To quarrel with your mother means to make one of the most serious mistakes in your life. It seemed
Origin of Man The basic principles of the theory of human evolution are formulated in the works of Charles Darwin. These were
There are no ideal people. Each of us can be cheerful, sociable, nervous or withdrawn. Eat
Mahatma Gandhi once said one very wise phrase: “Man is a product of his own thinking. He
Can't help your child learn a poem? And all because you may not press
Scientists have found that when we feel love, joy, fear and other emotions - in
Kitty Genovese was murdered Thirty‑eight Witnesses: The Kitty Genovese Case in the middle of the street
Emotions cannot be stored up in oneself, they must be expressed, psychologists say. In the same time
Most of our illnesses are due to anxiety, worry and stress. The more and more often a person worries,
What is intergroup conflict? Causes of intergroup conflicts Resolution of intergroup conflicts Summary LoginRegistration Conflicts are known