Association experiment or free association method


The method of free association or associative experiment was first used by Francis Galton and Wilhelm Wundt in the 80s of the 19th century to study mental processes. At the beginning of the twentieth century, E. Kraepelin, Z. Freud and K. Jung began to use it in psychiatry to study the unconscious. The essence of the method in this case was a quick spontaneous response with the first word that came to mind to the presented “word-stimulus”. The universality of associative processes was the reason for the applied use of this method in the 70s of the twentieth century in management, business, advertising and inventive creativity.

Method functions

1. The association method can be an effective way to creatively solve problems and find new solutions, and can also be used to identify all possible signs and properties of the object under study. 2. It can be considered as a heuristic technique used to get rid of traditional, stereotypical connections, undermine stereotypes, develop a completely new view of the problem and achieve originality, freshness, surprise of ideas and solutions. 3. The method of associations acts as a way to expand the semantic space of a problem, obtain unexpected images, concepts and meanings, and highlight new possibilities. 4. The method acts as a way to awaken fantasy and imagination, activate creative thinking in solving various applied problems.

The essence and purpose of the method

The essence of the method is to find as many distant and unexpected associations as possible to the object or problem under consideration and create new connections between these associations and the original object. Creating semantic connections between a problem and an associative object (concept, image, feeling, phenomenon or process) found in various ways is a means of discerning and finding an analogy, which contains a creative idea. The use of the method allows you to break old connections, destroy stereotypes, highlight new contests and thereby build a bridge to analogies, which act as powerful generators of new ideas. It is the analogies found with the help of associative connections that contain the most powerful, fresh and unexpected solutions.

Translation of creativity

We offer you a translation of the word creativity into English, German and French. Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service

  • To English
  • To German
  • To French
  • creativity
    - creative, creative work, creativity social creativity - social creativity
  • oeuvre
  • creative
    — creative
      creativity of writers - creative writers
  • work
    - Job
      scientific creativity
  • art
    - art
      folk art - folk art
  • creation
    - creation
      artistic creativity
  • creative activity
    - creative activity
    • Werk
      - work
    • Werke
    • Schaffen
      - work
    • Schöpfertum
    • Kunstschaffen
      - artistic creativity
    • Oeuvre
      - creative heritage
    • creation
      - work, creation, contemporary creativity - creation contemporaine
  • art
    - art
  • effort creator
  • Hypo-hyperonymic relationships

    change process activity creativity essay article

    What is creativity (adjectives)?

    Selection of adjectives for words based on the Russian language.

    folk literary artistic oral poetic own early free collective scientific children's any pure musical present any late historical technical authentic true living criminal religious further original verbal individual personal song inspired human spiritual composer oral similar subsequent visual mature writer independent spontaneous spontaneous alien culinary original exceptional social independent impossible related fantastic other written genius no rich national multifaceted cultural executive state Russian amateur

    What can creativity do? What can you do with creativity (verbs)?

    Selection of verbs for words based on the Russian language.

    render get have cause like seem perceived bring out exposed remain shift bring flow promote prove have to give remain develop wear conclude help serve continue to flourish have to form differ help mingle lose capture become settle go determine study create consist reduce commemorate arise reflect abound compose absorb consider come count appear build up pour out act dry up precede attract call put appear blossom express stand lose turn

    Associations to the word creativity

    coeloma region curse particular failure year knowledge extension point search basis craft side style degree comparison life plagiarism law tradition ocean setting invention sphere art help football end west Peredelkino emigration bypass feature science genre crisis view world involvement condition theater school beach republic process work Yalta ardor description mass Russia criterion Moldova level college measure moment minister given era name author knowledge

    Hypernyms for creativity

    1. activity generation

    Hyponyms for creativity

    1. essay poetry plot

    Scope of use of the word creativity

    General vocabulary Legal term Art Advertising Patents

    Methodological and theoretical foundations of the method

    Fundamental principles 1. The principle of universal connection , community and unity of all objects and phenomena of the world. Everything is connected to everything. Associative connections are global in nature and arise between any objects that have any common characteristics. Any word can generate in the mind a limitless system of connections and relationships. 2. The principle of universality of the basic laws and structures of creativity. Creative mechanisms and operating principles of one field of activity are transferred to another. 3. The principle of inexhaustibility and endless wealth of the world. The world is wider, richer and more diverse than we see and what it seems to us. A word - a stimulus - generates a limitless system of connections in our minds, awakening the most diverse and unexpected images. 4. The principle of pragmatism. The whole world appears as a resource: everything can be useful, we have the entire Universe at our disposal. 5. The principle of unity of the conscious and the unconscious , subconscious creative activity. Associations are ways of spontaneous generation of unconscious content, bridges, transition zones between conscious and subconscious processes. Associative thinking is carried out with disabled or delayed logical analysis.

    Theoretical foundations Association is understood as a reflection in human consciousness of the relationship between objects of reality and mental ideas, concepts, sensations, perceptions, experiences, motor acts, in which one idea of ​​an object gives rise to another, similar to it. The stimulus object for generating associations can be any objects in the surrounding world: randomly selected words, symbols, pictures, melodies. At the internal, mental level, associations are understood as connections between individual ideas, in which one of the ideas causes another, and at the psychophysiological level - as a conditioned reflex. Associations appear without active perception, spontaneously and without logical evaluation. The strength, originality and brightness of associations depends on the richness of a person’s inner world, experience, orientation and his individual characteristics. Discovery and establishment of new associative connections. In the process of the emergence of associations, extraordinary relationships are established between the object being improved or the problem being solved and randomly selected elements of the external world and the internal world, including the contents of EXPERIENCE. When discovering or creating new associative connections, the consciousness and subconscious of a person begins to generate new ideas. The very process of discovery and birth of new associative connections and finding new analogies leads to the creation of original ideas and creative solutions to the problem. Thus, the following creative chain is created: a problem or an object being improved - a word found using free associations - the discovery of a connection between the problem and this word - the creation of an analogy - the birth of an original idea. Creativity is understood as the connection of distant phenomena, concepts and meanings, types of activities, different worlds and spheres of reality. At the same time, using useful functional analogies based on the created connections, allows you to transfer operating principles, successful methods of action and methods of solving problems from familiar worlds to newly discovered ones.

    When using projection methods, respondents are placed in certain simulated situations in the hope that they will express information about themselves that cannot be obtained during a direct survey, for example, regarding the use of drugs, alcohol, receiving tips, etc.
    We can distinguish the following specific methods that are part of the projection methods: associative methods, testing with [p.130] Associative methods include associative conversations and associative testing of words or verbal association. In the process of associative conversation, the respondent is guided by questions of this kind: What does this or that make you think about..., What thoughts do you now have in connection with, etc. This method allows the interviewee to say whatever comes to his mind. In the event that some respondents experience difficulties in wanting to clarify the level of their preferences, if only because of an insufficient vocabulary, they are limited to several answer options. [p.131]

    Historical-associative methods of risk and uncertainty analysis involve the use of historical information. In this regard, the question arises about the legality of using information gleaned from history. For example, in Japan in the post-war period (after World War II), the so-called quality control circles operated extremely interestingly and effectively. Members of the circles were 20% of all employees; each of these circle members gave up to 60 rationalization proposals per year, and this in turn brought an average of 5 thousand dollars [p.234]

    Associative methods of simulation modeling (statistical modeling, system dynamics), historical and logical analysis. [p.327]

    Historical-associative methods of risk and uncertainty analysis involve the use of information of a historical nature. In this regard, the question arises about the legality of using information gleaned from history. For example, in Japan after World War II, so-called quality control circles operated effectively. This experience showed that 20% of all employees were members of the circles, that each of these circle members gave up to 60 rationalization proposals per year, and this, in turn, brought an average annual effect of 5 thousand dollars. The Japanese never hid their experience and were proud of their achievements. Therefore, it seemed that it was necessary to adopt existing experience as quickly as possible and benefit from it. It seemed that the risk of transferring existing experience was minimal. Such attempts were made in the USSR and the USA without taking into account that the human material of the countries is different. [p.139]

    Before conducting international marketing research, it is necessary to determine which method is more appropriate to apply. Associative methods (word associations), situation completion methods (sentence and story completion), and expressive methods (role play, third person method) involve the use of verbal responses. Methods for constructing a situation (response based on drawings and animation tests) use non-verbal examples (drawings). Regardless of what examples are given, verbal [p.215]

    Asymmetry, 561 Associative methods, 208 Attributive levels, levels [p.947]

    The class of formalized methods, depending on the general principles of action, can be divided into groups of extrapolation, system-structural, associative methods and methods of advanced information. [p.11]

    The group of predictive extrapolation methods can include methods of least squares, exponential smoothing, probabilistic modeling and adaptive smoothing. The group of system-structural methods includes methods of functional-hierarchical modeling, morphological analysis, matrix, network modeling, structural analogy. Associative methods can be divided into methods of simulation modeling and historical and logical analysis. The group of advanced information methods includes methods for analyzing publication flows, assessing the significance of inventions, and analyzing patent information. [p.11]

    When using projection methods, respondents are placed in certain simulated situations in the hope that respondents will express information about themselves that cannot be obtained during a direct survey, for example, regarding the use of drugs, alcohol, receiving tips, etc. The following specific methods can be distinguished, which are part of the projection methods: associative methods, testing using sentence completion, testing illustrations, testing drawings, role-playing, retrospective conversations and conversations based on creative imagination. [p.14]

    Currently in Russia, in the context of the development of market methods of economic management, the role of associative forms of activity and integrated enterprise management structures is increasing. New forms of integration of economic entities are being approved 1) through the entry of enterprises into vertical structures (corporate groups), reorganized from industry structures or created anew 2) based on the formation of horizontal associative entities. In both the first and second cases, the necessary coordination and organizational and financial interaction are ensured, effective systems of technological development, a sustainable market strategy, and resource support for corporate financial institutions are created. [p.98]

    Semantic units are obtained by statistical processing of texts, which is based on universal mechanisms for determining the frequency characteristics of terms. The problem of knowledge extraction is solved in two stages: first, a terminological network (knowledge field) is formed, and then the associative proximity of terms is determined based on a statistically determined measure of association. The advantage of the considered method is the automatic identification of significant words and connections, taking into account statistical information about the hypertext as a whole. [p.260]

    Semantic networks. The interconnection of concepts (objects) of a subject area in the form of a structure containing the semantics of relationships (connections) and concepts (vertices) is called semantic networks. An example of hierarchical semantic networks is frames. In Fig. IX shows a fragment of a semantic network that describes the relationship of concepts in the model Surface to be processed - Processing method - Main technological equipment. The relations /р f2, f3, f4 and fs are associative relations (such as being consistent/compatible), the remaining relations are hierarchical relations (such as part-whole). [p.570]

    The list method of organizing arrays is based on a direct method of placing individual records in the machine's memory, which are connected to each other using communication addresses. Each array entry is provided with addresses. Based on the associative connections between individual indicators, records are combined into groups (lists) according to one or more key characteristics. Information is placed randomly in the lists. Due to the presence of additional (address) information, arrays require a significant increase in memory. [p.73]

    The means-end model assumes that there is an associative network including properties, conclusions and values ​​that reflect real needs, which must be clearly understood when developing the content of an advertising message. Therefore, effective advertising must address all levels, and not just highlight the features of the product. The buyer's basic positive judgments should be communicated through verbal and visual methods, and the driving force of advertising should be the appropriate level of value of the product offered. [p.253]

    The method is based on the ability of the human brain to establish connections between words, concepts, feelings, thoughts, impressions, i.e. establish associative connections. This leads to the fact that a single word, observation, etc. can evoke in the mind the reproduction of previously experienced thoughts, perceptions and include rich information from past experience to solve the task. Analogy is a good stimulator of associations, which, in turn, stimulate creativity. There are many examples of analogies, among which the following can be noted [p.75]

    The system synthesis method involves studying the totality of individual functional elements from which the control system is built. Their composition and number must be sufficiently necessary to create a mechanism for the functioning of this system. Preliminary research work is aimed at determining the purpose and functions of each element. In this case, the analysis first examines the capabilities of each element separately, and then in their associative totality to ensure the implementation of its purpose and performance of management functions. [p.228]

    The factual basis and the author's conjecture are imaginary dialogues, episodes reflecting the possible actions of the hero. The composition of satirical genres, which belong to the genres of artistic journalism, is freer than informational and analytical ones. The composition can be shifted in time. The method of comparison, the method of contrasting comparisons, and the method of associative connections are used. Unlike the feuilleton, the pamphlet has a sharper satirical tone. The use of sarcasm, irony, and grotesque when creating a satirical type in a pamphlet is typical. Satirical typification and plot features in a feuilleton are completely at the mercy of the unique style of the author. [p.394]

    Decision-making methods include logical inference, inference in networks of objects, and associative inference. Logical inference can be rigorous, using formal systems, or lax, allowing heuristic procedures. Inference on networks is carried out using overlay, matching, inheritance, message passing and special attached procedures. Inference training is carried out in associative networks [p.103]

    In terms of its functioning, this element is an element of type I, but we retain its name given to it by the authors of the RPS method. Typically, an associative element is understood as an element that implements a certain threshold function. [p.174]

    Along with the analysis of secondary information (Chapter 4), qualitative research is the main method of conducting exploratory research 3). Qualitative research is used to define a problem or develop an approach (Chapter 2). In developing an approach to solving a problem, qualitative research is often used to generate hypotheses and identify variables used in the study. If the final (quantitative) research is not carried out, then qualitative research and secondary data come to the fore. In this chapter, we will look at the main differences between qualitative and quantitative research and the role of each in the execution of a marketing project. We present to your attention a detailed classification of qualitative research and its main methods - focus groups and in-depth interviews. Let's also consider indirect methods of qualitative research, which are called projection, associative, final, structural and expressive. Let's discuss some ethical issues, as well as the basic principles in conducting research on international markets. At the end of the chapter we will talk about the use and application of computers in qualitative research. Here are some examples of qualitative research in marketing. [p.191]

    The basis for strengthening memory is observation. After observation, the stage of associative thinking begins. There are three natural laws of memorization: the connection method, the system of clues, and observation training. [p.325]

    This is where a variety of creative thinking techniques come to the rescue. Despite all their diversity, professional creators always independently develop their own algorithm of actions, which most often combines modifications of various creative techniques (for example, a combination of brainstorming and the associative method is very effective) and acts of meditation. [p.63]

    Expert knowledge is the knowledge of subject matter specialists. They accumulate accumulated practical experience, skills and techniques in the relevant field. This type of knowledge plays the most important role in weakly structured subject areas in which there are no formal models. Their role is also great in those areas where formal methods are applicable, but it is necessary to make decisions and choices primarily based on experience. Expert knowledge is softer and more superficial. The joint use of conceptual and expert knowledge is extremely important and promising, because together they cover a significant part of the AIS knowledge plane and allow one to combine associative and logical reasoning to solve problems at low computational costs. [p.248]

    The described network actually began to be used to model associative memory, since already in his first work Hopfield indicated a constructive method for constructing synaptic connections between neurons, which in some cases made it possible to remember any predetermined states of the network. [p.95]

    Networks that minimize energy, discussed in the previous chapter, when relaxing to one of their stationary states, essentially solve an optimization problem - searching for the minimum of a certain function of its state - energy. Consequently, both associative sampling of information and identification of prototypes can be formulated as a special case of an optimization problem. In general, optimization problems represent a wide class of problems that are often encountered in practice, in particular, in economics and business. In this chapter we will show how neural networks can be adapted to solve such problems using the example of a very important class of combinatorial optimization problems. Such problems, among other things, will allow us to get acquainted with new optimization methods that differ from the gradient methods that underlie ba kpropagation learning. [p.109]

    This topic deserves more than one book, and indeed a vast literature is devoted to it. In this course of lectures we cannot dwell on it in any detail. Let us briefly consider only the application of the corresponding ideas to the analysis of the Hopfield network. The demonstration of the close analogy that exists between spin glasses and neural networks determined the massive and fruitful invasion of statistical physics methods into the theory of neural networks in the early eighties. The Hopfield network with stochastic neurons was the main model in which the application of these methods turned out to be the most significant. This is an extremely fruitful generalization of the model, in some sense equivalent to the transition to networks with gradual neurons. In it, neurons are stochastic elements and this circumstance opens the way to the use of statistical physics methods to analyze the properties of associative memory. [p.217]

    These forecasting methods involve the use of formalized (mathematical) models, which are divided into [9.3] extrapodative, system-structural, associative and methods with advanced information. [p.327]

    Sometimes interviewers can try to turn on associative thinking by giving the respondent the opportunity to say the first thing that comes to mind in response to a word spoken by the interviewer, a picture or video shown, etc. In this way, they try to find out the associations that people have in response to advertising messages, both in the form of text and in the form of commercials or television advertising programs. They say that the television program The Last Hero, which was broadcast on television (ORT program) in the winter and spring of 2002 and was dedicated to the virgin, almost pristine, life of modern people on an island located in equatorial latitudes - blue sea, yellow sand, green palm trees — was intended to advertise the drink J-7. It evoked in the audience associations associated with the heavenly pleasure figuratively represented by the advertising of Bounty candies - also the sea, sand, palm trees - which, obviously, along with the increase in sales of J-7, also contributed to the growth in sales of candies. Thus, these candies received additional and free advertising. Associative thinking is an important category that determines people’s behavior when making purchases; it can and should be studied through appropriate projection methods. [p.210]

    Then individual graphic or text sketches and symbolic attributes may appear, which at a subsequent stage will be eliminated or combined into a system. Such forms should be grouped by establishing logical relationships between different forms. personal associative characteristics. Among the compiled sets, conservative and democratic, bright and gray stand out. [p.63]

    Along with cost methods, there is a method for assessing brand sustainability, introduced by Resear h International called Lo ator. By identifying the main indicators, such as loyalty, innovation, associativity, long-term traditions, the place of the brand among competitors, which are evaluated according to a similar scheme, is determined. Prompt intervention in the brand life cycle allows you to change indicators to more advanced ones over a long period of time. [p.55]

    At this stage, the tools used are observation methods, interviews, psychophysiological methods, the method of associative experiment, content analysis, etc. Very often, to effectively study perception, mechanical means are used, special cameras, tachisto-scopes to identify spontaneous impressions of advertising material. As a result of the study, indices of attracting involuntary attention, attractiveness and memorability of an advertisement are determined. [p.237]

    Having completed the description of the method based on the use of growing pyramidal networks, we mentioned such a modification of its associative elements that is capable of taking into account the time component of processes and forming a hypothesis about phenomena unfolding over time. This interpretation of induction is not new. Many researchers have proposed that inductive inference schemes, like Mill's, be viewed as statements about the occurrence or non-occurrence of certain events at a given moment and future times. You can get acquainted with a similar approach, for example, from the works [4.37, 4.38]. [p.266]

    A common disadvantage of information languages ​​of the classification type is their poor adaptability to new, not previously provided conditions for the functioning of systems, and the ability to compose queries in these languages ​​of regulated content. These disadvantages are absent in languages ​​of the post-coordinated type, which include descriptor languages ​​based on the use of the coordinate, or associative, indexing method. [p.91]

    In Fig. 5.2 presents the classification of qualitative research methods. They are divided into direct and indirect, depending on whether the respondent knows the true purpose of the study. The direct approach (dire t approa h) is not disguised by the researcher. Respondents are told the purpose of the study or it becomes apparent from the questions asked. This method is used when conducting focus groups and in-depth interviews. In contrast, the indirect approach (indire t hides the true purpose of the study from respondents. In projection research, mainly indirect methods are used, among which are associative, concluding, structural and expressive. Next, we will talk in detail about each of them, starting with the focus group [p.195]

    Focus groups and in-depth interviews are direct methods of collecting information when respondents are told about the real goals of the research being conducted or the task becomes apparent during the survey. Projection methods differ in that with their help marketers try to hide the goal. Projection method tehnique) is an unstructured, indirect form of questioning that encourages respondents to express their ulterior motives, beliefs, attitudes or feelings regarding the issue being discussed, i.e. as if to extract them from the depths of consciousness, demonstrating (projecting) to the researcher [29]. In this kind of research, respondents are asked to explain the behavior of other people, and not their own. In trying to do this, respondents involuntarily express their own beliefs, attitudes and feelings about this or that. Thus, by analyzing the responses of respondents, it is possible to determine their position on this issue. In this case, deliberately vague, unclear and ambiguous questions are asked. The more ambiguous the more people reveal their emotions, needs, motives, attitudes and values. An example is the clinical work on which projection methods are based [30]. As in psychology, they are divided into associative, final, structural and expressive methods. And now about each of them in detail [31]. [p.208]

    Ways to create associations

    1. Free associations are created by spontaneously responding to a given word without any semantic or grammatical restrictions. Moreover, associations can be expressed by any part of speech: a noun, an adjective, a verb, as well as an experience, an image, a symbol. 2. Directed or controlled associations are limited to certain, predetermined conditions. An example of the latter is an instruction that prescribes the creation of associations by contrast, words of a certain part of speech (nouns or adjectives), symbols, colors, names of celebrities, etc. Associations can be generated using the following techniques: a) an association word is instantly given to a word stimulus, b) associations are generated and grouped around a central stimulus word, c) associations are generated in the form of a stream and arranged in the form of a chain in which one association is free gives birth to another.

    In the practice of activating creative problem solving, methods for generating associations are presented as: 1. Generating many associations in response to one stimulus word . This technique is reminiscent of “Mind mapping”, mind mapping or the creation of intellectual circuits. A randomly selected word or object being improved is kept in the focus of attention, and at the same time all association words associated with this object are freely generated. For example: Telephone - waves, computer, music, art, hand, light, heat, vibrations, jacket, world, artificial intelligence, chain, energy, weapon, robot... 2. Representations of a chain of associations, in which a stimulus word generates a sequence of related ones friend of association words, each of which generates the other. For example: Phone - communication - relationships - love - rose - velvet - heat - lamp - sun - life - health ... (The telephone - health connection can serve as a source of a number of original and powerful solutions for improving the device). Forms of generating associations: 1. Individual. 2. Group - in which each member of the group makes up his own “clouds” and “chains” of associations, which serve as the material for a common, mutually enriched pool of associations, ideas and solutions.

    Association method

    If you want to remember something new, you just need to correlate it (find an associative connection) with some already known fact, calling on your imagination to help.

    Tony Buzan "Super Memory"

    Memory Feature

    A person remembers best those facts that are connected with each other and with information the person already has. To remember something you just need to connect different facts into one whole. Connections can be very different, the main thing is that they mean something to a person. They meant - in the broad sense of the word. Some memory, funny story, joke, just made up turn of events that will never happen. The main thing is that they stand out against the general background and be unique for the person memorizing the material.

    Associative method

    One of the ways to memorize is the associative method. It and its variants are also found under other names: the method of chain of associations, the method of associative connections, the chain method of memorization. The method can be used to remember sequences of words, numbers, phone numbers, dates. Knowing how to use this method will be useful for working with other methods, such as the place method, discussed later.

    The essence of the method is that a connection is established between two words or objects, which creates a single whole from objects that have nothing in common.

    What are associations?

    Association is understood as such a connection between objects or phenomena in the human psyche, which, when one of the objects included in the association appears in the mind, entails the appearance of another object. An association can involve two or more objects.

    How to create associations?

    If there is no connection between objects, then it needs to be invented. The connection can be anything: fabulous, fantastic, absurd, funny. The more unusual connections you can come up with, the better you will be able to remember these objects. Let's look at some examples.

    Attic - Cavalry - Imagine horsemen waiting in the attic for the signal to charge in the attic. A trumpet signal sounds and riders on horses struggle to climb through the attic window. Then the horses, like cats, look for a place to descend and jump from the roof. With shouts of hurray, the cavalry rushes to the attack.

    Glass - Goats - two goats rushing towards each other. When the distance between them turns out to be very small, someone’s kind soul manages to insert glass between them - so that the goats do not inadvertently damage each other. They hit the glass with a roar with their horns, which withstands their blow, shrug their shoulders in bewilderment and disperse, leaving the tinkling glass behind them. By doing this, you can connect anything with each other. And the more incredible the association between them, the better.

    There are various ways to create associations, which you can read about here.

    To train memory using the association method, word memorization tasks are used. This exercise may seem to have no practical value. Really, who would need to memorize a random set of words? This is wrong. This method, immediately after mastering, can be used to remember a shopping list, a list of actions that need to be completed during the day, etc. You can remember almost any information from which you can isolate a set of keywords: anecdotes, quotes, recipes, etc.

    To practice creating associations, you can use the “Word Pairs” exercise. To memorize words using this method, there is the “Word List” exercise.

    Method rules

    1. The proposed keyword is a stimulus; it should preferably be a noun and evoke some kind of image. 2. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of spontaneity, play, humor and creativity, conducive to the generation of a rapid flow of free associations among participants. 3. Criticism at the stage of generating associations should be prohibited. 4. Associations should be imaginative, bright, distant, bold, and their change should occur quickly, flexibly and rapidly. 5. It is necessary to write down everything that comes to mind when criticality and logical analysis are turned off. 6. All associations and ideas must be recorded.

    Procedure and main steps

    1. Formulate and write down the problem on the board. You can select a keyword that expresses the essence of the problem. The word being improved object or keywords characteristic of the object being improved. 2. Define a list, cloud, chain of associative words and writes down all associations in a notebook or on the board. In this case, each group member creates: A) A group of words related to the stimulus keyword (3 min). b) A chain of words in which each word is an association to the previous one (3 min). 3. Consistently combine the keyword with all words, starting with those that are distant in meaning and those at the end of the series. 4. Based on the analogies created by each link and the subsequent transfer of properties, forms and operating principles from the associative object to the key one, generate new ideas and solutions. 5. Systematize and evaluate the ideas and solutions received and select the best ones.


    1. The method of free association is one of the simplest and at the same time most effective methods for developing new ideas. 2. The process of implementing the method is accompanied by positive emotions, activates creative thinking, awakens the imagination and imagination of the participants. 3. The use of the method undermines stereotypes, helps overcome the inertia of thinking, significantly expands the field of search and contributes to the generation of fresh, original and unexpected ideas and solutions.


    The success of the method largely depends on the competence of the facilitator, who is able to create an atmosphere of spontaneity, play and creativity. Otherwise, participants offer stereotypical associations that cannot be a source of original ideas.

    The association method is closely related to the methods of bisociations, analogies, metaphors, random words and forced connections.

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    Associations in psychology: main types

    Connections between phenomena and objects may affect one or another aspect of them.

    In this regard, associations of various types are distinguished:

    • Associations by similarity
      . Objects are similar in appearance to each other: an apple is a ball, a light bulb is a pear, a spoon is a shovel, etc.
    • Associations by contrast
      . In this case, objects have opposite characteristics: black - white, wet - dry, heavy - light, etc. They are considered the most complex type of associations, and they have not yet been sufficiently studied.
    • Associations by contiguity in time or space
      . In this case, both objects are located close to each other in space or time: summer - vacation, winter - snow, table - chair, etc.
    • Causal associations
      . Objects here are the cause and effect of each other: a light bulb is light, rain is a puddle, poison is death, etc.
    • Associations by meaning
      . These are relationships between objects that reflect a person’s personal experience and may be incomprehensible to the uninitiated. For example: airplane - love. For an ordinary person, there is no connection between these concepts; however, for someone who once flew on a plane and met a girl with whom he fell in love, this pair of concepts has an absolutely concrete and unambiguous connection.

    The emergence of associations is an important condition for full-fledged thinking.

    Their formation is influenced by several factors


    • The speed of nervous processes, which determines the speed of brain reflexes
      . The higher this speed, the faster associations arise and the more diverse they are.
    • Memory and the information stored in it
      . A person with a good memory will generate richer and deeper associations, therefore, the results of thinking in this case will be more original.
    • Imagination
      . When associative connections are born, the emerging images undergo transformation, their elements are combined in different combinations. This is how the imagination works, and its work is extremely important for the functioning of thinking as a whole.
    • Subconscious
      . Associative processes spread throughout the brain, affecting the subconscious area. This part of thinking is usually beyond our observation and control, and association is one of the few ways to get there.

    Usually associations are of an individual nature, because they are connected with personal experience. However, among them there are some that are common to a large number of people, and even some that cover the majority of people. Thus, most people associate snow with winter, and heat with summer.

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