Abstract on the topic Freedom as a condition for personal self-realization

The concept of self-realization and freedom as a whole

Self-realization is a targeted search and development of one’s talents and capabilities in various fields of activity. In other words, if a person feels that he has realized his potential, has reached the maximum level, is proud of his achievements and is recognized by society, then we can say that this person is self-actualized.

The concept of freedom is interpreted less clearly. Most definitions are vague, and those that are specified can differ greatly from each other. However, most often freedom is understood as complete independence from external factors, independence raised to an absolute, as well as the will to act in accordance with one’s desires.

The first step on the path to success is always self-realization, which is impossible without a sense of inner freedom as a condition for personal self-realization. Thus, the concepts of “freedom” and “self-realization” are inextricably linked. You can often hear the expression from personal growth coaches: “freedom is the goal of self-realization.” This shows that these two concepts are closely related.

Freedom, individual rights

Any classification of human rights is to a certain extent conditional, since some rights can, with approximately equal justification, belong to different types and even cover one another. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen are divided into basic (inalienable), fundamental (constitutional) and generally recognized (enshrined in international legal acts). In legal doctrine, human rights are usually divided into personal, political, socio-economic and cultural, based on the main sphere of their manifestation in social relations, but in many ways this division is also symbolic. For a number of them, only the difference between human rights and civil rights is significant. Human rights can also be divided into 1) personal + political; 2) socio-economic; 3) cultural + collective. Below is the most popular theory for the classification of human rights and freedoms. Personal rights are the rights of every person, and although they are often called civil rights, they are not directly related to belonging to the citizenship of a state and do not follow from it. They are considered inalienable and inalienable to every person regardless of nationality, gender, age, race, ethnicity or religion. Necessary to protect human life, dignity and freedom. Personal rights usually include:

the right to life, the right to freedom and personal integrity, the right to personal dignity, the right to privacy, the right to self-defense, including the right to effective means of self-defense, such as firearms, the right to inviolability of home, the right to national and cultural identity - freedom of conscience and freedom of thought, freedom of movement and choice of place of residence; freedom to choose nationality and language, the right to legal protection.

Freedom of religion (every person can follow any religion or create his own).

Political rights and freedoms differ from personal, social, economic and other rights in that they are closely related to the citizenship of a particular country. They are one of the groups of fundamental constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, since they determine their participation in the socio-political life of the country. As a rule, political rights include: freedom of speech (freedom of information), the right to citizenship, the right to association (freedom of association), freedom of assembly (the right to assemble peacefully and without weapons, to hold meetings, demonstrations, processions), the right to participate in government affairs and equal access to public service, the right to participate in the administration of justice

the right to appeal or petition (i.e. to personal appeal, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies and local governments), freedom of the media, voting rights (active and passive subjective electoral right: to elect and be elected ), the right to education.

Socio-economic rights include: freedom of entrepreneurship (the right to entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law), the right to private property, labor rights (the right to work and freedom of labor), the right to protection of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the right to social security, the right to housing, the right to health and medical care, the right to fair collection of taxes.

Cultural rights include the right to education, creative freedom (freedom of literary, scientific and other types of creativity and teaching), the right to participate in cultural life, academic freedom, and the right to a healthy environment.

Understanding freedom in the modern world

Just a few centuries ago, freedom was an unattainable dream for most people. In Russia there was serfdom, in most European countries there was slavery. The slave had no rights, only duties - fulfilling the will of those to whom he belonged. It is logical that slaves did not have to think about self-development and self-realization at that time.

Today, after the abolition of serfdom and slavery, a person has the right to determine his own destiny and be free, but only within the framework of what is permitted by society. There is a widespread belief among sociologists that absolute freedom does not exist. There will always be barriers for a person, be it prohibitions established by society, for violation of which sanctions will be applied, or internal restrictions arising from a person’s moral principles. However, all these barriers in no way prevent a person from realizing himself.

Strategies for personal self-realization

The process of self-realization continues throughout life, but the actions aimed at it change depending on the setting of married goals and circumstances. That is, in other words, a person at different stages of life adheres to a certain strategy of self-realization.

If at the initial stage a person strives to receive upbringing and education, and then chooses a life partner and profession, it will not be possible to carry out the same algorithm of actions, it will have to be changed in order to achieve the desired result.

The choice of a specific self-realization strategy depends on age, character, desires and needs. But there are often cases when you have to act “here and now,” for example, when the course of action is obvious or there is no time to think about it.

Self-realization is an integral part of the development and formation of personality. A person has the right to independently choose the direction for self-expression: creativity, profession or family. In the process of growing up, the algorithm of actions for self-realization changes depending on the change in priorities at each specific stage of life. Freedom, responsibility and personal self-realization are interconnected components that allow you to achieve goals and success in life.

Awareness of will, choice and independence occurs in two stages

Perceived need

The first stage is the awareness stage. A person begins to understand that for development it is necessary not to stand still, but to move in some direction. He begins to think about what direction he should work on himself.

Ability to choose

At the next stage, a person has already decided on his goals and begins to think about what he needs and what steps should be taken to achieve what he wants.

The problem of personal self-realization

According to statistics, approximately 4% of people are able to reach the top of the pyramid of needs. The problem of personal self-expression most often lies in the fact that the closer to the final stage of this system, the less a person is aware of his desires and abilities, as a result of which he is not able to move in the right direction, achieving success with a sense of satisfaction.

In addition, there are other enemies of personal self-realization:

  • psychological aspect - the discrepancy between intellectual and energy potential, the degree of development of skills and the implementation of experience in the real world;
  • unfavorable geographical environment;
  • presence of physical defects or limitations (blindness, hearing loss, etc.);
  • cessation of the prospect of realizing one’s own talents or genius abilities (for example, as a result of illness or injury);
  • limited material well-being or financing of the project by third parties.

Thus, human self-expression is impossible in the absence of conditions for its implementation. For example, a woman’s desire to become a mother cannot be realized if she is single or cannot have children for medical reasons.

The meaning of freedom for human self-realization

The more experience a person has in various spheres of life, the broader his horizons, knowledge and skills, the less dependent a person is on the people around him and society as a whole, and therefore the more free he is. Expanding your boundaries and removing internal restrictions allows you to maximize your potential and realize yourself as an individual.

The degree of freedom that society allows a person to fully use will be his field for self-realization. In addition, the individual improves by using the opportunities that society provides him. A person will develop harmoniously and fully only on the condition that he can make his choice independently, without regard to other people’s opinions or other external factors - in other words, a person must be free.

Freedom is the independence of social and political subjects (including individuals), expressed in their ability and opportunity to make their own choices and act in accordance with their interests and goals. In the history of philosophical thought, freedom is traditionally viewed in relation to its utmost importance. Voluntarism absolutizes free will, bringing it to the arbitrariness of an unrestricted individual, ignoring objective conditions and patterns. Fatalism views every human act as an inevitable realization of primordial predestination, which excludes free choice. Posted on ref.rf Marxism distanced itself from both voluntarism and fatalism, although in reality it remained very close to the latter in its interpretation of freedom, understanding it as a consciously extremely important thing. Every free action of a person is a fusion of freedom and extreme importance. Necessity is contained in the form of conditions of existence objectively given to the individual. A person cannot be absolutely free. You cannot live in society and be absolutely free from it. The freedom of each member of society is limited by the level of development and the nature of the society in which he lives. But the main limiters of his freedom are not external circumstances. Some modern philosophers argue that human activity cannot receive a goal from the outside at all; in his inner life the individual is absolutely free. He himself chooses not only an activity option, but also formulates general principles of behavior and looks for reasons for them. Therefore, the objective conditions of people’s existence do not play such a big role in their choice of a model of action. The goals of human activity are formulated in accordance with the internal motivations of each person. The limit of such freedom is only the rights and freedoms of other people. Awareness of this by the person himself is extremely important. Freedom is inseparable from responsibility, from duties to society and its other members.

Freedom is a specific way of being for a person, associated with his ability to choose a decision and act in accordance with his goals. There can be no absolute, unlimited freedom either in the physical or in the social aspect of human existence. Complete freedom for one would mean arbitrariness in relation to the other. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, where all articles are devoted to the rights and freedoms of the individual, the latter, containing a mention of responsibilities, states that in the exercise of his rights and freedoms, each person should be subject only to such restrictions as are intended to ensure recognition and respect for the rights of others .

The relationship between the categories of freedom and extreme importance can be considered through the analysis of Hegel’s aphorism: “freedom is the perceived extreme importance.” Everything in the world is subject to forces that act immutably and inevitably. These forces also subordinate human activity. If this extreme importance is not comprehended, not realized by a person, he is its slave, but if it is cognized, then the person acquires “the ability to make a decision with knowledge of the matter.” This expresses human free will.

But what is the nature of “extreme importance”? Necessity, a number of philosophers believe, exists in nature and society in the form of objective, ᴛ.ᴇ. laws independent of human consciousness. In other words, extreme importance is the expression of a natural, objectively determined course of events. Supporters of this position do not believe that everything in the world, especially in public life, is strictly and unambiguously determined; they do not deny the existence of accidents. But the general natural line of development, deviated by chance in one direction or another, will still make its way.

In addition to the objective natural importance of a person, certain social conditions also encourage him to act one way and not another. There are norms of morality and law, traditions and public opinion. It is under their influence that a model of “proper behavior” is formed. Taking into account these rules, a person acts and acts, makes certain decisions.

“Man is completely free in his inner life.” These words belong to the French thinker J.-P. Sartre. He belongs to a philosophical movement called “existentialism”, ᴛ.ᴇ. philosophy of existence. Among the founders of this trend is the Russian philosopher N. Berdyaev. The focus of existentialists is on the problems of the essence and existence of man. To understand the positions of these philosophers, let us turn to the statements of Sartre. In one of his works, he reasoned as follows: when making a thing, a person first forms its idea; for example, a craftsman who makes knives, before starting to make another knife, proceeds from his ideas about the essence of this object͵ ᴛ.ᴇ. about what a knife is in general, and accordingly what kind of knife he should make now. Here the essence precedes the existence (of the new knife). A child, having been born, already exists, but he still has to become a person, acquire a human essence. Consequently, there is no predetermined nature of man, no external force, no one other than a given individual, can bring about his becoming a man. This greatly increases a person’s responsibility for himself, for being successful as a person, and for everything that happens to other people.

Human freedom in all its manifestations is the basis of modern democratic regimes, the main value of liberalism. It finds expression in the legislative consolidation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens in the constitutions of states, in international covenants and declarations. In modern society, a tendency towards expanding human freedom is becoming more and more clear.

Responsibility is a self-regulator of an individual’s activity, an indicator of the social and moral maturity of an individual. Responsibility presupposes that a person has a sense of duty and conscience, the ability to exercise self-control and self-government. Conscience acts as a controller of all human actions. The choice made by a person, the decision made, means that the person is ready to take full responsibility, even for what he could not foresee. The inevitability of the risk of doing “the wrong thing” or “the wrong thing” presupposes that a person has courage, which is extremely important at all stages of his activity: both when making a decision, and in the process of its implementation, and, especially in case of failure. However, freedom is associated not only with extreme importance and responsibility, but also with a person’s ability to make the right choice, with his courage and with a number of other factors.

It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between freedoms and civic responsibilities. Expanding personal rights and freedoms and strengthening the rule of law. Freedom and historical utmost importance. How do you understand Sartre’s words: “Man is nothing more than a projection of his free decisions... man is doomed to freedom”? Do you agree with the statement: “It is impossible to live in society and be free from society?” By answering these questions sincerely, you will be able to know the truth.

Topic: Diversity of the world of communication.

Communication is a mutual relationship, business or friendly relationship between people.

Communication with a real partner - interpersonal, group, representative, communication of cultures

Communication with an illusory partner - communication with animals, communication with a thing

Communication with an imaginary partner - self-communication (communication with your second ʼʼIʼʼ), communication with the image of an absent real person, communication with a mythological artistic image

Communication between imaginary partners (artistic characters)

It is helpful for students to learn some additional information about the Socratic method, a way of discovering truth through dialogue.

This is how Socrates attracted his future biographer Xenophon to be one of his students. He met him on a narrow street and, touching him with a stick, asked: “Where do they buy flour?” “At the market,” came the answer. ʼʼAnd the butter?ʼʼ — ʼʼThere. - “And where to go to become wise?” The young man was struck by the meaning of the opposition: people generally know what relates to their bodily needs, and absolutely nothing is known about what should constitute the highest good and value of life. follow me! - said Socrates, - you must find out. Xenophon wrote: “Socrates held this opinion: if someone knows what a given object is, then he can explain it to others, and if he does not know, then he himself is mistaken and leads others into error. In view of this, he never stopped studying with his friends the questions of what each subject was.

How did Socrates help his listeners to “give birth to knowledge”? Through a series of questions, he forced the interlocutor to either admit that he did not understand the problem, that is, admit his ignorance, or replenish and correct his knowledge. “Why do I ask you,” Socrates addressed the sophist Gorgias, “and not say it myself?” This is done for the sake of conversation. It must go in such a way that its course shows us in perfect clarity what we are talking about.

“They say that nature gave everyone two ears and one tongue so that they could talk less than listen.” Plutarch

“If you want to please people, follow the rule: be a good listener. Encourage other people to talk about themselves. Carnegie

Exercise: “Why listening is important”

Goal: Identify why you need to listen well.

1. Ask students: “If you were unable to hear for 24 hours, what would you not be able to do?” Write the answers on the board. Below are the possible answers:

get information; find out how something is done; understand what someone needs; find out how someone is feeling; have fun (TV, music, cinema); understand what someone needs; find out how someone is feeling; share with friends (problems, joys, etc.), communicate with those you like; protect yourself from danger (hear a car horn when crossing the street).

2. Discuss the following questions:

Can you share a time when you listened and regretted it?

When should “disobedience” be dangerous?

Exercise: “Correct and incorrect listening”

Tell them that today's lesson is about one of the most important skills - listening to another person. Ask a student to come forward and talk about the last movie they saw. During his story, demonstrate poor listening: look to the side; pretend that you are bored; interrupt; look at your watch;

After a few minutes, stop the game and ask the class to applaud the storyteller. Questions for the class:

—Did I listen to the speaker?

- How did you understand that I didn’t listen?

“What actions of mine told you that I wasn’t listening?” (Write the answers on the board.) - How did ... react when I didn’t listen?

“How do you think he felt when I didn’t listen?”

Write the signs of “non-listening” behavior on the board.

Ask another student to come forward and tell you about a favorite activity, hobby, etc. While telling the story, demonstrate good listening: maintain eye contact with the speaker; sit facing your partner, nod, smile if necessary; don't interrupt; ask questions to help you better understand the problem; repeat what you hear to make sure you understand correctly; show that you recognize the value of the speaker’s feelings, problems, efforts.

Questions for the class:

- Did I listen this time?

- How did you guess that I was listening?

- What actions of mine suggested this to you? (Write the answers on the board).

- How did you react when I listened?

- How do you think he felt when I listened carefully to his story?

Write the signs of good listening on the board.

Exercise “Undamaged phone”

Purpose: to fix in the minds of students the problems associated with the inability to listen. Aim them to master active listening techniques.

Give instructions: “Now we will play the game “Undamaged phone”. The task of the participants is to remember the information as best as possible and accurately convey it to the next person. We will share information one-on-one. First, those interested (5-6 students) will go out the door and enter the classroom one by one. I will give the information to the first person to enter. Then he will pass it on to the next person who comes in, but without me. Invite those who want to take part in the game to go out the door. Please note that those remaining should pay close attention to what is happening, recording: a) the listening methods used by the participants; b) distortion of information.

They must also maintain the maximum possible silence and not give hints or disturb the players.

ʼʼI'll give you the information. Your task is to listen to it and convey it to the next participant in as much detail as possible.

So: the head teacher Marina Petrovna said that the geography teacher called. Her son fell ill with mumps, and therefore she cannot come to the second lesson tomorrow. And on Thursday, instead of geography, there will be Russian, the end of the term is approaching. Don’t waste your time, don’t forget that on March 10th there is a city amateur art competition. A number from you, but no tricks, otherwise it will be like last year. Let Smirnov go to the head teacher in person.

Are you ready to pass on information?ʼʼ

If the answer is positive, invite the next participant. If the first one has questions, clarify them (you cannot repeat the entire text a second time). After sharing information, remember to ask students if they are willing to pass it on to the next participant.

Rules for Good Listening

1. Try to concentrate on the person who is addressing you.

2. Pay attention not only to the word, but also to the sound of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc.

3. Show the speaker how you understand him. This can be done by repeating in your own words what you heard or the meaning of what you were told.

4. Don't judge.

5. Don't give advice. Assessments and advice, even when they are given with the best intentions, usually limit the freedom of expression of the speaker and prevent him from highlighting the most significant points in his words.

The role of will in self-improvement

Self-improvement is the purposeful development of valuable qualities and abilities, as well as personal growth consistent with a person’s goals. Will plays a decisive role for successful self-development. For example, a person who strives for self-improvement with all his soul, but does not take any steps to realize himself, only dreaming of the heights that he can achieve, will never fully reveal his potential. It's a matter of will. If a person is diligent, sometimes through force, and does not give in to laziness, it means that he is ready to develop.

In addition, a harmoniously developing person must have his own opinion and not be afraid to express it, even if it is opposite to the public one. To do this, you also need to have developed willpower.

From childhood, a child gets used to the fact that the opinion of his parents is undeniable; he is taught not to contradict and agree with his elders in everything. The child has to adapt first to his parents, then to his teachers and peers, and thus his willpower is muffled, his own opinion merges with that of others, and the child can no longer make decisions on his own.

Therefore, if society’s point of view goes against your beliefs, listen to yourself first. There is no need to bend under other people's pressure - you need to overcome it, and only in this case will you be able to achieve something more.

Another common enemy of those who have embarked on the path of self-improvement is internal doubts and uncertainty. “What will others think about my actions?”, “Will I really succeed?”, “Am I doing the right thing by doing this and not otherwise?” — the appearance of all these questions in my head is logical and understandable. However, they should be driven away, since the longer you delay making a decision, the more time you will waste. It’s better to try, even if unsuccessfully, than not to try at all - this way you will at least gain experience.

Areas of personal self-realization

Each person's abilities can manifest themselves in different areas. For some in creativity, for others in profession, and for others in science or sports. Few people succeed in achieving equally high performance in several areas of life at once, because most often all resources and opportunities are aimed at one specific goal.

To determine your direction, just follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Objectively evaluate your talents and abilities. It is easier to develop and implement those areas in which there is great potential and talent.
  2. Analyze your positive and negative qualities without focusing on the opinions of others.
  3. Highlight all types of activities in which you are interested in realizing yourself.
  4. Next to each activity marked, write down the qualities that will help you achieve success.
  5. Analyze the result. Setting priorities and identifying talents will allow you to correctly determine the direction in which you are more likely to achieve success.

Development of potential is not necessarily possible only in creative terms. That's why there are several types of self-expression.

Responsibility for your choice

Whatever decision you make, it will definitely have consequences, the responsibility for which will fall on your shoulders. You need to understand that every action you perform, every word, action and even look has its own outcome. It is logical that the resulting outcome may or may not satisfy a person, that is, be positive or negative for him.

The ability to take responsibility for every decision is another important point necessary for successful self-improvement. Therefore, before taking any action, you need to immediately think about what consequences it may lead to. If the result does not depend on you and your risks are minimal, then try and take risks, get out of your comfort zone. However, if the situation is completely under your control, then make every effort to achieve the desired result. For example, if you make a promise, then keep it.

Only a person who is fully aware of the consequences of his actions and takes responsibility for his decisions can be considered a person on the path to self-realization.

Ways of personal self-realization

Methods of human self-realization are directly related to types of potential development. Every day we demonstrate our qualities, abilities and skills in work, in our profession, and in communicating with people. Now another method is intensively developing - the information network.

Despite this, the most relevant way of personal self-realization is creativity. Even if you have no ability for art or science, you should not deny this method of personal self-realization. The creative aspect can be present when solving professional problems or life problems in any field. This method of self-expression promotes maximum potential, self-development and achievement of goals in various areas of life.

We advise

  1. Decide on your goals. Think about what you would like to do in the future, so as not to grab onto everything in a row and not quit what you started halfway. Identify one area of ​​your life that you want to improve first. Start with smaller goals and gradually move on to larger and larger achievements. For example, start doing exercises first thing in the morning or join a gym.
  2. Come up with a plan of action. It may be a little vague at first, but you will become more specific as you begin to execute it. By following it, you will have an idea of ​​where you are heading and what steps you need to take to get there.
  3. Prepare yourself mentally. Dispel all fears and doubts about your future, overcome internal barriers, protect yourself from external pressure and realize that only you are responsible for your life. Once again, strengthen your faith that you will succeed. Understand that only you are the architect of your own happiness.
  4. Take action. The most difficult thing is to take the first step, then everything will go like clockwork. Prepare for the fact that it will not be easy for you at first, but you will soon get used to it and the changes you make in your life will be easier.
  5. Ask your family to support you. On the path of each person, difficult situations may arise, from which it will be difficult to get out without the help and support of loved ones. If you don’t know what to do and have completely given up, be sure to turn to those who love you - together you will definitely come up with something.
  6. Expand your social circle. In the process of self-improvement, you will find new acquaintances and friends. Try to get to know them better, they can tell and teach you what you didn’t know or couldn’t do yet. New people will help you improve and develop further, as they will provide you with new emotions and knowledge.
  7. Do not give up. In order to achieve something, you need to work hard and put in maximum effort. Therefore, don’t give up if you don’t succeed on the first try, it’s better to try again.
  8. Don't stop there. A popular expression says that there is no limit to perfection. If you have achieved what you originally planned to achieve, set new goals for yourself. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.

Self-realization is impossible without personal freedom. To unlock your potential easily and successfully, you need to follow the simple tips listed above. The main thing is not to put everything off until later, but to start acting right now.

Types of personal self-realization

Experts identify three main directions or types of personal self-realization:

  • professional;
  • creative;
  • social.

Most often, only one type of the presented options is a priority for an individual.

Professional self-realization of personality

What is professional self-realization is the achievement of the set goals of work, in accordance with the chosen profession and the position held at the moment.

For men, in most cases, a career is seen as a way of personal self-realization. The disclosure of a person’s potential occurs in conditions of socially useful activity, therefore, the broadest prospects open up in the professional sphere.

Self-expression in this direction is characterized by the formation of professional thinking:

  • understanding of one’s own belonging to the chosen profession;
  • awareness of one’s place in the hierarchy of professional profiles;
  • assessment of the degree of recognition in a given professional field;
  • understanding your strengths and weaknesses in this aspect, adequately assessing successes and failures;
  • understanding the prospects for further development in work and its role in life in general.

The listed characteristics allow us to determine the level of professional self-realization.

Creative self-realization of personality

Creativity is an integral aspect of human activity. The material wealth that surrounds us is the result of the work of scientists and great masters. Creative activity is the basis of technical progress, development of the material and spiritual sphere of humanity. That is why there is a direct connection between the implementation of a person’s creative abilities and the implementation of socially significant aspects of society.

Experts argue that the most complete development of creative abilities is manifested when implemented in socially significant activities. But at the same time, the internal needs of the individual must be taken into account. As a result, in the process of creative self-expression, a personal worldview is formed. The successful result of realizing potential in this area is the creation of a masterpiece in the field of art or a scientific discovery that contributes to the development of humanity.

Social self-realization

Social self-realization affects such an important aspect as relationships with people. Therefore, the goal of this type of development of one’s own potential is to build relationships that will bring a sense of satisfaction and a sense of happiness, freedom, and independence. At the same time, the individual is focused on the only necessary actions for himself, and not those imposed by society.

As a result of social self-realization, such personality qualities as responsibility, sociability, hard work, etc. are formed and developed. This type is characterized by the statement “I am for others.” In this case, professional recognition or a high level of income is not guaranteed; success for an individual is the opportunity to carry out activities for other people.

Belief in your own capabilities

Without this component nothing will happen. Only faith makes us move forward even when other guidelines are lost. Before starting to act in the direction of a planned goal, a person needs to know that he is capable of achieving it. This is why people so often give up on implementing their plans without even taking the first step. They simply do not believe in themselves, they consider them unworthy of all sorts of rewards and gifts from fate! Self-determination and self-realization of the individual occupy a leading position in the process of effective advancement.

When there is no faith in success, nothing can happen. A person draws inner strength from his own source of inspiration. When it is empty, no bright ideas enter your head, life seems gray and meaningless.

Need for self-realization

Even if a person seems quite indecisive, he still has some desires that ask to be released. Everyone has personal ambitions to one degree or another. It’s just that not everyone has the courage to express them openly, without concealment. Many are afraid of being ridiculed by others, so they hide their true intentions under the guise of indifferent friendliness. Personal self-realization is the need to be heard, understood and accepted by society

Social interaction is also very important for humans. We all strive to find our place in life, express ourselves as much as possible, and achieve significant success.

The need for self-actualization can be seen most clearly in young children. They have not yet found a reason to doubt themselves and do not reject their plans. Children do not know how to lie, but behave naturally in any situation. It would not occur to them to feign joy when their souls are sad and gloomy. Self-realization of an individual is its primary need, without which no development will be possible.

Opportunity potential

Each of us has great potential hidden within us. Most people don't even know about it. Continuing to live an ordinary, unnoticed life, they do not have the opportunity to gain precious experience of getting to know their own inner world. If only we could somehow measure our rich potential, we would certainly be surprised. How many closed doors would open at once! So why is fear so restrictive that it prevents you from taking action, setting realistic daily goals, and striving to achieve a true state of happiness?

Think about what you are spending your life on. Do you spend many hours playing computer games? Are you striving to develop? Do you know what your top priority is? You should never give up on your dreams and exchange them for dubious pleasures.

Intrapersonal search

It begins when an individual begins to ask himself questions regarding self-determination. Who am I and what should I do in life? How to start doing what you love if you don’t have the strength and opportunity to at least try and leave the job you don’t like? Such questions encourage action and push for a deep understanding of current events. An intrapersonal search can continue for several years until a person makes a final decision for himself. Here you can’t rush or limit yourself in choice. You need to be able to listen to your own voice, notice the slightest changes in consciousness.

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