Who is a melancholic person and what professions are suitable for him?

Sample We have already talked about how closely temperament and choice of profession are related to each other. Now let's move on to specific temperament types.

So, the hero of today is a sanguine person.

A sanguine person is a person with a high level of mental activity, vigor of action, efficiency, speed and strength of movement, fast pace of speech, and rich facial expressions. Sanguine people are prone to frequent changes of impressions, are sociable, full of positive emotions, prone to change quickly, expressive, and sometimes fickle.

To understand the influence of this type of temperament on the choice of profession, let's take a closer look at what qualities are characteristic of sanguine people.

Features of a choleric person

The choleric type of temperament is characterized by the presence of great vital energy and a complete inability to control it. Or in 3 words:

  • unstable;
  • impulsive;
  • active person.

In psychology textbooks they write about them: “a strong, agile, unbalanced type of temperament.” Such people cool down as quickly as they lose their temper. Their nature contains leadership qualities, the desire to be in the center of everything and everyone. A choleric person can be seen from afar: sharp, sweeping movements, a bright appearance and a desire to attract as much attention as possible.

What professions are suitable? What is strictly contraindicated?

These are very stress-resistant workers who know how to quickly restore their strength. Cholerics are considered natural-born leaders, so they can easily occupy almost any leadership position. Gambling people who prefer active recreation.

From the above, we can conclude that professions related to communication are most suitable for choleric people. He will make an excellent journalist, designer, and businessman. In addition to these specialties, you can add any professions with a free schedule. Where responsibility and energy are needed, choleric people will perform best. Optimal professions for this type of personality: coach, director, cook, electrician, surgeon, geologist, pilot, actor, investigator, driver.

A choleric person cannot choose a specialty where he needs to do the same work day after day. Such professions include accountant, document specialist, librarian, factory worker, and so on.

How does a choleric person differ from a sanguine person, a melancholic person, or a phlegmatic person?

Keys stuck in a doorway, a minute late for an important event, a salesperson’s mistake in a store - a small list of everyday problems that can cause a choleric person to burst into rage. Sanguine and phlegmatic people do not pay attention to such trifles.

But they are similar to melancholic people. The similarity is in the change of emotional states, but the difference is in the duration of the reaction. If you annoy a choleric person, after an hour he will behave as usual. Melancholic people are capable of harboring hidden resentment for years. Therefore, these 2 types of temperament will never get along together.

Professions for sanguine people

The type of temperament and the choice of profession are very closely related, and now you will see this in the example of a sanguine person.

Such a person is distinguished by stable performance, which can almost never be influenced by either external or internal factors. Thanks to this property, he can successfully realize himself in a huge number of professions in which mental or physical labor is the main one. And since this type of temperament is almost universal, a sanguine person will be able to find himself in almost any field of activity (in terms of interests, skills, abilities).

Recommended professions for sanguine people

Don't know how temperament influences your choice of profession? Then look at the numbers. Statistical studies have revealed that excellent communication skills help sanguine people take their place in the service sector and become good leaders.

Sanguine people are excellent workers, as they easily adapt to any work schedule and are ready to calmly accept any innovations

The following professions are suitable for them:

  • administrator, salesperson, waiter, HR manager,
  • teacher, psychologist, educator,
  • journalist, lawyer,
  • economist, technologist and many others.

Sanguine people are suitable for bright, lively professions in which they can satisfy their communication needs, open new horizons, and show creativity.

Not recommended professions for sanguine people

But he is unlikely to be interested in the position of a clerk or radio installer. A sanguine person can overcome himself and work where increased attention and constant concentration are required. But he is unlikely to be interested there, so the above positions, as well as the work of a jeweler, turner, and dispatcher, will not be for him.

Difficulties for a sanguine person will be caused by professions in which there are no clear labor rules and clearly defined tasks, and there is a large share of initiative and creativity.

They should not hold positions such as:

  • weaver,
  • accountant,
  • bibliographer, archivist,
  • restorer,
  • master watchmaker.

Choleric woman: characteristics by temperament

A woman with such a temperament is a bright, creative person with a lively mind. It is these girls who attract all the attention of men, shining with their intelligence and desire to show themselves. Cholerics also have a number of unpleasant features, which are more relevant to women:

  1. For hormonal reasons, girls are more prone to mood swings than men. Therefore, in women the features of choleric temperament are more pronounced.
  2. Men should be more careful: such a life partner will prefer a successful career to family life.
  3. Representatives of both sexes crave constant attention, including romantically. That's why they are not the most faithful couples.

Who is a phlegmatic person?

The most balanced people have a phlegmatic temperament. There is no aggression in their character, but nature did not reward them with violent emotions. These people prefer calm conversations to loud showdowns; they are slow to rise and do not immediately get along with people. But this same slowness is considered a big plus, because in an emergency situation only phlegmatic people will not lose their heads and find a solution. They complete any tasks, but do not show initiative and do only what they want.

How can a choleric person control emotions?

People with weak self-control find it more difficult to restrain themselves. This is a necessary skill if you do not want to quarrel with everyone around you in a short time. Most people remember anger and resentment better than the positive aspects of your personality. Therefore, be at least Mother Teresa in terms of virtue, people will remember those moments when you scolded them for innocent offenses.

Why are choleric people aggressive?

In essence, they are no more evil than the same melancholic people, they simply do not know how to restrain their negativity. They do not want to offend their interlocutor; this happens unconsciously. In turn, not all people are ready to tolerate constant anger directed at them.

5 steps to calm for choleric people

There is no need to justify your aggressiveness and defiant behavior with your temperament. Remember: you are capable of change, of overcoming yourself. Start small:

  1. Learn to accept a different point of view. You don't know everything in the world and you can't always be right.
  2. Make more phlegmatic friends. Looking at their endurance, you will unconsciously copy their behavior.
  3. Try not to raise your tone in conversation. Learn to speak calmly and measuredly. When you feel like you’re about to break down: catch your breath, take a breath.
  4. Meditate. People with such a temperament need self-reflection more than anyone else.
  5. Express your emotions correctly: direct them into sports, competitive activities. This will help you control yourself better in everyday life.

Famous sanguine people

These sanguine people were chosen by their profession and brought them world fame and glory:

  • Napoleon Bonaparte,
  • A. I. Herzen,
  • Pierre Beaumarchais.

Listen: maybe she will call you too. But more often than not, young people do not hear the call of their innate talents and calling. Therefore, they are forced to devote all their efforts to finding themselves.

Well, if your inner voice was silent when you entered your university, and then it turned out that you were having problems with your studies, don’t be upset. Student service will help you get through this path to the end. And then you have to choose whether to continue following the beaten path or radically change the type of activity.

What kind of work is suitable for choleric people?

Certain professions are suitable for each type of temperament. Ask yourself: are you a creative person or a leader? Innovator or entrepreneur? When choosing a suitable career, consider your morals. Key qualities of a choleric person when choosing a profession:

  • sociability;
  • straightforwardness;
  • persistence;
  • adaptability;
  • poor or average self-control.

It is important to note that people of this type do not tolerate monotonous and boring work well. The ideal option for a choleric person to work is in the sphere of communication with people. Top 10 modern professions suitable for energetic and sociable individuals:

  • Journalist.
  • Marketer.
  • Sales Manager.
  • Event organizer.
  • PR manager.
  • Shop assistant.
  • Administrator.
  • Fitness trainer.
  • Motivational speaker.
  • Targetologist.

Often people with explosive temperaments become bosses. On the one hand, this is good, because this type finds it easy to work in the managerial field. A big plus: from birth they are given rapid career advancement, thanks to their enthusiasm and sociability. There are also negative aspects: the team will begin to dislike an emotionally unstable leader.

A subordinate position is difficult for choleric people: they are accustomed to acting on their own initiative and do not listen well to their leaders. When a boss and a subordinate are choleric, a conflict arises between them, which leads to the inevitable dismissal of one of them. Either you or you. To prevent controversial situations, learn to listen to your superiors, and sometimes carry out assignments that you do not consider important and worthy of you.

Study and preparation for exams

The main enemy of a choleric person is boredom. He is unable to overcome it and force himself to learn through force. Therefore, it is important for him to organize his independent studies in such a way that learning new things is interesting. When you get tired of reading a textbook, switch to watching a popular science film on the topic, listen to a recording of a lecture, arrange a group discussion with classmates, and solve non-standard problems on the subject. For successful study, it is important for a choleric person to assimilate the material using all channels of perception. When preparing for exams, study the topic in separate blocks. In each of them, find a clue for yourself that will help you remember the rest of the material. If possible, try to make the new information affect you emotionally. Actively discuss topics that are incomprehensible, complex and boring for you with enthusiastic, knowledgeable people - and you will easily become infected with their interest.

Choleric in relationships

A typical extrovert is about a choleric person. It is easy for them to establish contacts with people and match them with their area of ​​interest. But this is at the first stage of the relationship. Because if a person with such a temperament frankly doesn’t like you, he doesn’t intend to tolerate your shortcomings for long. This trouble especially arises in relationships between boss and subordinate, teacher and student, and parent and child.

How can a choleric person communicate with a phlegmatic, melancholic, or sanguine person?

There will be no problems with sanguine people: they are non-offensive extroverts. With others it is more difficult: phlegmatic people can sometimes irritate with their slowness, and melancholic people can be compared to a punching bag for choleric people. It is important to be discreet in any communication.

So, how can a choleric woman not accidentally offend a person:

  • Praise for success.
  • Criticize gently, without harsh words, to the point.
  • Don't raise your voice.
  • Be more often interested in people's positions, their views and interests.

If you want something specific from a person, don’t expect him to figure it out on his own. Speak directly, but without getting personal. This way you will avoid omissions and disappointments.

Business qualities of sanguine people

Of all the temperament types, sanguine people are best suited for leadership positions.
Temperament and profession are closely related. This can be clearly seen among sanguine people, because they are born to occupy high positions. Moreover: it is in the person of sanguine people that one can see the most sincere and pleasant bosses.

But this does not mean that sanguine people are simple-minded. These people are calculating. It is in their blood the ability to win over their interlocutor and persuade them to accept their point of view.

A sanguine person can only be put into a stupor by poor knowledge of some issue (ignorance of technical issues, for example).

Sanguine and difficulties

Such people avoid difficulties. More precisely, they, of course, encounter difficulties along the way. It’s just that sanguine people always enjoy life, are active, and friendly. And in front of these qualities, all problems recede into the background.

Balance is also among the positive qualities of a sanguine person. Even if outwardly it seems that he is worried about something, in fact, peace and tranquility will reign inside.

Sanguine and others

Even if he doesn’t want it, a sanguine person will become the soul of the company.
Openness, expressiveness, rich speech, moderate emotionality, good nature and an optimistic attitude make him the soul of the company. The sanguine person himself does not always strive to be the center of attention. But what can you do: the public loves him so much that he has practically no choice.

Such a person has several friends and a very large circle of acquaintances, because he is sociable and easily establishes contacts. Why? It’s just that he most often has adequate (well, very rarely, inflated) self-esteem.

Sanguine and performance

High performance is about them. They can also focus on one task for a very long time. But if you need to quickly switch to another, they will do it without any problems.

Sanguine people are prone to some superficiality, so do not expect scrupulousness and meticulousness from them.

Sanguine and study

Training is easy for him, because he has excellent organizational skills. If he is able to develop a competent system of daily routine, then studying will not cause any trouble: all the material will be systematically stored in his head.

The main thing is not to waste time on trifles and plan your day

It is important to be systematic not only in organizing your own time, but also in studying the material. If everything is laid out on the shelves, then it will be much easier to assimilate the material.

Pay attention to active methods of teaching English or any other subject. Sanguine people are great at group discussions, note-taking, and laboratory experiments. These types of studying the material will allow him to absorb the information much more effectively.

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Are you flexible or rigid?

Psychologically literate managers know that an extrovert can handle search work better, but if precise execution is needed, an introvert will be useful.
Emotional excitability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact required for the occurrence of an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its development. For example, with sanguine, choleric and melancholic types of temperament, emotional excitability is increased, and with phlegmatic types it is decreased. It is important to understand that this is neither good nor bad, it is simply a feature of the body and psyche. Plasticity reflects the ease and flexibility of a person’s adaptation to external influences. Sanguine people have the highest plasticity.

Rigidity is the opposite quality, it is the inertia of adaptive behavior. Phlegmatic people, melancholic people and choleric people are rigid. If the company is expecting changes, sanguine people will endure them relatively easily, but people with other types of temperament will be anxious, afraid, worried. A person with a flexible temperament has an easier life: he is more happy and adapts to a new environment faster. In our rapidly changing world, this often becomes decisive in the matter of professional success. Is there anything that can be done here? Mikhail Litvak is sure that, of course, it is possible. You just need to act systematically.

Melancholic and phlegmatic people suffer mainly from the peculiarities of their temperament. “It is from the features, not from the shortcomings. All variants of temperament are the norm,” continues Mikhail. “You just need to know yourself, and then the features of your personality will bring both you and those around you joy, not grief.” The same rules apply here as when assessing your physical data. If you are 172 cm tall, then you need to understand that the chances of achieving great success in basketball are insignificant. But if you’re already on a team, then it’s better not to apply for the role of center.” You can also compensate for your low height for basketball with jumping ability, shooting accuracy, and understanding of game strategy. Of course, there are sports where your height will be an advantage, but there is not always a choice. Therefore, you should adapt.

Traits such as extroversion and introversion are also associated with temperament. An extrovert is more likely to focus on external impressions, while an introvert is more likely to focus on internal ideas. Psychologically literate managers know that an extrovert can handle search work better, but if precise execution is needed, an introvert, who is more inclined to desk work, will be useful here. Mikhail Litvak is sure that character is mixed with temperament, but a person’s fate depends on character. “If you sow an opportunity, you will reap a habit. If you sow a habit, you will reap a character. If you sow character, you will reap destiny,” says a famous proverb.

Who is a melancholic person?

Each person has a certain psychotype. This determines his behavior in the surrounding work and home environment. Thus, isolation and self-absorption are usually characteristic of introverts. For such people, personal space is very important. The opportunity to be alone helps to restore strength and “collect your thoughts.”

Often, introverts are people of the melancholic type. A melancholic introvert usually does not participate in the life of the team; corporate events do not attract him. He will prefer a quiet family environment to a noisy company.

It is easier for a melancholic person to work on inspiration. He cannot stand constant criticism and dictates from his superiors. Therefore, people of this type usually choose creative professions where they can realize their creative ideas. Many writers are melancholic people.

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