What is a decent girl? How do they behave and how to become like this?

This article will cause a break in patterns. The Internet is replete with “decent girl” topics written as carbon copies. Reading them, one gets the impression that in order to have the status of “worthiness” you need to be born into a secular society with a golden spoon in your mouth. Automatically, Marusya from nearby Khatsapetovka has no right to claim the title of “worthy girl.” So the idea to protect and give hope to dear “Cinderellas” was not born by chance. And at the same time make a small contribution to the worldview of representatives of both camps.

Gold of the female form

The public unanimously asserts that a worthy girl is a combination of beauty, intelligence, education, sense of style and lifestyle. Stereotypes imposed by various media resources have broken more than one fate. But in pursuit of these images, people have forgotten about the very concept of dignity. But from time immemorial the meaning was completely different.

The main definition of human dignity was only three qualities: nobility, fidelity, honor. These characteristics were not gender specific. They belonged equally to both women and men. But since we are talking about the female half of humanity, then we should understand this direction.

Laws of the ideal lady

A true lady always maintains her composure. She does not allow herself to panic, controls the situation and is ready for a lightning-fast reaction to changing circumstances. She acts wisely if:

  • does not complain about fate;
  • carefully monitors his appearance;
  • indulges him in moderation with his attention;
  • does not interfere in other people's affairs;
  • uses tears only in exceptional cases;
  • keeps his admirers in tense anticipation;
  • demonstrates virtues in practice, refraining from self-promotion;
  • boldly meets changes, finding positive aspects in them

Psychology for a real woman is a powerful weapon, and she does not expose the qualities that a girl should have in the opinion of men to public view, using them to achieve her goal. Unobtrusively and with a sweet smile on her lips, she will not only achieve her goal, but will also leave those around her with the feeling that they did everything of their own free will.

Feminine nobility2

Nobility in women has the same essence as in men, but with a slightly different twist. This character trait is not inherent in everyone. It is absorbed from childhood. It is impossible to be born immediately with a ready-made trait. The environment always has a powerful influence on the formation of personality.

Nobility in a woman is determined by actions. It combines a lot of behavioral models, but the ones that stand out most clearly are: the absence of aggression, bitchiness, cruelty, capriciousness, the presence of delicacy and the ability to forgive. A noble girl will never allow herself to harm those who are initially weaker, not only physically, but also mentally. She knows how to forgive and does not try to make revenge the meaning of life. She recognizes the right of others to make mistakes, and in the event of a fatal mistake, she will simply let the culprit go and will not morally destroy him.

She knows how to delicately close the door to her life in front of those who do not belong in it. She knows how to create a confident atmosphere in everything related to relationships with any people who are in her environment. You can rely on her. A noble girl is selfless, she is capable of very powerful actions. Honesty, another axiom of a noble girl. But she understands perfectly well that honesty does not have the right to harm other people. And here comes another sign - golden silence.

Can nobility be present in an ordinary milkmaid from the nearest village? You don't even have to think about it. The answer is clear: it can! Moreover, among ordinary girls, from the middle social class, nobility has a more pronounced form than among ladies of an aristocratic society.

The point is that a person acquires compassion, generosity and other traits only where they may be needed most often. The pretentious delivery of a hot lunch to a homeless person is not yet a sign of compassion. This is PR, which will then appear on Instagram and collect likes. But volunteer work in a hospice is different. Moreover, this activity, as a rule, is not advertised. It’s simply impossible to realize the need to help others in any other way. This is, of course, an example, but the essence is clear.

How to become a real woman who attracts men

Nature has endowed the female sex with amazing abilities. A girl is born with enormous potential, which gradually reveals her individuality, like a unique flower. Only in accordance with her inner world can she become the one, the only one for whose sake he will be ready for feats. To gain this power, you should listen to the advice that psychology gives, revealing the secrets of attractiveness.

  1. The wardrobe should correspond to the image of the ideal lady. Be stylish, in different color shades and reveal a little less than you would like, leaving room for imagination and fueling the excitement of the explorer.
  2. Behavior includes the art of seduction with a look, gesture, voice, without crossing the boundaries of decency, so as not to seem vulgar. This is one of the main points on the list of what good qualities a real woman should have,
  3. A true lady is whole. She is not late for anything, lives at her own rhythm, determining the gradation of importance of a matter only on the basis of her own opinion.
  4. She enjoys life, guided by the principle that everything happens for the better. She does not allow herself to lament and complain, she maintains her posture and dignity even in critical situations, admiring her with her wisdom and fortitude.
  5. A true lady determines her own needs in life. This applies to starting a family, having children and choosing a job. She is not guided by the opinion of the majority, preferring to have her own.
  6. The main quality a woman should have is self-love at any age.
  7. She perceives loneliness as a gift, reaching another level of communication only out of internal need.
  8. She subtly feels her inner energy and attractiveness, controlling it at will. Forms a social circle in accordance with interests and choosing a life partner based on the spiritual comfort next to him.

Compliance with these rules requires serious work on yourself, but it gives an undeniable advantage. Then the representatives of the stronger half of humanity will think about how to become a real man for this woman.

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Loyalty is the most essential sign of any worthy person. Moreover, it is present in all spheres of life: from friendship to principles. Loyalty does not necessarily have an exaggerated manifestation in a person. It is difficult to call a person an infidel if he violates some dogmas of society. This is especially true for betrayal.

Individual cases are not indicators of fidelity. Statements regarding betrayal are always based on selfish manifestations of a person’s character. That is why the concept of “treason”, in principle, has no right to exist. Of course, everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but if you start digging, you can destroy stereotypes without really straining yourself.

Loyalty must manifest itself in a deeper understanding of this word: fidelity to word, deed, life principles, and behavior patterns. Loyalty must be taught from childhood. And the main teachers, of course, should be parents. But society should also have a significant influence on the formation of this characteristic feature.

Does the concept of “loyalty” belong to any strata of human society? No! Loyalty embraces the entire hierarchy of human society.

How a lady behaves and looks

Correct behavior is the result of a clear calculation of the situation and is equated to a strategy that brings the desired result. Knownly losing options:

  • chat incessantly, especially if you have no idea about the subject of the conversation or the goal is not to prolong time without giving out vital information;
  • ignore the general conversation, which will inevitably lead to isolation from part of society;
  • use profanity and common expressions in conversation;
  • raise the tone, demonstrate violent displeasure, start shouting and swearing.

The main virtues are restraint, friendliness, the ability to listen to your interlocutor, and skillfully maintain a dialogue.

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Is the concept of “honor” alien to women? No way! Honor is closely intertwined with nobility. These two signs always go hand in hand and are impossible without each other. A girl's honor implies her moral stability. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” If we focus specifically on the feminine side, then it is not difficult to understand that the main quality will be the ability not to waste time on fleeting relationships.

In general, to think that a worthy girl should be chaste, that is, necessarily a virgin, is stupid. Having partners is not prohibited. But the history of the relationship can shed light on the girl’s honor. Chastity is too broad a concept to be limited solely to the presence of virginity.

But pride - yes, it is an obligatory attribute of honor. Women's pride allows one to keep oneself within the bounds of not only decency. It helps maintain moral purity. Just don’t confuse pride and arrogance. These are absolutely polar concepts. There is more sin in pride than in the absence of virginity. By the way, ladies from “high society” are more likely to be dominated by pride than pride.

Modesty is also one of the signs of maiden honor. Shyness is closely mixed with it. These phenomena of a feminine nature greatly develop the girl’s instinct of self-preservation. And accordingly, they protect her from rash actions. By the way, in “Cinderellas” these qualities are most developed. They are less influenced by modern society. This is understandable: life in the outback is much more different from life in big cities, where these qualities are more likely to destroy than help to survive.

Strong women in relationships. Opinion of psychologist Alla Pilipyuk

This condition does not allow a woman to build normal relationships. When a man gets into her field, he begins to feel insecure. And there are two options for the development of events.

The man will adapt

He simply does not have the strength to compete with you. He will say: “Okay, do it yourself.” And then you start nagging him for his lack of masculine qualities. So tell me, what’s the point of him showing these same qualities if you still don’t appreciate him?

  • He will earn a million - you will try to earn two. So that he does not think that he is the smartest.
  • He will open the door for you in a restaurant, and you will walk past with such a look that it would be better not to do this.
  • He will give you a jewel, and you won’t even say “Thank you.” Because you can buy it for yourself.

Yes, self-sufficient women have enormous opportunities for self-realization, achievement, and financial success. But personal happiness is not included in this package. Men speak about a strong woman like this: “She doesn’t give the impression of a woman who needs to be looked after. She can do everything herself, she knows everything better than anyone. There is simply no desire to offer one’s help and protection.”

Now think about it: being a protector is one of the most important male functions. It manifests itself even in small things:

  • Take a coat from your beloved.
  • Carry heavy packages.
  • Cover her with a blanket when she is cold.
  • Help solve work issues and so on.

If a woman does all this herself and does not ask a man for help, he feels superfluous, unnecessary. And he either gives up, weakens, or leaves for someone who will appreciate him.

The man will fight with you

The strong and self-sufficient often complain: “Where have all the strong men gone? There are only weaklings and beggars.” In fact, there are many worthy partners in the world, only strong women are attracted to soft men to balance them out.

A strong woman has a tense, tough, and to some extent masculine field. They do not know how to relax, they are used to keeping everything under control. And a man wants to come home and relax. Receive love, care, gentleness, understanding. If these functions are not performed by the wife, a mistress will be found. Often love triangles are formed not because of a lack of sex, but because the man does not receive enough emotions.

If you want to attract a strong man, you first need to awaken your femininity, become soft, learn to turn off your head and trust your partner. Because otherwise, a war of the worlds will begin, two opposing forces will collide.

In the mind of a man, a woman is, first of all, a mother, a continuator of the family. Not a businesswoman, not a mentor, not a strict critic. If you compete with a strong man, fight for leadership, he will begin to break you, sometimes even insult and humiliate you.

You think that a self-sufficient woman will feel good with a strong man, that he will become her protector. And you have to defend yourself from it. There is a confrontation between the internal contents of the partners.

Want a little test? Just mentally say the phrase: “I am a humble woman” and listen to your feelings.

If you:

  • funny;
  • offensive;
  • you categorically disagree with this;
  • a real storm begins in your soul - that means you are a self-sufficient woman.

You are a fighter who is used to dealing with all troubles on your own. This is neither good nor bad, it is a given, which speaks of your internal disharmony, of distortion. You do not have a balance between feminine and masculine functions. Because of this, strong men cannot stay in your field, and weak men are attracted to you to maintain balance.

And until you awaken your feminine qualities and learn to give the reins to a man, nothing will change. Our feminine strength is in softness, flexibility, wisdom. You need to work on your content - then your personal life will improve. We have looked at the main reasons for loneliness, now let's do some simple practice.

Comparative analysis 5

Based on the main idea, a comparison can be made between the two layers of society. Imposed stereotypes are collapsing like a house of cards. If you turn to any man and put him before a choice, he is unlikely to want to have a socialite with an Oxford education next to him if she does not have the described qualities in her character. Any sane man would prefer a simple girl who has them. And he absolutely doesn’t care whether she knows “Eugene Onegin” by heart, even though this is a good bonus to her personality.

Calling etiquette rules

Phone calls have their time, just like business. A well-mannered person will not allow himself to disturb his friend with a phone call earlier than 8 a.m. and later than 10 p.m., unless this call has been agreed upon with him in advance.

  • The rules of etiquette dictate that if the mobile connection is interrupted during a conversation, then the person who called the first time needs to call back
  • If you are talking on the phone with a stranger, be sure to address him as “you”
  • When you call, be sure to say hello and introduce yourself. When communicating, use only impersonal forms. It is not ethical to address the subscriber with words such as “girl”, “young man”, “woman”
  • Be sure to answer business calls within the first three rings. If you are calling, it is not customary to wait longer than six rings for the call. A business conversation cannot last more than 5 minutes
  • If you expect a longer conversation, be sure to ask the subscriber if he has the opportunity to devote 20-30 minutes to you, for example
  • If you are in a restaurant, put your mobile phone in your bag or pocket. Never put it on the table
  • It is not civilized to write messages or “sit” on a social network while communicating with a real interlocutor
  • Never answer someone else's phone


Of course, you don't have to know how to knit socks. You can buy them, but your culinary skills will be a great addition. Another plus for ordinary girls. Yes, you can’t label girls from higher social strata as “clueless,” but 99.9% of them are only able to distinguish a lobster from a lobster, but they can no longer meet a man with pies.


Mood is a thing that can be transmitted to people around you. The girl's sensitivity allows her to feel as comfortable as possible in critical situations. Of course, by lashing out at his girlfriend, a man is unlikely to achieve mutual understanding, but adequate behavior, on the contrary, will give him the opportunity to relax in the girl’s arms and forget about troubles.

Etiquette rules for girls with parents

Sooner or later in every girl's life there comes a time when a guy introduces her to his parents. This is always exciting for a girl and she tries in every possible way to make the best impression of herself. But don't overdo it!

  • Etiquette rules recommend remaining yourself, behaving calmly and civilly.
  • Don’t show your parents your excitement, but you also don’t need to hide it by randomly twisting the ring on your finger or straightening your hair.
  • When meeting for the first time, you should not take the initiative in the conversation - behave modestly and correctly, and sincerely answer your parents’ questions. Try not to talk about yourself unless you are asked to do so.
  • Spread out a glass of alcohol at the table throughout the evening and don’t fall for your future father-in-law’s tricks of pouring alcohol on
  • Don't refuse treats. Moreover, admire their taste
  • Do not bring any animals as a gift. It is also not customary to give perfume, underwear and cosmetics until you really get to know your parents’ taste.
  • Don't stay up late. When leaving, be sure to invite the groom's parents to visit in return.
  • Simplicity and naturalness are the main rules of a modern and properly raised girl. First of all, you need to respect yourself and be yourself. Then you won’t have to hide your complexes, laugh loudly in the theater or cinema, or avoid communicating with your loved ones
  • Simply, if something surprises you, be surprised; if it makes you happy, smile! But for yourself, not for others. Then those around you will be able to immediately notice this sweet creature, with a bright and clean face, open, kind and well-mannered


Sometimes people confuse vulgarity and sexuality. And this is an unforgivable mistake. Modesty has already been mentioned above as a guarantee of a girl’s moral purity. But this in no way extends to the expression of sexuality within a couple. Sexuality is a very broad concept. It includes a lot of signs. And sometimes a sweet and gentle creature in a village meadow with a goat on a leash can look much sexier than a fifa in a red convertible.

Healthy ambitions13

Even in Khatsapetovka you can achieve a certain position and authority. But in general, we are talking about both self-development and the desire to change your life. Of course, if the conversation is limited to new models of milking machines, then this is not funny. But the ability to maintain a conversation about higher matters suggests that the girl is far from stupid.

A pleasant bonus for ambition is also some independence and financial independence. You can earn money by doing anything. So, if a girl doesn’t just lie around in a chamomile field, but earns herself an income by collecting them and delivering them to collection points, we can safely consider her worthy.

Clothes etiquette for girls

As the saying goes: “You’re greeted by your clothes, you’re seen off by your mind.” This stereotype has become a part of our lives and has not lost its relevance at all times. A girl’s correctly selected wardrobe indicates her level of education.

Important: Clothing should always be appropriate to the atmosphere of the event and its setting. A well-mannered girl will never allow herself to appear at a social event with bright makeup and a short leather skirt.

  • Clothes should be beautiful. This rule applies not only to the wardrobe, which is intended for going out into society, but also for home
  • A properly brought up girl will not allow herself to be in the house in an unkempt robe or nightgown, even an expensive one.
  • Home clothes should be comfortable, simple, neat and beautiful. You should always look beautiful and well-groomed so that you can receive a sudden guest or go out at any time

  • Another rule is to cultivate a sense of tact and taste. Those girls who wear a lot of jewelry look defiant. There is one unwritten rule - wear no more than 13 jewelry. These include bracelets, earrings, chains, bright inserts, buttons, belts, etc.

An elegant woman is a good posture, which means a straight back, gently lowered shoulders, a tucked in stomach, straight legs at the knees, a raised chin and slightly bent elbows.

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