Consultation “Why is it necessary to play sports in the modern world?”

Author Natalia in . Published Blog

Smoking and alcohol abuse have long gone out of fashion; now most people prefer a healthy lifestyle. Some people choose to eat right, others choose to exercise. Both the first and the second do the right thing. To feel good, you need to balance your diet and not forget about physical activity. Improving health and increasing resistance to stress are reasons to exercise.

A sedentary lifestyle is a direct road to apathy, depression and bad mood. These are not just words, but a scientific fact. Researchers have long ago established the daily norm of mobility, it is equal to 15,000 steps. Not all modern people walk about 10 km a day. This is due to sedentary work, laziness and passivity. Most of us spend half the day in front of the computer, and then complain about body aches, bad mood and general dissatisfaction. It's time to remember the main reasons to start playing sports and forget about the painful condition. It is not necessary to spend 3-4 hours a day in the gym, but just do a warm-up and run in the fresh air. If a person sets the goal of becoming the happy owner of a slim figure, then he cannot do without the help of professionals.

Regardless of social status, age and hobbies, each of us must activate all muscle groups in our body. There are reasons why you need to play sports. Let's consider them further.

The importance of physical activity in human life

Sport naturally stimulates a healthy metabolism, activates blood circulation, heart and lung function, and brain function. Accordingly, physical activity is directly proportional not only to good health, but also to mood, a sense of moral satisfaction with the world around us. But in most cases, the quality of a person’s life depends on psychological factors.

A trained body recovers much better and faster from injuries compared to an untrained body. It preserves natural mobility longer, which does not limit a person’s ability to do what he wants and when the desire arises. When the bones and muscles are stressed, the human brain gives signals to increase vitality, improve performance and the quality of the work process. Training has a positive effect on memory and even stimulates creativity, developing talent and creative thinking.

One should also take into account the fact that as a result of regular sports activities, a person forms a beautiful figure, which is important from a psychological point of view. Simultaneously with the elimination of stress factors, the trainee gains self-confidence and simply enjoys the process, rejoicing at each new achievement.

Sport is an effective prevention of the most common diseases, allowing you to live a happy, long life. This implies:

1 Physical activity influences a person in one way or another, shapes his personality, and trains willpower. Usually, when playing any sport, a person strives to achieve specific results. With the help of sports, a person fights laziness, doubts, strives to become better and stronger. This is an undeniable advantage of any sport.

2 Sport strengthens health, defenses and the immune system. Regular physical activity protects a person from viral infections and other diseases.

3 Do not forget that any physical activity leads to weight loss, and this is exactly what most people strive for. In addition to losing weight, sports helps to get the body in good shape, making it fit. In addition, sports improve balance and balance, which helps in everyday life and can also minimize the likelihood of injury.

4 In addition to all of the above, sport improves brain activity. Any load leads to an intense rush of blood to the brain cells, due to which there is an active supply of oxygen. Sports such as basketball, volleyball, and others increase the concentration of oxygen in the blood and improve a person’s attention, which contributes to quick and, most importantly, correct decision-making.

5 Sport helps fight depression. As a result of physical activity, so-called “happy” hormones are produced. This helps the body overcome depression.

6 Even minor exercises in the morning can become motivation to give up bad habits - smoking and thoughtless consumption of alcoholic beverages. Sport helps not only to stay healthy, but also radically changes the life of any person with his desire and participation.

What is physical education

Physical education is the cultivation of body culture through physical activity and gymnastics. It develops not only the body, but also the human nervous system. Loads on the body help normalize the activity of the mental system. This is especially important for children, because they absorb huge flows of information every day. Sport helps the brain relieve stress and restore clarity to the head.

Physical education can be therapeutic and adaptive. Therapeutic exercise helps restore the human body to some functions that were damaged during injury or serious psychological shock. Adaptive physical education is applicable for people who have developmental disabilities.

The effect of sport on the body

Good physical shape is inseparable from a cardiovascular system prepared for complex loads, muscle strength, athletic endurance and exercise power, a healthy vestibular system and coordination of movements, reaction speed and speed. Sport has a positive effect on the spine and develops correct posture, supports the muscular frame and diaphragm, promotes intensive burning of fat cells and the formation of beautiful body shapes.

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

Physical inactivity, in other words, a sedentary lifestyle, is a real scourge of our time. Unfortunately, lately, teenagers and young adults have been spending a lot of time on the Internet using gadgets, thinking that this is a good way to relax. In fact, after studying, which also takes place in a sitting position, the body in general and the musculoskeletal system in particular definitely need movement.

The same applies to adults. In the frantic pace of modern life, men and women spend most of their time on solving work issues, and then on household chores, which excludes the opportunity to visit the fitness room during the week. Sometimes the schedule is so busy that a person cannot devote even a few minutes of his time to training at home. And again the musculoskeletal system suffers - joints and bones, muscles and tendons, ligaments.

It has been proven that people who lead an active lifestyle are less susceptible to anxiety.

But when a person makes even minor physical movements, the muscles contract under the influence of the nerves of the central nervous system. Regular training sessions naturally thicken muscle fibers. This energetically charges the cells, the health of which depends not only on vitamins, microelements and nutrients, but also on oxygen in the blood.

The main condition for strengthening the musculoskeletal system through sports is proper distribution of the load on the joints in order to eliminate the risk of developing osteoarthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. These diseases result from the destruction of articular cartilage.

For optimal musculoskeletal development, along with physical activity, it is important to provide your body with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin C, which stimulates the healthy development of connective tissues of tendons and ligaments, as well as phosphorus and calcium, which are responsible for bone hardness.

Nervous system development

From the perspective of the nervous system, physical exercise and sports activities are the strongest irritants for the human body. During exercise, a large number of conditioned reflex connections are formed between different parts of the body - from the muscles, which are directly involved in performing movements, to the internal organs responsible for supplying oxygen to tissues, as well as the cerebral cortex.

Improving the body's condition is only possible if different muscle groups are involved in the exercises

Each part of the nervous system - central, peripheral, autonomic - is a direct and immediate participant in this process. Due to the activation of blood circulation and an increase in the volume of oxygen, the central nervous system enters an active state: new nerve impulses and reflexes are formed in the brain, which have a beneficial effect on the functions of the entire body. New connections between neurons are strengthened from training to training. This affects not only the visual condition of the muscles, but also the heart, blood vessels, and lungs: internal organs begin to work more actively and smoothly.

Sport restores and balances the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex, increasing its adaptability to new loads and variability of external stimuli from the surrounding world.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

Moderate exercise with enviable regularity has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, as it prevents the risk of developing vein thrombosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities, in which blood stagnates due to physical inactivity. Thanks to physical activity, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases, which contributes to a better supply of oxygen to tissues. Thus, blood vessels acquire elasticity and firmness.

According to experts, the heart of a professional athlete pumps more blood in one contraction than the heart of a person who avoids physical activity. Therefore, exercising is beneficial for older people to reduce the risk of dangerous and common cardiovascular diseases such as ischemia, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Physical activity can be arranged right at work or at home: replace the elevator with stairs, and a bus ride with a walk. In order for your heart to say “thank you” to you, you should not forget about morning exercises, to which it is enough to devote 10–15 minutes.

Improving respiratory function

The lungs of a person who is engaged in sedentary work differ significantly in size from similar organs of a person who lives according to the principles of an active lifestyle. Exercising in the morning increases lung capacity by expanding the bronchi, as well as opening additional air sacs - alveoli.

As already mentioned, sport improves blood supply to the internal organs and systems of a person, due to which there is an uninterrupted supply of oxygen in sufficient quantities. This factor is also important for maintaining the health of the respiratory system.

In addition, frequent movement increases the ventilation process. It is for this reason that diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis are practically excluded among professional athletes.

If a person alternates different types of activities, for example, intellectual and physical work, regularly does home gymnastics, then as a person he develops diversified and harmoniously

Boosting immunity

Lack of full muscle function means inactive breathing, what is called “incomplete chest breathing.” As a result, cilia on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs do not perform their function of eliminating foreign bodies in the body, ranging from dust particles to pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, microorganisms that enter the bronchi and lungs can gain a foothold on the mucous membrane and cause illness. Hence the weak immune system.

One should also take into account the disruption of natural thermoregulation mechanisms, which leads to hypothermia and the development of colds. But regular sports activities help prevent many diseases by increasing the body’s resistance and resistance to various negative factors.

Improved metabolism

Sport has a positive effect on the totality of metabolic processes that occur in the human body around the clock. Active people have a stable protein metabolism, because regular physical activity provokes the body to increase the absorption of nitrogen.

You need to know that with a negative nitrogen balance, people experience metabolic disruptions that provoke dangerous health problems. This tendency can lead to severe and painful weight loss. And during physical activity, proteins are used to develop bones and build a corset of muscles.

Strength sports are aimed at consuming carbohydrates, while light but prolonged exercise eliminates fats.

Any workout, even the smallest one, significantly speeds up fat metabolism, as a result of which unnecessary lipids leave the body and are not retained in the tissues. Therefore, a well-designed daily set of exercises will help you maintain a healthy balance and forget about extra pounds.

It is worth mentioning carbohydrate metabolism, which is accelerated with the help of exercise. In this case, fructose and glucose are not converted into fats, but are used to obtain energy in larger quantities. Body tissues restore natural sensitivity, which prevents the risk of diabetes.

Hormones during sports

The training process is influenced by many factors, for example, hormonal levels, which rarely anyone thinks about when playing sports. Due to hormones, sometimes there comes a point when training is “useless”, and a person begins to rebuild his diet and change his training regimen. But the reason lies elsewhere.

If the hormones are in order, the person will be cheerful, in high spirits, and less tired. Any change in hormonal levels affects the body. It is possible to maintain hormonal levels in optimal balance in different ways. One way is to play sports.

Sport affects the following hormones:

Thyroxine is a thyroid hormone that produces and conserves energy. During training, its level increases significantly, which contributes to the rapid burning of calories. After playing sports, its level is elevated for another 2–3 hours.

Estradiol A female sex hormone, its function is to destroy fat. Responsible for the beauty and youth of the skin.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, but is also present in small quantities in the female body. Affects muscle mass, its elasticity and growth.

Somatotropin Responsible for the strength of cartilage, bones, tendons. Increases due to aerobic exercise. When it is produced, fat is burned, but to make it work, you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Endorphins They are called hormones of joy, because. the brain produces chemicals similar to opiates. Thanks to the production of endorphins, a person involved in sports improves his mood. With proper physical activity, the amount of these hormones in the blood can be increased 5 times. This approach will promote greater endurance.

Adrenaline Promotes the active destruction of fat cells and is responsible for the condition of muscles.

Insulin Controls blood sugar levels. Its deficiency results in diabetes. Insulin is responsive to physical activity: 10 minutes of exercise can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.

You can determine that your hormones are out of order without waiting for the condition to worsen. Drowsiness, rapid fatigue, irritability - all this indicates that your hormones are “dancing” incorrectly.

For example, you overtrained and there was too much of a hormone. Listen to your body. Knowing which hormone is responsible for what, you can increase the effectiveness of your training several times.

Exercises for muscle growth

Exercises for muscle growth should be of interest, first of all, to men. It is difficult to pump every muscle group at home the same way as in the gym. But by working correctly on the main groups (chest, arms, shoulders, legs, abs), you can achieve relatively good results.

Exercises with your own weight (calisthenics) will be effective only at first - the first 1-2 months, and in order for the muscles to grow further, it is necessary to increase the load and work with weights. To do this, you can buy special equipment, which is sold probably in any major city. But if this is not possible, you can use a backpack with books for weights, 1-2 liter bottles of water as dumbbells for fitness, and later – with sand. In a word, there is room for imagination.

Many athletes, wanting to achieve excellent results in bodybuilding, use special sports supplements that promote accelerated muscle growth. This makes sports nutrition attractive for beginners. The most popular groups of supplements are protein, gainer, creatine, amino acids, and energy bars. All of these products have different effects on the body, so you should carefully study their properties and, if possible, consult with a specialist before use.

Let's return directly to the exercises. Choosing a home workout program should take into account your initial fitness level and training goal. Below are some examples of exercises for different muscle groups :

1. Exercises for the chest muscles (in English, but everything is very clear and well shown):

2. Exercises for the press (English, the most viewed video about training the press):

3. Exercises on the horizontal bar:

But even here several important nuances :

  1. It is necessary to warm up before starting a workout and stretch at the end of the session.
  2. You need to pump one or two muscle groups in one workout.
  3. In order for muscles to increase in volume, you need to gradually increase the working weight.
  4. For a beautiful and sculpted body, strength training needs to be supported by cardio exercises.
  5. The optimal duration of a strength set is 40-60 minutes. Taking into account cardio exercises, the entire workout should take a maximum of 1.5 hours.
  6. To gain muscle mass, you need to adjust your diet accordingly.
  7. If performing exercises leads to pain in the back, neck, joints, etc., you should stop exercising immediately and resume exercises only after consulting a doctor.
  8. During training, muscle gain may slow down or stop altogether. This is normal and is called a period of stagnation. With a properly selected program, growth will continue in 1-2 weeks.

Exercise for your health, but remember the main thing - the result does not come by itself, and instantly, but requires regular, long-term exercise in combination with a properly balanced diet.

How does sport affect human health?

A person’s full life depends on health. He needs to devote a lot of time, trying not to neglect the recommendations of experienced specialists - doctors and scientists. Basically, these tips are related specifically to physical activity, because sport brings undeniable benefits to a person.

Firstly, physical labor strengthens muscles, improves bone tissue - life becomes easier in the literal sense of the word. In addition, a person acquires not only physical, but also psychological endurance, because sport develops character and fortitude. Thanks to sports, there are more healthy blood vessels, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves, which eliminates headaches, symptoms of weather dependence, and migraines, which are often found in people of different ages.

Another positive component of the impact of sport on health is that physical activity prevents osteochondrosis. Sports activities prevent the formation of hernias, arthrosis and osteoporosis. During classes, the speed and dexterity of movements, their coordination, and reaction speed improve.

It has been observed that physical activity improves brain activity, mainly due to new movements and team games.

Playing basketball develops lateral vision and promotes quick decision making

Sport is an excellent anti-stress tool. After a difficult day at work, experts recommend going to the gym. It has been proven that in the process of physical activity, endorphins are produced, hormones of happiness that are responsible for mood and a feeling of internal satisfaction with personal life.

For the same reason, physical exercise helps to cope with blues, apathy, loss of strength and depression. The athlete loves life and feels like a full participant in it. Therefore, he has no time to be sad or follow the lead of changeable emotional outbursts.

Physical education at school

Sport accompanies us at all stages of maturation. In secondary schools, physical education is a compulsory subject. The lesson is taught by a former athlete or physical education teacher. The physical education program provides standards of athletic achievement that a child should achieve at each stage of his development. In order for him to successfully complete the year, it is necessary to pass the standards with high quality. Naturally, they are designed only for healthy children. Also, thanks to the standards, you can find out and monitor the level of development of the child. Children's physical education is intended to develop body culture during training.

If a student has health problems, he may be partially or completely suspended from classes. The location of physical activity depends on the capabilities of a particular school. In addition to gymnastics, the standard physical education program includes: running, swimming, skiing, long and high jumps, ball throwing, football, basketball, volleyball, acrobatics, aerobics, active games.

Physical education classes take place in specially equipped classrooms or on sports grounds (during the warm season).

The influence of sport on a child’s body

Movement is one of the natural needs of humans from birth. It performs key functions in maintaining health and ensuring proper physical and mental development.

For this reason, children should be taught physical activity from childhood. This will not only protect the baby from serious diseases in adulthood, but also activate such important personal qualities as independence and stress resistance.

Positive moments in the life of children involved in sports

Physical activity plays a big role in the life of a growing organism. First of all, they promote muscle development, proper body growth, develop basic motor skills in the child, and stimulate the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Active activity also serves as an effective tool for the successful and painless adaptation of the baby to changing social conditions. Physical activity increases the resistance of a small organism to various influences of the natural environment, including climatic changes - changes in temperature, air humidity and wind.

A child who exercises at least 2-3 times a week is more resistant to stress and infections. A restless baby develops his independence more effectively, learns the rules and principles responsible for the harmony of the world around him. Using sports as an example, a child begins to learn basic concepts of social behavior, including healthy competition.

Regular physical activity balances the power of negative factors in the modern electronic world that affect a child throughout the day. This is a TV, a computer, a smartphone, immobilization at school during long lessons, and so on.

Physical activity protects children from common diseases, including obesity, poor posture, muscle weakness, asthma, diabetes, neurosis and depression.

Types of physical activity for little ones

Children of preschool and primary school age are encouraged to play fun games, dance and do gymnastics. An ideal addition would be games with parents - wrestling, running, jumping, throwing.

Daily walks, activities on the playground, and climbing stairs are recommended. During the week, the child must ride a bicycle, roller skate or scooter, and attend dance, martial arts or swimming lessons.

Sports activities for children should include corrective exercises in low positions because they help in developing correct body posture. A child who spends many hours at school does not receive full physical activity, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the organization of free time.

Children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years should spend at least 60 minutes a day doing a variety of physical activities

Exercises that are not recommended for children

Despite all the positive aspects, not all exercises are suitable for children. Some of them can overwork the child and lead to dangerous deformations of the body. In addition, the developing and constantly growing body can be overloaded, which is just as dangerous as complete lack of physical activity.

Children should do low-impact strength exercises and avoid straightening their lower legs while sitting and avoiding excessive squatting, which can damage the knee cartilage.

Physical activity is an important element of the proper development of the body. It stimulates not only the muscles, but also the mind and psyche. Active children tend to be healthier, more developed and happier.


Perhaps the most accessible sport, because apart from a pair of sneakers, you don’t need any equipment. Running invigorates, perfectly strengthens your cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also tones your whole body. If you want to improve your health, first of all, try running. You’ll lose excess weight, become healthier, and improve your mood. Your exercise-starved heart will thank you.

The typical runner's body can look different. But, as a rule, everyone has one thing in common: slimness

Sprinters who train explosiveness often look quite muscular

How does this affect life?

While running, you can take your mind off the hustle and bustle, think about something, or just listen to your favorite music.
Immediately after a run, a feeling of euphoria comes over you. The body is hot, energy is seething in it, and it begins to seem that you can handle anything. In everyday life, you will become more energetic and will feel lightness and increased tone throughout your body. Remember that running also has a correct and incorrect technique. Running without technique means accelerated wear of the knees and constant micro-concussions for the internal organs. At first, you don’t have to bother and run as best you can, but if running becomes a part of your life, I advise you to go to special schools or sections where they will teach you how to run effectively and without harm to your health. Try to run more on a special elastic surface (this usually happens in stadiums), and less on asphalt. And of course, choose your shoes responsibly.

This is what your first runs will look like


  • simplicity and accessibility;
  • excellent general health effect;
  • for free!


  • without the supplied equipment, the body will wear out;
  • Not everywhere you can run comfortably all year round. You can run in winter, but few are ready for such an extreme;
  • If you are overweight, it is better to hold off on running. Instead, it's better to walk a lot.

Running is right for you if:

  • Your priority is health;
  • you want to be slim and mobile, instead of carrying around kilograms of beautiful, but unnecessary muscles for life;
  • you don’t want/can’t spend money on a gym class.

Sports and mental health

Exercise is also beneficial for maintaining mental health. A few important points about the positive effects of physical activity:


Exercise is an effective tool for improving your mood. The main reason is that during physical activity the human body intensively produces the pleasure hormones mentioned above. To improve your attitude towards life, it is not at all necessary to set Olympic records - a light load is enough.

Energy charge

Exercising not only improves your mood, but also makes you more energetic. Thanks to physical activity, more oxygen and beneficial nutrients begin to enter the body. This in turn improves the functioning of the lungs and heart muscles. Consequently, the body begins to perform its functions as efficiently as possible, which makes a person more energetic, and, therefore, mentally balanced.

Improving sleep quality

Sport will help those who suffer from insomnia and various sleep disorders. Those who love sports fall asleep easily and sleep well. And quality sleep improves mental health.

Freeing yourself from unpleasant thoughts

Sometimes people have periods in their lives when they are overcome by anxious, obsessive thoughts. At such moments, it seems that it is impossible to escape from negative internal experiences - and it simply drives you crazy. But in fact, this can be dealt with if you play sports. Physical activity can distract you from bad thoughts.

Stress management

Unfortunately, many people struggle with stress by eating too much junk food, drinking alcohol, or arguing with others. In other words, they are engaged in energy vampirism, sucking out energy from other people, which is currently lacking.

All these ways of dealing with stress are harmful to health. In addition, they can only aggravate existing problems.

Doctors and psychologists consider exercise to be one of the best methods of dealing with stress.

Increased self-esteem

This happens gradually. First, the body becomes more toned. A person, noticing this, becomes confident in himself, due to which his adequate perception of himself increases.

Strengthening Character

Sport builds character and strengthens willpower. Having a specific time to exercise every day undoubtedly disciplines and improves useful organizational skills. In addition, sport develops such important qualities in a person as determination and the will to win.

Memory improvement

German scientists have found that playing sports strengthens memory. However, we are talking only about moderate physical activity. Exhaustive training negatively affects cognitive abilities, including memory. So everything is good in moderation, including sports activities.

Development of creativity

The famous philosopher Nietzsche admitted that walking gives scope to the flight of his imagination. The latest research by scientists has proven that physical activity really develops innovative thinking. It turns out that sports can be recommended to all creative people who, for some reason, have lost their inspiration.

In general, playing sports can be considered a panacea for many psychological problems. Sport can be called one of the most effective tools for self-development and personal growth. Plus, activities related to movement bring great pleasure. But before you get on skis or pick up dumbbells, you should take the time to consult with your doctor. This is especially true for those who have serious health problems.


  1. Who and when invented physical education.
  2. The origins of sport in Ancient Greece.
  3. The main differences between sports and physical education.
  4. What does the concept of physical culture include?
  5. What is physical education.
  6. Why do we need physical education? 10 reasons to exercise.

This is interesting: Ivan Aivazovsky - a brief biography.

Negative influence of sports

The unfavorable effect of sports activities on the human body is associated, first of all, with improper load distribution, excessive amounts of training and incorrect exercise performance. For example, rhythmic gymnasts often suffer from back pain, especially the lumbar and thoracic regions. Excessive muscle tension - sudden and intense - often leads to serious injuries, such as sprains, meniscus damage, and other microtraumas, especially to the knee and foot.

Another disadvantage is related to the emotional side of sports life. Discomfort and pain caused by constant physical activity, pressure from coaches and mentors, ups and downs in tests, performances and competitions, the choice between training and other areas of social life - all this can unsettle an unstable psyche.

And if everything is clear with physiological problems, and the matter is almost always fixable with the help of a competent approach to stress, reasonable training methods and proper nutrition, then the emotional sphere and the human soul have to be dealt with painstakingly and carefully. After all, the psyche cannot be “put on a diet” or subjected to a strict schedule.

Who and when invented physical education

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. But we will still try. Physical education appeared with the advent of the first man, that is, many millennia ago, even before our era. It all started with the fact that ancient man had to somehow learn to survive in such harsh conditions, get food for himself, and protect himself from predators. At that time, the strongest survived, so it was necessary to move a lot and perform enormous physical exertion so that the muscles became stronger and the body became stronger.

The person saw the result by performing certain movements day after day and began to understand that the more repetitions he did, the stronger the effect . This experience was accumulated and passed on from generation to generation and has survived to this day.

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The Origins of Sports in Ancient Greece

The Olympic Games have their origins in Ancient Greece. It was there that the first sport appeared, with training and competitions. During the Olympic Games, wars even stopped and a friendly atmosphere reigned everywhere. Ancient traditions have safely survived to this day. This ancient Greek philosophy combined the physical virtues of body, soul and mind into a single whole. It has become a way of life that embodies the highest values.
"Citius, Altius, Fortius!" - This is the motto of the Olympics, meaning “Faster, higher, stronger!” This means that there is no limit to our physical capabilities, limitations exist only in our heads.

Which sport should I choose?

If you want to play sports, you need to take into account several important features.

Financial opportunities

Sport is an expensive pleasure. Classes often require special clothing and, in some cases, equipment with a hefty price tag. Don’t forget about paying for classes with a coach and mentor, regularly purchasing a subscription and going to various sports sections.

Taking into account the fact that such activities require serious material investments, it is necessary to carefully consider whether this is really necessary and whether such an investment is justified. Sometimes amateur activities are a more successful and expedient approach to the matter. A treadmill in the gym can easily be replaced by a street, which is much healthier, and exercise machines are horizontal bars, which are located in almost every yard.

Purpose of the lesson

It is not only possible, but also necessary to choose purposefully, depending on the task at hand. If it is important to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, it is better to go jogging. If you need to develop your arms and chest, swimming is suitable.

Another priority could be making new friends and expanding your circle of acquaintances. In such situations, all team games - football, basketball, etc. - will come to the rescue.

Another important factor in modern life is maintaining stress resistance. Martial arts and yoga are the best choices. Dance classes are suitable for developing a sense of rhythm, and athletics are suitable for improving body flexibility and dexterity of movement, coordination and balance.

Temperament and character

Each person is individual. For people of a melancholic and phlegmatic nature, in other words, balanced, calm, unhurried, “their” sports will suit them. These should be activities that do not require crazy speeds and excessive loads. The best choice is board games such as chess and billiards. Jogging, ballroom dancing, and cycling are also suitable.

Severe choleric people, “explosive” and fickle, should choose exercises for themselves that would become a tool for releasing the energy accumulated inside. This, for example, includes all strength and extreme sports.

For sanguine people, people who value sports that allow them to communicate with like-minded people, volleyball, hockey, tennis and other doubles or team games are suitable.

Health status

You shouldn’t “jump over your head.” If you have a weak level of initial physical fitness and if you have diseases incompatible with sports, it is better to refuse exercises associated with impressive loads.

Such sports are not recommended for teenagers and older people. But there are also universal activities that have virtually no contraindications. This includes alternating walking and running, swimming in the pool, and daily morning exercises.

Exercises at home

Anyone interested in exercising at home has probably watched a million and one exercise videos on YouTube and read just as many similar articles with tips and tricks. Some people used them successfully, others became disillusioned after a while. Indeed, no technique can claim universality and guarantee a successful result. Many of them lack structure and completeness; they focus only on certain aspects. We will try to cover this issue as fully and in detail as possible so that you can understand how to make home workouts truly effective.

First of all, you need to independently decide on the choice of program, which, of course, will be adjusted by you in the future. When you work out on your own at home, an experienced, specially trained trainer will not tell you which exercises are best for which muscle groups. In this regard, you are your own coach. And you will need knowledge. Before creating your training program, talk to friends who play sports, read specialized forums, ask for advice there, look at several programs, and study reviews of them. To summarize, before starting classes you need to acquire a wealth of specialized knowledge in physiology, the basics of proper nutrition and exercise itself.

Be honest with yourself. If you have been working in an office for the last two years, your physical activity is limited to a walk from home to a public transport stop, and the last time you did the exercises was in physical education classes at school, you should not harbor unnecessary illusions by immediately taking on heavy training complexes. Most of them will be too much for an untrained person, who, when performing the complex, risks harming the body or getting injured. You need to join the process gradually, starting with minimal loads of a small number of approaches and increasing the pace from lesson to lesson.

You should tune in to long-term consistent work on yourself. Quick results are promised only in advertising, while in practice success can only be achieved through regular training. Your path is individual, and you need to go through it yourself, although the support of family and friends will be an excellent motivator for your studies. And joint activities with friends and family will provide additional incentive and support.

Set a clear goal for yourself, without distractions, follow only it. You shouldn’t immediately jump into exercises to pump up all muscle groups – chest, legs, biceps, back. There are specially designed training programs that take into account the structure of the body, which describe in detail how to optimally combine exercises for different muscle groups.

A very important condition for successful training results is proper nutrition. We talked about the principles of healthy nutrition for athletes and some diets in the previous lesson. Whatever goal you set - losing weight, gaining muscle mass, getting a sculpted figure or maintaining your current shape - achieving results directly depends on your diet.

Online sources and store shelves with DVDs and books offer a wide range of different ready-made workouts. Depending on the goal, you can select exercises aimed at endurance and fat burning (cardio), strength and strengthening.

In a healthy body healthy mind

This is exactly what the famous Russian proverb sounds like. Surely, guided by this truism, modern parents send their children to the sports section for the purpose of education and character development. Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact that sport, at a minimum, disciplines, and at a maximum, helps to find oneself in society and achieve career success in adulthood.

Sport is a great opportunity to make your body healthy and attractive, moreover, to form such necessary personal qualities as perseverance, attentiveness and willpower.

Don’t forget and neglect sports even if you have a total lack of time. It is necessary to take responsibility for your health and devote at least thirty minutes a day to physical activity. If you follow these basic rules, you can say with complete confidence that diseases will bypass you.


A fashion trend that rapidly gained popularity all over the world a few years ago. The creator describes his program as “constantly varying functional movements performed at high intensity across multiple time intervals and modal domains to enhance fitness.” The key word in CrossFit is functionality. It includes exercises from almost all the disciplines listed in this article, as well as from weightlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell lifting, plyometrics, strongman and others. By doing CrossFit, you will be able to lift, press, pull and push heavy weights, run fast and long, do a lot of pull-ups, push-ups, and do technically complex elements.

It’s not for nothing that the CrossFit world champion is called the most physically fit person in the world. Here is an example of a complex from the Crossfit Games (the main CrossFit competitions in the world):

Perform with a 9kg vest: Run 1600 meters 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats Run 1600 meters

Impressive, isn't it? Yes, you won't be as strong as a powerlifter or as durable as a marathon runner. But how many of you need to bench press 200kg or run marathons in your life?

The appearance of a CrossFit athlete is something between a runner and a jock. Thin, but quite muscular.

How does this affect life?

First and foremost, CrossFit is about endurance.
You will forget about shortness of breath. You can catch up with a bus or run up the stairs to the desired floor, carry packages from the store or dig up a potato field without straining. You will also lose excess weight very quickly, because such workouts burn an incredible amount of calories. CrossFit will also make you much more energetic. You will crawl out of training exhausted, but the next day you will feel 10-15 years younger. The training itself is very exciting: almost every set of tasks is a mini-competition with others and yourself. In addition, these complexes are practically never repeated, which eliminates monotony from training. CrossFit is often compared to physical fitness and circuit training in martial arts. But in fact, it is much wider and more varied.

This is roughly how a CrossFit workout goes (at least the second half of it)

By the way, CrossFit is great for clearing your head. During training, you will forget about all your problems and worries. You simply won’t be able to think about anything other than the routine you’re doing.

After watching videos of top athletes competing, people often say that CrossFit “acidifies the myocardium,” ruins joints, and so on. In fact, it is a scalable sport. You need to work at your own pace, and, preferably, with a heart rate monitor. Yes, this type of training requires you to push yourself, but a normal trainer will never work you to death.


  • exciting training;
  • brutal endurance;
  • not transcendental, but still great power;
  • increased tone and energy;
  • excellent, strong figure (subject to more or less proper nutrition).


  • In the spirit of working at speed, you can forget about technology. Because of this, the risk of injury increases significantly;
  • very intense and difficult workouts that are not suitable for everyone.

CrossFit is for you if:

  • you are tired of monotonous and boring training from other sports;
  • you want to be well-rounded;
  • Do you enjoy training in company?
  • you want to lose weight quickly.
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