Is it possible to make a man fall in love by ignoring him: effective methods of attracting love?

“The less we love a woman, the more she likes us,” wrote the great poet Alexander Pushkin in one of his works. This rule also works in the opposite direction. Paradoxical as it may seem, we always crave what is not available to us.



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Why should you ignore a man?

Many girls think about how they can attract the attention of the man they love, make the guy want her and become his “one and only”?

Ignoring a man is an effective way to get the attention of your chosen one.

Men, by nature, are warriors and conquerors; they need to prove that they are good in any area of ​​their lives, and an inaccessible girl for them is an unyielding fortress that must be conquered. Many guys (especially attractive ones) are already accustomed to excessive attention from ladies: someone runs after them, and they, accordingly, try to run away, some simply hang on to them, flirt, catch their every word with their mouths open. Young people are quite tired of this behavior, they are fed up with excessive attention and easy winnings, but as soon as the young man realizes that he is indifferent to you, you will be able to interest him, because you will stand out from the rest.

So, what do you get from ignoring a man:

  1. The guy will always seek only your attention. The less you show him, the more obsessed he will become.
  2. Awaken his hunting instinct. It is easier to fall in love with a man who ignores him, because by nature he has the instinct of a hunter, the desire to possess becomes greater than anything else. If you pretend that you don't need him, make him feel like you're unattainable and trigger the right mechanism in his heart.
  3. He will appreciate you more if you fall in love with a man in this way, since you are forbidden fruit for him, which the “knight” won for a long time and diligently. And what comes to us hard, we cherish and value most of all.
  4. You show him your uniqueness. Ignoring a man can help you stand out from the crowd. It will be strange for him that women who are indifferent to him stick to him, and the girl he likes does not want to hear about him. This will make you think that there is something special and unique about you.
  5. Stimulate his ambition. The desire to achieve a goal, gain control and taste the forbidden fruit will play on his pride and ego and make him do anything to get you.
  6. You will maintain peaceful relations. In the case when a guy deliberately brings you into conflict, ignoring him will help cool his ardor and you may have more harmonious communication. The ability to competently build relationships will also contribute to his interest in you.

Start a hobby

Your life is not limited to a man. Sign up for dancing, a master class in clay modeling or an English club, expand your own interests and devote time to them.

On the one hand, you will stop giving all your time to a man, on the other hand, you will be able to reveal yourself, learn new things and fill yourself with energy. Agree, it’s so boring to communicate with a person with whom you are together 24/7, and everything new in your life means joint evenings and problems.

Hobby will become like another man’s rival for your attention; he will feel that he cannot call you to him at any time when he wants.

What should you consider before you decide to make a man fall in love with lack of attention?

It is important to note that fall in love by ignoring only if the man has a strong enough attraction to you. If the connection between you is weak, then you may be left with nothing at all. If he is ignored by almost a stranger, then he most likely will not notice it and, of course, will not spend a lot of effort trying to attract a girl for whom he feels absolutely nothing. That is why you should first flirt with a man, capture his attention, make him like you, and only then start ignoring him.

The benefits of apparent indifference

Dasha drew attention to her new colleague at a seminar organized by the company for employees in one of the Turkish hotels. Having decided to outshine everyone with a beautiful, even tan at the evening banquet, she carefully smeared herself with cream and headed to the beach. When she returned to her room, she discovered that she was covered in spots like a cheetah - the tube turned out to be self-tanner. There was no talk of going to the event.

The next day, a handsome colleague approached her himself and asked why she was not there. He was pretty tired during the evening from the flirting attempts of the entire female part of the team, and singled out Dasha from the crowd only because she didn’t try to attract his attention.

Ignoring a man is necessary when he is too accustomed to female attention. Dasha did not plan this option in advance; in this case, the situation developed naturally and naturally, which only enhanced the effect.

Ignoring will be effective if your man is a hunter by nature.

He will put all his strength into achieving the goal, winning, winning. Then interest fades away, he cares little about the result. This feature can be quickly identified: he spends days and nights at work launching a project, but a week after success he has already started something new. Or, as a child, I devoted a lot of energy and time to clog training, but after winning a city competition, I abruptly quit. As soon as such a man realizes that he has conquered you, his feelings will be replaced by indifference. In this case, you need to strictly follow the chosen tactics, be sure to take pauses. Light flirting with men is quite acceptable - competition is a very powerful incentive for such a person. The main thing is to stay within the bounds of decency - he will not forgive an offended sense of property.

How to fall in love by ignoring correctly?

  1. Stop all communication. Once you've flirted with him and gotten his attention, stop all contact with him for a short period of time. To make a man fall in love, give him the opportunity to miss you; if he is really interested in you, he will certainly find a way to contact you.
  2. Use social media less. You should stop constantly maintaining your social networks. On the one hand, this is a good way to show. That you feel great without him, go out with friends, and that other men also show signs of interest in you. But it’s still worth slowing down a little, you can’t have photographs flashing in front of his nose every two seconds, otherwise he’ll learn everything about your life in detail, and he won’t be so interested in communicating with you in person. Plus, you don’t need to like and comment on his posts and photos, otherwise he will think that you are very interested in his life and can’t live without him.
  3. You will be a mystery. Men like women with a touch of mystery. Of course, you shouldn’t give him a whole detective investigation about what you ate for breakfast. But you shouldn’t reveal all your cards at once. Let him deserve answers to all his questions. It will be much easier to fall in love with someone who ignores you if they want to figure you out.
  4. Don't answer right away. If a man wrote to you first, then you should not immediately rush and answer. Wait a couple of hours, or maybe days. Let him know that you have more important things to do than his text or call.
  5. End contact first. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a dialogue on social networks or a phone call, you should always be the first to end the conversation. The last word should be his, so you will make the man fall in love and he will have a feeling of some kind of reticence, after which he will want to communicate with you again.
  6. Don't break down. It is very important that you finish the job (but still do not go too far). You can’t sit and idealize your chosen one, and then break loose after a couple of hours and start writing love letters to him. You can fall in love with someone who ignores you only if you wait a certain pause. Think about what his shortcomings are? What habits irritate you? If you think about its disadvantages, it will help you last longer.

Recommendations from psychologists

Psychologists recommend not making the ignore partial, so as not to create a feeling of dissonance in the chosen one. For example, if you plan to stop responding to a man's messages, you should also not answer calls or accept meetings. An exception is calls from a spouse from another city: perhaps he needs your urgent help, or he wants to tell you important news that cannot be ignored.

You should come out of ignorance gradually when you feel that you are close to your goal. If you see that a man is interested in you, you should not immediately start a conversation or invite him for a cup of coffee.

Show signs of attention (smile, greeting), but continue to keep your distance.

Don't let the coldness that comes with being ignored ruin your relationship. Remember that feigned indifference is a game, and if you do not intend to break up, make it clear that you want a truce. Men don't understand hints, but a loving partner will do everything to keep the woman close.

Olga F.

Appreciate him only for his actions

Men have long understood that they can pull the wool over a girl’s ears, promise to remove the moon from the sky, and then get what they want from gullible ladies and leave. Ignoring a man is an effective way, but you should remember that you should value him only for real deeds, and not for promises. Let him woo you by performing “feats.” Letting him in after a beautiful tirade about eternal love will be too easy.

You've probably wondered at least once in your life how you can make a man fall in love with you ?

The strong half of humanity, by nature, are hunters and conquerors, they need to get a woman and prove that they are worthy of her. In order to stand out in the crowd and arouse his keen interest, you need to show your indifference. You can make a man fall in love with you by ignoring him only if you follow certain rules. You should never go too far, and you should start using different methods of ignoring him only after you are convinced that your partner is really interested in you enough.

If a relationship with a specific man is important to you, and you are worried that you won’t be able to cope on your own, then we recommend that you seek advice from our specialists. It’s free, and by seeking practical advice, you will increase your chances of success, and, quite possibly, you will be able to get the desired attention of your partner. Write to us in the order form about your situation, and we will be happy to help you.



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  • Hidden threat

    Ignoring tactics can bring great results, but they must be used very carefully. You must understand that this is a type of manipulation. A man will be interested in you, but this does not mean that sympathy and love will automatically appear. Their place can be taken by painful attachment, turning into dependence. A man artificially deprived of freedom of choice can become obsessive, suspicious and even aggressive. In such a situation, both of you will suffer, and there will be no happy ending; the result of the relationship will not bring happiness. Be careful if you are trying to improve an existing relationship by ignoring them. Indifference does not intrigue close people, but hurts them.

    Finally - an unusual technique

    Let's do a thought experiment.

    Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You could get any man and have an ideal relationship, and you would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem.

    And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

    We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls find ideal relationships and feel loved.

    If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

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