I feel bad and want to cry
Ten signs it's time to treat your depression
Weakness is a subjective feeling of lack of energy in everyday situations. Complaints of weakness occur
Skeptic: who is he, pros and cons. Understanding the phenomenon
Author of the material: Inna Trofimova writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist For unknown reasons, public opinion portrays a skeptic
development at 11 years old
Psychological characteristics of adolescence
Psychological characteristics of adolescence In adolescence, pathological reactions associated with
What is determination and why is it so important for success?
Tweet What should a woman be like? Feminine or purposeful? This question came to me once
Emotion diary tasks
Diary of emotions and feelings: sample, how to keep, examples
Do you keep a diary of feelings and emotions? According to psychologists, writing down everything you
Depth psychology is
Depth psychology briefly the basic principles of psychoanalysis to get answers
Depth psychology is (briefly). The founder of the basic principles of psychoanalysis was an Austrian psychiatrist and specialist in
7 signs of an adult
15 signs of a psychologically mature person (no, not seriousness) – Om Activ
Eighteen years old is the age that defines adults. But sometimes it happens that
Practical NLP methods: lessons on influencing a man
In love, as in war, all means are fair, so women in love think, trying
reasonable selfishness
The theory of reasonable egoism: description, essence and basic concept
The concept of reasonable egoism does not fit well into ideas about public morality. For a long time it was believed that
Why you need to be sociable
How to become a more sociable person - advice from a psychologist
Greetings, friends! The more high technologies and social networks penetrate into our lives,
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