People who love order: features, characteristics, ways to overcome mania

  • October 17, 2018
  • Manias and Phobias
  • Daniil Belousov

In psychology there are a huge number of concepts that describe a wide variety of manias inherent in humans. Some people love to throw things around the apartment, while others will be happy to wash dishes until they shine all day long and make sure that there is not a single speck of dust in the house.

If we talk about the name of a person who loves order in everything, then in this case you can most often hear the words “neat”, “neat-spitting”, “pedant”, “neatist” and many others. As a rule, others make fun of such individuals, without even suspecting that some people have such an obsession for a reason.

general information

There are people who love order, but do not show much fanaticism. In this case there is no reason to worry. Who would blame a housewife for wanting her household to feel comfortable? It's another matter if things go to extremes. Mania for cleanliness and order is often caused by neuroses and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish a pedant from a person obsessed with an obsession.

If we are talking about a certain type of personality, then such a pedant will be careful in everything. Sometimes such people are even considered petty, since they like to concentrate on even the most insignificant nuances both in communicating with others and in life.

People who have to have everything perfect are highly demanding. Such perfectionists are not easy to live with. To try to change the situation, you need to understand the nature of such mania (if it really causes so much inconvenience).

What do you call a person who is madly in love with order in everything?

Behavioral characteristics often illustrate mental disorders, for example, a person who loves order in everything - who is he? What is it called in a society that is far from ideal? There are people who like to keep everything clean, without excessive fanaticism. They do not raise suspicions of mental adequacy. For example, such behavior is natural for a housewife if it does not become an obsessive state.

It’s a completely different matter when a person who loves order goes to extremes, demonstrating a manic desire for neatness. This condition appears due to neuroses and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OKR). Therefore, you need to be able to distinguish between lovers of cleanliness and those who suffer from a mental disorder.

What do you call people who are obsessed with cleanliness and order?

Most often, a person who loves order, accuracy, and ideality is called a pedant or perfectionist. If we mean a personality type, then it is characterized by a desire for accuracy in all areas of life. Sometimes such a person is suspected of pettiness because he pays attention to even minor nuances.

Experts note that the need for order and the desire for ideality in the environment are often combined in one person. Such individuals perceive their every day as a challenge to others, taking everything to the extreme and absurdity. A person obsessed with order will not be able to pass by a picture hanging crookedly, and napkins laid out in the wrong order can cause a panic attack.

People with OCD need a feeling of total control. Since they cannot influence the big world, they create their own, in which their rules reign.

Most often, this space is limited to your own home. Therefore, a person with neurosis is reluctant to leave his usual habitat, where he feels safe.

Here, all things are in inviolable order, and cleaning can last 6 hours a day.

The diametrically opposite manifestation of the same disorder is Plyushkin syndrome. In this case, the person acts exactly the opposite, although the incentives are the same.

In an effort to fill the emptiness in their souls and create the illusion of control, they take home all the items that seem useful to them.

Some people fill their home with new things from the store that have been sitting in packaging for decades, while others collect trash.

Psychologists note a phenomenon: with parents suffering from a fanatical love for cleanliness and order, children sometimes acquire the diametrically opposite disorder - they wallow in garbage and turn their homes into a dump of unnecessary things that they cannot part with. Any attempt to remove at least something or restore order causes the same attack of panic as those who love perfect cleanliness and germaphobes.

Pedantic personality type: detailed characteristics

A pedantic person is a fanatical adherent of order. Pedantry can be a consequence of upbringing, a national mentality trait, a symptom of autism or a sign of neurosis.

The desire to gain control over one's life is inherent in everyone, it creates a feeling of security, but for some people this desire takes the form of fanaticism.

Pedantry in psychology - this concept comes from the French word pédant, which means “teacher”, and from the Latin paedagogans - “teacher”.

In general, this term defines the qualities of a person who exhibits a clearly visible tendency to comply with specific formal requirements.

A person of order is often slow, spends a lot of time weighing options, is tormented by the problem of choice and wastes a lot of time. There is also rational pedantry. In this case, the person has a quick reaction, a calculating mind and clearly performs the assigned tasks. The second type of pedant makes excellent subordinates and assistant managers.

Being late for work is nonsense for him, orders are carried out accurately and on time, the workplace is kept in perfect order, and documents are laid out in their places.

A person who loves ideal order prefers a conservative lifestyle and a familiar place of work. Sometimes diligence develops into tediousness. A pedantic boss most often has a negative attitude towards the manifestation of initiative on the part of employees and demands strict adherence to the work regime.

People who love order in small things also keep it at home. Women ensure perfect cleanliness and clean several times a day. All products are washed and sorted many times. When leaving home, people prone to morbid pedantry may check several times whether the door is locked and the condition of electrical appliances.

A person who really loves order can make an impression already on the first date. The girl can be sure that he will not be late and will call at the promised time.

But if a long-term relationship is planned, the partner will have to adapt to him. Living together means strictly following all established rules down to the smallest detail.

This is depressing and few people are able to withstand such a rhythm of life.

A lover of order extends his dependence to all areas of life, including health. Pedantry can cause obsessive thoughts and fantasies about imaginary diseases. He can fantasize about a whole medical reference book and will do this, still measuredly and carefully looking for his symptoms.

Losing control over a situation causes anxiety and depression. As one of the methods of treating manic addiction to cleanliness, familiarity with the opposite phenomenon is used.

Lovers of ideal order are brought together with those suffering from Plyushkin syndrome. To overcome their mania, clean people help clean up the houses of flea dealers.

Seeing this way of life, some begin to understand the constant tension they are under. A positive result is noticeable almost immediately. Even if a pedant does not stop following rituals, he does this not out of fear or internal tension, but out of inertia. This helps you relax and relieve overwhelming anxiety.

As a result, OCD sufferers try to pay more attention to their loved ones, their fear of disorder subsides, and they become much happier. The pedants themselves and their family members, who are forced to “toe the line,” suffer from this type of character and acquired disorder. Their life is under constant control.

And finally, a funny video:

❗️Remember: neat people never relax themselves and do not allow others to do so. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely change the character and habits of such a person, but you can help only with his voluntary participation.

About the author: Hello! I am Karolina Korableva. I live in the Moscow region, in the city of Odintsovo. I love life and people. I try to be realistic and optimistic in life. What I value in people is their ability to behave. I am interested in psychology, in particular conflictology. Graduated from RGSU, Faculty of Occupational Psychology and Special Psychology.


Perfectionist complex

Psychologists have long determined that the thirst for order and the desire to achieve the ideal in everything are very often found in the same person. People who love everything ideal live every day as some kind of test or challenge. Often in their aspirations they reach the point of absurdity. For example, such a person simply will not be able to carry on a conversation if he notices that one of the paintings on the wall is hanging crooked by several millimeters.

Often, in their desire to make the world around them ideal, such people begin to strive for 100% of everything. If they hang laundry, it must be at an equal distance from each other. Books will be arranged by color scheme or size. They often exhibit obsessions with cleanliness. Moreover, those around him get the impression that very soon the premises of such a pedant will literally become sterile.

Specks, curved lines and asymmetry irritate me, is this normal?

Marina Voronova, psychologist

Life story: “I was on the subway one day, tired, after work, when the phone rang, I picked up the phone and started explaining something to a work colleague. After I hung up, I discovered that during the conversation I had been removing specks from the coat of the man standing next to me. She apologized, and the man smiled and thanked him.”

Have you ever met such people? Or maybe you yourself have noticed that you are prone to such behavior? Remove a speck or thread from the clothes of the person standing next to you in transport, straighten napkins lying askew on the table, straighten a stack of documents when you come to visit, notice a picture or photo frame hanging a little crookedly and straighten it.

Don't others notice this curvature? After all, it’s more comfortable and better when there is symmetry and correct geometry in everything! The curtains on the windows should also be open symmetrically, and if not, then they need to be adjusted.

The cutlery on the table after serving should lie symmetrically, plates at an equal distance from the edge of the table, forks, legs, spoons at an equal distance from the plates, wine glasses and glasses should also be placed symmetrically relative to each other and other cutlery.

Moreover, this behavior manifests itself not only at home (order at home goes without saying), but also on the street, in transport, at work, in a cafe - wherever a person appears. He notices irregularities, inaccuracies, inconsistencies and other phenomena that deviate from straightforwardness. Often, adjustments to the environment are made without the request or knowledge of other people.

What is this craving for straight lines, symmetry, correctness? Why do some people focus so much attention on this, while others simply don’t care about these parameters? What should you do with yourself if your hands keep reaching out to straighten, fix, fold? Fight with yourself, or is it better to try to correct other people by constantly pointing out curvature, asymmetry and unevenness?

Who strives for evenness, symmetry and neatness?

This behavior can be explained in different ways. Some people call such people perfectionists, others consider them overly confused and annoying. But only the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan can scientifically substantiate it.

According to SVP, people with an anal vector strive for symmetry, straight lines and cleanliness. Who are these people, and why are straight lines, symmetry, even angles and surfaces so important to them?

A little about comfort geometry

Nature, when creating man, made sure that every person had the opportunity to realize their talents and find their place in life. Therefore, she endowed people with different characteristics and desires.

People with the anal vector are distinguished primarily by cleanliness and a desire for straight, even lines. Their inner harmony directly depends on what they observe outside. Nature laid the basis for their thinking and perception on an even square.

When they see distortions, crooked lines, they experience internal discomfort, a desire to correct, level, straighten.

The anal vector in the human psyche is a unique set of characteristics that can only be envied. It is these people who have the natural gift of passing on experience to future generations (mentoring and teaching), analyzing and studying past experience in order to look for what is necessary, useful and important. And the false and unverified, on the contrary, should be criticized and re-evaluated.

Thus, the entire spectrum of realization of a person with an anal vector, one way or another, is associated with improvement, straightening, and so on. This is also manifested in character: people with an anal vector are straightforward people, scrupulous about truth, justice, and honesty.

If a person with such properties finds himself in a stressful situation, experiences psychological pressure, discomfort, suffers from his uselessness in relationships or at work, then he seeks to compensate for the lack of fulfillment in everyday life.

For example, if he can’t complete a project at work (they jerk him, push him, don’t let him finish the work in peace), then he strives to make everything around him smooth, straight, clean, in order to normalize his inner square, his psyche.

Behavior is most actively manifested in those moments when consciousness is busy and the unconscious dominates behavior. For example, a person is talking on the phone, and while his consciousness is engrossed in the conversation, his hands reach out to remove specks and wipe off specks of dust.

If there is a serious meeting ahead, for example, negotiations or a business conversation, a person with the anal vector will check the evenness of the stack of documents hundreds of times, as if the evenness of the stack will help success in business, will align all the portraits, frames, paintings hanging on the walls.

It is the return to the correct geometric shape of the square that brings peace and inner comfort.

When we show our talents for the benefit of people, the discomfort from curved lines and asymmetries becomes insignificant and ceases to unbalance us. You can learn more about the ways in which people with the anal vector are realized, as well as about behavioral characteristics, in free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Sign up here.

Author Marina Voronova, psychologist

The article was written using materials from online training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan Section: Psychology

Jul 20, 2021 5217 Self-knowledge psychology


Behavior correction

If you are afraid of germs, you are haunted by a constant desire to clean the house, then use the following methods to combat the phobia:

  • If you're worried about getting your hands dirty, touch the doorknob and don't wash your hands afterwards.
  • Train yourself to clean the house once a week.
  • Take the bed linen and throw it on the floor, after a while put it back, sleep on this linen for a week without washing it.
  • Learn relaxation techniques. Find yourself a hobby.
  • Psychoanalysis. The goal of the psychotherapist is to identify the traumatic situation and displace it from the patient’s life.
  • Hypnosuggestive therapy is a combination of hypnosis and suggestion. The patient is put into hypnosis and the correct behavior patterns are suggested.
  • Group therapy. In a group format, it is easier for people to cope with their problem, because they are united by the desire to overcome obsessive states collectively.

Therapists provide treatment using obsessive-compulsive disorder techniques.

Is pedantry good or bad?

Pedantry is a character trait of anankastic people (anankasts)

, which are often found in Northern Europe, and especially in Germany: everyone knows that the notorious German pedantry implies a character trait - accuracy. In Russia, pedants are rare.

The attitude of society towards the character trait under discussion is ambiguous, and therefore the question arises: is pedantry good or bad? There is no one-word answer to this question. If we talk about moderate pedantry, then it can be considered as a positive character trait, which cannot be said about excessive pedantry, which is a vice and the cause of various negative situations and conflicts.

A pedant can be easily identified by his desire to do everything in accordance with the unwritten rules. Such people strive for the ideal.


Often people who love order too much are actually trying to hide from their own fears. When they clean the apartment or mop the floors until they shine, they begin to feel that they are able to control something. Therefore, only cleaning allows them to relax.

Most often, those who grew up in difficult conditions suffer from such mania. For example, if a child throughout his childhood saw his parents drinking alcohol, or his father and mother were forced to survive from penny to penny, then the child involuntarily realized that he could not correct the situation. Such helplessness gave rise to such dependence in him.

Why is it important to organize your world?

General cleaning brings a unique element of orderliness into a person’s life and makes the room more comfortable. Those who are obsessed with cleanliness can rarely explain why they need it. It's just necessary and that's all. In fact, this kind of desire can serve the individual well, provided there is sufficient willpower to control the compulsions. Such people are usually disciplined, committed, and balanced. They are great for technical jobs or jobs that require extreme perseverance and precision.

Chronic stress

If a person is forced to work at a job that requires maximum attention and nervous tension, then putting things in order can become a kind of outlet. Cleaning helps take your mind off things. When a person does something with his hands, he calms down faster.

Therefore, if the desire to restore order is especially acute at the end of a hard day, then you need to think about changing jobs or finding a way to relax. Often, chronic stress can also be associated with a loved one. In this case, you should think about your relationship.

Personal qualities of perfectionists

Like any personality type, perfectionists have their positive and negative sides. The following are the most common signs:

  • the desire to do everything perfectly;
  • meticulousness;
  • increased attention to detail;
  • painful perception of criticism;
  • excessive demands on oneself and others

Positive traits

The main positive trait of a perfectionist is hard work and self-improvement. Such people painstakingly hone their skills in their chosen field and do not stop until they achieve the best results.

Many famous people have achieved success precisely because of this quality. For example, Steve Jobs. He was demanding of his employees and the quality of work performed. According to his instructions, even hidden microcircuits were given an aesthetic appearance. This list also includes Leo Tolstoy, Nietzsche, Kant, Alexander the Great, etc.

Perfectionists are good workers. If you entrust him with a task, you can be sure that it will be completed efficiently. But you should not give him work that needs to be done urgently, since due to excessive care, the completion may take a long time.

Perfectionists are neat and clean. Their desk is always perfectly tidy; you won’t see creative chaos on it, like many workers. Their home is always in impeccable order, everything is in its place and arranged on shelves.

Negative qualities

Perfectionists have a very difficult time in family life. In their subconscious there is an unattainable ideal of family, and if suddenly something does not correspond to this image, then attempts begin to remake their household members. This is where the problems begin, since it is practically impossible to re-educate people, they become frustrated and irritable.

Another negative impact of perfectionism is the fear of not being able to cope with the work or doing it poorly. A person who is overcome by such fear is called a procrastinator. The life credo of such people is: “Either everything or nothing.” As a rule, perfectionist procrastinators do not even start work if they know that they cannot do it flawlessly.

Due to the constant desire to achieve the highest success, such people stop enjoying even good results. They always feel like they need to do even better. This causes emotional exhaustion and often leads to stress and depression.

Desire to be good

If a person who loves order was not very loved by his parents, then it is possible that in adulthood he is simply trying to win the warm feelings of others in such a peculiar way. The religiosity of some families should not be discounted. Purification rites often figure in the world's largest beliefs. Therefore, this automatically means that one who believes must monitor the purity of his soul and everything that surrounds him. This means order in the head and in the house.


As a rule, housewives most often suffer from this. If a woman does not work and is forced to play the role of keeper of the hearth, then she often feels resentful that all her work goes unnoticed. To draw attention to the fact that she spends no less time and effort on making the house cozy, a lady may unconsciously begin to reach the point of absurdity.

It is important for any housewife that her husband and children respect her and consider her. If this does not happen, then such a woman will begin to perfect her assigned role in order to prove that she has no equal in housework.

What's bad about it

Many people associate a person who likes everything to be perfect with a positive personality. But you need to understand that if we are talking about dissatisfied people, then most often they are, on the contrary, embittered. By focusing on the fact that they have been underestimated, they can over time completely lose their sense of empathy and kindness.

Often people who love order unwittingly block their humanity, turning into a kind of robots or fanatics. It becomes difficult to communicate with them.

In addition, ideal order is the enemy of everything creative. If a person is never late for anything, is always dressed to the nines, and has hairs on his hair, then he is most likely incapable of fantasizing or dreaming. People around you become bored with such people.

People who love order are forced to spend most of their time cleaning. They don't know how to enjoy life. Such obsession over time deprives all joy. Such people stop thinking about loved ones and concentrate only on their mania. Therefore, you should not turn a blind eye to such problems. You need to understand how to get rid of such mania.

Why cleanliness is not always useful

The human immune system is a kind of “natural shield” against various types of infections, viruses, and bacteria. It is constantly “under tension” as the body is exposed to harmful compounds. What happens if such a factor is leveled out? The protection will weaken and begin to shrink, since the body, which is clean, does not need it. However, it will also not be possible to “remove” the external environment. As a result, it turns out that the individual remains defenseless against microbes from the outside. Sterility kills, among other things, a number of useful compounds. As a result, any viral diseases will be more severe, and bronchial asthma may appear.


The most effective way is to seek help from a specialist. Mania for order, as a rule, appears against the background of psychological problems. Only a specialist will be able to find the exact cause of such an obsessive state and propose a treatment program.

Cognitive behavioral therapy shows good results. Thanks to it, the specialist is able to slightly correct the characteristics of the consciousness of a person for whom everything should be perfect, and aim him at other, more important things. The main goal of such treatment is to change the way of thinking, habits or entire lifestyle.

If this does not help or the patient wants to take the path of least resistance, then hypnosis can be used. In a state of deep sleep, the necessary key points are instilled in the patient.

Both methods are popular. But it is important that the procedures are carried out exclusively by a professional.

What do you call it when you're into boys and girls?

Puberty (also puberty or puberty) is the process of changes in the body of a teenager, as a result of which he becomes an adult and capable of procreation.

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How to get rid of mania on your own

Most often, a person just needs to relax and not think about problems or anything else for a while. Aromatherapy is the best way to help with this. A few drops of oil are enough to be applied to a special candle - and a calming smell will spread throughout the apartment.

Preference should be given to lavender-based formulations. This aroma has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Also, the smell of this oil will help overcome insomnia.

You can also buy orange oil. Its aroma helps improve your mood. Additionally, it helps restore strength and recharge your batteries.

Some people use bergamot oil. The smell of this composition stimulates the production of the so-called happiness hormone. The person becomes calmer. Signs of severe nervous tension disappear.

You can also give preference to mint. It has excellent aromatic properties. Its aroma calms and relieves depression.

Is it better to be a slob?

If the desire for cleanliness is a mental problem, then can people who litter their apartments and live like in a barn really boast nerves of steel? Of course no. In everything you need to know when to stop. Any behavior taken to the point of absurdity can easily develop into mania. Therefore, we need to find a balance.

You need to find time for yourself, your loved ones and loved ones. You shouldn’t get nervous over trifles and allow yourself to become nervous. But this does not mean that you should start the house. If the paintings hang unevenly but the apartment is clean, then no one will accuse the owner of being unclean. But constant chaos can bring no less problems into life than any addiction.

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