How to avoid an awkward question: 8 strategies with examples

Do you want to learn how to wittily respond to the words why, why? Read the article, it has some cool options.

People often ask the obvious. It sounds so banal that I want to answer in something interesting and funny. For example, the question “Why?” Sometimes you don’t even know what to say in response. But, if you memorize a few phrases, then you will always have the correct answer, even with humor, at the ready.

Read an article on our website about how to respond to the word “sorry” from a guy about silence, from a girl, friend, beautifully, so that you remember .

Below you will find possible answers. Read on.

Answer a question with a question

Use your interlocutor's weapon and interrogate him with passion. For example, ask why he is asking and what will change your answer.

If you maintain friendly intonations, the degree of rudeness in this method is almost zero. At the same time, you squeeze the questioner out of your territory back to neutral. If you're lucky, the person will understand that the question is tactless.

— Are you going to buy an apartment at all, or will you continue to live in a rented apartment until you get old?

- Will my answer affect anything? Or why are you interested?

Women's mistakes

Some representatives of the fairer sex react to compliments in such a way that they unwittingly put their suitors in an awkward position: they blush, talk nonsense or moo. There are other mistakes that should not be made:

  1. Disregard what was said. This provocation encourages the guy to praise the girl more and more. In the end, everything resembles a stupid parody scene.
  2. Make excuses. You can't argue with a man about how a dress fits or how nice the jewelry is. He appreciated and showed attention, which means it was deserved.
  3. Neglect. It is unacceptable to let a compliment fall on deaf ears. This will offend your interlocutor.

In addition, you cannot react extremely violently. Excessive enthusiasm and tons of gratitude look wild and stupid. It pays to respect boundaries.

Transform the question

An uncomfortable topic can be directed in the right direction if you clarify the subject of the conversation before you start answering. It is important to navigate quickly so that the interlocutor does not have time to bring you back.

- Do you have a groom, or will you die surrounded by cats?

- Do you mean that cats scare away suitors? What are you saying, my cats are very friendly, because I took them from a shelter. By the way, I advise you too, a cat is always useful on the farm. Moreover, the cats from the shelter are so grateful.

How to stun your interlocutor

When responding to a compliment, you can use these phrases.

  • Thank you, fan!
  • How much do you want? (In the event that you assumed that you are being praised because you need money. Maybe).
  • You know? I like you.
  • Thank you, so please vote for me in the next election.
  • Much obliged! (This is just another version of “thank you”).
  • Oh, such penetrating eyes!
  • This is actually a result of not taking a bath for weeks.
  • I didn't hear you. Can you say it again?
  • Only today? What about yesterday? (This is for people who say, “Hey, you look good today!”).
  • Yes, the genie finally granted my wish.
  • Thanks, but this is not for sale!
  • Thanks, but I prefer to be noticed for my intellectual abilities.
  • Sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else.
  • Give me a pen and I'll give you my autograph.

Pour water

Answer verbosely not to the question asked, but to one very close to it, keeping the main subject of the conversation unchanged. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee, since the interlocutor may not be so easily confused, but it works. At least among politicians.

If nothing comes to mind, start answering the question from afar. By the time you get to the point, the topic will fade away by itself.

- Why haven’t you been promoted yet? You've been working at this place for a very long time.

“As a child, I always looked at the adults who were returning from work in the evening, and thought that one day this would happen to me too. Then it seemed to me that this was great, because at work you don’t have to sleep and eat semolina porridge. What a fatal mistake!..

How not to react?

A good place to start is by understanding how not to answer:

  • Many, having heard laudatory speeches, begin to deny what was said to them: “What are you talking about, there is nothing special about this!” These are provocative actions that make you praise you again and again. Which can make your opponent feel awkward. Know how to accept praise with dignity.
  • Don't make excuses. You deserve the approval. And this dress that fits you so perfectly, or quitting smoking, which your friends appreciated, is your good work and attitude towards life.
  • Do not neglect, you may offend the speaker. There must be a reaction, even if you are extremely modest and uptight, respond. Smile, at least say: “Thank you!”
  • Don't go to extremes; excessive enthusiasm looks cute, but stupid. Stick to the middle ground.

Yes, sometimes after accepting a compliment, we don’t know what to do with it. There are too many emotions, and not enough.

Ask for advice

If you need to distract your interlocutor, give him the opportunity to talk about what he (in his opinion) understands. Ask for advice and listen carefully to the answer.

Just under no circumstances ask questions related to the main topic of the conversation. If you ask, for example, how to find a spouse, in response to the question why you are not married, then you run the risk of reporting at each meeting how the search is progressing. So switch your interlocutor to the most abstract topic possible.

— Are you going to look for a normal job or will you continue to freelance?

“For now, I’m preoccupied with the repairs.” By the way, you recently re-floored the rooms. Now is it really possible to cover the floor with a board or does it cost like a cast iron bridge? What did you choose? And why?

Funny responses to compliments

Perhaps one of them will make your counterpart smile.

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  • To tell the truth, in my previous life I was a terrible insect.
  • Oh, sorry, what? I was too busy thinking about how great I was.
  • I know.
  • It's hard to be such a sex symbol.
  • Mwahahahaha…. The human sacrifices I made have finally worked!
  • I finally found someone who agrees with my mom/dad.
  • Will you marry me?
  • I see that honesty is still the best policy.
  • It is my responsibility to spread beauty in the world.
  • Compliment accepted.
  • Stop it before I fall in love with you.
  • Nice to look at, nice to hold. But if you break it, consider it sold!
  • I'm glad I brightened your day.
  • Why? (This always takes people by surprise. Now they should tell you the real reason why they are praising you, if there is one).

Laugh it off

Unless you're a sparkling stand-up comedian, it's best to prepare in advance. The irritating questions are usually the same, so you can come up with a witty answer to each and deliver it every time someone steps onto the slippery ground of tactlessness.

- Why don’t you have children?

- You know, I ask myself all the time, why don’t I have children. But in the end I can’t come to an agreement with myself, I quarrel and even stop talking to myself. Apparently, we will have to wait a little longer, otherwise we will have to part with ourselves on this basis.


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Ignore the question

This option will require some acting skills on your part. Continue the conversation as if you didn’t hear the question. When the interlocutor repeats it, continue to pursue your line. Sooner or later he will get bored.

If you feel like you can’t handle it, avoid the question in the literal sense of the word. Say you need to go away for a minute. Come back with a prepared topic for conversation.

- When will you finally marry Masha?

- Sorry, just a second.

—Have you seen Tarantino's latest film?

Types of compliments

Depending on the characteristics of the spoken words of admiration, you need to be able to navigate the answers. Not all compliments are the same in meaning and emotional message:

  1. Sincere, from the bottom of my heart. The man is not shy and really admires something about his partner.
  2. Hidden. Because of embarrassment, it is not possible to speak openly, so the phrase comes out with a hint: “This dress fits you perfectly.”
  3. Duty. Popular in work and business environments. This is just a formality that does not carry any message.
  4. Business. Words from the boss to the team. Needed to maintain enthusiasm and performance.
  5. Intimate. A compliment is pronounced only in the ear of the beloved woman, so that others do not hear.

Let's start the conversation first

What to write to a guy? What to write to a girl?

Go to his or her page. Look at the photos, study what the person is interested in. Perhaps you have some common interests. Here you can easily find a reason for a question that he will be interested in answering, and you will be interested in listening to the answer.

A good way to start a conversation is to simply write Hello. A person will look at your page and respond if he likes you.

You can leave a comment on a photo, this can also start a conversation. But if you're dating a girl, keep in mind that they're usually fed up with compliments.

What if we already know each other?

If you already know each other and have been communicating for some time, you can directly write that you want to meet, go somewhere (on a date). Being honest in expressing your feelings is the best way. But you also shouldn’t be boring, as if your whole life is now fixated on this person. It's good if you're passionate about something that you can talk about.


How to respond to “Come on”?

"Come on" is a vulgar way of saying "bye" or "goodbye"; it means something like “give me a paw,” that is, a hand to shake goodbye. You can simply answer “Bye ” or, if you want to offend a person, tell him that “come on” is vulgar, that only a bastard says that.

How to say goodbye?

Sometimes you want to say goodbye in a beautiful or original way, but this can give a strange impression. It’s better to just write Bye, then we’ll talk some more or Listen, I’ll be a little busy now, let me write to you later. Or you can write See you later.

How to prepare for the answer?

If your friend gives you time to think, then use it rationally and break the process of finding an answer into several stages. Take a pen, a piece of paper, turn off your mobile phone and try to answer these questions as truthfully as possible:

  1. Immediately evaluate: was the question asked just by a friend or by a best friend? Your answer depends on this.
  2. How important is the interlocutor? Select 3 degrees: not important; important; very important.
  3. Think about it: could you live without it? If yes, for how long, and if not, why?
  4. What is it about him that makes you friends? And here, try not to be cunning, but answer as accurately as possible.

If it is popularity, then mark it; if it is money, make an appropriate inscription. Well, if the whole person is a whole, with all his shortcomings and advantages, then you can simply draw a heart on a piece of paper!

Look carefully at your notes. This is how, in step-by-step steps, you were able to assess the importance of your friend and draw up a rough response plan. Move on to the monologue!

Why does a person ask this question: reasons

In addition to the answer, many people want to understand why such a question was suddenly asked and what it means?

Friends whose company is doing well are unlikely to be interested in such topics. What sparked the dialogue about friendship, relationships and devotion? There are several options:

  1. A person cannot understand whether he loves you or wants to be friends. By asking the question: “Why do you need me?”, the guy wants to understand your attitude and find reciprocity.
  2. There is another person in your company to whom you pay more attention. A fairly common reason is that an “ex” friend is trying to get you back, which is why he asks such questions.
  3. The guy wants to say that he needs you. He expects the same answer in the style: “I need you more than life!” and shows how important you are to him.
  4. The guy has doubts about your fidelity. If some important secret or photo you posted is in the wrong place, your friend may think that you are making fun of him.
  5. The guy is afraid to confess to you. In modern society, it is believed that open confession is too wrong and harsh. Therefore, you can resort to a simpler option.

In a long-term friendship, a guy or girl is ready to hide their feelings for a long time when communicating with you. They are afraid to confess and lose their better half, so they resort to indirect questions.

Crunching chips in front of him is not very sexy

Eating Pringles in a stack of 6 pieces at a time and shaking the crumbs from the jar into your palm is an indescribable pleasure. True, if you are a girl, from the outside it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Fortunately, snack manufacturers are already working on this problem. The Doritos brand has announced that it plans to produce miniature chips that will be less crunchy, and the pack will easily fit into a woman's purse.

Talk about relationships

"Have a boyfriend?" What to say?

If you have a boyfriend, say yes, you do. But if you don't want to admit it because you want to hook up with this guy too, say no. Or, for example, Do you want to become one? For fun, you can also answer : What about you?

What to answer to your ex?

Ex-boyfriend texts you. What should I answer him? You're not sure. On the one hand, you want to send him away, on the other hand, you want to bring back the pleasant moments (even if you don’t admit it to yourself). What to do? If he wants to get you back, and you, in principle, admit this possibility, offer to meet and talk. Don't reveal your feelings. If you don’t want to see him, write that you are not ready to talk yet. And if you are already dating someone else and definitely don’t want your ex, tell him you’re happy and let him live his own life. Be the queen!

"I love you". What should I write in response?

If a guy confesses his feelings suspiciously easily, then keep in mind that his words may not be true. But if you love him and are confident in him, then answer I too (I love you). Otherwise, just say what you like.

Lots of statuses for you!

Answers with humor

The first reaction to a tactless question is shock and indignation. However, the person who asked it may not have done it to offend you or provoke a quarrel, but simply without thinking. Most often, this is the sin of friends and relatives, who are sure that we will always understand them correctly and will not be offended. To avoid conflict in such situations, try laughing it off:

  • What is this, an interrogation? I demand a lawyer!
  • How much do I get? Isn’t it only food that is given for work?
  • It's a secret. Can you keep secrets? I can do it too.
  • Of course, I can tell you, but after that I will have to kill you.
  • When will you get married? I probably won’t have time today. Maybe tomorrow.

This will throw the ball into your interlocutor’s half of the field. Let him now think about how to react to your joke.

I'm too into celebrities or fictional characters to love anyone else

If you don't even remotely resemble handsome Tommy Shelby or Johnny Depp in the movie Arizona Dream, don't try to get close to me. Who needs a real partner when I can enjoy the perfect relationship in my head?

Diplomatic responses

Sometimes inappropriate questions come from complete strangers, with whom, nevertheless, there is no need to spoil relations. And even more so, you shouldn’t satisfy their curiosity. Politely enough, but firmly, let them know that you do not intend to develop a discussion of the topic raised. Here's how you can answer:

  • I wouldn't like to talk about it.
  • Sorry, but this is personal.
  • Doesn't matter. Oh, well, what's the difference.
  • It's a long story.
  • Complex issue. I can’t answer it right off the bat.
  • Why are we all about me! Let's talk about you better.
  • Sorry, I can't tell you that. I hope you understand.

By the way, the phrase “I hope you understand” works wonders. It makes your opponent realize that you consider him a polite and tactful person who himself knows why you cannot carry on a conversation on the topic he has raised.

Your words will sound more kind if you say them with a smile.


Communication on dating sites and Instagram requires a girl to know how to respond to a compliment to a man by correspondence. It is on the Internet that women receive a huge number of comments under VKontakte photos and sweet messages from fans. It is advisable to take phrase templates as an example and use them, adding something of your own and being creative.

Sample answers

To the photo:

  • It's a really great photo, but it's not perfect yet.
  • Besides my pretty face, I have a lot of talents.
  • Otherwise, I can’t do that yet!
  • If you're in love, write to me and I'll think about whether to answer.
  • Thank God, at least someone appreciated it!
  • This is me without makeup yet.


  • My deepest gratitude to you.
  • I try to be perfect in everything.
  • I'm still that little angel.
  • You underestimated me, maybe try again.
  • I think so too.

I’m glad that there are people who notice the beauty around them. Comments under photos on Odnoklassniki, VK, Instagram are a public action. It is worth a lot, a person has overcome his doubts, fears, and awkwardness. Even if you don’t like the boy, you don’t need to humiliate him or write nasty things, as they teach on the forums.

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