Required minimum in psychology for a manager

In different companies and teams, a team lead can perform different functions: project manager, architect, tester, designer, planner and, sometimes, work as a support service. It can take different forms from an engineer at the highest stage of evolution to a sergeant or a classic manager. But one thing remains the same - the team lead regularly encounters problems of employees, managers and customers. The team lead’s obligatory function is to solve these problems so that the team and the company work like clockwork, but this is the problem. The team leader is also a person and his watch sometimes malfunctions, he gets tired, doesn’t get enough sleep, gets sick, gets depressed, and meanwhile deadlines are running out, conflicts arise. The problems are different, but many of them can be solved by taking a short course in psychology: restore energy, hormonal levels, stop conflicts, understand yourself and others, remove what prevents you from achieving your goals.

Andrey Makarov will help with this

- Director of Happiness at Neti. Over 17 years in IT, he grew from a support specialist to a co-owner of Neti. For the last 8 years, he has been actively studying management, employee engagement methods and psychology. Based on “experiments” on others and separate training as a psychologist, I assembled a simplified model of the human perception system. If you use it, you can learn to better understand customers, managers, colleagues and yourself.

Through real cases, Andrey will show how this model helps you achieve what you want from others and yourself. Under the cut in first person: how to get along with cockroaches in the heads of customers and employees, how to think faster, not lose energy and efficiency, how to recognize “difficult” people, how to create comfortable relationships with people.

I started as a support specialist, worked as a consultant, developer, project manager and rose to co-owner of the company. A few years ago I was bitten by a psychologist and I began to immerse myself in psychology and try to apply it in business to solve problems. I recently graduated as a psychologist after a long and fruitful study.

In recent years, I have been actively analyzing all work in the company, from technical skills to personal qualities, and looking for what can be improved. During this time, I collected a library of stories with problems of managers, employees and customers. In each of the stories I found repeating points, knowledge of which would have allowed these problems to be avoided. I’ll share some of them today.

“Knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some facts.” Claude Adrian

You don't have to study to be a psychologist, like I did, to benefit from it. It is enough to know and adhere to a few principles and rules to already feel better, work more fun and communicate with people easier, so there will be a lot of stupid and banal advice in the future.


It is divided into physical and mental. For physical exercise, include sleep, exercise and don’t overeat in your plan. For the mental one, meditate and solve different problems at different times. As you understand, the stupid advice has already begun :)

Physical energy

It is indirectly related to psychology.
Our body and brain are a single system. When we feel bad, we are sick or tired, the brain also does not work well. Usually he looks for reasons and ways to solve the problem. But they are not always correct. I recently spent two weeks speaking at back-to-back conferences. I lived in a hotel, spent my nights actively preparing for reports and redoing presentations. In the morning it seemed to me that being a speaker was not for me; I just wanted to sleep. I thought I needed to work in a quiet environment, maybe move back to being a developer, and everything would be fine. In addition, a lot of Chinese checked into the hotel. They are very loud, especially in the morning, and I don't like getting up early in the morning. After the Chinese, I wanted to move to the village and herd cows.

Include sleep and exercise in your plan.

This is the first piece of advice that I learned for myself after this story. The advice is banal, but it works. Without good sleep and exercise, many (me included) plow until they fall and never rest. As a result, psychological problems, feelings of burnout and poor health arise.

Mental Energy

To put it simply, the head consumes energy in the form of glucose, and oxygen fuels it. Every time we turn our head on, energy is wasted and by the evening we think worse than in the morning.

Make important decisions in the morning.

I had a problem with this where I put off the most important and difficult decisions until the end of the day.
All day I work, work, work, and then it’s time to go to bed, and I open my task list. I see an important task on which I need to make a decision. But I’m tired and don’t want to decide anything, I want to sleep. This is a psychologically safe and simple way out, because of which I lost many opportunities for development: I did not take on new projects, did not agree to interesting offers. The advice also applies to interactions with customers and employees. Don't call in the evening

if you want to discuss with them an important and difficult decision that requires thought. Call in the morning or at least during the day. The exception is if you agreed to sit at a bar, drink beer, discuss issues, and relax.

Advanced - Track your mood throughout the day to find times when you are better at making important decisions.

If you are interested in the topic of states and mental energy, I advise you to study the works of Maxim Dorofeev . I recommend reading his book “Living at Full Power” or watching his report “The Principle of Saving Thought Fuel”.

Management as science and practice

The systematic study of management begins with the formation of the capitalist mode of production. Management is the management of various processes; it is the systematic implementation of various actions to achieve set goals and objectives.

To improve the efficiency of production processes, increase sales and optimize costs, management methods and techniques are being actively studied. Traditionally, management has several functions: control, forecasting, planning, analysis. They are all interconnected and united by an activity known as leadership. This is the main function of management associated with influencing the team in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise or division.

In management science, the term “leadership” is used to name people who influence subordinates and to designate this process as a whole. In practice, this word is usually used to identify one person or group of people who exercise control.


This is neurobiology, the topic is closer to psychology.
Since ancient times, we have a built-in motivation system - hormones. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands, such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas or gonads. Hormones cause some reactions in the body: hunger, weight gain in the form of muscles or fat, aggression. Hormones do not act instantly: a stimulus appears, the brain orders the glands to work, the hormones are released, carried by the blood throughout the body, the cells in the body capture the hormone and a reaction begins.

Hormones are divided into different classes, but for simplicity we will divide them into two groups: motivating and demotivating.

Motivating hormones.

  • Dopamine
    . We get it when we feel that we are developing, accomplishing tasks, and feel that the current experience is positive.
  • Oxytocin
    . Stands out when we feel accepted and cared for. For example, when we are inside a group and we are accepted in it.
  • Serotonin
    . Hormone of respect and recognition.
  • Endorphins
    . This is sport, laughter, stress.

The demotivating hormone is cortisol
. It is produced when we do not feel psychological and/or physical safety.

Why know about hormones?

In everything you do, consider your hormones.

If you want to get something new from an employee, praise him and show that he is developing.
If you set people up for something opposite, they won't do it. Analyze what hormones, when and from what do you get them? If you understand that your current intake of hormones is not leading you to your goal, change your behavior. Each person has a certain need for hormones: an excess of some and a deficiency of others. Sociable people feel an excess of oxytocin: family, many friends, 30 relatives gather every Saturday, but there are not enough endorphins - there is no time to play sports. If you determine the deficiency of a hormone in a particular person and give it to the person, he will want to continue working with you.

Hormones and neurotransmitters are our engines. In everything you do, use all your engines.

One of my employees worked in fear for a long time, constantly afraid of everything.
This is bad: at this moment creative thinking is switched off, it is difficult to solve problems where you need to sit and think. He did something simple, but couldn’t do creative tasks. I tried for a long time to understand why he needs this condition, why does he always strive to be stressed? It turned out that during stress, cortisol is released, the body thinks that this is a danger, and releases additional endorphins. They act as a built-in pain reliever and give us a high. This man was not addicted to stress, but to the endorphins he received during stress.

When we came up with this, I suggested going to the gym. After this, the employee felt better and was no longer constantly dependent on stress. It's not just about sports, but sometimes simple solutions save the day.

By the way, preparing for reports at night and not sleeping is also a form of addiction. Endorphins are similar in structure to heroin.

Note. I recommend the book “Happiness Hormones” and my reports at the link at the end. From the point of view of hormones, I tell you how to work with customers and employees, primarily remote ones. These ideas are also suitable for achieving individual happiness.

Rules for an Effective Meeting

Any production meeting or interaction between manager and subordinate must be effective. To do this, you need to know how to carry it out correctly.

Preparing for a business meeting (meeting)

  • the following are determined: agenda, topic, goals, objectives;
  • duration is set;
  • the date and time of the event, the composition of representatives from the departments are agreed upon;
  • regulations are prescribed.
  • information is being collected;
  • analytical processing of material;
  • coordination of the work of departments and responsible persons;
  • decision-making.

Participants are notified via a system generally accepted at the enterprise (e-mail, fax, memo), but not by a call from the reception (only in case of an operational meeting or emergency).

The notice indicates: agenda, meeting time, duration, meeting participants are listed, regulatory documents and a list of required documents/certificates/reports from each representative are indicated.

A well-prepared meeting allows you to avoid conflict situations.

Common mistakes made by managers

  • there is no central topic, the goals of the meeting are vague;
  • the essence of the problem for discussion is not explained;
  • there are several voluminous issues of different content on the agenda;
  • a large number of people are invited, some of whom are “not in the know”;
  • discussion of spontaneously “emerging” issues;
  • during the negotiations, “left” telephone conversations are conducted;
  • distractions (receiving long-awaited visitors or signing papers);
  • Regulations are not followed; those who are late are waited for.

It is important

It is necessary to correctly place people at the table in order to withstand subordination moments. Prepare cards with the names and positions of the participants.

We need comfortable conditions for business communication that exclude external stimuli. The meeting room should be: ventilated; bright and spacious; with a laconic design; with soundproofing and comfortable furniture; screen, projector, Internet access, intercom. Water and glasses are placed on the tables. Everyone should have notepads, pens, a printout of the agenda and list of invitees.

There are psychological mistakes of the leader, which then lead to unnecessary debates and a negative attitude among those present:

  • the importance of the topic/problem and the fact that the issue needs to be resolved within a specific period of time with the participation of those who have gathered are not indicated;
  • the positive attitude of the participants was not set;
  • during the meeting, not everyone expresses an opinion;
  • the manager does not stop those who “pour water” and exceed the regulations;
  • the point of view of the speakers is not specified;
  • lack of argumentation;
  • no intermediate results are provided;
  • unreasoned criticism is not suppressed.

All this can lead to “raising the temperature” in discussions. A well-timed joke, an unexpected sound of a horn, or another lightening moment will make you smile. If the result is a decision not in favor of the group, then these participants should be thanked for the fact that their opinions and arguments helped in finding the right decision.

This is interesting

It is believed that the optimal duration of such meetings is from 30 to 60 minutes.

The results of the meeting are announced to all participants and sent to them by e-mail; if necessary, they are sent to departments in printed form within 24-48 hours.


This is a big but extremely simple topic. Everyone, one way or another, has encountered it. In addition to the standard ideas from books, I came up with the following for myself.

Different emotions for different things.

Each can be used to achieve specific goals. Sadness is suitable for routine tasks. Anger for tasks where you need to overcome something, break the current picture of the world and take a new path. For each emotion, you can select tasks that will be performed effectively in this state.

Use the state or toggle it.

When I get angry, I immediately call the housing office. Previously, I tried for a long time to build effective relationships with them, but it didn’t work. With anger, issues of repairing an entrance or replacing pipes are perfectly resolved.

Find your triggers.

Once you learn to use emotions for certain tasks, the next step is to find triggers: events, emotions and experiences that cause emotions. For myself, I have identified memories that evoke one or another emotion. I have a specially selected person from the past who makes me angry: “Fucking Vasya from 4B!” When I feel like I’m in my comfort zone and I need to break something, I remember Vasya, get angry and decide something.

Consider the person's underlying emotion.

People often (not always) have a default core emotion that they stay in all the time.
This is not very good, but sometimes you have to take it into account. For example, if an employee is constantly a little angry or is ready to get angry at any moment, give him tasks to overcome. He will quickly do something serious, interesting and difficult, and use anger for good. If a person is often sad, then sometimes it is effective to give him routine tasks. Of course, if he constantly engages in routine, he will cook, but in general, take into account this distribution.

An excellent emotion is interest, which motivates everyone to do anything. It is worth developing, but this is a separate and long story. The main thing is to first learn to work with negative states.

Hidden Emotions

At every moment of time, different experiences are spinning in your head.
Most often, during communication, people want from us not only what they say - they also have something else spinning inside them. I had a case. The customer comes and says: “Everything is bad! You messed up!” I look at the jamb and understand that everything is not so scary - we’ll fix it in 5 minutes. The jamb, in principle, was difficult to foresee. I begin to tell you that now we will fix everything, the jamb is non-standard. The customer does not calm down and insists that we are generally bad and will not work with us further. I understand that the problem is different: something happened in his head and he doesn’t want to discuss this problem now.

A little later we talked, and I found out that the person was afraid of being fired. If he screws up on the project again, he will be fired. In such an emotional state, the customer lost trust in us when we messed up. He didn't feel like everything was going to be okay, but he wanted us to somehow rebuild that trust.

We started working with him: we made the process transparent, agreed on how we would test and develop, and constantly involved him in working issues. I arrived at the office with cognac and we sat for a long time, restoring trust. As a result, I felt better and I was able to regain my good attitude.

It is not always possible to understand the underlying problem.

All comes with experience. When you're communicating with a person and you feel like things are dragging on, it might be worth asking what they really want right now. If you periodically analyze yourself, sooner or later you will accumulate experience in analyzing other people's problems in other people's heads.

General rules for working with emotions

It’s hard to understand customers, but what about yourself? What can you do to get rid of the disturbing experiences that are constantly spinning in your head? I use two methods.

Unload all tasks and thoughts from your head in the evening so that you can sleep better.

When I go to bed in the evening, thoughts often swirl in my head: “The customer wrote some garbage!
This is bad, this is bad here.” To get rid of them, I take a piece of paper and unload everything from my head onto it. It takes about 5 minutes, but then I sleep peacefully. Many techniques are based on this, for example, psychological diaries, partly the Minto pyramid technique. The basic principle: unload everything that is out of your head somewhere so that it does not interfere, find the main problem.

Take the first action.

For example, a customer comes and tells you something long and urgent. His problem cannot be solved right now - it is big, and you need to discuss another issue. In this case, take the first action. I usually say: “I wrote down the problem and asked Vasily to solve it - he has already begun to deal with it. Can we discuss something else now?” About half the time it works and we discuss what I need.

Ways to resolve conflicts

The process of resolving conflict situations between colleagues or management and subordinates consists of several stages:

  1. Studying the situation.
  2. Identifying the causes of the conflict.
  3. Collecting information about participants and witnesses of a conflict situation.
  4. Motivations for resolving a conflict situation.

The last stage of conflict resolution is the development of ways to resolve the current situation, depending on the desired result.

Good team management is easy to spot. Employees love their work, want to develop professional skills, gain new experience, and show respect for their manager.

Desired roles

We constantly want to be someone and realize ourselves in different societies: a good father, a successful leader, a sought-after developer. What we're interested in here is the roles we want to be in. We are not completely sure about them, because they are the ones that cause a lot of conflicts and emotions.

At the beginning of my management career, a new employee took a job with us. He wanted to be considered a cool developer, but he seriously doubted it. When I gave him critical feedback, he immediately became emotional and resisted.

Any simple idea had to be conveyed for half an hour. During this time, I went from “I didn’t mean to offend you” to the moment of “Do this” - it was tiring. So I did three simple things. I told:

  • about facts;
  • through your emotions;
  • like with an expert.

It works like this: “I see that such and such happened.
I'm afraid that there will be such and such a problem with the customer. What do you think can be done about this? You know better, you encounter this more often. So far I see this way out of the situation.” Feedback in this format works better for someone who has the desired but challenging role of being a cool developer. Over the past six months, our interaction has improved. Through these phrases, he realized that I didn’t want anything bad, and he calmed down.

If a person wants to be someone and this causes a problem, let him realize himself.

Praise for any achievements, even small ones. There is always something for it - it doesn’t happen that a person is a failure in everything. If you praise people, they calm down and the situation improves.

Why do people go to work

Although it is possible to work remotely, most are not ready to give up the usual format, which involves working in a team. One of the reasons is the reduced level of responsibility compared to remote work, the second is the inability to perform work outside the enterprise due to the specifics of the profession. So, you can make a part or bake bread only in a workshop. There are many professions that require a person to be at the workplace: salesman, conductor, driver, builder.

Other reasons that psychology takes into account in current personnel management:

  • reluctance to change field of activity;
  • stability;
  • desire to communicate;
  • an opportunity to feel important.


Over the course of our lives, we accumulate beliefs that create our picture of the world: “Are you special?”, “Don’t talk to strangers,” “Where you were born, that’s where you come in handy,” “If you haven’t lived richly, there’s no point in starting.”
Beliefs accumulate from childhood, but they get in the way throughout your life. My mother taught me that you have to finish your meal. I suffered for half my life: I ate a lot, I couldn’t stop, but I finished eating. One time I ate two large hamburgers before an important meeting - it was the hardest meeting! It took me a long time to get used to this belief.

There are beliefs that interfere with your work. Once, I had a customer who believed that all remote employees should be spanked, because otherwise they would not work. It’s better not to deal with such customers, but if suddenly, I have a small technique that will help you.

Retell the source's belief in your own words.

When I hear an incomprehensible belief from a customer and understand that it is not logical, I retell the same belief in other words.
The customer hears his thoughts being spoken in other words, his inner critic turns on, and he analyzes his words. Sometimes this is how you remove unnecessary beliefs. The technique can also be applied to yourself. If I say: “I must do this” or “He must do this,” then I ask myself a logical question: “Do you really have to? Why?"

To break an unnecessary belief, sometimes you have to look for a refutation for a long time. When I left my first job, my colleague said: “Employees don’t leave a good manager.” I wanted to agree with this so much that I took it deep into myself and forgot.

Later, every time employees left me, I experienced severe negativity. Even if they left for objective reasons, for example, they didn’t like the conditions or changed the industry, it seemed to me that it was my fault, and I could not sleep at night. When I discovered this belief, I looked for refutations and even asked departing employees what had changed for them. As a result, I realized that they really felt better, not because I was bad, but because they felt good.

Look for confirmation that your current belief is not leading you to the result.

If you periodically experience emotions of fear and anger, perhaps there is a source belief buried there.

Emergency situations

When an unusual situation occurs, the leader has the opportunity to demonstrate strengths. His task is to quickly make decisions and unite the team. The incident may be related to production processes or relationships in the team. When a conflict arises, the manager uses approaches to resolve and reconcile the parties. This includes interviewing witnesses, confrontations and individual communication. If difficulties arise in production, it is necessary to redistribute personnel in order to eliminate the consequences with minimal losses.

To increase the level of competencies, managers should undergo training events, involve psychologists, and read literature. Self-development and improvement will allow you to build a career as a top manager.

Article read: 3,909


Man constantly forms images because they simplify life. Why ask each tiger whether he is dangerous or not? The person simply accepted the general format that all tigers are dangerous by default.

One of my customers believed that all employees who smile a lot are bad because they are strange. He chose stern men without emotions as his employees. I don’t know what influenced this, perhaps I was beaten by a clown in childhood.

If you see such a bad image that concerns you, refuse to work with the person. But if that doesn't work, try two methods.

The image is formed from a lack of information.

We complete the image on the information that is available. So please provide more information. If you manage remote employees, tell us more about yourself and the company. Provide more information and perhaps a destructive image will not gather around you. Sometimes it doesn't help, but it's worth a try.

Behave outside the box when things are bad.

Now I recommend that all managers ask customers and employees one question: “How do you like working with me?
What can be improved? The question breaks the mold like a karateka breaks bricks: people are not used to hearing such a question. Any images are broken for everyone if the leader constantly asks such questions. Note. I recommend the book “Games People Play” by Eric Berne

— she goes deeper into the topic.

Characteristics of a leader

So, a good leader should be:

  • a manager who skillfully uses available powers;
  • a leader who can captivate;
  • a diplomat who competently builds relationships with partners, colleagues and subordinates;
  • an innovator, capable of correctly using modern trends and trends;
  • a mentor who helps to cope with complex, confusing situations;
  • a wise personality with extraordinary abilities, strong will, determination, prudence, and so on.

The success of the entire team will certainly depend on the style of work with subordinates chosen by the leader. Let's say that a favorable environment increases the quality and effectiveness of the group. As a rule, those bosses who have managed to build strong, healthy relationships in their teams achieve greater success. What rules will help a manager establish an effective work process and good relationships with his team? Let's list some.


The next level of simplification for the brain is scripts. As children, we monitor what is happening around us and copy scripts from authorities. The donor of the script can be a housewife mother, a father who spends all his time at work, films, books, cartoons. We try to pull off these scenarios in life.

Scenarios are also created in conscious adult life during strong emotional experiences.

The brain is lazy. He is not interested in coming up with new scenarios or thinking every time. It saves energy and scripts are templates with minimal resource consumption. The brain once remembered that if you act according to a certain algorithm, it will get a certain result. Then he will stick to the scenario, the result of which he knows: this is easier and safer for the brain.

The scenario involves all the people who participate in it.

During the first meeting with the client, I usually ask the question: “How do you like working with contractors?
What do you like and what don’t?” One day, one customer said that all his previous contractors were downright eccentrics: “There were six before you, and all of them were bad! We did everything wrong!” Can all contractors be bad? Most likely, the person’s scenario is to find the contractor’s problems and then abandon him. When I listened to the complaints, I felt that I was already included in this scenario. In a couple of months he will kick me out of his office. Unpleasant feeling. There are two solutions:

  • refuse such a customer because the scripts are difficult to change;
  • break the script with non-standard behavior.

During the conversation, I decided to act differently than the contractors in his scenario. The new scenario is feedback: we constantly discussed strategic goals, let the customer into our system so that he could see the process. So we broke the script. But this does not always work out, so often it is better to refuse cooperation.

Sometimes it's about ourselves.

Sometimes it’s worth analyzing whether you’re in the script?
When you find yourself in a negative situation, ask yourself: “Has something like this happened in the past? Maybe this is a script? Sometimes I find myself in a stupid scenario. Once, I had a conflict with an employee, let's call him “Boris”. Before this, I had similar conflictual relationships with another employee, let’s call him “Alexey”. I analyzed the situation and realized that I was transferring the scenario with Alexey to “Boris”. My attitude creates a situation in which “Boris” behaves the same way as “Alexey” - creates a conflict. Why I needed this, I realized later, I changed my behavior and the situation improved.

Note. I recommend the book by the same Eric Berne

"People who play games". This is a different book, not “Games People Play.”

Psychology of management

Psychological management , as a rule, is aimed at integrating knowledge in the field of psychology aimed at management decisions. It is recognized to integrate knowledge about the psychological content of management decisions. Therefore, in social conditions, we need not just qualified specialists, but psychologically thinking professionals who are wise in management.

Management psychologists study knowledge of the psychological characteristics of people, keep a comprehensive record of psychological content, help stimulate employees in the process of joint activities, and create a healthy socio-psychological climate in the atmosphere of the organization.

Management psychology can be divided into two subtypes of the process of emergence and development:

  1. practice needs. That is why this requires studying, taking into account psychological data about a person from these points of view;
  2. development needs of psychological science. The object in this case will be the “man - technology” system, as well as the “person – person”.

The subject of management psychology is the study of the psychological aspects of the process of managing various types of joint activities and interpersonal communication in an organization, i.e., the psychological aspects of managerial relations.


There are always a lot of desires in our heads, we constantly want something - this is the norm. The problem is that there are a lot of desires, and we are not aware of everything. Sometimes we talk about one desire, but inside we think about another, and as a result, both are not realized. It seems to us that we need to take it and do it, but for some reason we put it off. Most often this means that there are conflicting desires.

Resistances are other desires.

I have a not very good but important story about this.
In 2016-2017, my health deteriorated sharply: I had to have heart surgery, and there was a problem with my lungs. They were going to put me in the hospital for a year. I think: “Why? Everything was fine before!” And my health is getting worse and worse. I went to see a psychologist I knew, and she asked: “What hurts you the most?”
- Heart. - Okay, I am the heart. Ask me questions. - Dear heart, why are you sick? - No, I, my heart, would rather ask you - why do you need me to get sick?
What will be bad if I recover suddenly? I immediately replied that if my heart gets better, then I will not go to the hospital and finally rest there. When I said this, my jaw dropped - what nonsense?! It turns out that I was so tired and worked under stress for so long that my subconscious sent me to the hospital?

Opposing desires can be realized in “roundabout ways.” The opposing desire must be satisfied so that it does not do it for you. So from the next day I took two weeks off, turned off my phone, and my health began to improve.

The story is not about management, but after it I began to track the reasons for my actions. Sometimes this can seriously affect your health.

Increase the priority of an important desire.

In a situation of confrontation, an important desire can be linked to another and increased priority. You can also connect hormones that will motivate us. This will help overcome the opposing desire.

Communication Rules

  • Ask your colleagues how the work is going and what the specific results are.
  • Create close supervisor-subordinate interaction in each department.
  • At operational meetings, not only talk about specific work issues, but also find out what is important to colleagues, what prevents them from progressing, and what problems exist.
  • All instructions must be expressed clearly and clearly.
  • Write down specific job descriptions, which, in addition to duties, indicate approximate deadlines for completing work, responsibilities, and possible remuneration. Motivation grows in proportion to the increase in specificity.
  • Ask your colleagues to create a “bank of production ideas.” Creative people will appreciate you, and sometimes unpromising, strange ideas carry useful grain.
  • Career is an important motivational motive. To grow, you need to gain knowledge and experience. “Turn on” motivation with education and knowledge acquisition, retraining, and advanced training.
  • Sometimes it’s worth unexpectedly inviting a colleague to take a break, giving him an unscheduled vacation, or shortening his working hours. If you see that a person has overworked or implemented a serious project.
  • Don't forget about financial incentives. Even a small reward in public increases self-esteem and motivates the employee.

Where does the energy go?

Let's make a list of what we have.

  • Hormones and neurotransmitters
    . They move us forward. Not always in the right direction.
  • Emotions and experiences
    . They spend our attention, sometimes on things we don’t need.
  • Focus of attention
    . Constantly knocks you out of your current thoughts.
  • Desired roles
    . We spend energy on them, trying to live up to them.
  • Beliefs
    . They take energy for confirmation.
  • Images and scenarios
    are also energy consumers.
  • Lots of wishes
    . Each of them “eats” energy, even if not performed.

Initially, our body has physical energy that we use for all this. To become more effective, I began to work through every moment. I aligned my hormones
to receive them on time, worked with my
, learned to use them,
removed unnecessary things from focus
: I wrote them down and constantly unloaded them.
I worked through my desired roles
, beliefs, images and scenarios, and removed the desires that interfered.

Got better. But then I thought that there are unique people who don’t do all this. At the same time, they spend their energy on business and achieve great results.

Organization management

The success and productivity of an enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of the manager. At the same time, he must not only have an excellent understanding of the intricacies of the production process, but also possess many personal and psychological qualities.

The manager must realize that he is the most important part of his enterprise. In this regard, the term “organizational leadership” appears, which implies the implementation of activities to establish the job responsibilities of team members, develop corporate rules of conduct, and develop an organization development strategy.

The natural “successors” of organizational leadership are project and operational management.

How to Criticize a Subordinate's Work Without Impacting Motivation

The main principle is that criticism should be constructive. Then she will not “hit” her colleague’s ambitions and pride, and will also maintain and increase motivation.

It is important

Correctness and respect come first. Talk to the person one-on-one, professionally, without “attacks” or insults.

Praise work that is done well. Together with the employee, develop measures that will improve and correct what was not completed/performed with errors.

Do not criticize the department head in the presence of members of his department. In the conversation, take into account the status and education of the employee, his length of service at the enterprise.

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