Conformal behavior - a variant of the norm or deviation
Briefly described, a conformist personality type in psychology is a tendency to change one’s
Don't get lost in something that simply isn't there...
10 Great Books That Make Their Readers Think
Don’t get lost in something that simply doesn’t exist... You’ve just figured out in this life that
Reflection - what is it in psychology and other areas
Content of reflection The content of reflection is determined by objective-sensory activity: reflection is ultimately an awareness of practice,
Why does a person scream at night in his sleep and what to do?
For normal fruitful work, the human body must rest regularly. In sleep, all organs slow down
psychology college after 9th grade
Admission to psychology college after 9th grade: exams, tests
Today we have to figure out how to enter a psychology college after 9th grade or after 11th grade.
How classical music affects mood and mental performance
People have been using music for centuries to communicate, express their emotions and
Mechanisms of psychological defense of the individual. What is this according to Freud, examples, table, characteristics
Types and functions of personality defense mechanisms according to Freud
Defense mechanisms are forms of mental defense that protect a person from strong experiences and traumatic events,
How to get rid of ornithophobia
Ornithophobia: What you need to know about fear of birds?
There are many types of specific phobias, and each has its own name that comes to us
At what age can you date a guy: advice from psychologists
Every teenager dreams of growing up quickly, making their own serious decisions and dating the opposite sex.
Qualities of a successful person: what a competent leader needs to have
Success is the achievement of set goals, conditioned by personal properties and character traits, which for this purpose
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