What selfies say about a person’s character: top 10 most popular photos
Have you ever wondered if it’s a disease to constantly post photos of yourself?
Cause of school maladjustment
Gifted children are a gift or a curse. Psychological features of their development, training and education
What is giftedness? Psychology does not know the words “gift” and “curse”. In the language of science, giftedness
What You May Not Know About Intelligence
Card file of methods for diagnosing intelligence (psychological - pedagogical diagnostics)
Scientific research is an inexhaustible source of information on almost any topic, and especially
Features of the development of perception in preschool age
At the present stage, preschool education plays a big role. Even for children of older preschool age
The concept of experiment validity. External and internal. Their connection
Validity serves the main goals of any science - knowledge and power. Today it is often argued that
How to adapt to a new job
How to join a new team: mistakes, tips and tricks
Every person can face the need to join a new team in their life. We
School psychologist
Mental structure: how school psychologists work
The psychological health of children and adolescents has long been the object of close attention of specialists, because the problem
What to do if a boss finds fault with an employee for any reason
Unfortunately, reality turns out to be not as rosy as in dreams: many specialists, especially young
Psychological violence from the point of view of the law: article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
On forms of non-physical (psychological) violence in the criminal legislation of Russia 298
What is intimidation? Criminal law does not provide for such a thing as intimidation. Closest to
Conflict management: the essence of the process, main principles, basic methods.
Conflict management: the essence of the process, main principles, basic methods.
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