What do children's drawings tell us? 8 iconic features
Says Irina Vshivkova, senior methodologist, psychologist at the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center (Moscow): - Indeed, a drawing of any
Gratitude to parents
How to improve your relationship with your mother. 3 reasons for coldness or scandals
If an adult woman cannot call her relationship warm as a mother, what is this about?
6 proofs that being alone is much cooler than it seems (loners rule)
To be alone means to be free to move around, to plan your day or
obsessive people
How to get rid of an obsessive person: 10 effective methods
Nobody likes friends who constantly push themselves. This may be flattering to some at first, but
The problem of emotional development in psychologyconsultation (senior group) on the topic
A.I. Buchkova, child psychologist, candidate of sociological sciences, Moscow Let us dwell on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child.
verbal and non-verbal ability test
How to identify your strengths and talents for career development
Are you on the right path for your career growth? Or do you just want to do what
Why do I hate my own child and how to fix it
Stop demanding that you love your child - I know that in reception school
The expression on your opponent's face says a lot.
#7 Eat, Laugh, Love - Confidently: Smiling Styles
Didn’t they tell you as a child: “Well, why are you frowning? Smile!” and you are still
Fooling Yourself: How the Ego Becomes Our Worst Enemy
Ego is not the enemy. The enemy is an idealized image of oneself. Illusion Defense - Depleting
caring for others
Caring - what is it? Showing care and tenderness
Caring for someone, helping, providing, feeding, listening, protecting, hugging... To do all of the above
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