Post update - the next Stodnevka starts on December 1, 2021. Join us) Beginners are accepted until December 5 inclusive . My new Stodnevka will be called “Take Off”.
One hundred days does not mean some kind of jerk or leap. This is not a training or a sprint. This is not an overload of theory and not a race. This is an environment for a qualitatively different stay for 100 (or 120) days surrounded by active Russian-speaking people from all over the world who are engaged in improving their lives. You will be surprised how much you can accomplish in 100 days. And how many new things will appear in your life. And then - a new 100 (or 120) days. Because this topic is eternal with a one-time introduction.
They often ask - what is this Stodnevka that you constantly talk about?
How it works? Is it worth it? Will it “help” everyone? What to do in it?
Yes, it will help anyone and everyone who wants to live better and change something.
I definitely recommend this tool to everyone.
How to sign up for Stodnevka - see here.
I've been hanging out at Armen Petrosyan's Stodnevki for 6 years. No breaks. Because it’s not just once for 100 days, it’s many, many times – as many times as you want.
I recently started publishing reports on my last few Stodnevkas on this blog.
This is one of the best events that happened to me in my life. That's why I'm in Stodnevki without any breaks at all.
And that probably means something. From any training you get tired of being in them all the time. This means this is not just training.
No, this is not a training, this is a closed environment for conscious changes. This is a lot of new ideas, very interesting and strong acquaintances, a lot of actions to change your life for the better, a large number of real results. All this is flexible, soft, at your own pace. It is an effective processing of everything that happens in life.
These are useful, interesting tasks too, but something else is more important here - precisely the environment itself and the function of reporting, a reality show of both your life and other, strong, interesting “players”.
Stodnevka is fundamentally different from other similar projects - the Business Youth Games or the Army of Ayaz Shabutdinov and others (I was in many for a long time, to compare and test different formats).
This is a mature, adult, calm, friendly environment of conscious, thinking people.
People who are not in a hurry to buy a car or a new iPhone in 2 months. Everyone’s goals are very different - from “finding yourself” to changing jobs, from starting to spend more time with children to learning a language and going on a trip, from understanding what my dreams and goals are to completing a project at work, from starting to get up earlier and do exercise before running an Ironman, start feeling better every day or pump up your Image resource.
Stodnevka is a territory of honesty.
This is how I feel after being in it for over 4 years and why I continue to be in it. This is the main point why it is so effective.
There is no gloss, no “stars”.
Although there are interesting, active and quite rare people, in general, everyone is simple people with their own problems and tasks, solving them from year to year, looking their shortcomings and difficulties in the eye, moving on to a new round of the spiral. Really making their lives better and measuring changes in themselves. And not throwing dust in the eyes of others. There is no bragging or condemnation here. There is respect, modesty, acceptance.
Here, read, I recently interviewed 26 acquaintances of one-hundred-day people, with whom we have been working together for many years to improve our lives in this closed environment, about what exactly was the most interesting thing they had recently from tools, books, Youtube channels, blogs, awareness. It turned out to be a very useful post.
My only regret is that this project and tool for conscious change did not appear sooner.
But even then, Stodnevki appeared in my life at the right time. When I was left alone with a small child, it was possible to gradually, Stodnevka after Stodnevka, significantly improve the situation in various areas, and not just stay in place. Some of the latest reports are here.
I don’t know where I would be now without the support of Stodnevok and without all these conscious changes. I don't want to imagine. Everything would definitely be much worse, and perhaps even worse.
I collect some reviews about Stodnevka here.
Order on the table, order in the head
- Creating a diary where unnecessary things that should be gotten rid of will be gradually entered. For example, tomorrow we throw out old newspapers, the day after tomorrow - useless disks and film cassettes, then we can take up book publications.
- Life follows the rule “we put all things in their place”: having opened something, we close it, if we drop it, we pick it up.
- Walking around the apartment, you should find a hundred items that need repairing, such as a cracked tile or an outlet that is about to fall off.
Reasons for wanting to completely change yourself
A person may be unsatisfied with many things in his life - a low-paid job, a tense relationship with his husband or wife, a lack of friends, etc. Some blame the people around them for all their troubles. But this is a road to nowhere. It is impossible to force another person to change if he himself does not want to. The only way out in solving your own problems is to work on yourself, your attitude towards the world. People who realize this are looking for ways to change themselves.
3 important steps
which every woman should go through
Anika Snagovskaya
Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.
I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.
Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity
You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.
Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships
I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.
Audio recording: Neuro-af
Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.
Take your gifts!
Circumstances often force change internally and externally. For example, a serious illness due to an incorrect lifestyle threatens a person with early death. He has to change his attitude towards nutrition, give up bad habits in order to recover and live. Nobody wants to die. The fear of death is the driving element in this story. Close people also encourage changes in your own character and behavior. If a person values their location, then he is guaranteed to listen to the opinion of his loved one and decide to change his life.
In the example of a sick person, we are simply talking about changing habits that are part of the personality. He will have to start eating right, not drinking alcohol, not smoking, and playing sports. Changing yourself is not easy at all. This is a long journey that requires patience, willpower, and time. Good motivation and a clearly defined goal are also necessary.
Self-development and personal effectiveness
- Choose a piece that was difficult for you and you always left for later. Read it completely in 100 days.
- Try to learn about something new every day. It could be the name of a car, a cat breed, or just a new word from the dictionary.
- For the next 100 days, forget that you once knew how to cry into a friend’s vest. Get rid of bad thoughts.
- Wake up one minute earlier every morning by setting your alarm early. After 100 days, you can easily get up an hour and a half earlier, which will give you the opportunity to get a lot more done.
- Every morning, as soon as you open your eyes, write down everything that comes to mind in your diary.
- Constantly focus your attention for 100 days on understanding what you are striving for and what you want to achieve.
September 12, 2018
Konstantin Chapyuk Programmer, triathlete, author of the blog
Lately I’ve been hearing the term “Stoday” a lot. As the name suggests, it is about some action or set of actions that we plan to perform for a hundred days.
The most interesting thing is that different people perceive and interpret this concept in different ways.
I will talk about the main options for “Hundred Days” that I have encountered, and share my experience of participating in the hundred-day marathon.
Working on habits
The main reasons to do something for a long time are either to get rid of a bad habit or to acquire a good one.
It is believed that you can develop a new habit in twenty to thirty days. It will take some more time to consolidate it and weave it into your daily schedule.
Most often, a person chooses several tasks for himself and creates something like this:
For me, the option of acquiring a new habit is quite difficult.
We do more than enough of all the nonsense that we can get rid of. For example, we watch TV every day, sit on social networks, smoke, eat fast food. But it turns out that there are not so many useful things that can and should be done every day.
Challenge yourself (100-days challenge)
The idea of the challenge is to force yourself to do something every day. This is a rather interesting option that is unlikely to result in a new habit. But it will help, for example, strengthen discipline or bring short-term benefits to the body.
An extreme form of this type of “hundred day” is to start counting from the beginning every time if you miss at least one day of activity.
Examples of challenges:
don't eat sweets;
jog in the mornings;
watch TV series in English;
do not use the elevator.
Achieving the goal
Have you been wanting to do something for a long time, but the task seems too big? Try breaking this task down into small component parts and promise yourself to complete one of them every day.
With the right level of self-discipline, before you know it, a seemingly impossible task has been transformed in a few months into a feeling of pride and satisfaction from the work done.
Examples of this type of task:
read a technical book (five pages a day);
make repairs in the apartment;
write an article (a paragraph a day);
take a course on coursera.
Exploring your options
Finally, the last type of hundred days is a kind of session or intensive, which, in addition to achieving certain goals, sets the task of better understanding oneself. One of the implementations of this kind of intensive is the project “Stodnevka - an expedition to a new self.”
In short:
you set yourself several goals that you want to achieve;
Every day you devote a certain time to each goal (for example, an hour);
reflect on your goals every day using freewriting, plan tasks for the near future using lists, sum up the results of the day using a diary;
In addition, you analyze your productivity, creativity, concentration and so on.
During the "Stand Day" your goals may change. This may be due to the fact that you begin to better understand yourself and your priorities.
As you might guess, this version of the “Stodnevka” is the most expensive because it requires a lot of time for goals and self-research.
My experience of participating in a hundred day event. Goals
I think that many people make a list of goals for the year. I also have such a list, and every year it is updated with new items. Unfortunately, there are goals on the list that do not disappear from there for years.
One of these goals was to migrate the Javenue blog from PHP to Java hosting. This task included:
implementation of a blog engine using Java;
migration and updating of old content;
work on design, usability and SEO issues;
creation of new content.
To better experience all the delights of “Stodnevka”, I decided to add a few more tasks.
It’s not that I spend a lot of time on Facebook, but the negative information background periodically spoiled my mood. Therefore, I set the second task of my “Stodnevka” to get rid of the habit of logging into social networks.
More precisely: for a hundred days do not log into FB at all.
The goal and habit were already on my list. There wasn't enough challenge. Since I planned to spend at least an hour every day on the blog, I chose a challenge that was not so time-consuming, namely, stand in the plank for ninety seconds every day.
Finally, to plan and analyze my progress, I decided to try freewriting. The 750Words website helped me with this. The task sounded like this: write at least seven hundred and fifty words every day in a free style.
As a result, my list of goals for “Stodnevka” with approximate time costs turned out like this:
working on a blog before launching it on a new hosting - from an hour a day;
freewriting - up to half an hour a day;
plank - about five minutes a day, including preparation;
do not visit social networks - 0 minutes a day
The results of my "Stodnevka"
I created a document in Google Sheets that looked like this after a hundred days:
Days in which I rethought the corresponding goals are marked in dark green.
I was able to complete the main goal, blog renovation, in sixty-seven days.
Think about it! I put off this task for more than five years, and then in just two months of focused work I almost completely reworked the resource!
Since the blog update, traffic has increased by 30%, and the bounce rate has dropped by 7%.
Immediately after launching the new version of Javenue, I slightly changed the goal - in addition to content tasks for the blog, I added tasks for prototyping my future project.
As for the remaining tasks:
There were no particular problems with freewriting. Out of a hundred days, I only missed five.
A few weeks before the end of "Stodnevka" I tried to write in English - still seven hundred and fifty words.
Everything worked out more or less with the plank too. On days when I had scheduled sports training, instead of ninety seconds, I did three one-minute planks. Unfortunately, there were as many as seven omissions.
Champion of tasks - boycott FB!
In a hundred days I didn’t go there even once, I even checked links from friends so as not to accidentally go there. Half a month has already passed since the end of the “Hundred Day”, and I only went to FB once to talk with an acquaintance. So it goes.
What to pay attention to
1. As I already said, getting rid of a bad habit is much easier than acquiring a new good one. If you doubt yourself, try testing a new habit first, for example, in a challenge format.
2. If you set yourself a challenge, try not to overestimate your physical and moral capabilities. Running five to ten kilometers every day if you have hardly ever run before is a bad idea.
3. The spruce must be measurable, achievable and easily divided into parts. Losing weight is not the goal. Losing ten kg is not a goal either.
The goal is, for example, to systematically incorporate sports into your daily life by making a plan and sticking to it
4. Don't choose too many goals for your hundred days. Two or three important ones will be enough. This way you won’t get scattered and waste energy on frequent context switching.
5. When practicing freewriting, trust the paper (or application) completely. Personally, I was unable to achieve this and unwittingly filtered what I wrote about.
6. Immediately after the “Standnevka”, give yourself a little rest - you deserve it. And you can sum up the results in a week.
The article was published on the website
Want to figure out your goals? Do this in the Stodnevka project - an expedition to a new self
Registration for Stodnevka is open, which starts on JANUARY 1. Details here
One hundred days is an environment for development. By immersing yourself in it, in 100 days you can not only achieve your goal, but also understand yourself, clarify your values, learn to enjoy life here and now, and not someday, when your desires come true.
You don't have to put in extra effort. The rule of small steps helps you move towards your goals calmly and continuously.
- The author and presenter of the course is Armen Petrosyan.
- The work takes place in a team of like-minded people on a closed site where only group members have access.
- At the moment, there are already 35,474 participants in the project, the majority have completed Stodnevka more than once.
- Stodnevka tools - freewriting, working with a daily plan, habit tracking, lists, journaling and much more.
- Having paid for the course once, you get the right to take the Stodnevka as many times as you like.
- Find out details
- Sign up for a course
- View an example of a letter with a task
- Listen to a free introductory webinar for one of the groups
- Read member stories
Self-development #hundreddays
Accounting for expenses and income
- In a notebook, keep a record of the funds spent for 100 days.
- In 100 days, learn how to spend your budget economically, without spending money on unnecessary things.
- When making purchases, use only paper equivalents of money, and put the change in a piggy bank. After 100 days, you will be surprised how much you have saved.
- In the next hundred days, do not make expensive purchases. It is recommended to use these funds for a deposit.
- Each of the next hundred days, spend an hour looking for new places to earn extra money.
Open several bank accounts in the application and name them: “Fire Reserve”, “For Vacation”, “For Casco”, “for children’s education” and some others, depending on your goals and expenses. Set aside money in these accounts immediately after income “fell” in your main account. This will help you differentiate your accounting, see progress against each goal, and stop you from putting your hand in one account or another. And most importantly, you will build stocks and reserves BEFORE spending, as successful people do, and not after spending, as poor people do. Deposit at least 100 rubles into your “Fire Reserve” account today!
On topic: Where to store Fireman's Stock (airbag): at home or in a bank? And in what currency?
Open a bank account in hard currency, such as dollars. Start saving for a Fire Reserve or another long-term goal (such as a vacation) in foreign currency. Microstep - buy the first 10-20-50-100 dollars and deposit it into this account. Why in currency? See here and here.
Calculate on the Capital Growth Matrix how much money you need to save monthly, at what rate and for how long, in order to form capital to buy an apartment or car WITHOUT CREDIT. You can calculate it here.
Capital Growth Matrix + Video Instructions. Allows you to instantly digitize your dreams! Calculate the amount of monthly savings / investments, depending on the period (until the goal) and the rate of return on the instrument (for example, on a deposit or securities),
given the mega-power of Compound Interest!. Download for free - here.
Time management, manage your time
- Put a notepad in your bag and let it always be with you. For 100 days, record important things and thoughts that come to your mind.
- Think carefully about your time use over the past 5 days. Don't waste it, put it to good use in the next 95 days.
- Select unproductive tasks and completely replace them with highly productive ones, which you will always do for the next 100 days.
- Figure out 5 things that take up a lot of your time. For example, cut down on watching your favorite TV series or time spent on the Internet.
- For 100 days, complete only one significant task per day.
- In the evening, start planning for tomorrow.
- Prioritize completing your most important tasks for 100 days, and complete the rest second.
- At the end of each week, ask yourself what you achieved, what worked and what didn’t.
- In the evening, be sure to clean your desk.
- Write a list of things that you decide to do in the next 100 days, and with a red pen cross out those that do not give you positive emotions.
- When you want to give up doing one thing for another, ask yourself, is it worth it?
How to get ready to change your life
Changing your life is not an easy task. Every year our habits and patterns in our heads become more and more ingrained, and we need to make titanic efforts to make drastic changes. Having the right attitude will help with everything. It is important not only to initially tune in to change, but to maintain this mindset throughout the entire period of change.
To get into the mindset, you don't just need to set a goal for yourself, you need to figure out for yourself why you want to achieve that goal. Your life will not change if you do not have an internal impulse for change. There must be something of priority, elevated to the top of the hierarchy of your values and priorities. Think about why you need change.
Think about the benefits that a new, changed life will give you. Try to imagine in your mind how you will feel when you achieve the desired result. This feeling will inspire you when you encounter the first difficulties in the process of change.
Be sure to think about the benefits that a changed life will bring. What will be better in your life than now, what will appear from what did not exist before. It is better to carefully consider and write down these nuances. When you find it difficult to move forward and you want to give up, you can refute everything you wrote down again.
Be inspired by the examples of other people who have also gone through the path of change and emerged from the same circumstances from which you want to get out. Find bloggers or book authors who write about their experiences. If you see that other people have succeeded in following this path, you will have more faith that you can do it too!
Proper nutrition
- To lose 2.5 kg of weight in 100 days, consume 175 kcal less daily.
- Eat vegetables daily.
- Eat fruits daily.
- For 100 days, stop eating your favorite pizza or cakes.
- Try not to eat everything on your plate.
- Use only natural juice.
- Replace soda with water.
- Have a light breakfast in the morning.
- At lunch and dinner, eat only healthy foods.
- Find a dozen healthy snacks for yourself.
- Plan healthy meals for several days in advance.
- Keep a special journal to record the menu composition.
How I work with Stodnevka:
For the last three years I have had 2 main directions (resources on Evolution):
— pumping up the Image and Health resource (appearance, communication, sports, nutrition, etc.) — pumping up the Work and Economy resources (money)
This is the base. Main resources. The more in order they are, the more stable you feel on a daily basis.
Since September 1, 2021, the “Family” direction has also appeared.
Everything else is not so intensively and intensively planned, developed, monitored and worked out. And goes to the “Miscellaneous” item. There is also a “Training” item, but it is also not among the most basic ones yet.
The rest interests me less for now - I want to develop my work in such a way that I can do only what I want and love, without compromise. To have more freedom and work less and get much more. Slowly everything is moving towards this.
In terms of Image, after 6 years of leveling up, I’m already satisfied with a lot, but I also want it to be even better.
The rest of the resources are more or less in order, so I concentrated on these.
In addition, it is Work, Economy, Image, Family that are the most basic resources, our main supports.
I also set detailed plans for 2-3 months in these areas - Work and Economics, Image and Health, Family, Education, Miscellaneous.
And I want to say that there is a huge difference - how I started and what I have now, how I feel, how I live.
Being now on the 10th or whatever Stodnevka I hardly complete tasks - I completed them on the first ones. Maybe in vain, it would be worth doing them regularly and there would be more interesting realizations. But this way there is a minimum of pressure and I don’t get tired of the hundred days. I read almost all the posts of other hundred-dayers. In the last Stodnevka, I also make daily reports for the first time - it is very stimulating and encourages you to take the desired actions during the day, when you know that you will need to report.
Attitude towards others
- Keep a special album for managing common affairs, where you can paste newspaper clippings, photographs, everything that you associate with your life together. After three months, give the album to your partner.
- Give your partner a kiss and a big hug every morning.
- Within 100 days, make new acquaintances on the street or on the Internet.
- Connect more with people who inspire you.
- Before responding to someone's rudeness, weigh everything whether your offender is worth a response.
- For 100 days, do not judge any incident without talking about it with everyone involved.
- Do exceptionally good things.
- Over the next 100 days, praise anyone who deserves it.
- Within 100 days, learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor.
- Learn empathy.
- For 100 days, enjoy the fullness of life.
- Strive to see only good intentions in the actions of others.
- For 100 days, always tell yourself that everyone is trying their best to become better.
What is the site and project “Stodnevka”?
This is a closed site where there is a common feed of posts where you can share any thoughts, reports, completed tasks and discuss them.
There is also a general “Table of Small Steps” that tracks the implementation of habits.
There are assignments, webinars, and you can ask questions to Armen Petrosyan and other participants.
Typically, each Stodnevka involves several dozen people from all over the world. There are many who actively travel, look for themselves, earn good money, love sports, good and even famous specialists - quite a lot of sophisticated people, those who are not so easy to meet in everyday life.
But there are also those who are at the beginning of the journey, all different, but all proactive and want more changes. Nobody scolds anyone, doesn’t laugh, doesn’t belittle anyone.
This is just a kind, gentle environment for conscious changes.
I have already written about the very great importance of our environment. For me, Stodnevka is one of the main ways to brighten up my surroundings in favor of such active and interesting people.
Here are a couple of moments from statements from new hundred-dayers who found themselves in this crowd:
This is a comfortable and useful, right environment to reach out to others, discuss, ask for advice, read other people’s best solutions for self-development or in certain areas. Many people there also try to run or do exercises every day, someone is losing weight, someone is also trying to get up early, someone is monetizing their favorite activity, and so on - most often there are many similarities among at least several people in Stodnevka.
There are no mandatory tasks, no deductions, no deadlines, no obligations at all. Minimum pressure.
You go through everything at your own pace.
On the one hand, this may be bad - less motivation. But this is an environment for serious people who themselves have already realized their desire to change something in life, who can themselves be proactive, without the “whip”.
Only in Stodnevka I write a lot about some little things in my life, what I’m doing, what new things I’m testing and what I’ve tried - and I try a lot of things all the time. This is such a good reality show that also entertains, but at the same time there is rarely an emotion of condemnation or superiority, or some other negativity. Usually interest, curiosity, a desire to reach out and try to repeat, do something similar, speed up, go and carry out your plan. There it is not scary to open up and where you always get only benefit from it, and not harm.
One hundred days helps you stay focused on your goals, on the changes you want to see in your life, and provides additional tools for their implementation.
Sometimes you fall out, then you come back, you read others - the same difficulties, stupors, falls out, returns, everyone is doing something, life is in full swing, it goes on, and you also come back and continue on)
Other articles on my blog about Stodnevka:
— My reports on completing the Stodnevki
— “Memo to new hundred-day earners”
— “How the environment of hundred-day earners helps one to stretch oneself and increase one’s capacity”
— “What is considered a successful completion of Stodnevka? - advice from its founder, Armen Petrosyan"
Life is too short to ignore such an effective tool to become happier, healthier, richer, and do what you want.
If you have questions, always write in the comments!
The actions of one person mean something , especially if you convey the importance of your actions to your spouse, children, and parents.
- Start baling the trash
- Avoid bottled water
- Use your durable bags in stores that last for months/years
- Save water
- Have vegetarian days
- Throw away less food
- Turn off water and lights when not in use
- Eliminate paperwork wherever possible
A complete list of ideas, as well as an explanation of why it is important to do this, is here.