TOP 8 books on working with the subconscious that a non-professional can master

Books that change a person’s consciousness: Pxhere Today there are books that can change a person’s life for the better. According to experts, all you need to do is want change. Read the best books on changing consciousness and take confident steps into a bright future.

What books change a person's consciousness? These are the works of John Kehoe “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything”, Rhonda Byrne “The Secret”, Louise Hay “Heal Your Body”, Norman Doidge “Brain Plasticity”, etc.

Joseph Murphy "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

At first glance, the content of the work may resemble the acclaimed film “The Secret.” But Joseph Murphy approached the substantiation of his theory more thoroughly than the authors of the above-mentioned documentary films.

Joseph Murphy believes that understanding the brain will help us achieve everything we sincerely desire. The main thing is to understand how it works and how you can see the hidden abilities in yourself.

The manuscript describes scientific and religious theories that explain the abilities of the brain. Murphy focuses on achieving wealth, success and family happiness and gives many practical tasks to help you achieve what you want.

"The Seductive Mind" by Jeffrey Miller

The "seductive mind" is one of the most compelling and radical explanations of how and why the human mind evolved. Until now, adherents of the theory of evolution believed that the level of intelligence depended on the size of the brain. However, psychologist Jeffrey Miller put forward an original idea: the unique mental abilities of humans were formed through sexual selection.

In his book, the author says that the key mechanism of this selection was the choice of sexual partners, which prehistoric hominids made and we, modern people, continue to do. To defend his provocative thesis, Miller cites evidence from psychology, economics, history, popular culture, and Darwin's theory of sexual selection.

John Kehoe "The subconscious mind can do anything"

John is a personal growth coach originally from Canada. In the 70s of the last century, he retired to the Canadian forests for several years, where he persistently studied the capabilities of the body and brain. He learned how to change the surrounding reality at will, using the connection of the mind with the Universe.

Since 1978, John Kehoe has been traveling to different cities and countries, sharing his accumulated knowledge. All of them, including practical recommendations, formed the basis of the work “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything.” John emphasizes the importance of being completely focused on your desires and dreams, because this is the only way to achieve change.

Robert Cialdini - “The Psychology of Influence.”

The art of persuasion can be approached in different ways. Some people strive to master it perfectly in order to achieve their goals always and everywhere, while others consider it unacceptable when, using mechanisms of influence, conditions that are unfavorable for them are imposed on people. However, none of us wants to become a victim of manipulators, easy prey for sellers, fundraisers and advertisers. In this book, Robert Cialdini, Ph.D., professor of psychology and a recognized expert on influence and persuasion, examines six universal techniques that will make you a master persuader. At the same time, knowing about these techniques, you can always avoid unwanted influence from the outside.

Valery Sinelnikov “The power of intention. How to realize your dreams"

Valery Sinelnikov became interested in psychology, homeopathy, traditional methods of treatment and neurolinguistic programming while a student at a medical university. Valery transferred all his accumulated experience to his last book - “The Power of Intention.

How to realize your dreams." He says that you can achieve harmony only by observing the main law of the Universe - by learning to positively wash every day. Valery tells how to master positive thinking in the book “The Power of Intention,” describing in detail practical techniques.

Sergey Kovalev - “We come from a terrible childhood.”

The second book in the “Codes of Your Destiny” series by a famous psychologist, one of the leaders of domestic and world neurolinguistic programming, a psychotherapist of the highest qualifications in Europe, describes what can safely be called the fundamental theory and practice of neuroprogramming one’s destiny and life. It tells in detail, in an accessible and popular form, about the scenarios and scriptwriters of our destinies; about psychopathologies of the past and possible future, as well as about the psychological time of our destiny; psychotechnologies for overcoming the pathological consequences of a difficult childhood are described in detail; Inner Child psychotherapy; getting rid of imprints and psychological traumas; greening one's own future; optimizing psychological time orientations and improving the time line.

Vadim Shvarev “Free yourself from the subconscious”

Vadim’s book teaches you to develop the mind’s ability to resist hidden manipulation, NLP, and hypnosis. Extremely useful skills when we are attacked every day by aggressive advertising that encourages us to make emotional purchases, and various media often have a negative influence on consciousness.

The book describes many recommendations on how to independently get rid of undesirable character traits that prevent a person from achieving what he wants, how to awaken the useful abilities of the mind that we inherited from our ancestors along with the genetic code.

Robert Monroe - "Far Journeys"

If we trust what Monroe writes about - and we simply have no reason to distrust him - this book is the answer to almost all the most important questions for humanity: “who are we?”, “why are we here?” “,” “Where are we going?”, “Do past lives and life after death exist?”, “Who created us and why?” In fact, this book answers all the questions of both deeply religious people and atheists - however, there is simply no room left for atheism after reading this book.

Vadim Zeland “Reality Transurfing”

Not a single article describing the best books about the subconscious is complete without the work of this author. Vadim Zeland is known to people interested in methods of changing reality using the power of thought. He is the author of the acclaimed theory of reality transurfing.

This technique helps change life for the better without much effort, which is what attracts ordinary people who become Zeeland’s followers.

There are many possible scenarios in the world. The author says that we are able to choose the reality that we like best and play by our own rules, not someone else’s. You will learn how to do this by reading the work of Vadim Zeland.

How is literature useful?

First of all, you must understand: no technique will produce results until you yourself begin to take specific actions. You can sift through a mountain of varied literature, but still not change anything. Or you can choose just one book that you like and start implementing the ideas of its author right now!

Meditation techniques help a lot in the work of the subconscious. Therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my list of books about meditation, here is the link: “TOP 10 books about meditation techniques that are easy to master even for a beginner.” Also, in order not to spend a lot of time reading such a large amount of information, it may be useful for you to master the technique of speed reading. Let me remind you that on the blog, we have already discussed this method, here is the link: “How to increase your reading speed without losing the quality of information perception to save your time.”

You choose which book to read. The main thing is to put the advice into practice. Only in this case can we expect success and real changes in the way of thinking.

Rhonda Byrne "The Secret"

If you've been interested in how thoughts can affect the world around you, you've heard about the movie "The Secret." The creator of the film, Rhonda Byrne, wrote the book of the same name. By September 2004, Rhonda had become a successful film producer.

Life experience revealed to the girl principles that, as she claims, are familiar to many successful people. Then Rhonda became interested in books about the human subconscious, which she read a lot in just a couple of months.

Rhonda began to study the theories of positive thinking, visualization, and the power of attraction, and put them into practice, changing reality. She later used her accumulated experience and knowledge to create a work called “The Secret.” Rhonda Byrne sincerely wanted as many people as possible to change for the better.

Reading and viewing Rhonda Byrne's work at the same time will help enhance the positive effects.

"Secrets of the brain. Why We Believe Everything by Michael Shermer

How are our beliefs and beliefs born, formed, strengthened, survived, changed and destroyed?

The work is the brainchild of 30-year-old psychologist, historian and science communicator Michael Shermer, one of the world's most famous skeptics. According to Shermer, the brain is the engine of faith. Beliefs come first, then explanations follow.

The brain, which processes information from sensory data, first looks for a pattern and then finds the meaning that corresponds to it. These patterns that our brain creates by connecting the dots are beliefs. Once beliefs are formed, we begin to look for evidence to reinforce their strength.

Shermer provides countless real-life examples, from politics to economics, religion to conspiracy theories and supernatural events, to illustrate how this process works. Ultimately, he argues that science is the best tool for determining whether our beliefs match reality.

Jill Edwards "The Book of Dreams" Magic for every day"

This work, written back in 1991, remains relevant today. Jill Edwards helps people who are going through difficult times and have been searching for their purpose for a long time. “Everyday Magic” motivates you to achieve what you want by following your heart and listening to your intuition.

The core of Jill Edwards' teaching is a sense of joy, delight and self-love that everyone should feel. Jill explains in detail how to achieve your goals in Everyday Magic.

Esther and Jerry Hicks "Law of Attraction"

Writers are trying to force the reader to give up false and unnecessary knowledge and things by offering alternative knowledge in return. Esther and Jerry believe that people should use the eternal laws of the Universe: the law of attraction, the art of resolution and the science of conscious creation.

This knowledge, based on practice, will help you get everything you have long dreamed of, say the authors, who call their creation “instructions for life.” If you want what Esther and Geri Hicks have to offer, you'll have to trust what they say.

Books about the thinking of successful people

Here you will find a small selection of interesting publications that will help you develop the mindset of successful and rich people. The famous author of motivational books claims that we can improve our lives just by changing our thinking.

Brian Tracy “Change your thinking and you will change your life”

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Brian Tracy is a renowned expert on the psychology of success, leadership and business, and the author of a series of popular motivational books.

Tracy states: “To get everything you want in life, you just need to change your thoughts. It is thinking that determines a person’s success and opens up any opportunities to achieve goals.”

In the book you will find 12 basic rules that will help you change your way of thinking and thereby turn your life in a completely new direction.

Michael Mikalko “Hacking creativity. How to see what others don’t see”

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The author of the publication is a world-renowned creativity expert. To write this book, he researched the stories of more than 100 great creative people, adapted their methods to today's realities, and showed how to use their thinking secrets to generate innovative ideas yourself.

Mikalko describes 9 creative thinking strategies that anyone can put into practice.

David Epstein “Universalists. How talented amateurs become winners in life”

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This book is recognized as a bestseller by Amazon, New York Times, Forbes and other popular resources.

The author, a renowned science and investigative reporter and a master's degree in journalism, argues that universality, not narrow specialization, rules the world. He gives examples of the most successful artists, musicians, athletes, scientists and Nobel laureates and redefines the path to professional success.

Julia Vogmann “The Mind of Millionaires. Principles and rules of successful people”

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Transformational coach Julia Vogmann assures that it is not money that makes a person rich, but his thinking. Most of us live by inertia, not even suspecting that there is a different way of thinking and that anyone can change their reality.

In the book you can find a lot of examples from the lives of people who changed their idea of ​​success and wealth and thereby brought their lives to a qualitatively new level.

John Maxwell "How Successful People Think"

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The motto of the book is: “If you want to go somewhere you’ve never been before, you need to think in a way you’ve never tried before.”

The author gives 11 thinking skills that every person striving for success must have. Here you will find examples from the lives of great people, as well as special exercises that will help you change your thinking.

To better understand the way rich people think and find out how they achieved such heights, I advise you to read biographies of successful people. I am sure that their stories will motivate you to achieve achievements.

Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

Often in collections of books about the subconscious one comes across the work of Napoleon Hill. It would seem, how are wealth and thoughts connected? The fact is that material prosperity does not come to people who think like poor people.

If you want to increase your income, you need to start with a mindset. This step will be the first right decision on the path to financial well-being. Napoleon Hill will tell you what you need to change in your thinking to become rich.

What influence do his own thoughts have on a person?

People who are used to going with the flow think in stereotypes. Standard thinking does not provide the prerequisites for personal and career growth. It does not allow you to be successful and absolutely happy.

A person's thoughts should be under his strict control. This is the first step towards a conscious life, which will further lead to harmony in the soul and growth in all areas.

You can learn to think correctly only if you competently manage your subconscious. This is not an easy task, but with daily effort and study of suitable literature, it becomes feasible.

Joe Dispenza “The Power of the Subconscious, or How to Change Your Life in 4 Weeks”

Joe Dispenza, a professor of neurobiology, backs up the theories described in the book with actual research conducted by doctors and scientists who have studied the human brain.

Many years ago, Joe was hit by a car, resulting in a broken spine. He refused the operation. These actions would change his condition forever for the worse.

Instead of surgery, Professor Dispenza turned to the experience of his patients who healed themselves. It took more than 6 months of treatment, and Dispenza returned to his usual rhythm. Since then, the professor has seriously delved into the study of meditation and the influence of Eastern practice on life changes.

The professor has a whole series of books, after reading which you can get a more complete picture of the capabilities of the human body.

"Incognita. The Secret Life of the Brain by David Eagleman

Who hits the brake pedal before you realize the danger of your situation? Why can't we keep secrets? Why do we find some people more attractive? If the conscious mind that gets up in the morning with us is just the tip of the iceberg, then what does the rest of it do?

Renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman delves deep into the human brain with his book Incognito, which has been published in 20 languages ​​and is already a classic. With grim clarity, he shows that we ourselves control most of what we do, think or feel, rather than she controls us.

From analyzing the loyalty gene to brain injuries that turn us into something we're not; From looking at optical illusions to discovering why strippers make more money at certain times of the month, bringing together a wide range of cases and studies, Eagleman takes us on a journey of discovery about the functioning and inconsistencies of our brains.

Robert B. Stone "Heavenly 911: How to turn to the right hemisphere of the brain for help"

The technique described by Robert is a set of short meditative practices that help awaken the unused capabilities of our brain, namely intuition, creativity, self-control and much more, which allows us to think clearly and make the right decisions in any life situations.

The main feature of the practices described in Stone's work is that they are available to everyone. You do not need to master the art of meditation to master the practical tasks described in the work.

"The Female Brain" by Luann Brizendine

The title of the book says it all - it presents the latest research in the field of the female brain. When you read this book, which explains scientific discoveries in a very clear and simple language, you will find answers to many questions that have confused you:

  • Why do you find it difficult to look into the eyes of the man you like?
  • Why is it so difficult to communicate with my teenage son?
  • Why are grown men obsessed with hierarchy?

In fact, "The Female Brain" begins with the provocative assertion that every person begins life with a female brain.

That is, the female is the original state of nature. However, after the 8th week of pregnancy, depending on gender, the unisex brain turns into a male brain as the male hormone testosterone reaches the communication center.

In this process, the cells of aggression and sexuality increase. If the testosterone surge does not occur, the female brain continues to grow unchanged, and the cells are concentrated in the centers of communication and emotional development.

So what does this differentiation affect?

Neuropsychiatrist Luann Brizendine lists some of these effects:

  • Women speak 20 thousand words a day, while men speak only 7 thousand.
  • While women think about sex almost every day, men think about intimacy all the time.
  • Women never forget about quarrels and conflicts that men never remember.
  • While a man cannot understand how another person is feeling unless he is crying or looking very sad, a woman can decipher another person's mood with a single gesture or look.

Daria Trutneva “How to stop suffering and become happy”

Daria tells her readers that the world is not divided into black and white, and people cannot only be good or bad. We all have a little bit of everything in us. But only we can choose whether to remain in the swamp of our own problems or start moving forward.

How to start this movement is described in Trutneva’s work. How to set a goal correctly? How to organize your life to achieve what you want? How to finally love yourself? The answers to these questions will be found in the work “How to Stop Suffering and Become Happy.”

“An imperfect person. The Randomness of Brain Evolution and Its Consequences" by Gary Marcus

This is a scientifically entertaining book that Richard Dawkins called "perfect"! Why do we humans often make choices that go against our best interests and then suffer from the wrong decisions?

Is man really as “noble in mind,” as William Shakespeare noted in his famous work, and as perfect “in the image of God,” as some Bible scholars suggest? “Not at all,” says Gary Marcus.

A psychologist from New York University argues that the human mind is far from being a finely thought-out ideal design, but a temporary but useful solution that nature creates at random with the possibilities available at a given moment.

This new approach, which will radically change our view of the human mind, sheds light on many of the mysteries of human nature.

Taking us on a journey through some of the fundamental areas of human experience—memory, beliefs, decision-making, and happiness—Marcus reveals countless situations in which our minds are inadequate and shows effective ways to combat these “defects.”

Swami Vishnudevananda Giri "The Power of Thought"

This is a Russian-speaking spiritual teacher, guru and mentor, who in his work “The Power of Thought” shares with readers the experience gained over many years of meditation. If you believe that thought changes you, your life and everything around you, and is also a means of communication with a higher mind, this work is what you should read.

All good changes start with ourselves. If you haven't figured out what's going on inside you right now, it will be difficult to achieve what you want. This is why we need books that reveal the secrets of human nature. This is the only way to make real changes for the better.

Photo by @mattssonmoa

Brain Phantoms by Vileyanur Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee

In his book, the world-famous neurologist, psychologist and doctor of medicine talks about who we are, how we manage to recognize faces, why we cry, why we laugh, why we dream, and what makes us closer to art and music. Like other authors from a similar field, he tries to answer the “eternal” question: “What is consciousness?”

The narrative is based on real stories of Ramachandran's patients suffering from neurological disorders of an unusual nature.

In each part of the scientific work, the expert talks about body image and his discoveries, about the deceptive nature of personality. With each line, he continues to surprise the reader by illuminating more and more hidden aspects of human nature and the mind through the lens of interesting stories.

see also

11 simple rules that underlie most self-development books

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