How to change your life, learn to manage your mind using the Silva method

My first acquaintance with the Silva Method took place more than 13 years ago.

Then I was looking on the Internet for at least some information about the fulfillment of desires and a person’s influence on future events in his life... But in those years there were very few such articles, we collected knowledge bit by bit. And so, I remember, one of the network users left such a note (I won’t even say where) that of all the methods of fulfilling desires, the Silva Method is rightfully the most powerful and impressive in terms of results.

And I believed him, because he brought indisputable evidence of the fulfillment of his desires>>>

That's when I started reading Jose Silva's books.

The Miracles of the Silva Method

Reading books about the Silva Method, at first I could not believe that it gives such amazing results, because its essence is so simple. With its help you can increase your income, improve your health, find love, develop your intuition - the possibilities are endless.

The first story that inspired me was how one woman received her perfect order. The fact is that she was an artist and worked with mosaics. And, like any creative person, I faced a problem: sometimes it’s empty, sometimes it’s thick. She had just a period when the money from the previous order had already run out, and a new one still did not arrive.

The woman spent most of her time at home in idleness and quite by chance came across the books of Jose Silva. After learning the method, she thought, “Why not?” And I tried it.

I did meditation regularly and according to instructions, without particularly hoping for results. But he came quite quickly. Over the next month, the woman could only manage to open her mouth in surprise as she watched how well events had turned out.

She received a very large and interesting order, which provided her with work for the next year. And at the same time, he was exactly like that - interesting and exciting, as any creative person dreams of.

What was this woman doing? - you ask. Yes, I simply visualized my desires at the alpha level exactly as indicated in the Silva Method.

It would be interesting to know what kind of miraculous way helped her fulfill her wish? Then read on.

What it is?

The Silva method focuses on various meditative techniques and psychological exercises . They help relax the body and mind, develop intuition, control over the emotional background, and improve the quality of thinking. This is not just meditation, the class is active. It is also called “dynamic meditation” or “mind control”.

The Silva method contains a complex of self-hypnosis techniques, meditative and oriental practices, teachings of the sages and psychological developments. But there is no escape from reality, thinking does not turn off. The mind is used to its full potential, tuned to positive emotions. A person comes to understand that he controls his own life.

The main advantage of the technique is its versatility. It only takes a few sessions to feel its effects.

  1. Intuition is activated to analyze problems and find the right solutions.
  2. Information that is stored in the subconscious is consciously used.
  3. A personal formula for positive thinking is created.
  4. It becomes easier to understand the motives and actions of the people around you.
  5. The quality of memory and health improves.
  6. Desires come true.
  7. New financial opportunities are opening up.
  8. There is a relief from anxious, nervous, and stressful conditions.
  9. Quitting bad habits becomes less painful.
  10. A feeling of happiness comes.

The author's method “Thought Control” was developed and popularized by American parapsychologist Jose Silva. True, the name did not catch on due to the associative restriction of freedom of thought. In fact, the author intended a completely different meaning: a person must use all the reserves of his mind. Currently, this method is used in 120 countries and has been translated into different languages. Teachers of personal growth training often use it to increase sales and resolve difficult business situations.

You might also be interested in Joe Dispenza's meditations.

Jose Silva and his discovery

I will say right away that the Silva Method works clearly and accurately, regardless of who uses it: a guru or a person who is far from knowing about the power of thought. This is due to the fact that the method is based not on metaphysical ideas, as is often the case, but on a very real electromagnetic theory of the brain.

An amazing fact: a man recognized throughout the world as a brilliant scientist, an inventor, never went to school! He, born (08/11/1914) in the small provincial Texas town of Laredo, simply did not have such an opportunity. But he sat for hours with his brother and sister at their lessons and thus independently learned to read, write, and acquired a fairly extensive knowledge of the natural sciences.

Subsequently, he continued to actively engage in self-education, studying the works of Freud, Jung and other founders of modern psychology. But physics was still closer to him. And then he thought, why not combine the laws of these two sciences.

ON TOPIC: Three laws of wish fulfillment using the Silva method

It is known from physics that as the resistance decreases, the electrical circuit becomes more efficient. And Jose Silva was puzzled by the question: is it possible to expand the capabilities of the human brain in this way? This became the basis for his research and further grandiose discoveries.

In the three years that Jose Silva devoted to research on his children, he was not only able to significantly improve their academic performance, but also developed their creative abilities. By practicing shifting into the alpha and theta levels while awake, his daughter soon developed the ability to answer questions her father had not yet asked, which he had only formulated in his brain. In addition, children learned to make optimal decisions very quickly in any situation.


I would like to thank, in order of assistance received, the following people: Dr. J.V. Khan

, Dr.
N. E. West, Dord Fitz
, Dr.
Jeffrey Chang
, Dr.
Richard McKenzie, Harry F. McKnight,
Frederick Bremner
, Dr.
George DeSoe
, Dr.
Clancy McKenzie
and co-author of this project Dr.
Robert B. Stone
for his wisdom, scholarship and great humanism. All of these people made significant contributions to making Mind Control the effective and successful program it is today.

The essence of the Silva method

Jose Silva's method shows that absolutely every person is endowed with the power that can help him achieve any goal and make his desires come true. And these are not just words, the technique is based on a scientific basis.

The Silva method is based on knowledge:

  1. Levels of brain activity;
  2. Works of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Brain activity levels

By the middle of the last century, it was already discovered that the human brain generates electrical impulses of various frequencies with certain ranges. There were four of them - alpha, beta, theta and delta waves.

Jose began actively using the electroencephalograph in his research and soon understood exactly how the brain works in each frequency range:

  1. Beta level.
    This is the state we call active wakefulness. The brain perceives the world through all five senses; there is a clear sense of self in time and space. The left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, is active. Oscillation range – 14-21 Hz.
  2. Alpha level.
    The most understandable example of this state is falling asleep. Well, or that short period before waking up, when the eyes are already open, but the body is not yet fully felt. Also, the alpha state is easily achieved through meditation, and also comes spontaneously during moments of immersion in the creative process. This is where the right hemisphere, which is responsible for intuition, comes into play. The body may partially not perceive external stimuli, and the sense of time disappears. Oscillation range – 7-14 Hz.
  3. Theta level.
    The brain works on it during sleep. Consciously accessing it allows you to activate extrasensory abilities, carry out diagnostics, self-healing, and even read other people’s thoughts. Oscillation frequency – 4-7 Hz.
  4. Delta level.
    Here the brain is in very deep sleep, when a person does not feel anything and is difficult to wake up. The oscillation frequency of electromagnetic pulses is minimal - 0-4 Hz.

As you can see, the alpha level is a kind of transitional bridge from active wakefulness to deep relaxation.

ON THE TOPIC: How to make a wish come true faster or alpha and theta brain waves

Right and left hemispheres of the brain

It is known that the brain consists of two hemispheres - right and left. Logic, calculation, cause and effect, analytics and the right side of the body are the prerogative of the right brain lobe. Intuition, creativity, imagination, images, sensations, the subconscious and the left side of the body are under the responsibility of the right hemisphere.

People are designed in such a way that they rarely use two parts of the brain at the same time. As a rule, each person has one that is better developed. Moreover, the hemispheres almost never complement each other, existing and working separately. That is the problem.

Jose Silva says that in order to develop your potential and achieve your goals easily and quickly, you need to use both hemispheres of the brain. To do this, for example, it is necessary to perform familiar actions (taking notes, holding a fork and knife, brushing teeth, etc.) in turn with different hands.

Laws of wish fulfillment

Silva identifies 3 basic laws of fulfillment of desires:

  1. You must sincerely wish that your plans come true. It is important not just to want something, but also to clearly formulate your dream: describe it in detail, record it and understand how true it is. You should separate your desires from the expectations of society, parents, and your loved one.
  2. It is important to believe with all your heart that your dream will come true and your goal will be achieved. This is the only way to reach the subconscious and set yourself up to achieve your goal. To do this, you can use self-hypnosis, affirmations, or daily recitation of new settings.
  3. The belief that what is planned will happen must be built on constant expectation. This will lead to actions that will bring your goal closer.

In order for a wish to come true, it is important not only to visualize, pronounce and wait, but also to work a lot, incl. and on getting rid of negative attitudes.

How to reach the alpha level and open the subconscious?

To begin with, you must understand that reaching the alpha level is possible only with a sufficient degree of relaxation. This is why the alpha state automatically occurs before falling asleep and during meditation. Knowing simple techniques developed by Jose Silva and performing certain exercises will help you achieve a quick, conscious transition to the desired frequency range.

I usually use the two simplest and most accessible methods for each method.


For beginners, it is advisable to find a quiet place and time for exercise when no one will disturb you. Later, as you master this skill, you will be able to quickly transition anywhere in just a couple of minutes. But for now it’s better to do everything consistently and correctly.

Take a comfortable position. It’s better to sit on a chair with support under your back. Some people prefer to exercise lying down, but beginners often fall asleep. You need to close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale and start counting down.

It is very important to focus completely only on the count, without trying to control your breathing or monitor your condition. It’s better to start with one hundred and gradually move towards one. From time to time you can repeat between numbers: “Deeper, I’m going deeper.” As you master this technique, it will be enough to count from ten to one.

In the webinar on wish fulfillment, I give several more techniques for deep immersion. Join to stay updated >>>

Focus on the body

For this exercise, it is also better to find a secluded place where you can sit or lie down comfortably and relax. In this method, it is important to fully focus on bodily sensations, and not engage in your own thoughts or perception of the world around you.

Start at the tips of your toes - relax them, then go higher, relax your legs, arms, get your back in contact with the surface on which you are lying, feel how your chest rises and falls as you breathe, feel the skin on your head, relax your facial muscles and so on.

Lifting the eye sockets up

There is another simple exercise that will help you enter the alpha state.

Close your eyes and raise them to your eyebrows (about 20-30 degrees).

Growing recognition

The scientific evidence for the healing of the body through the interaction of body and mind is firmly established, and public recognition of this fact is now universal.

In 1990, a public opinion poll conducted by the Gallup Institute in America on attitudes towards paranormal phenomena showed that 25% of Americans have achieved success with the help of mental treatment.

In May 2001, a Gallup poll found that Americans with the highest levels of education were most likely to believe in the mind's ability to heal the body.

In June 2005, a Gallup poll updated Americans' attitudes toward the supernatural, showing that more than 55% believe in a mind-body connection in healing . These healing powers of the mind—on both the physical and emotional levels—have been empirically demonstrated, reflecting the power of the placebo effect.

Moreover, according to a famous survey published in 1993 in the New England Journal of Medicine, 34% of American adults said they had used at least one alternative treatment in the previous year. These include meditation, yoga and visualization techniques.

Finally, in 1993, a New England Journal of Medicine survey found that alternative medicine—a category that includes mindful, energetic, and spiritual healing—was most often used not by the lower and poor, but by wealthy people with higher education.

Am I really at the alpha level?

I am often asked: “How will I know that the transition to the alpha level has taken place?” It is quite simple to determine this: complete relaxation of the body occurs, slight drowsiness sets in, and the chaotic swarm of thoughts disappears. Over time, clear individual signs appear. Personally, for me it’s mild goosebumps, some people start to itch at the tip of their nose, some people yawn.

Another factor is there is no sense of time. Many people feel like they've only spent a couple of minutes at the alpha level. But in fact it turns out that they were in such a dive for about an hour, and sometimes more. There is also no perception of external stimuli. Naturally, too loud and harsh sounds and bright lights will knock you out of this mode, but light household noise is simply not perceived.

Sixth Sense

  • Ability to make important life decisions;
  • The ability to realize the truth without any reasoning or evidence;
  • A personality function that can determine a person’s relationship to himself and the world;
  • Understand the truth directly when the senses are not involved.

Not only psychotherapists know about intuition; they also use it in esoteric and occult practices . With the help of intuition, you can penetrate into the space where the future opens up, everything is available to it.

Techniques for using the Silva Method

In his book, Silva gives simple and working techniques that will help you make your life filled with positive events, people and emotions.

Reprogramming Beliefs

Everything is simple here - we change old negative attitudes to new positive ones. To do this, write down in a column those beliefs and habits that interfere with you and slow down your development. And in the next column list what you want.

Now enter the alpha state, take any negative characteristic of yourself, mentally voice it - admit that there is a problem. And then express your firm intention to replace it with another. Basically, you need to rewrite your “software”.

Every day you must change one old setting to a new one until the list runs out.

Thanks to this technique, one of my subscribers was able to get rid of jealousy - she replaced her suspicion, uncertainty and doubts towards her husband with complete trust. She admitted: “I’m a terrible jealous person, and this bothers me.” And I decided to reprogram myself. “When I open my eyes after counting to five, I will no longer be like this. I am filled with confidence in my husband. I am calm and confident in him and his love.”

Their family stopped having quarrels that arose only because of her unfounded accusations.

Three finger technique

Most people live in stress all the time and don't even notice it. The alpha state will also come to the rescue here - just 15 minutes of daily meditation will help relieve the body of tension.

It is very useful for people who are emotionally unstable and prone to sudden mood swings. After just a few training sessions, they become much calmer, and the emotions themselves become deeper and richer.

But it is not always possible to enter such a state. For example, you are in the boss’s office, who has decided to let off all the steam on you and accuse you of all your sins. You can’t tell him: “Wait, I’ll meditate now to calm down.” In this case, the three-finger technique will help. You just need to practice it in advance so that you can easily use it in a stressful state:

  • Enter the Alpha State
  • On both hands, clasp your index, middle and thumb fingers. That is, you should end up with a bunch of three fingers (as if you want to cross yourself) on both your right and left hands. Do not unclench them until the end of the meditation.
  • Say three times: “I am calm and cool, my brain works at a deep level of consciousness, I am in complete control of myself. And it will be like this every time I put three fingers together.”

This programming should be done in a calm state, and not when emotions are running high. Your mind will get used to this setting, and as soon as you have a conflict or a stressful situation, the folded three fingers will serve as a signal to relax. And then you will not be afraid of any adversity and troubles - you will be able to control yourself.

Glass of water

This technique helps when you urgently need to get an answer from the subconscious.

ON TOPIC: Like the subconscious: the “glass of water” technique Jose Silva

  • Take a glass of water with you to the bedroom;
  • Drink half of it before you go to sleep. In this case, you need to close your eyes and raise them up to your eyebrows;
  • You need to ask your question to the subconscious or voice a problem that worries you;
  • When you drink water, say: “This is all I need to solve the problem that is tormenting me”;
  • Go to bed;
  • In the morning, repeat everything and drink more water.

The answer will come unexpectedly in the near future - it may already be overnight

- in a dream, sudden insight, guess, meeting the right person, etc.

Mental laboratory

This method is also great for getting subconscious answers. To do this, you just need to imagine a laboratory in your head with advisers to whom you will ask questions.

  • Enter the Alpha State
  • In your imagination, create a laboratory room. Think through the furnishings down to the smallest detail - furniture, appliances, tools, wallpaper
  • In addition, you need to create two advisors
  • Next, you need to ask these advisors the question that is bothering you, and wait; the answer will definitely come.

Glass of water

Before going to bed, you need to pour a glass of plain water. Close your eyes and drink half a glass. During this you should think: this is all I need to solve my problem.

Place the glass with the remaining water next to it on the bedside table, cover it with a piece of paper on top. Go to bed and try to sleep. In the morning, you should repeat the same thing, finishing the water and offering thanks to the Almighty.

The solution to the problem may come immediately during sleep or during the next day. Perhaps the right person will meet along the way.

How to Create a Future Event Using the Silva Method

In addition to loading statements, the Silva Method allows you to project future events. This is done through visualization at the alpha level. The practice is called “Mirror of the Soul”:

  • We start with the usual entry into the alpha state
  • We imagine a mirror in front of us. Its size and shape don't matter. The main thing is that it is in a frame that changes color. A blue frame is associated with a problem, a white frame is associated with its solution.
  • Imagine that you see your problem in the mirror (the frame is blue). We study it: what does it look like? is this some kind of image? scene?
  • We erase this problem (with a rag, an eraser - it doesn’t matter) so that not a trace of the problem remains in the mirror, change the color of the frame to white and move the mirror to the left
  • We imagine this problem in the mirror, but already solved
  • Finishing the meditation

It’s important that you don’t have to think about how to resolve your issue. You just have to see the result. For example, if you need to sell a house, then in a mirror with a white frame you imagine a “sold” sign on that very house. How this happens is not your concern. Give the solution methods to the other party.

Is your consciousness capable of healing the body of another person?

Let's ask a bolder question.

Is it possible to heal people close to you with your consciousness - from a distance?

One of the most surprising pieces of evidence about distance healing comes from psychologist William Braud and his colleagues at The Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Braud's research, which spanned over 17 years, involved people attempting to mentally influence the nervous systems of others at a remote distance.

The research results were amazing.


For the first group of people, known as the receivers, Braud connected them to sensors attached to machines that measured seven different physiological indicators, such as blood pressure, skin conductance and muscle activity.


The second group, known as the transmitters, were placed in different rooms and asked to try to excite or calm the receivers just by thinking about them. Both the receivers and the transmitters were ordinary people who voluntarily expressed a desire to participate in the experiment.

Braud's 37 experiments, which included 665 sessions, involved 449 volunteers and 13 experimenters. Braud found that at the exact moment when transmitters were asked to think about their recipients, the latter experienced changes in their physiological state.

The results of 37 experiments were in favor of remote interaction between participants with a probability of more than 100 trillion to one.

In a nutshell, the ability of one person to influence the body of another with his mind is a scientific fact.

Real stories

My clients who have mastered the techniques of entering the alpha level often send me their success stories. Sometimes they are so amazing that it is hard to believe in them. But all this is true, and you can check it for yourself. In the meantime, I will share with you some interesting stories (names have been changed).

Igor, 28 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“Cooking has been my passion since my early youth. I got up early for the first time at the stove, helping my grandmother. She taught me the basics of cooking homemade dishes. After school, I decided to make cooking my profession and in my mind I saw myself as a chef at a prestigious restaurant. But in reality everything turned out differently...

I went to culinary school and was one of the best students there. I carefully studied the recipes and tried to do everything as accurately as possible. But to my great surprise, I often lost culinary competitions to less successful students.

Upset by the failure, I worked more diligently, did everything even more carefully and thoroughly. But this led to nothing. There was even a moment when I gave up, and I almost decided that I could not become an ace in haute cuisine. But then I came across information about the Jose Silva method.

After several weeks of practice, I realized that I lacked creativity. That cooking, especially high-level cooking, is an art, and not an exact adherence to recipes. I won the first next competition. And it seems to me that it was precisely because I prepared my dish while immersed in the alpha state. Today my dream has come true - I am wearing the chef’s jacket of one of the most prestigious restaurants in the city. But now this is not the limit of my dreams!”

Irina, 42 years old, Ekaterinburg:

“I never had problems at school with my eldest son. With my daughter at home too. But during class, something indescribable began to happen to her. She categorically refused to answer at the board. And later, even from the seat, I couldn’t tell the teacher what she had quite calmly retold to me at home.

We visited the school psychologist. She did not reveal any abnormalities in the girl’s mental development or problems in relationships with teachers and classmates. Perhaps a slight tendency toward perfectionism. But could this really be the cause of such a serious problem?

After the alpha level training, my daughter began to feel as calm and relaxed at school as she did at home. The “brain stupor” is completely gone. Now she not only freely presented her lessons, but was also able to find non-standard solutions to school problems.”

Basic rules of happiness

Silva Mind Control identifies ways to experience joy and happiness in life. The rules are simple and effective, let’s take a closer look:

  1. Learn to enjoy life and the things you like. Everything is clear, but not everyone can reveal their interests, feel the joy and pleasure of life, communicating with loved ones, playing sports, music, love. And it is important to feel every moment of life.
  2. Avoid unpleasant things and people. The rule presupposes a feeling of inner freedom - we can change a job we don’t like, find a calling, stop communicating with unpleasant people, if we don’t look for excuses, but concentrate on finding a solution and improving the situation. It's more complicated, but much more effective.
  3. Change what cannot be eliminated from life. It is always difficult for a person to change something - lifestyle, relationships, learn new things, it is easier to go with the flow. But the result will be zero or negative. Only a conscious, responsible attitude towards life will allow you to breathe deeply, create your own world and build a life.
  4. Accept what cannot be excluded or changed. This is more difficult - having relatives with speech impediments or parents with character traits - you have to put up with it, a person is created this way, and you need to be able to adapt, accept it with all its pros and cons.
  5. Accept what you cannot rule out by changing your perspective on the issue. It's not easy, but it's possible. All situations in the world are neutral, only people paint them in positive, bright colors or dark, depressive ones. It’s worth looking for the positive side in everything, continuing to live and finding incentives. Even if you lose your finances, set new goals and strive for more. It all depends on attitude and mindset; you can change any situation by changing your point of view.

A person cannot be in a state of happiness all the time - there are ups and downs in mood, but following these rules will allow you to feel joy more often and be less upset. After all, we can influence life actively (by changing actions, work, hobbies) or passively (by changing our attitude towards life events).

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