General characteristics Emotions are mental states that reflect a person’s attitude to current events and people
The winding path of the great Famous German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844
Each hemisphere of our brain is responsible for a specific area of activity. Right – for spatial orientation,
When a woman is smart enough and has life experience, she will definitely find an opportunity to insist on
Actual level of communication Photo by SHVETS production: Pexels Among other things, people naturally convey pure
The concept of identity in psychology Among identity researchers there is still no consensus on
A significant part of the causes of conflict in organizations relates to interactions between people. A general characteristic of such
History “Having the misfortune of suffering from hallucinatory insanity for two years and retaining it after
With this introductory article we begin our acquaintance with Psychosophy, a typology that divides people into 24
Neurotic personality Neurotic personality or character neurosis are psychoanalytic terms denoting personality pathology, in