Over 100 quotes to motivate and inspire your team to work together

When it comes to teamwork, there is nothing more powerful than collaboration. After all, “team interaction makes dreams come true.” And although there are many different ways to motivate a team, there is one simple but very powerful tool - motivating phrases. We've compiled these team motivation quotes to help encourage collaboration and teamwork, no matter what industry you're in. Plus, you'll learn more ways to inspire your team using project management software and workflow tools.

Whether your employees need a plan to work together or inspirational ideas for team bonding, these teamwork quotes are sure to motivate employees to do better.

Teamwork Quotes to Encourage Collaboration

No one doubts that it takes a group of people to change the situation and get meaningful results. But it can often be difficult to ensure cohesion among members of such a group, especially when everyone works in different places. So how can you make everyone in the team feel included and important? As you know, no two groups are exactly alike, so finding a solution may require trial and error. The best place to start is by motivating people to do their most important tasks through collaborative teamwork.

Read about 10 simple steps to more effective collaboration

Working together promotes the development of new ideas and creative projects. But in order to encourage collaboration in the workplace, people first need to communicate the importance of relying on each other to achieve the greater good of the group. This can be done through team building games or inspirational quotes. The following are quotes about collaboration and teamwork that will energize and inspire employees.

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“When everyone moves forward together, success comes naturally,” Henry Ford, American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company.

“Let us all become the kind of leaders we wish we could be.” - Simon Sinek, author and inspirational speaker.

Read about how to be an example for others, from the words of one of the Asana leaders

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and dedicated people can change the world. In fact, they are the only ones who bring about these changes,” Margaret Mead, American ethnologist.

“Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean,” Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese writer.

“The good thing about teamwork is that you always have like-minded people,” Margaret Carty, American author and executive director of MLA.

“In successful teams, people do not hide their thoughts from each other. They are not afraid to show their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, weaknesses and problems without fear of judgment." - Patrick Lencioni, American writer.

“One person can be the key to a team, but one person can never be a team,” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, former American professional basketball player.

“Individual commitment to group work is what makes a team, a company, a society, a civilization work,” Vince Lombardi, American football coach and executive director of the National Football League.

“Our love is so great that there is room for everyone,” Kari Tuna, President of Open Philanthropy and Good Ventures.

“Successful teams embed teamwork into their culture, thereby forming the building blocks of their success,” Ted Sundquist, American football player.

Motivational quotes to inspire hard work

Hard work doesn't always come easy. It usually takes a dedicated leader to boost motivation, especially during challenging times. Motivation can be through using a team motto, hiring a motivational speaker, or sharing inspirational quotes. Whatever motivation method you choose, it is extremely important to provide constructive feedback and celebrate the positive aspects of the team's work. Emphasize the strengths of each individual employee, celebrating both large and small achievements. When in doubt, share a motivational quote about teamwork.

“What people can choose, they can change,” Madeleine Albright, American politician.

“There are people who want things, there are people who dream about things, and there are people who do them.” - Michael Jordan, American businessman and former professional basketball player.

“Hard work and integrity make true heroes,” Hope Solo, former American football goalkeeper.

“Only hard work gives the desired result. Only hard work brings the desired changes,” Shonda Rhimes, American television producer.

“The challenge for a successful company is for its loyal customers to become the agents of change,” Simon Mainwaring, world-leading speaker, CEO of We First and best-selling author.

“I don’t have to win, but I have to be sincere. I am not obligated to succeed, but I am obligated to live my life as a worthy person." - Abraham Lincoln, American politician and 16th President of the United States.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” Eleanor Roosevelt, American politician and former first lady.

“You need to value genuine productivity, not ostentatious fatigue,” - Scott Belsky, American entrepreneur and writer.

Read the article "Efficiency and Effectiveness in Business - Why Your Team Needs Both"

“Don't be afraid to follow your heart and intuition. Somehow they already know who you really want to become. “Everything else is not so important,” Steve Jobs, American business tycoon.

“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority,” Ken Blanchard, American author and motivational speaker.

“The only thing that limits our future achievements is our doubts about today,” - Franklin D. Roosevelt, American politician and 32nd President of the United States.

“When something is truly important, you do it, even if the odds are against you.” - Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX, CEO of Tesla, Inc.

“Truth lies in simplicity, and not in a disorderly heap of chaotic things,” - Isaac Newton, English scientist.

“People who do good work feel good, and people who do exceptional work feel exceptional. Achievement brings the greatest satisfaction." - Mark Sanborn, author and professional speaker.

“Success is a cross between luck and hard work,” Dustin Moskowitz, co-founder and CEO of Asana.

Read about how Dustin Moskowitz teaches leadership lessons

“Always have an open mind and a compassionate heart,” Phil Jackson, former American professional basketball player and coach.

“The biggest risk is risk aversion... In a fast-paced world, risk aversion is a sure way to fail,” Mark Zuckerberg, Internet entrepreneur and co-founder of Facebook.

“An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and assembles a plane while it’s going down,” Reid Hoffman, American Internet entrepreneur.

“Kind words may be short and simple, but their echo is endless.” - Mother Teresa, Indian Catholic nun and missionary of Albanian origin.

“Be brutally honest in the short term and confidently optimistic in the long term,” Reed Hastings, American businessman and co-CEO of Netflix.

“Success is a choice, which means failure is a decision,” Jim Stovall, American writer.

“It doesn't matter where you're from. The only thing that matters is where you are going.” - Brian Tracy, Canadian-American motivational speaker and author of self-help books.

“Courage is like a muscle. I know from my own life experience that the more I practice it, the easier it is for me to fight back against fear.” - Arianna Huffington, Greek-American writer and entrepreneur.

Read about Arianna Huffington's four mindsets that will help you adjust your goals.

“The only way to find a way out is to go all the way,” Robert Frost, American poet.

“Don't be afraid of what you don't know. This can be your main advantage, thanks to which you will not behave like everyone else,” Sarah Blackley, American entrepreneur.

“You don’t have a choice about how to lose, but you can choose how to come back and prepare to win again.” - Pat Riley, American professional basketball coach.

“When I dare to be strong and use my power for the betterment of my future, it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid,” Audre Lorde, American writer and feminist.

“I want girls to grow up knowing they can do anything, even play soccer,” Jen Welter, American soccer coach.

“No matter how high your goals are, you need to set new ones even higher,” Jessica Savitch, American television news anchor.

“Positive thinking is a valuable tool for helping you overcome obstacles, manage pain, and achieve new goals,” Amy Morin, psychotherapist and spiritual strength coach.

“The last 10% of the work before launching a project requires as much energy as the first 90%,” Rob Kalin, American entrepreneur.

Bestsellers on motivation

No. 1. "Drive: What Really Motivates Us" - Daniel Pink

(Business psychology, employee motivation)

About the author: Daniel Pink is a contemporary American analyst, author of business literature on career, management and behavioral science. He has written a number of bestsellers that have been translated into 32 languages.


Daniel Pink devoted several years to writing his own book, in which he introduces us to a completely new method of motivation.

The title fully conveys the entire content and essence of the book. Using facts and examples, the author shows exactly how and why internal motivation arises. I will not explain the essence of the method itself, since it is explained perfectly in the book.

Daniel cites hundreds of psychological studies that support his conclusions: material motivation negatively affects a person.


“Try to encourage a child to study mathematics by paying him for each problem he solves, and he will probably become a more diligent student, but he will lose interest in mathematics for the rest of his life.”

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No. 2. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Robin Sharma

(Spiritual quest, esoteric knowledge)

About the Author: Robin Sharma is a world-renowned writer and humanist thinker. He is among the world's leading experts on leadership and personal success. In this article we will look at two of his books.


“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” is a global bestseller on motivation and psychology. He will answer at least three of your main questions:

  • How to develop superpowers and control fate?
  • How to find your calling?
  • And how to start living a harmonious life?

The plot was chosen very well, because... makes it possible, among the many little things in life, to discern truly important aspects, including health, family, well-being and prosperity.

The book is written in the form of conversations between the main character and his friend Julian Mantle, whose amazingly successful career as a lawyer comes to an abrupt end when he has a heart attack.

After reading it, like the hero of the book, Julian’s lessons saved me from falling into the abyss, helped me rethink my own life and start all over again.


“Learn the art of small steps - and they will lead you to big victory.”

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No. 3. “Bring out the giant within you” – Tony Robbins

(Popular psychology, leadership)

About the Author: Tony Robbins is the world's leading business coach and motivational speaker. His trainings, where he shares the secrets of achieving success, cost $1 million, and the recordings go 2 years in advance.


In his own book, Tony Robbins touches on all areas of life. In simple and understandable words, he tells how to act in difficult life situations that befall each of us.

The book is replete with great stories from real life that can't help but inspire. It is full of challenges that point to the author's life experiences.

I recommend this book to people who have already gone on a diet a million times since the New Year and started a new life on Monday. In general, for those who put off building a happy life until later.


“We are digging our own grave with our own teeth, because we stuff our bodies with very fatty, nutrient-deprived foods, and we poison our bodies with cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.”

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Inspirational Quotes for Team Building

Team building is one of the most important factors for growth. It can be very helpful to bring new team members together and keep morale high in the office. Even when it comes to virtual or remote work, team cohesion can be the component that turns unproductive interactions into truly effective collaboration. Use these inspirational team bonding quotes to motivate your team members to stick together in everything from team discussions to small events like lunch conversations.

“There is strength in unity... Through teamwork and teamwork, extraordinary results can be achieved,” Mattie Stepanek, American poet.

“Motivation comes when we work on something we value. And it also appears when we work with those who are dear to us,” Sheryl Sandberg, American entrepreneur.

“It all starts with a great idea and teamwork,” Garrett Camp, Canadian entrepreneur.

“A company is only as good as the people who work in it,” Mary Kay Ash, American entrepreneur and founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Read about how we created a culture of productive work

“Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common goal. It is the fuel that enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results." - Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist.

“Listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is essential to effective management,” James Cash Penney, American entrepreneur.

“We cannot handle situations that require a team effort alone,” Terry Orlik, Canadian professor.

“Teamwork is the secret that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results,” Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha, teacher and best-selling author.

“With a team of enthusiasts, you can achieve almost anything,” Tahir Shah, British writer, journalist and documentarian.

Quotes about teamwork and success

Success does not always mean profit. In fact, in most cases it is something completely different. Celebrating small wins, such as increased team productivity and team bonding, is just as important as celebrating big accomplishments. This helps everyone take the little things seriously, boosts morale, and sets the team up for success. Use these famous motivational quotes about teamwork and success to make your team count every achievement.

“Move forward with confidence by effectively using every hour of every day towards your goal,” Ava DuVernay, American film director.

“Our biggest weakness is that we give up. The surest way to succeed is to always try again." - Thomas Edison, American inventor and businessman.

“High achievement always comes from high expectations,” Charles F. Kettering, American inventor and engineer.

“Success can force people to give up the habits that made them successful,” Satya Nadella, Indian-American executive.

“You never completely forget a dream. It just turns into a hobby,” Larry Page, American computer specialist.

“Success cannot be achieved, it can be attracted,” Farshad Asl, entrepreneur.

“Effective leadership helps you move up the ladder of success; leadership determines which wall this ladder should be placed against.” - Stephen Covey, American teacher and writer.

Read the article “Leadership and Management: What’s the Difference?”

“Success is measured not so much by the position you reach in life as by the obstacles you have had to overcome,” Booker T. Washington, American teacher and author.

“Great leaders are not successful because they are great. They are successful because they help others express their greatness. — John Gordon, American writer and speaker.

“Creation makes us happy. Therefore, you need to enjoy the process, no matter how successful or unsuccessful the result,” - Katerina Fake, American entrepreneur.

“There are two types of people who say you won’t amount to anything in this world: those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.” - Ray Goforth, American member of Mensa.

“You can either be outstanding or invisible. It’s your choice,” Seth Godin, American writer and top manager.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist.

“Imperfection is not a vice. It just reminds us that we are not perfect.” - Brené Brown, American writer and researcher.

“Some people think innovation is change, but we never thought that way. For us, innovation is doing something better,” Tim Cook, American executive and CEO of Apple Inc.

“Express your thoughts clearly. Be sincere. Respect boundaries. Stick to your guidelines. Do what is important to you. And know what you value.” - Iyanla Vanzant, American motivational speaker and lawyer.

“There is always an opportunity to change the situation,” Michael Dell, American businessman and philanthropist.

“Achieving success cannot be completed. It’s an ongoing exercise,” Dara Khosrowshahi, Iranian-American businessman and CEO of Uber.

“Women speaking up on behalf of themselves and those around them is our greatest power to change the world,” Melinda Gates, American philanthropist and former CEO of Microsoft.

“Ask colleagues for help early and often,” Jill Konrath, sales strategist and speaker.

“People who have goals succeed because they know where they are going,” Earl Nightingale, American radio host and writer.

Read about creating effective goals using the SMART method, with tips and examples

Motivation for Teens

No. 1. “It’s not harmful to dream” - Sher Barbara

(Practical psychology, personal effectiveness)

About the Author: Barbara Sher is a contemporary speaker, business owner, career coach, and writer specializing in popular psychology.


“Dreaming is Not Harmful” is a book that gives advice on how to push yourself and other people to fulfill long-forgotten (childhood) dreams.

The author describes very simple but effective exercises that will allow you to structure your own goals and develop a strategy on the way to them.

Despite the simplicity of the exercises, they “dig so deeply” that awareness and conclusions spill out like a wave. The picture of a personal mission emerges more and more clearly.

This would be a great book to read in school. Thanks to her, we would see many more outstanding people behind whom the future lies.


“The only person you should please is yourself.”

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No. 2. “What do you really want?” – Beverly Batchell

(Personal effectiveness)

About the author: Beverly Batchell is an American actress, screenwriter, film producer and singer.


“What Do You Really Want” is a guide for teens with detailed steps on how to get closer to their goal. In it you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What are goals?
  • How to understand what you want?
  • How to set correct, clear goals and go towards them?

Many books write that teenagers need to start their own diary for writing, but it is not clear what to write there. This book describes everything in detail about this.


“Hopes and dreams live in our heads and souls. They can stay there as long as you like until you give them a specific form.”

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Motivational Quotes About Failure

It's not often that leaders are willing to talk openly about failure, but it's an inevitable part of growth. Take Thomas Edison: he had many unsuccessful inventions, but he accepted his mistakes rather than giving in to them. The same can be said about you and your team. Failures are only part of the process, and encouraging the team to try new things and innovate motivates everyone involved to do even better. Growth is beneficial not only to the company, but also to each of its employees, because it allows them to think outside the box. Discuss failures openly with your team using the following quotes.

“Only those who do nothing make no mistakes... You need to be able to accept mistakes in order to follow your own path,” Richard Yates, American fiction writer.

“Don't worry about failure. Worry about what you'll lose if you don't even try." - Jack Canfield, American author and motivational speaker.

“Failure is like a feeling that gradually develops over time. At first, self-doubt creates vulnerability, which is then reinforced by fear, often consciously.” - Michelle Obama, American lawyer, author and former First Lady of the United States.

“Failure is the result of a failure to adapt; success is successful adaptation." - Max McKeown, American writer.

“You have to give up who you were to become who you want to be,” Janet Fitch, author of White Oleander, an Oprah Book Club selection.

“The surest way to fail is to give up,” Jena Showalter, American writer.

“Never let fear get in your way,” Babe Ruth, American professional baseball player.

“If you want to stay afloat, you should always take something positive out of any failure,” Barbara Corcoran, American entrepreneur.

“Change what can be changed; accept what cannot be changed and get rid of what cannot be accepted,” Denis Whiteley, American motivational speaker.

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can,” John Wooden, American basketball player and coach.

“I am not afraid of storms, for they teach me how to steer a ship,” Louisa May Alcott, American writer.

“Do what you think is impossible. If it doesn't work, try again, but do it better. Only those who have never climbed to heights never fall.” - Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host.

“Anyone can give up: it’s the simplest thing you can do. But true strength is when you hold on while everyone else expects you to fall,” Chris Bradford, English writer.

“Anything is possible if you really want it,” - J. M. Barrie, Scottish writer, playwright and author of works about Peter Pan.

“Be brave. Take risks. There is no substitute for experience." - Paulo Coelho, Brazilian writer.

“Expect the unexpected. And be unexpected whenever possible.” - Linda Barry, American cartoonist, writer and teacher.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. To achieve success, you only need to do everything right once,” Mark Cuban, American entrepreneur and television celebrity.

“From the intention to do something to the actual deed there is a whole ocean, and at the bottom of it very often fragments of willpower remain,” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer.

“The most effective way to do something is to do it,” Amelia Earhart, American writer and aviation pioneer.

Motivational Tips

No. 1. “Simple truths. How to live for your own pleasure” - Alexander Kazakevich

(Popular Psychology)

About the author: Alexander Kazakevich is a famous Belarusian writer, editor, journalist and teacher.


This book contains interesting facts, exciting stories, beautiful parables and the most inspiring aphorisms.

The author wrote it to arouse the interest of readers and inspire them to believe in themselves. After all, according to Alexander, the level of his happiness and success depends only on the person himself.

“Simple Truths” is perhaps one of the best books for those who find themselves in a difficult situation and cannot find the strength to fight further.


“Don't read anything you don't want to remember. Don't memorize anything you don't want to use. This applies not only to reading, but to everything else.”

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No. 2. “Who will cry when you die?” – Robin Sharma

(Esoteric knowledge, self-education)

About the Author: Robin Sharma is a world-renowned writer and humanist thinker. He is among the world's leading experts on leadership and personal success.


The book “Who Will Cry When You Die” contains 101 rules for a happy and harmonious life. The chapters are so small that you can read them during breaks when you have an extra minute.

The text reveals deep truths mixed with quotes from world philosophers and writers. No water, just a concentrate of sensible thoughts.

If you want to radically change your life, then you should start with Robin Sharma’s book. It is particularly unique because when you open any page, you will receive a portion of wise thoughts.


“How you live every day is how your whole life goes.”

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Funny Quotes to Motivate Your Team

Who said motivation can't be funny? Depending on the dynamics of your group, a funny motivational quote may be even more appropriate than something serious like admitting failure. And, frankly, we could all use a laugh sometimes. As you know, humor and laughter improve your mood. So not only is humor a great way to connect with your team, it's also a great way to end or even start the week on a positive note. Take a look at these funny motivational quotes and share a few of them with your team.

“If you can dance, be free and not be embarrassed, you can rule the world.” - Amy Poyler, American actress and comedian.

“You don’t have to be great at starting something, but you only have to be great at it to become good at it,” Zig Ziglar, American author and motivational speaker.

“Normal is just the operating mode of the washing machine,” Whoopi Goldberg, American actress and comedian.

“It’s very difficult to do nothing because you never know when you’ll end,” Leslie Nielsen, Canadian and American actor and comedian.

“Be like a postage stamp: fixate on one thing until you reach your destination,” Josh Billings, 19th-century American comedian.

“Change isn’t the b-word, but your reaction to it often is!” — Jeffrey Gitomer, American author, professional speaker and business instructor.

“The road to success is always under repair,” - Lily Tomlin, American actress and comedian.

“The elevator to success does not work. You have to take the stairs one step at a time." - Joe Girard, American salesman and motivational speaker.

“It’s human nature to make mistakes, and even more so to blame the computer for mistakes,” - Robert Orben, American professional comedy writer.

Motivation for sports

No. 1. “Conor McGregor. Life without rules - John Kavanagh

(Life of famous people, biographies and memoirs)

About the author: John Kavanagh is the same coach who trained and led Conor McGregor to success in the UFC.


“Life Without Rules” is John Kavanagh's revelations about Conor McGregor. How a daring guy without skills, money or discipline managed to become one of the best MMA fighters.

Conor McGregor is an example of how thought can take you from your starting point (a plumber in the suburbs of Dublin) to the pinnacle of global fame and success.

This book will present you with an amazing portrait of an ambitious and persistent guy who does not know what it means to give up.

I recommend it to all UFC fans. First of all, of course, to Conor’s fans.

Read also:

How the habits of successful people influenced my life in 1 year


“You go to sleep hoping to win, but you only wake up from defeat.”

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No. 2. "Remember all. My Incredibly True Story - Arnold Schwarzenegger

(Biographies and memoirs, lives of famous people)

About the author: Arnold Schwarzenegger is an American bodybuilder, entrepreneur, actor, producer and the 38th Governor of California.


This is a story about a talented man who achieved everything through his own efforts. He never sought excuses for his origin, lack of funds, connections and circumstances. He purposefully walked towards his dream and believed that he deserved the best.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a strong and strong-willed person whom everyone should look up to. In his autobiography, he freely shares the experiences that brought him to the top in various areas of life.

Arnold is most associated with the word “success”, as he was able to achieve decent results in four different areas: sports, business, cinema and politics.

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No. 3. “Unstoppable. My life" - Maria Sharapova

(Autobiographies, lives of famous people)

About the author: Maria Sharapova is a famous Russian tennis player, five-time winner of Grand Slam tournaments.


“Unstoppable” is a frank autobiography of Maria Sharapova about herself, people close to her, victories and failures not only in tennis, but also in life.

The book talks about the strength of a person’s character, self-confidence, perseverance and determination. This is an excellent motivator for moving towards your own goals and achieving them without noticing obstacles.


“Don’t judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell and got back up again.”

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Three Ways to Inspire Teamwork

Still don't know how to inspire your team? Providing inspiration isn't always as simple as quoting a motivational quote. In fact, you should use different methods to do this. One of the most effective methods of motivating a team is to provide them with the tools and tools they need to succeed. And Asana can help with this. Below are three ways to inspire teamwork.

Conducting team building exercises virtually

Team-building exercises are not only a great way to increase team interaction and trust, but they can also provide a fun break for employees that can help boost morale. But how exactly do you organize team-building activities using remote work software? A study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the more people involved in a meeting, the lower the effectiveness of the interaction. That is, while it is sometimes useful to gather the entire company together to make some general announcements, team-building activities are most effective when conducted in small groups.

Team building doesn't have to be a complicated process. The exercise can be no more difficult than asking a few questions to remove the psychological barrier in the team. In addition, creativity can be harnessed by organizing various quizzes and educational activities around the dinner table with small groups of four to five people.

Collaborate using a project management tool

There's nothing more important than staying connected with your colleagues, whether your entire team is in one office or scattered around the world. Project management software helps ensure that all employees are on the same page, regardless of time zone. With so many tools available, it can be difficult to know which path to productivity is most effective.

According to a study conducted by Asana called the Work Structure Index, 60% of work time is spent organizing work. How much time was wasted searching for documents every day and constantly switching between applications! That's why it's important to choose the right tools with a wide range of features to improve your productivity.

Visualize work using a team calendar

Ensure work is on schedule by creating a team calendar to track deadlines and keep upcoming projects and deadlines under control. A calendar will not only help your team plan and manage projects in a shared space, but it will also be useful for those who find it easier to understand a task in a visual representation than in the form of a simple list. If you prefer the traditional approach, check out how to create an even more useful to-do list.

When choosing calendaring software, think about app integrations. It's very helpful to ensure compatibility with the tools you already use. This allows you to increase productivity without slowing down current processes.

Use quotes to achieve your goals

Quotes about leadership and teamwork are not only a great way to encourage employees to work together, but also a great opportunity to show your coworkers appreciation for their efforts and contributions. We hope they can motivate you and your team to achieve your goals.

Remember that stimulating teamwork is a much larger task than simply distributing quotes. It's about how to ensure team alignment through team building tools and techniques. It’s not for nothing that they say that the team is a great force, so continue to inspire people to work as a team, and then success will come to you.

Looking for more collaboration resources?
Check out 10 Ways to Improve Collaboration .

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