How to achieve what you want with the power of thought, or Ask the Universe correctly!

“Ask, and it will be given to you,” says the Bible. At all times, people have tried to understand how to achieve what they want with the power of thought, how to make requests to higher powers. Did you know that asking is the first and most important step towards fulfilling a desire? In this article we will talk about how to take this step correctly so that your dream will certainly come true.

And in order to go step by step all the way to your dream, save yourself detailed instructions on how to make your wishes come true in 30 days.

Have you ever wondered why some people's wishes come true easily, while others never receive an answer to their prayers? The fact is that if we ask incorrectly, we receive nothing in return.

Let's learn together how to make wishes using a simple tool - a request. I will be happy to share with you my personal experience, which only confirms that everyone can do miracles!

What signals does the Universe perceive as our requests?

In order to understand how you can and cannot make wishes, you must first decide which of our “messages” the Universe understands as requests. And the main principle here is the same: what we voluntarily or involuntarily direct our attention to is what we want. Therefore, you need to be very careful about your words and thoughts in order to avoid possible incidents.

So, we ask in cases where:

  • Paying attention to something in our life

Let's say you dream of getting married. Therefore, you pay attention to wedding processions, advertising of wedding salons, and mentally (or even in reality) try on wedding dresses. You are interested in celebrity wedding ceremonies and news about the weddings of your friends. And even without knowing how you can make wishes, you send a direct message to the Universe - “I want a wedding!”

  • We're talking about something

Have you ever encountered self-fulfilling prophecies in your life? This is when you blurt out something in passing and forget. And after some time, when this happens in reality, you remember with surprise: “Wow, I told you...” Although not everyone, of course, thinks of connecting a word once spoken with an event that happened later.

  • We think about something emotionally

This is how you can “beg” for yourself not only the fulfillment of desires, but also problems. For example, when people feel unhappy due to lack of money, loneliness, or illness, they constantly focus on negative thoughts. “Again debt for utilities. They cheated in the store, there are only scammers around. There is no strength at all. And it will only get worse...” Sound familiar? But such mental attitudes are a clear order for trouble, which the Universe regularly carries out.

  • specifically want something and directly ask for it

We often turn to higher powers for help spontaneously, depending on the situation - when we need to pass an exam, catch a plane, meet the right person. However, a direct request to the Universe, even a trifling one, is a responsible matter and requires preparation. Especially when health, love or wealth are at stake. Alas, such direct requests are often not fulfilled. But not because the Universe is hard of hearing. The person simply asking often does not take into account important rules for formulating a request.

But before we move on to these rules, let's see what happens when the Universe receives incorrect requests from us and obediently fulfills them.

An example from life: how the Universe hears our requests

Life has confronted me with a very revealing and impressive example of how you can unconsciously make a wish to your detriment. For many years, one elderly relative of mine was proud of her dominant position in the family and was very fond of repeating: “I have two adult sons and the third is a baby.” By baby she meant her husband, who occupied a very high-status position in the service, but was not at all adapted to everyday life.

The phrase became a prophecy that covered the woman already at a respectable age, but you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. Her husband was overtaken by dementia, and the unfortunate woman found herself with a helpless old man in her arms who really required care, like a baby. This is very difficult, and now we often hear from her: “Why?!”

But, perhaps, no one except me admits the idea that a relative herself could attract such a misfortune into her life. The Universe understood the phrase “And the third is a baby” as an order, and it knows how to achieve what it wants.

Now that we have figured out what our signals the Universe perceives as requests, it’s time to talk about how exactly to ask - how you can make wishes so that they always come true. By following the recommendations outlined below, you will always get what you want.

On the subject: Signs in our lives: how to send a request to the Universe and receive an answer

Follow your emotions

Thanks to emotions, a person can see whether he is on the right path or has lost his way a little. Emotions are easy to define. Just ask yourself at a certain moment: “What are my feelings at this moment?” You can only have two emotions - negative or positive. If these are positive emotions, then there will be delight, joy and inspiration in the soul. It is these feelings that inspire good deeds and new ideas.

Negative emotions include: envy, sadness, disappointment, anger, guilt for actions done. It is these feelings that have a bad effect on the human psyche, since they do not benefit the person. All this limits prospects and further vision of life; a person does not move forward. Materialization of thoughts will happen in any case. Therefore, if you have a positive attitude, then your deepest dreams come true, and if your thoughts are negative, then your fears and concerns come into life.

How to achieve what you want? Making the right request to the Universe

In order for the Universe to understand you correctly and for your wish to come true sooner, when formulating your request, follow the following rules.

Rule #1. Focus your attention on what you want, not on its absence

This, in fact, is the logical conclusion from our entire previous conversation, and also the main feature in the process of fulfilling desires.

So, if you want to attract an apartment, don’t get hung up on the fact that you don’t have one yet. Actively read real estate advertisements, think through the interior of your future home, browse the websites of construction and furniture stores in search of the necessary materials and things.

It’s great if you manage to go and view an apartment that suits you, even if now you have no idea where to get the money. Live in joyful anticipation, as if the housewarming will take place any day now. Repeat, for example, the following phrase: “I am the happy owner of a 3-room apartment in Moscow.” And if someone from your circle suddenly announces the purchase of a home, consider this an excellent sign: it means that your dream is very close.

Rule #2. Avoid ambiguity in wording

Express your request clearly, specifically, and necessarily in the present tense. This is how you can make a wish - for example, about “getting married.”

Let's say you are single and your dream is to create a happy family. At the same time, the wording “I want to get rid of loneliness and get married” will be completely incorrect. After all, it turns out that you are broadcasting two contradictory messages to the Universe - loneliness and marriage. How can she understand what you really want?

But with this formulation there will be no discrepancies: “I am married to a loved one who loves me very much.”

Now let’s add specifics and details here: “I’m married to a handsome blue-eyed guy, he, like me, is interested in mountaineering and loves to read. We adore each other."

Focus and precise wording of the request are not the only secrets to achieving what you want. Your emotions play an important role here.

On the subject: How to make a wish so that it comes true?

Zealand's reception

Vadim Zeland is the founder of such a movement as “reality transurfing”; he described one interesting method, in which you can apply your practical knowledge and experiment. It’s called “Glass of Water,” and for good reason, because the main role is played by a glass of water. Preferably thawed, in extreme cases, you can pour spring water.

Take a sheet of paper and write down your cherished dream, as accurately and succinctly as possible. Place a glass on it and place your palms on your sides, concentrating on your sensations. When you feel warmth in your hands, say out loud what you wrote, slowly, feeling confident that it will work and that your plan will soon come true. It would be a good idea to use a visualization method in combination. The number of times is not limited, as soon as you realize that it’s enough and it’s time to stop, just drink this water.

It is better to carry out this procedure before going to bed or early in the morning, when your body is relaxed or still relaxed, at this moment the brain sends impulses at a reduced frequency, which is precisely what is necessary for the materialization of thoughts. The time of day is chosen based on your biological rhythms. If you wake up late, being a “night owl”, then it is better to start in the evening, but for “larks” in the morning.

How to write a wish correctly and why is it needed?

Many experts agree that requests set out on paper acquire additional power - as if some kind of magic is activated. And from a logical point of view, by formulating your desire in writing, you create a more stable attitude for yourself and begin to have a clearer idea of ​​what you really want. After all, this is precisely what many people have problems with.

You will find detailed instructions on how to write a wish correctly in the book Power in Thought. How to fulfill your cherished desire in 30 days" by Elizaveta Volkova. The author is a recognized expert on how to achieve what you want with the power of thought. All her recommendations are based on many years of experience working with thinking, the subconscious and the internal state.

Elizabeth advises keeping entire Books of Desires in beautiful notebooks. And not just write down intentions there, but also actively work with them - re-read and even rewrite them daily. This greatly increases your concentration on your dreams.

However, Lisa emphasizes: it is not so important where to write the wish. A notepad, a piece of paper that can be hidden or placed in a visible place will do, even writing in a computer file or notes on your phone will work. The main thing is your inner attitude and unconditional faith.

From personal experience

I have been keeping a notebook of wishes for more than six months. And I’m ready to confirm: thanks to him, the Universe hears me perfectly! By writing it down, I trust her with my request and relax, because I know that everything will be arranged in the best possible way.

So, I recently visited my hometown after a long separation. There was a lot to do, but time was very limited. According to tradition, before the trip, I decided to write a wish in my magic notebook: “Thank you, dear Universe, that my trip is successful, everything planned is easily accomplished and I return home safely.”

And, believe it or not, I could only thank the higher powers every minute, because all the events of this short visit developed in the most favorable way.

On the plane I got a window seat and no neighbors (there and back). In the tightly packed parking lot, a free space was immediately found. The book I really wanted to find turned up on the first try. The planned meetings were a success. They also unexpectedly gave me money, which I didn’t expect at all. And the weather was favorable all the time, although it rained for a long time before and after my arrival.

Honestly, all this would seem incredible if it had not happened to me personally. Thank you again, Universe! You always know how to achieve what you want!

On topic: Do-it-yourself Book of Desires: getting closer to your dream

Practical knowledge

If you are wondering how to attract what you want, then adopt an effective technique, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. complete all your tasks and get ready for meditation. Nothing should disturb or disturb you, so it is better to wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics that do not hinder movement. Turn on pleasant meditative music to help you relax;
  2. let go of all difficult thoughts, worries and fears. Think about all the good things that have happened to you lately. Remember your merits and good deeds. Mentally thank the people who helped you;
  3. imagine your dream in detail, as if everything you dreamed had already come true. Feel how you are filled with warmth and light. At the end of the meditation, turn to the Universe for help, asking to fulfill your wish.

How to make a miracle everyday

I really hope that right now you will put into practice what you have learned about how you can make a wish. And I’m sure you will succeed! After all, when a desire is “launched” correctly, it has every chance of coming true. Therefore, I look forward to your stories of wish fulfillment in the comments to this article.

But I think we shouldn’t stop there. Imagine that a dream come true can become for you not an isolated miracle, but an everyday reality where you get everything you want! Maybe not right away, but once you start... I’ve already tried it, and I really liked it!

To put your desires on stream, you will need a few more important skills.
You can master them for free here >>>
If you have seriously decided to learn how to work with your own thinking and subconscious, visit our website “POWER IN THOUGHT” more often. There will always be practices that are close to you. Search, try. And then limitless possibilities and new secrets will open up for you on how to achieve what you want with the power of thought. Believe me, they are available to everyone who is determined to change their life for the better.

The method of realizing what you want with the power of thought

With the help of this practice, based on the work of thought and imagination, you can attract what you want. The exercise consists of three steps. You can allocate 3-5 minutes for each step. Naturally, before practice, do preparatory exercises to enter a resourceful state of mind, which many call trance. Let's consider practice with desires in the areas of health, money and relationships. Make up the rest yourself by analogy.

Step 1: Beliefs

Prepare a belief that reflects your desire.

For example:

  • I am healthy
  • My spine is healthy - for the health sector.
  • I receive 100,000 rubles a month - for the material sphere.
  • I let love into my life - for the love sphere.

Speak these beliefs consciously, concentratedly, confidently out loud or to yourself for 3-5 minutes. Remember there should be no other thoughts in your head. The whole focus is on beliefs.

Step 2: filling with energy

Take this step immediately after working with conviction. It also takes 3-5 minutes to complete.

For the health sphere, you imagine a column of white healing light descending on you from above. As you inhale, you imagine inhaling this white light. As you exhale, you see how you are filled with it and radiate it with your entire being. Or, as you exhale, you send it to the diseased organ, if you do the practice on a specific organ.

For the sphere of love, you imagine that the energy of love descends on you. And as you inhale, you inhale it, and as you exhale, you are filled with it and radiate it.

For money, you imagine money or a monetary item on a table. You can put real money on the table. for greater efficiency. Only more))) Or you can see the money egregor in the form of a golden cloud above you.

You imagine how this object, a bundle of money, glows and emits the energy of money that reaches out to you. Or how a beam of energy comes from the money egregor towards you. As you inhale, you inhale the energy of money. As you exhale, you fill yourself with it and radiate it. Fill yourself with energy and move on to the next step.

Step 3: visualization

In this step, you use your imagination and visualize the desired goal according to all the rules.

To develop the skills of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imagination, it is recommended to train your left hand by writing with it daily. Paint. In general, any creativity is effective in awakening the power of the right hemisphere. In addition, it is important to do exercises to develop imagination abilities.

If visualization does not work for you for one reason or another, for example, you do not see images on the internal screen or you do not like this method in itself, try alternative methods. Remember that everyone is different. And to each his own. Listen to yourself and try

Personal diary

I started keeping a diary in the seventh grade. I wrote down the events of the past day there, wrote about my experiences and dreams. I pasted magazine clippings or drew what I wanted to see. And one day, opening a diary that was about five years old, I was amazed.

There was a page in my diary that I had long forgotten to even think about . I wrote in it about my desire to see the world, described the countries I would like to see, and pasted in a magazine clipping with the sights of these countries. And, as it turned out, I visited almost all the countries I wrote about. Moreover, the trip was completely free for me due to my studies. And I saw everything I had dreamed of since childhood.

Clipping with countries I dreamed of seeing

Someone will think that this is just a coincidence, but there have been many cases in my life when I really wanted something, vividly imagined it, was sure that I would get it - and I got it...

Dream to see Paris

Drawing drawn in 2014

Photo I took in 2016

A personal diary has other advantages. You can express your innermost feelings, and in the course of writing come to a solution to the problem. And years later it is very interesting to read about your childhood experiences. A diary stores more information than your own mind. Therefore, I don’t regret keeping a diary and recommend it to everyone.

Take responsibility

Until you yourself begin to act towards your desire, everything in your life will be the same. Find time every day for a goal and visualize the end result in your mind. This will take very little time, the only condition is that your thoughts must be bright, positive, ready for action.

Desires come true only when in your soul you have decided to overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious from a difficult situation. Some people are greatly mistaken in thinking that their dreams will come true without effort. This is not true at all; dreams do not come true for lazy people. Are thoughts material? Of course yes. However, your participation in this is one of the main ones.

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