Social and antisocial people - how are they different?

Social character is a set of traits characteristic of a group of people united by nationality, gender, religion, professional and other characteristics. Social character is a designation of a stable system of personality orientation. It is the opposite of individual character, which distinguishes people from each other. The formation of social character is most influenced by the society surrounding a person, the economic and political situation.

The process of socialization begins from the moment a person defines himself and his relationship to other people, building one or another model of relationships, which leads to the establishment of a certain social character.

Character - definition of concept

The ancient Greeks thought about the secret of character, and they gave a definition to this concept: “seal, coinage” - that which distinguishes one personality from another. Modern psychologists identify the main features of this concept:

Arrogance in words

Characteristic personality traits are manifested in actions and expressions that are habitual and natural for a given individual. “You are a fool, you simpleton,” the Old Woman from Pushkin’s fairy tale addressed her husband. And the Old Man obediently trudged along to fulfill her will. The ingratitude and arrogance of one character, the humility and lack of will of another, are manifested here in words and actions.

"Leopard change his spots"

Inner world: worldview, feelings - these are not character traits. Over the course of life, a person can change his beliefs and sympathies more than once, but character is a constant quality. The poetess M. Tsvetaeva expressed it in the words: “...we are treacherous, that is, we are true to ourselves.”

What is personality character?

Every person encounters the character of another person. What it is? This is a characteristic of the psyche that combines permanent and stable qualities that determine the behavior and attitude of an individual. Translated from Greek, character means “trait”, “sign”. This is a stable characteristic that affects behavior, ways of reacting, activities and individual manifestations of a person.

We can say that the character of a person determines a person’s entire life, his destiny. They say that fate is predetermined. In fact, a person who does not obey specific rules and strategies creates his own destiny, which he then lives.

By changing your character, you can change your destiny, since character determines the reaction, behavior, and decisions a person makes in a specific situation. If you look closely, you can see that people who are similar in character live the same life. Only the details differ, but their ways of thinking and behaving are the same.

Character is formed throughout a person's life. It can be changed at any moment, which in adulthood is possible only under the influence of one’s own desire and willpower. If a person cannot change his character, then his life does not change and its development is predictable.

Character traits

Stable properties of the psyche - “paths trodden by neurons” - these are character traits. They appear with enviable consistency and allow us to make predictions in human behavior. So, knowing the stinginess of an employee, it is not difficult to assume that he will not borrow money before payday. And the one who is now whispering another gossip in your ear will tomorrow say nasty things about you. However, not all shades of a person’s behavior are important or fateful for her.

Dominant traits

American psychologist Gordon Allport grouped character traits into three categories:

Dominant - determine the core of personality, are found in systemic relationships with the world: egoism - altruism

Ordinary - manifested in everyday life: honesty - duplicity

Secondary - manifested in various areas of activity: diligence, obedience, love of reading

Priority character traits are especially clearly manifested in critical situations, when there is no time to think, a person acts “automatically”. For example, in ordinary situations, all people prefer to put on a mask of modesty; some sincerely consider themselves to be so. But when they praise others, they suddenly lose their temper, begin to list their merits and achievements, and reveal deeply hidden vanity.

Mental sphere of character manifestation

The second way to classify characteristic personality traits is by the manifestation of stable mental properties.

Intellectual traits - curiosity, resourcefulness, frivolity, absent-mindedness Emotional traits - cheerfulness, sentimentality, gloominess, dispassion Volitional qualities - perseverance, courage, cowardice, humility Moral traits - justice, responsiveness, callousness, cruelty

Character Formation

A person’s character develops in a specific period of life under the influence of certain factors. Which ones?

Time frame

Character formation is a time-limited process that spans childhood and adolescence—up to 20–25 years. Later we will talk about re-education, which is given with great difficulty. By the age of 4–5 years, the “skeleton of personality” is already ready - the child’s behavior towards himself, towards people, towards work and surrounding objects has been determined in general terms. Educators can see the peculiarities of the manifestation of his mental qualities: mental abilities, emotional-volitional sphere, moral attitudes.

Personality structure according to Bratus

Russian sociologist and psychologist, Boris Sergeevich Bratus, created his own classification of social types, taking as a basis a person’s relationship to himself and to others.

Thus, the scientist identifies the following levels in the personality structure:

  1. Egocentric level. Characterized by a desire exclusively for personal comfort, gain and prestige; attitude towards others is dismissive, consumerist; representatives of this category treat people as things, evaluate them from the point of view of usefulness.
  2. Group-centric level. A person builds a model of behavior depending on his membership in a particular social group. He considers himself valuable only when he is an integral part of something, dividing those around him into “us” and “strangers”. Personal happiness is linked to the happiness of the group.
  3. Prosocial (humanistic) level. Characterized by equal respect for oneself and others, tolerance. Activities are focused on achieving results that can provide benefit not only to one specific person, but also to society.
  4. Spiritual level. For representatives of this category, a person is an immortal being, they strive to make their existence highly spiritual, and they associate the end of life with the transition to a new level.

Temperament and character

A person’s character is directly related to the properties of his psyche. Hippocrates also noted that people have different mental organizations. He identified four types of nervous system, calling them temperaments. Each temperament characterizes its characteristic dynamics of nervous processes: strength, excitability, stability, balance.

Mental properties of temperament

Choleric is distinguished by a strong emotional reaction to the influence of the outside world, great excitability, instability of nervous processes, and mental imbalance, in which excitation processes predominate.

A sanguine person is characterized by a strong reaction, low excitability, relative stability and balance of emotions.

A melancholic person has increased emotional excitability, and these emotions take possession of him for a long time, he poorly adapts to a changing environment, and has an unbalanced psyche.

Phlegmatic - reacts weakly to the influence of external stimuli, but “digests” them for a long time, his excitation/inhibition processes are balanced, he does not like changes and poorly adapts to changes.

Market orientation

People of this type advocate that success depends on a person’s ability to sell himself attractively on the market. In other words, a person perceives himself as a commodity. He comes into competition with many others. This type of people is not interested in their lives, but in how to become a marketable commodity.

To do this, you need to know which personality type is in high demand. The image of the desired personality can be formed by fashion and cinema. This image is the goal of any market type person. For such a person, the measures of values ​​are the vicissitudes of the market, and as a result, correct ideas about feelings, self-worth and self-respect are destroyed.

In a situation where a person has to constantly fight his way to success, and any failure becomes a severe threat to his self-esteem, the result will be a feeling of helplessness, uncertainty and inferiority.

Classification of characters

After Hippocrates, psychologists repeatedly tried to classify characters, putting forward various criteria for analysis.

Typology of E. Kretschmer

The classification of the German psychiatrist E. Kretschmer is based on a comparison of a person’s physique with his character and predisposition to mental illness. He identifies three types of characters.

Schizothymics are a type of character in people with an asthenic physique: thin, with long limbs and weak muscles. The main features of schizothymic people are excessive seriousness, isolation, stubbornness, and poor adaptability to the environment. Strengthening these qualities leads to schizophrenia. It is difficult to communicate with schizothymic people; they are indifferent to the outside world, emotionally cold, and tend to daydream in the world of their own “I”.

Ixothymics are a character type inherent in athletes who have strong muscles, a proportionate physique, and tall stature. The main features of ixothymic people are the desire for leadership, endurance, and practicality. Among the shortcomings are difficulties in adaptation and in expressing emotions. They are sociable, friendly, and have a positive perception of the outside world. If their character develops unfavorably, they run the risk of developing schizophrenia.

Cyclothymics - the character of people of short stature, prone to obesity. E. Kretschmer calls this type of physique picnic. He believes that picnics are characterized by sociability, sincerity, emotionality, and good adaptability to circumstances. A possible illness is manic-depressive psychosis.

Typology of K. Jung

Psychiatrist from Switzerland C. Jung identified two types of character, taking the direction of the human psyche as the main criterion.

Introverts are people “on their own wavelength.” They are focused on their own inner world and have little interest in the realities of the external environment. Introverts are closed, uncommunicative, and suspicious.

Extroverts are a character type with a focus on the outside world. Sociability, initiative, and curiosity are the hallmarks of this character.

Typology of A. Loewen

Psychoanalyst A. Lowen created a classification of characters that were formed under the influence of mental trauma suffered by a person in childhood and adolescence.

Oral type - “trauma of the abandoned.” Character traits are explained by a lack of love from parents in early childhood. Such a person is afraid of loneliness all his life, needs support, and is not capable of independent actions.

Masochist - “trauma of the humiliated.” The character of a person who suffered humiliation in childhood. The main behavioral traits: sensuality and shyness, constraint in expressing one’s needs, fear of freedom and indecisiveness. Loves to suffer.

Spiritual (eschatological) level

Supporters at this level consider man to be an eternally living being, they are sure that after earthly life nothing ends, they connect human life with the spiritual world.

At this level, a person’s relationship with God can be resolved, there is a feeling of connection with God and the idea of ​​happiness as service and connection with him.

Each personality type has all four levels. At some points, one of the levels defeats the other levels, based on a certain situation.

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Along with individual traits and qualities of character, one can distinguish a general way of adapting an individual to the social environment - the social type of human character

. When determining the type of character, we highlight what is essential and similar in the characters of individual people, which determines the general style of their life.

On this basis, we distinguish the following types of characters.

Harmonically integral type

It is distinguished by the stability of relationships and at the same time high adaptability to the environment. A person with this type of character has no internal conflicts; his desires coincide with what he does. He is a sociable, strong-willed, principled person. People with a harmoniously integral character retain their own value system in all difficult circumstances of life. This is a type of strong-willed fighter for his ideals and principles. Not opportunism, but changing reality in accordance with their ideals - this is the way these people adapt.

The type is internally conflicting, but externally harmoniously consistent with the environment

characterized by inconsistency between internal motivations and external behavior, which, in accordance with the requirements of the environment, is carried out with great tension.

A person with this type of character is prone to impulsive actions, but they are constantly restrained by volitional efforts. The system of his relationships is stable, but his communicative properties are not sufficiently developed.

People of this type have a complex system of correlating their value orientation with the conditions of reality. These people overcome discord with the outside world through internal tactical adjustments, psychological defense, devaluing current events that do not fit into their value system, preserving the basic values ​​of the individual, but not actively trying to change external circumstances. This is a type of wise contemplator detached from everyday struggle.

Conflict type with reduced adaptation

characterized by conflict between emotional impulses and social responsibilities, impulsiveness, the predominance of negative emotions, underdeveloped communicative properties, and insufficient structure of self-awareness. Individual connections with the world among people of this type are not included in any general behavioral system. The life of such people follows a simplified scheme: their changing needs should, in their own opinion, be immediately satisfied without much effort.

The psyche of such individuals is not burdened with much experience; they are not concerned about the future. They are not seasoned in the struggle for existence. In childhood, they, as a rule, were subjected to overprotection and were surrounded by excessive care of the people around them. They are characterized by immaturity and inability to overcome life's difficulties. The main mechanism of their life is to obtain pleasure (hedonism). People of this type perceive all difficult situations as acute conflict and resort to unconscious psychological pseudo-defense - a distorted reflection of reality (whims, stubbornness, retreat into the world of dreams and fruitless dreams).

Variable type

indicates external adaptation to the environment as a result of instability of positions, unprincipledness, a low level of personal development, and the absence of a stable general way of behavior.

Lack of character and constant opportunism are a surrogate for plasticity of behavior; it should not be confused with genuine plasticity of behavior, with the ability to take into account circumstances to achieve basic goals, without deviating from social norms and requirements. People of this type are characterized by a simplified inner world; their struggle for existence is straightforward. They have no doubts about achieving utilitarian goals and do not have any special internal restrictions. They know only one type of obstacle - external. Reality puzzles them only with questions of a “technical” nature - how to achieve, how to achieve the greatest possible number of immediate benefits. This is the type of “realists”: they try to satisfy their needs as fully as possible within the limits of realistically existing possibilities. Adaptation, adjusting, adjusting the inner world to external circumstances - this is the general way of adaptation of these people.

Typological characterology can also be based on the leading orientation of the individual

. Thus, the famous German philosopher and psychologist E. Spranger (1882-1963) distinguishes the following personality types according to their leading orientation.

Science man

In its pure form, he knows only one passion - passion for a problem, a question, which leads to explanation, establishment of connections, theorizing. His experiences are divorced from real life: he can despair from the impossibility of knowing, or rejoice because of a purely theoretical discovery. He exhausts himself as a psychological being in order to generate a purely ideal world of regular connections. For him, only the purity of methods of cognition is valuable - truth at any cost. The world for him is an endless production of entities and a system of relationships of dependence. In its most natural and pure form, this form of life is embodied in professional scientists, who, as a rule, come to formulate their life tasks as a result of free interest. But the preliminary stages of this kind of spiritual organization are found regardless of professional affiliation, and, perhaps, the structural features of the type appear much more clearly on them than in great scientists, who are often very complex natures.

Economic man

This is not necessarily a person associated with production. The most important thing is that the main motive that determines various spheres of personality and the nature of its existence is the motive of utility.

In general terms, an economic man is one who puts utility first in all life relations. For him, everything becomes a means of maintaining life, the struggle for existence and the best arrangement of his life. He saves material, effort, time - just to get the maximum benefit from it. It would be more accurate to call him a practical person, since the entire field of technology is connected with the concept of economics. The meaning of his actions is not in the activity itself, but in its beneficial effect.

Aesthetic man

Purely aesthetic behavior is not characterized by lust. Direct contact with the world is always painful and associated with the struggle for existence. But there is a second world where pain is as sweet as joy, suffering is as spiritual as joy: this is the world of fantasy. We know that there are people who surround themselves with such fantasies, through which they perceive reality.

When considering the aesthetic type, we mean not so much artists who create material works, but people who create themselves, possessing the internal structure of the aesthetic type.

Social person

A special life form, which is called social, arises when this need for self-denial for the sake of another becomes a leading life need.

Social orientation in its highest manifestation is love. It can be a fundamental feeling for all of life. But it can also be directed at a separate object or a circle of objects and at the same time not lose the character of a leading need that determines all individual existence. The individual becomes the object of love as the center of values. You can love another person because the value of truth, or beauty, or holiness is discovered in him. Akin to such love is a passionate desire to acquire the values ​​of life that are already known to us. But the essence of love itself is even deeper: it remains something in itself, turned to another life for the sake of the values ​​contained in this life. Conceptually defining what ultimately defies formulation, we can say that love discovers in another person - one, several or many - potential bearers of certain values ​​and finds the meaning of its own life in devotion to these people.

Political man

A special case when power in itself becomes the main thing for a person.

Here we have the totality of the worldview: self-affirmation, achievement of success, vitality, energy of being.

A political person strives for a high social status and only then, as a leader, in the rays of glory does he feel in his place.

Religious man

This is one whose spiritual structure is constantly and entirely aimed at achieving the highest meaning of life, postulated by religion.

The behavior of religious people is dominated by an altruistic orientation. They see the highest meaning of their existence in noble, free service to people - in helping the injured, wounded, maimed, infirm, humiliated and lonely. The behavior of such people significantly exceeds the norm of social responsibility.

Religious dogmas are firmly embedded in the sphere of superconsciousness of a religious person and are covered by a complex intuitive mechanism - the mechanism of faith. The behavior of a religious person is modified - ideas of goodness and love for man begin to dominate in his psyche. It is characterized by a desire for sinlessness, and its possible guilty behavior is reorganized through deep repentance and atonement for guilt through good deeds.

All the main religious confessions of the world affirm spirituality, morality, the highest ideals of human existence, mobilize a person to walk the earthly path with dignity, and postulate unshakable laws of human life among people.

Character anomalies

Character anomalies are said to exist if a person’s actions make communication difficult and impossible. Psychotherapists identify several types of behavioral abnormalities.

Excitable psychopaths suffer from a lack of inhibition of nervous processes. Any little thing makes them angry; in a state of passion, they threaten their interlocutor and try to get hurt. They are not capable of long-term work, because they are torn apart by “internal irritation.”

The asthenic type of anomaly is a rapid depletion of mental reactions. Such people are shy, have a hard time withstanding troubles, and at the slightest cough/runny nose they fear for their health and become helpless.

Paranoid type - nervous processes are inhibited, stagnant foci of excitation are formed. Such people are touchy and suspicious - and are always fixated on themselves. They remember negative situations towards themselves for a long time and demand restoration of justice.

Negative human qualities

Rare parents deliberately cultivate negative qualities in their children. The latter are formed as a reaction of the child’s psyche to the environment in which he lives. Where there is no love, indifference reigns - poisonous flowers of selfishness, laziness, and disorganization grow. Such character traits make a person unlucky. When aggression and depravity rule the roost in a family, children develop meanness, greed, and cruelty—they grow up unhappy.

  • Gambling
  • Weakness
  • Facelessness
  • Addiction
  • tediousness
  • Pettiness
  • Greed, stinginess
  • Spoiled
  • windiness
  • Flattery
  • Indifference
  • Apathy
  • Jealousy
  • Alarmism
  • Complexity
  • Lust for power
  • Ruthlessness
  • Disorderly
  • Arrogance
  • Self-criticism
  • Stubbornness
  • Authoritarianism
  • Hypocrisy
  • Irresponsibility
  • Touchiness
  • Self-confidence
  • Aggressiveness
  • Greed
  • Deceit
  • Selfishness
  • Cruelty
  • Vanity
  • Suggestibility
  • Irritability
  • Laziness
  • Impudence
  • vulgarity
  • Stupidity
  • Rudeness
  • Narcissism
  • Cowardice
  • Pride
  • Forgetfulness
  • Anger
  • Annoyance
  • Coarseness
  • Extravagance
  • Curiosity
  • Negligence
  • Vindictiveness
  • Vulgarity
  • Talkativeness
  • Envy

Age and character

Age-related characteristics make adjustments to a person’s character.

In adolescence and adolescence, manifestations of the child’s psyche are erased: fears, whims, tearfulness, irresponsibility. But there is a desire for independence, vulnerability to criticism, increased demands on others, inflated self-esteem, emotional and social instability. Early adolescence is a critical period for the formation of psychopathy and character accentuations. At the age of 30–40 years, a person is aimed at realizing his cherished plans. This age is characterized by such traits as energy, enterprise, and responsibility. By the age of 50, a person gives up dreams and begins to live in the present. By this age, a person develops tolerance, prudence, and wisdom. People over 60 are characterized by slowness, tranquility, and contemplation. Negative traits of this age include touchiness, grumpiness, and irritability over trifles. Some fall into childhood: tearfulness, whims, childhood fears appear - the circle of life closes.

Old age is for a person what dust is for a dress - it brings out all the stains of character. V. O. Klyuchevsky

Personality traits

The character of a person is also formed under the influence of the values ​​and moral beliefs that a person uses. The more stable they are, the more a person becomes entrenched in his behavior and manifestations. The main feature of personal character is its certainty, where one can note the leading features, of which several always stand out. Definition of character disappears if there are no stable qualities.

Character is also based on the interests that a person has. The more stable and constant they are, the more a person becomes focused, persistent and integral in his manifestations.

You can determine the character traits of another person by his actions and their direction. Both actions and the results that he achieves after completing them are important. They are the ones who show a person's character.

Social character

As a person finds his place in society, social traits of his character are formed. People of the same social environment are united by common behavioral stereotypes. E. Fromm identifies two types of social characters:

Fruitful - based on love, care, respect, knowledge. A person of this nature freely realizes his energy for the benefit of society. According to Fromm, there is no society in the world where a fruitful type of character dominates.

Unfruitful - based on the acquisitive, exploitative orientation of the individual.

The unfruitful type of social character is divided into several subtypes with specific features inherent in each of them:

Receptive view. People with a receptive orientation are determined to take everything they need from society, offering little in return. They are incapable of initiative, independent action, weak-willed and cowardly. A receptive person depends on others - he expects someone to ensure his safety, give him a job, and solve his life problems. Left to their own devices, such people become helpless and defenseless.

Psychological character of personality

Changes that occur in the psychological character of a person are divided into natural (typical) and individual (atypical).

Natural changes occur as a person grows up and goes through certain changes in his body. Childish features disappear, replaced by adult ones. Childhood traits include capriciousness, irresponsibility, fears, and tearfulness. For adults - wisdom, life experience, tolerance, rationality, prudence, etc.

Much here is determined by the situations that a person often encounters. Communication with people, various circumstances, successes and failures, tragedies determine a person’s change of views and values. This is why people of the same age group differ from each other because everyone has had their own life experiences. Here individual traits are formed, which depend on the life circumstances through which each person passes.

Traits are quickly replaced by others if they are similar to or include previous ones.

Accentuation of character

Not all character traits are developed equally in a person. He can be honest, kind, and moderately fair, but all his qualities are dominated by touchiness, which is so hypertrophied that it borders on psychopathy.

The state of character when one or more traits dominate over others and are developed to the limit is called accentuation. Predominant qualities become a person’s “Achilles heel” in his relationships with other people.

Types of character accentuation according to K. Leonhard

Karl Leonhard described 12 types of character accentuation, which are associated with temperament, social conditions, and personality traits.

By temperament

Hyperthymic type - increased activity to the detriment of efficiency and performance of one's duties. It is difficult for a hyperthymic person to sit still and finish the job he has started. He is overly sociable, prone to sociopathy, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

Affectively labile type - a person, as if on a swing, changes the hyperactivity of his behavior to a state of depression and pessimism.

Dysthymic type - depressed mood and weakness of the volitional sphere. People with this type of accentuation are pessimists, have low self-esteem, and are not inclined to communicate. Positive traits include a heightened sense of justice and conscientiousness.

Affective-exalted type - high intensity of mental processes is expressed in violent delight and exalted states. Increased ability to sympathize and empathize. Very attached to family and friends.

Anxious type - people who are unsure of themselves, fearful, and have difficulty making contact. They do not know how to stand up for themselves and are often offended. Positive aspects - self-demandingness, responsibility.

Emotive type - hypersensitive, deeply emotional individuals who are not prone to conflicts. They have a soft heart, are responsive, do not express grievances, but conceal them deeply within themselves.

Socially conditioned

Demonstrative type - people prone to intrigue and lies. Their main goal is to be the center of attention; they are artistic, energetic, and sociable. They lie in order to increase their price, to attract attention to their person.

Stuck type - they remember grievances and evil for a long time, “get stuck” on these feelings, prolong conflicts, complicate reconciliation, and persistently pursue their goals.

Pedantic type - people of this type are infuriated by any violation of order, they themselves are neat and clean - they demand the same from those around them.

Excitable type - people who do not know how to control themselves and their emotions. They often get angry, start conflicts, and are unable to do systematic work or study. For their own self-affirmation, excitable individuals choose an environment of weak people.


Extroverts are focused on the values ​​of the outside world, sociable, energetic, susceptible to the influence of others, and do not have strong beliefs.

Introverts live on “their own wavelength,” in a fictional world, are not inclined to communicate, seclude themselves, and do not show their experiences to anyone. In the real world they are indecisive and act slowly.

Types of accentuation according to A. Lichko

A. Lichko’s classification was developed for adolescence, when character accentuation is usually formed.

Hyperthymic type. Character strengths: sociability, optimism, energy. Disadvantages: frivolity, lack of discipline, tendency to immoral actions.

Cycloid type. With such accentuation, the phase of increased activity gives way to a phase of depression, when the teenager is overwhelmed by irritability or oppressed by apathy. In this state, suicide attempts are possible. Waves of activity and depression are noticeable both for the teenager himself and for his loved ones.

Asthenoneurotic type. A person suffers from hypochondria - he is always in a painful state, constantly undergoing treatment, and gets tired of everything.

Sensitive type. A person with a sympathetic, kind character. Accentuation is expressed in excessive anxiety, fear of new contacts, and shyness.

Psychasthenic type. This includes teenagers with increased reflexivity, suspicious, and prone to phobias. They are afraid of uncertainty, uncertainty about their future. They are punctual, like to think through everything and calculate in advance. Careful to the point of nausea.

Distinctive features of social personality


The twelve most important characteristics of social personality are:

1. A social personality, when talking about something, speaks specifically. For example, she will say something like, “Joe Jones said...” or “The Star reported...” and cite sources of information, especially when talking about something important.

She may use generalizations such as “they” or “people,” but usually does not do so when speaking or expressing an opinion about something that might cause concern.

2. The social personality has a desire to convey good news and does not seek to convey bad news.

She may not even bother passing on criticism when it doesn't matter.

She prefers to make people feel like they are liked or needed by others rather than feeling like others don't like them. She tries to cheer people up and speaks well of them.

3. The social personality conveys messages without significant changes. If she removes something from them, then she is only trying to remove something that could cause harm to another person.

She doesn't like to hurt people's feelings, so she sometimes makes the mistake of refraining from delivering bad news or orders that might lead to it.

4. Treatment, especially of a mild nature, gives very good results when applied to a social personality.

Although antisocial individuals sometimes promise to improve, they fail to do so. Only a social personality can easily change or become better.

It is often enough for a social personality to point out its undesirable behavior for it to completely change for the better.

In order for social individuals to follow rules, criminal legislation and cruel punishments are not required.

5. The social personality's friends and colleagues are usually healthy, happy, and have a good outlook on the future.

A true social personality very often causes improvements in the health or financial situation of those with whom that personality works and lives.

At least she doesn't lower her friends' health, self-confidence and morale - their emotions when they feel good and ready to do what they do.

When a social personality falls ill, his recovery proceeds as expected, and his treatment produces good results.

6. The social personality usually chooses the right goals for correction.

She'll fix a flat tire instead of pounding on the windshield with a hammer.

Therefore, where it comes to working with machinery, she can repair things and make them work.

7. The social personality usually completes the projects and actions he has begun.

8. The social personality is ashamed of his actions and admits to them. She takes responsibility for her mistakes.

9. The social personality supports groups that help others and protests against or tries to stop destructive groups.

10. The social personality protests against destructive actions. It helps constructive or beneficial actions.

11. The social personality helps others and works to stop or prevent activities that harm others.

12. The social personality believes that property is someone else's property. She disapproves of things being stolen or misused and tries to prevent such occurrences.

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