What is “character”: concept, 7 main components

Good afternoon or evening, dear readers. Each of us has an individual character, and of course, there are no people of the same type in the world. Scientists have long proven that even twins differ in character type, despite their similarity and upbringing using the same method.

Do you think that you have a good understanding of people and see right through them? Actually this is not true. What kind of character is a person? This can be judged only after a complete study of all types and highlighting the main parameters.

What it is

Is character a genetic trait or an acquired skill? Psychology is not medicine, but a whole science. It is psychologists who, after many years of studying human behavior, can answer questions on this topic.

Character implies positive and negative qualities that are formed from birth and during the period of growing up.

Each person shows his positive and negative sides in personal and social behavior. By his actions in a given situation, one can determine what character trait a person has.

There are main 4 types of people with different interests, but with different points of view on certain situations. Character is determined by the type of person’s attitude towards different aspects of life:

  • Attitude towards others. Regardless of status and age, a person can treat another in different ways: anger, isolation, excessive sociability, respect or disdain.
  • Personal qualities. No matter what family a person grew up in, they can be humble, arrogant, proud or neutral. Based on these facts, we can give a complete assessment of people in different life situations.
  • Attitude to work . Many people believe that people don't like to work hard. But in reality, we are all different and we all have different attitudes towards work. Some people are lazy, while others, on the contrary, take initiative in the workplace. Related to this are conscientiousness, responsibility and other qualities needed in a team.
  • Attitude to your appearance. Have you noticed that in one organization or just at a bus stop people have different appearances? Some dress stylishly, neatly, things are ironed, there are no flaws.

Other individuals take their appearance less seriously, not paying attention to dirty shoes, wrinkled or torn shirts, and so on. It is precisely by such insignificant parameters that one can understand what type of character a particular person belongs to.

Personality formation - advice for parents

Many people are interested in the question of whether character changes. Indeed, personal qualities are formed and change throughout life. The process begins in early childhood. The first individual traits of a child appear already in preschool age; parents can identify a certain way of behavior and attitude towards the world.

If you want to raise your child with a strong personality, to develop perseverance, courage and endurance in your child, involve him in group games with a certain plot and rules.

How to build character and teach a child to work and responsibility? From childhood, assign simple tasks to your child, gradually complicating them. Thus, the child develops discipline, self-control, behavior is determined, and the baby learns to evaluate his actions and decisions. Thus, self-education occurs.

A new stage in personality formation begins when a child enters school, when his ability to communicate with classmates and perform new responsibilities is demonstrated. As a result of a change in environment and lifestyle, the child develops organization, accuracy, and hard work.

It is important! In childhood, the personality of the baby is influenced by the character of the parents and their habits. At school, the main role in character development is played by the school community - classmates, teachers.

A child’s character is revealed through the following areas during school:

  • organization and systematicity;
  • determination and perseverance;
  • accuracy and hard work;
  • discipline;
  • consciousness of duty and responsibility to the school community;
  • collectivism and camaraderie.

In adolescence, personal characteristics develop most actively, because at this age the child is attracted to adult life, and higher demands are placed on him. Feelings such as duty, responsibility, participation in the collective life of the class manifest themselves more consciously.

It is possible to change a child's character. Psychologists note that there are no children whose personal characteristics could not be re-educated. However, the process requires the participation of a specialist who can identify character flaws and select the most effective strategy for further action.

Temperament and character

Human character can be ambiguous, as it changes throughout life and depends on the environment in which the person finds himself. Therefore, it is impossible to assess how a person will change if he is placed in a rigid framework from a comfortable environment.

Temperament, on the contrary, is given from birth and accompanies a person throughout his life. This is a normal reaction of the body to various irritants. So, having learned the temperament of a friend or beloved guy, a girl can safely analyze her character.

There are very temperamental personalities in life, but this is also rare. Most often, society consists of a mixed type of people. Temperament is also divided and comfort in life and one’s own emotional state depend on its essence.

  1. Choleric. If you have always considered yourself a choleric person, then listen to your own self. These beautiful creatures of earthly origin are always emotionally unstable, especially during events. They are prone to mood swings, strange behavior, and other unusual expressions of their emotions. If this is not about you, then move on.
  2. Sanguine. If you love to communicate, are always in the center of events, and don’t miss important news, then congratulations, you are lucky to be sanguine.

People with this temperament always take failures lightly, cope well with losses, and look for the good sides in every situation. The nervous system of such people is stable, they can reason sensibly without reacting to provocations.

The downside of this behavior is the instability of the attitude towards work. If a person has chosen a job he likes, he really likes it, most likely he will have success in his career. Otherwise, he will stop and be indifferent to the results of his activities.

  1. Phlegmatic person. The most calm and balanced individuals. They are not in a hurry, they always think about their actions. Habits may not change throughout life; they love order and sequence in actions and life. Change is not for them; they are used to living in their own world, where there is no fuss, passions or other fluctuations.
  2. Melancholic people. People are very difficult in relationships. The events that accompany them can cause them emotional stress. They are characterized by vulnerability, instability in mood, hysterics for no reason.

Most often, if such individuals are brought up in an unfavorable environment, they cannot achieve career advancement in life, are left without a family, and are prone to alcoholism and other passions.

If a person grew up in a prosperous family, where he was surrounded by care, he will go further and perhaps become an outstanding artist.

Temperament cannot be changed, even if you understand that you need to change for the better. Don't despair, because there are still character traits, and there is still an opportunity to work with them.

Before you go to the next knowledge, first determine your character type, which category you actually belong to. If in doubt, analyze your actions at home, at work, on public transport. Pay attention to how you react in difficult situations, during scandals, rest, and so on.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

CHARACTER, -a, m. 1. The set of mental, spiritual properties of a person, revealed in his behavior. Strong, strong-willed, firm, meek x. Withstand x. (to remain firm, not to give in on something). In someone's character. (typical of someone). A person of character (with a strong character). A person without character (weak-willed). Strong characters (also translated: people with a strong character). Literary characters (characters with their characteristic features). 2. A distinctive property, feature, quality of something. Lingering x. diseases. Business conversation. X. terrain.

Kretschmer classification

Scientists, psychologists and other scientists have long distributed criteria for different personalities. It’s very simple, if a person doubts who he is, he can study the typology according to Kretschmer.

This outstanding person created a table for determining a person’s character by his physique. Here we can distinguish 3 main typologies:

  • Picnics. People are short, overweight, have short necks and small heads. They belong to the cyclothymic character type. Sociable, good-natured, but very emotional personalities.

They get along well in society, are not prone to serious scandals, and can get along with even the most unpredictable creatures. Such figures are prone to certain mental illnesses, such as manic-depressive psychosis.

  • Asthenics. Men and women of tall, thin build. Long arms and legs immediately reveal such personalities. The face is elongated and thin, with many facial wrinkles. The character type of such individuals is schizothymic.

Figures of this type rarely smile, are not prone to constant fun, and take life very seriously. Stubbornness and isolation allow them to achieve success in their careers and personal lives. They may suffer, like picnics, from mental illness. Most often, patients classified as asthenics develop schizophrenia.

  • Athletics. The name speaks for itself. Personalities of this type are tall, broad-shouldered, with prominent muscles. The category of such people is ixothymic. Athletics are stubborn, reserved and resilient people.

They clearly follow the goal and achieve it by any means. A calm, balanced life helps them deal with hardships, but they are very afraid of change, as they do not adapt well to the new environment and the surrounding society.

Many years of research by scientists have proven that people of the same race have similar character traits. The famous scientist Anders Retzius studied the Nordic character for a long time.

It was he who introduced the term “Nordic” for a more clear separation of all types and categories. He took the Germanic races as a basis for his research, and made a real breakthrough in his endeavors.

During the work, it became clear that individuals of German origin are tall, not overweight, have blond hair, and blue eyes. They are distinguished by endurance, resistance to external irritants, very cool-blooded and calm even in emergency situations.

In Dahl's dictionary

m. French German a person’s disposition, moral properties, qualities, properties of the soul and heart. The character is good-natured, meek. He has a cool character. The nature of the time, spirit, distinctive properties. | The nature of architecture, painting, peculiarity, originality, main difference, school, damage. A characterful person, firm, persistent, with convictions; stubborn, persistent. - a dance, folk and generally expressive, with lively body movements. -ristics of something, a brief and correct description of the main properties, characteristics; -tic, -tic, related to this. - to describe something, to describe, to depict clearly, sharply the main features, properties, signs of something. -sya, they suffer. and return -vanier cf. - call valid according to verb.

Typology according to Jung

For centuries, humanity has been studying each other, each scientist tries to present his point of view and spread it to the masses. A psychiatrist from Switzerland did not stand aside and began to study humanity based on its internal and external awareness of the world. It turned out to distinguish 2 main types:

  • Introverts. These are calm, reserved individuals who do not like noisy companies and many friends. As a rule, they live separately, separately from the bulk of the population, and have very difficult contacts with society.

They prefer stability and loneliness, rarely change their place of work or residence. They think and reflect a lot, which leads to anxiety and suspiciousness. Subjects of this category are easily manipulated by others and are often inspired by religious ideas.

  • Extroverts. These are cheerful, sociable and emotionally unstable people. Always in the center of attention, they love companies and everything related to parties.

They live to the fullest, forgetting about minor problems, and even the troubles of other people close to them. A complex but peaceful character allows one to find a common language with society, regardless of social status.

When analyzing all types of topology, you should not immediately equate yourself to one or another type; there are psychologists and other specialists for this. Emotional, suggestible people can begin to delve into themselves, while losing common sense. This can change your whole life. Be careful with self-criticism.

In the dictionary Dictionary of foreign words

a, m.

1. The set of mental, spiritual properties of a person, revealed in his behavior.

Strong x. He has x. fighter. The sisters have different characters. Character (colloquial) - difficult, usually stubborn or capricious, x. In the character of someone, whose - characteristic of someone

2. pl. No. Firm, strong will, perseverance, perseverance in achieving something. A person with character.

Spineless - weak-willed, easily susceptible to the influence of others. Maintain character - remain firm, do not give in on anything

3. pl. No. A distinctive property, a feature of something Define x. diseases. Economic difficulties.

4. lit. An artistic image containing typical features of a group of people (see also TYPE).

Comedy of characters (see COMEDY). Characteristic - 1) outdated. or simple. possessing character2, stubborn, loving to do things his own way; 2) reflecting the characteristics and properties of a person from a certain social environment (about a theatrical role, about an actor performing such roles). Characteristic - 1) with pronounced features (the characteristic face of a highlander); 2) characteristic of someone, specific (a gas with a characteristic odor).

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Lowen topology

Psychology does not require precision, but by studying different people, over time you come to a positive or negative opinion. Do you think scientists invented all the indicators?

No, scientists, doctors and scientists have been studying human behavior for many decades. So the American psychoanalyst tried to create his own point of view, defining people by their behavior in certain circumstances.

Having studied the defensive reactions of individuals, he was able to recreate the complete picture by dividing humanity into 5 groups.

  1. Oral. Egoists and weak-willed individuals who cannot independently realize themselves in life without the support of other people. They constantly demand attention, care, and pity.

But at the same time they don’t give the other person anything in return. They cannot make decisions on their own, are afraid of loneliness, and are emotionally unstable in emergency situations.

  1. Masochistic. Angry and unbalanced people. They get along poorly in society because they constantly carry negativity. They love to feel sorry for themselves and complain about life, without trying to improve it. Seeing the tragedy of another person, he rejoices, because he believes that not only he has to suffer, let the other part of the planet suffer too.
  2. Hysterical. Reckless, emotional people who seek adventure in everything. They always play to the public, drawing attention to themselves.

They are in constant tension because they lie a lot and try to present themselves in the best light. Such subjects often experience emotional breakdowns, but do not like a calm, peaceful environment.

  1. Narcissistic. The name is chosen accurately, since the subjects love only themselves, forgetting about those around them and the problems that they themselves create.

Most often this applies to men. Women rarely suffer from this type of disorder. Narcissistic men persistently achieve their goals and have several partners at once, which allows them to assert themselves. They feel great in society, but suppress it for gain or to achieve a goal.

  1. Schizoid. Subjects are far from real life and cannot adequately respond to certain situations. Inconstancy in partnership, breakdowns, misunderstanding and self-criticism. A long-term relationship with one person forces you to be in constant tension and anxiety, which leads to scandals and breakups.

Similar words

Charactertron Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characterology Characteropathy Characteristic Characterizing Characterized Characterized Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Actor Characteristic Dance Characterized Characterized Characterized Characterized Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characterized Pathological character Characteristic curve Characteristic spectra Characteristic equation

Positive human qualities

“The simple fabric of my destiny is embroidered with silks.” Silk threads here are character traits that make a person happy.

  • Unselfishness
  • Friendliness
  • Discretion
  • Confidence
  • Determination
  • Perseverance
  • Sincerity
  • Optimism
  • Respect for others
  • Moral
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Accuracy
  • Determination
  • Hard work

Characteristics of calm people

Psychologists call such a person a phlegmatic person. This is a separate type of temperament. He is characterized by the qualities of slowness, restraint and taciturnity. This means that a very calm person rarely expresses his true emotions. However, such people are not devoid of feelings. After all, various emotions are always raging inside them. Because every person experiences stress when making serious decisions. Calm personalities are no exception. They may appear completely emotionless on a date or job interview. However, internal experiences affect them. This is reflected in physiology: hands shake, pupils dilate or contract.

Among a large number of people, it is easiest to identify calm individuals. After all, they show themselves as a reserved and pedantic person. Also, this type of people avoids disputes and quarrels in every possible way. Phlegmatic people think for a long time before making a decision.

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