Personal motives in psychology are a certain internal force of a person that encourages him to
If you trace the biography of many famous people from Franklin to Jobs, you can see that almost
Causes of conflicts in society The emergence and development of conflicts is due to the following groups of causes
How NLP works What are beliefs How to change beliefs using NLP methods Types of beliefs in
tags: Communication, Person, Communication, Attitude, Internal, Implemented, Partner, External B. Lomov (Boris Fedorovich Lomov -
Escaping from the realities of life: a mental disorder or a way to overcome difficulties? Surely you think that
To take revenge or not to take revenge? That is the question. Our psyche is structured like this: if we
2.2. Listening exercises Goal: to make participants aware of what helps their behavior
The interview is a key stage of employment. Employers care not only about work experience and professional skills
Kissing is a wonderful way to share your feelings. This is perhaps one of the most pleasant feelings