much you sleep, what you eat, whether you play sports and, in general, how you treat yourself. Therefore, it is very important to take care of yourself: find your optimal sleep pattern in order to feel alert in the morning; eat a balanced diet to feel full and satisfied with food; praise and encourage yourself to feel happier; engage in self-development and hobbies in order to reveal new unexpected facets of your potential.

Concepts such as self-love and self-acceptance are quite new to humanity in general and to our culture in particular. After all, never before has this been given as much attention as it is now. Thanks to psychological research, we are learning more and more that we can and even need to love ourselves. Once upon a time, my grandmother, who was already over seventy, was sincerely amazed that it turned out that you could love yourself. Do not punish and despise for weaknesses, but simply love for what you are. Even in our time, when people have known for many years that they need to treat themselves with love, many work themselves half to death in a job they don’t like and languish in a relationship with a person they almost hate. Think about it, are you one of them?

Situation 5

At work or at home, we often make impulsive, thoughtless actions that lead to mistakes. As a rule, after such mistakes a person begins to engage in endless soul-searching as to why this happened.

We must learn to admit our mistakes.

But this must be done in such a way that this process does not turn into some kind of self-flagellation.

Admit to yourself that you did something wrong. Try to analyze the reasons, but do not dwell on the superficial circumstances of the situation, but go deeper into the problem. And most importantly: think about what you need to do in the future to avoid similar mistakes.

Own life

Play only your role. Women are labeled as “housewife”, “mother”, “dishwasher”, etc. Don’t follow everyone’s opinion and do what a woman’s heart feels first. It's no secret that every girl tries to please everyone. Such a race for someone’s approval knocks you off your feet, contributes to the loss of your uniqueness and possible stress. A woman should remain herself and lead a natural life. You shouldn’t frame yourself with obligations that make women unhappy. Find what you're good at and develop yourself. Analyze what is not working and explain how to solve this problem.

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Situation 7

We are all different: each person has his own views on life, his own principles and guidelines for how to act in a given situation. Even between close friends and like-minded people, quarrels arise. If it comes to a major showdown, try to speak calmly, without raised tones. Yelling and stomping your feet will not achieve anything. Many people are irritated by hysterics, screaming and tears.

Even if your quarrel is very serious, there is no need to touch a person’s nerves and cause emotional trauma. You will make peace, but your opponent will retain a bitter resentment deep down in his soul for a long time.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

There is a category of people who strive to do everything extremely quickly. They have everything clearly planned and no deviations from the planned plan are allowed. But such a regime is a constant source of stress! Any insignificant detail can unsettle someone so much that a person literally loses support under his feet and becomes extremely irritated over any, even the most insignificant, reason.

Constant haste often deprives us of the most important thing - the opportunity to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment.

You need to try to reconsider your life priorities. This will help you place your emphasis correctly and become more balanced and satisfied with life. You should start by understanding what exactly is bothering you.

In such cases, always ask yourself: why is this happening? Gradually, this will help you become a harmonious person.

Situation 9

A person is born free, not burdened with any debts. But it gradually becomes overgrown with them, and we create most of these debts for ourselves. The more debts, the less freedom. This is how enslavement occurs of one's own free will. What’s interesting is that the more intelligent a person is, the greater the degree of responsibility and duty to other people and the world around him he determines for himself.

Remember: no one owes anyone anything! If you do not get rid of the word “should,” you may become bogged down in your moral and material debts.

You can change your life for the better without creating additional problems for yourself, which are already enough. All in your hands!

Tags: self-improvement, self-education, introspection, personal psychology, psychology of communication, psychological problems, calm

Banish your fears

Constant fear of dismissal, betrayal of a spouse, pranks of children, excess weight, old age. Enough! You can always find a way out of any situation: you can get another job, join a gym, which will help you lose those hated pounds, regularly making a little effort to strengthen relationships, your marriage is unlikely to fall apart, and constant attention to raising children will certainly prevent many unpleasant situations and etc.

Besides, all people age – it’s nature and there’s nothing you can do about it. So why poison the bright moments of your life with negativity. It's better to just be happy with what you have!

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