How to become persistent: 8 rules
In Efremova's dictionary Emphasis: persistent adj. Correlating in meaning with a noun: emphasis, persistence, bound
Mental and psychological health of a person and personality
Terminology Health is considered as a complex phenomenon that combines many diverse aspects. Besides
I do not want anything! Sick of all! Nothing makes me happy. What to do?
Modern society suffers from irritability and aggression, all this is routine life in a hurry and
Communication culture - what it includes, definition
Communication culture is a complex collective concept that determines the quality and level of perfection of communication.
What does mental health consist of? 16 signs that everything is fine with you
Preserving, strengthening and preventing mental health is of great importance for a healthy lifestyle. Psycho-emotional
“Unnoticed errors can become a critical barrier to further development”: on the role of systems thinking in business
The term “systems thinking” entered our lives and began to be widely used relatively recently, with
Lesson 5. Intrapersonal conflict: concept, types, prevention and resolution
We considered it necessary to devote the final lesson of our training on conflict management to the topic of intrapersonal conflict. Do
The communicative side of communication: concept, examples from life, types
Greetings, friends! In psychology, 3 sides of communication are considered: Perceptual. This is people's emotional perception.
Social adaptation: concept, examples, types, goals, stages
Man is an almost ideal example of how one can adapt to different environments of climate and flora.
Is honesty a character trait or a conscious choice of a person?
Honesty is the ability of an individual to express his true position (thoughts), to speak the truth in any
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