economic needs of society
Social needs of the individual: types and methods of satisfaction
Social, spiritual and material needs The needs are so diverse that there are many classifications of them.
Minimalism as a lifestyle: where to start getting acquainted
September 13, 2018 Lifestyle Natalie M In the unprecedented bustle of gray everyday life, a person becomes exhausted
What you don't need to agree to when changing jobs
How to change jobs: what gets in the way and how to organize it correctly
Save the article: The article tells: 5 reasons that prevent you from leaving a job you don’t like Where to look
Stages of development of intelligence according to Piaget. Table
Article No. 4: “How is the mind formed? Jean Piaget's concept of intelligence"
Piaget's theory was created by a Swiss psychologist who dealt with issues of cognitive functions and intellectual development of children.
ability to plan
Learn how to make plans correctly for the year, month, week and day
Keeping track of your to-do list or daily routine on a piece of paper is no longer very good
What is ambition and who is an ambitious person?
“Is my business moving in the right direction? Am I setting the right goals? - like this
Men who hate women: how to recognize a misogynist
General Information Misogynists have a scientific name: misogyny. Translating this term from Greek
make the world kinder and better
33 Simple Ways to Make the World a Better Place (Right Now)
Hello friends! We often encounter injustice or witness situations that force us to think
thank you please
How to respond to “thank you”? Possible answers: please, no thanks, I was glad to help
In normal human society, praise and gratitude are an integral part of communication, however,
Astheno-depressive syndrome: what is it and what is the ICD-10 code?
Astheno-depressive syndrome: what is it and what is the ICD-10 code?
One type of psycho-emotional disorder is astheno-depressive syndrome. The pathological condition is accompanied by loss of all interest
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