Famous introverts who quietly changed the world (13 photos)

Author: Jones

15 September 2015 20:08

Tags: famous person introverts scientists  



The values ​​in the modern world are such that society wants to see every person open, sociable and emotional. At the same time, being absorbed in one’s thoughts is taken as detachment, and silence and avoidance of noisy gatherings are even considered a mental illness. However, introversion is not a disease at all, but simply a personality trait, which can sometimes become a real gift. This selection contains 12 famous introverts, whose services to humanity can hardly be overestimated.


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Isaac Newton.

Physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. He developed differential and integral calculus, color theory, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, and created many other mathematical and physical theories.


Veganize it!

As the results of one American study show, extroverts “rule” the modern world. According to the survey results: “Which personality trait would you like to have: introversion or extroversion?”, 70% of positive answers were revealed in favor of extraversion. Moreover, people would like to be extroverted even though all tests show that their character is introverted. In our world, values ​​are completely different than they were before. Nowadays, great importance is attached to the speed of completing tasks, a focus on high productivity, without taking into account the long-term consequences of decisions made, good communication skills and the ability to self-presentation, or even the ability to snag and, without hesitation, praise oneself. Plus, the modern world imposes on us the ideals of successful people from the screens of Hollywood films, self-improvement books and social networking sites. They want to see a person open like a book. And being immersed in one’s thoughts, seemingly taken for detachment, silence, thoughtfulness and avoidance of noisy gatherings are perceived as a mental illness. But this is far from true. Sometimes this is the reason for a person’s introversion.

As an example of the fact that introversion is not a disease, but often a gift from above, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of 10 famous introverts and learn about their services to all humanity.

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

Philosopher. He gave the world a religion that is professed by millions. Gave us patience and the Middle Way. He taught me to fight my desires and overcome all life’s troubles with dignity.

Isaac Newton

Mathematician, mechanic, astronomer. Founder of classical physics. He gave the world the “law of universal gravitation”, “three laws of mechanics”, “the theory of the motion of celestial bodies” and many other inventions.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Philosopher. One of the most reserved introverts. He revealed the concepts of misanthropy and pessimism in his works. For the first time he used the term motivation in the meaning in which it is commonly used now. He wrote his greatest work, “The World as Will and Idea,” in which he showed that all human nature is an expression of the “insatiable will to live.” It is because of this that humanity experiences suffering. “Desiring more” is the cause of even greater suffering.

Charles Darwin

Naturalist and traveler. He gave the world a lot of scientific discoveries, the main one of which was the “Theory of Evolution”. From it we learned that humanity descended from primates, and evolution is the path of development of a species from simple to more complex.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi)

One of the greatest people of all time. He returned India's independence from the British colonialists without bloody battles. Thanks to the philosophy of non-violence or, as it is commonly called in India, satyagraha. Its goal is to transform an enemy into a like-minded person, interrupt the vicious circle of hatred, and turn evil into good. Gandhi believed that satyagraha is a weapon of the strong in spirit, because only they can neutralize the negative manifestations of human nature without using force.

Albert Einstein

Brilliant scientist. Theoretical physicist. Author of more than 300 works on physics, as well as more than 150 articles on history, philosophy of science and journalism. His theories—the “General and Special Theories of Relativity”—turned the world upside down and created a stir in scientific circles, perhaps more than Newton’s laws.

Franz Kafka

Outstanding writer. His works are permeated with absurdity and fear of death. They instill in the reader anxiety and existential fear of learning the meaning of life. By reading Kafka's novels, you open doors in your soul that will then be impossible to close.

Dale Carnegie

Outstanding psychologist. Creator of the concept of conflict-free and successful communication. His works - “How to win friends and influence people”, “How to stop worrying and start living” - are wildly popular to this day

George Orwell

Writer and publicist. Thanks to him, we learned the true meaning of the words "Big Brother" and "Cold War." Almost everyone has heard of his novel 1984 , which describes a utopian reality. A world where people are completely subject to totalitarian control. And the eyes of “big brother” are watching every movement of their citizens from everywhere. Even thoughts cannot be hidden. But there is also love in this world. And she ultimately wins.

Warren Edward Buffett

The owner of one of the largest fortunes on the Planet. In 2012, it was estimated at $46.5 billion. The creator and supporter of his own long-term investment strategy and a major philanthropist.

Now we know that we should not underestimate introverts for being silent and immersed in their inner world at times. Most likely they are thinking about some brilliant invention that will be able to make our world a better place.


Charles Darwin.

A naturalist and traveler, he was one of the first to come to the conclusion and substantiate the idea that all types of living organisms evolve over time and descend from common ancestors. In his theory, he called natural selection the main mechanism of evolution. Later he developed the theory of sexual selection. He also owns one of the first generalizing studies on human origins.

Keanu Reeves and his dislike of large crowds of people

Still from the movie "The Matrix"

The American movie star was dubbed by reporters as “Hollywood’s main introvert.” Keanu Reeves really takes every opportunity to sneak away from the paparazzi, fans and colleagues. By the way, the actor himself does not hide the fact that he is burdened by noisy gatherings and prefers to spend time alone or with his closest people. For example, Keanu celebrated his 50th birthday in the company of his sister; no one else was invited to the celebration.

To cope with her withdrawal, the author of Sorry, I'm Late went to a group therapy session. It was there that the group’s curator explained to her that our fear of people is not at all a consequence of introversion, but a manifestation of a phobia. Fear of appearing worse than we really are. But it's worth remembering this: for the most part, people around you don't care whether you're wrong or perfect, what you wear, or what you think.

. They will forget about you as soon as you step aside. Being able to accept this fact will help you.

Mahatma Gandhi.

One of the leaders and ideologists of the movement for Indian independence from Great Britain. His philosophy of non-violence (satyagraha) influenced movements for peaceful change. His name is surrounded in India with the same reverence with which the names of saints are pronounced. The spiritual leader of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi fought all his life against the religious strife that was tearing his country apart and against violence, but in his declining years he fell victim to it.

Brigitte Bardot

The French actress is known for her unsociability. She didn’t even see her own son often – since childhood, Nicolas lived with his father. Now Bridget is already over 80 and she does not change her habits. She prefers animals to the company of people. About a hundred dogs live with her in a villa in the south of France, while the number of friends is much more modest. According to Bridget, she has only two or three close people. The actress is engaged in social activities - defending the rights of people and animals. It is true that here too Bardo reduced social contacts to a minimum. All communication takes place by correspondence.

Albert Einstein.

Theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, public figure and humanist. Honorary doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, member of many Academies of Sciences, including foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1926). Author of more than 300 scientific works on physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science, journalism, etc.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie believes that loneliness contributes to the harmonious development of personality. Since childhood, she was not particularly sociable, did not make friends with peers, and preferred solitude to noisy companies. Jolie does not need friendly communication; she prefers to spend time with family members. Previously, she called her mother her best friend; after the death of her parent, Angelina focused all her attention on raising her children. According to the celebrity, she now has a very close social circle; she does not like to go out and spend time with friends.

George Orwell.

British writer and publicist. He is best known as the author of the cult dystopian novel 1984 and the story Animal Farm. He introduced the term cold war into political language, which later became widely used. He also wrote many essays and articles of a socio-critical and cultural nature. In his homeland, it was published in 20 volumes (5 novels, a satirical fairy tale, a collection of poems and 4 volumes of criticism and journalism), translated into 60 languages.

Naomi Campbell

The supermodel is famous not only for her striking appearance. Her difficult temperament is no less famous. Not everyone can withstand the character of the “Black Panther,” and she herself is reluctant to make close contacts and prefers business relationships to friendly connections. Naomi is used to achieving success on her own and is not afraid to seem materialistic. She even sold entrance tickets for her birthday! It is not surprising that the calculating and hot-tempered beauty has no friends. The model tries to work on herself and does yoga, but is still alone.

Arthur Schopenhauer.

German philosopher. One of the most famous thinkers of irrationalism, a misanthrope. He gravitated towards German romanticism, was fond of mysticism, highly appreciated the main works of Immanuel Kant, appreciated the philosophical ideas of Buddhism, the Upanishads, as well as Epictetus, Cicero and others. He criticized his contemporaries Hegel and Fichte. He called the existing world, in contrast to the sophistic, as he put it, Leibniz’s fabrications, “the worst of possible worlds,” for which he received the nickname “philosopher of pessimism.”

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Chief Executive Sheryl Sandberg told the New York Times that Zuckerberg, the social network's founder and CEO, is shy and introverted. He often doesn't seem very friendly to people who don't know Zuckerberg well.

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She added: “Mark really cares about the people who work here.” Until now, no one in the world has a more motivational success story than the founder of Facebook.

Joanne Rowling

The famous writer, creator of the Harry Potter universe, is proud of being an introvert, and notes that it was only thanks to this that she found her calling. For Rowling, focusing on the inner world has been beneficial in her writing. However, she notes that it is still very difficult for her to give interviews, although she has recently become more relaxed.

JK Rowling Photo: Daniel Ogren, ru.wikipedia.org

Extroverts? Introverts? Ambiverts!

Outgoing extroverts are aggressive, impulsive, and tiresome. These are always choleric or sanguine people. Contemplative introverts are silent, low-contact and affectionate phlegmatic or melancholic. But there is a large group of harmonious people who combine traits of both types - these are ambiverts.

Most of us still know how to combine interest in others with introspection. Ambiverts are the middle group of people adapted to life in society. According to Jung, extreme manifestations of extroversion and introversion are smoothed out when a person realizes the need for a non-conflict existence. Education, a critical attitude towards oneself and, of course, the characteristics of nervous reactions help to achieve the golden mean.

38% of people belong to this group; they are quite balanced and do not experience any discomfort either in communication or in solitude. Ambiverts have more opportunities to create a psychologically comfortable existence than representatives of pronounced extremes.

Zane Malik

In interviews, Zayn Malik has repeatedly admitted that fame is not easy for him - he is happy to make music and be successful, but the need to attend social events tires him, as does the obsessive attention of the public. They also say that the difficulties in the relationship between him and Gigi Hadid are connected precisely with the difference in their outlook on life: “Zayn loves to stay at home, Gigi, on the contrary, loves to be the center of attention and go to parties. An introvert and an extrovert, a common thing,” a close friend of the star couple said in an interview.

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep achieved a lot, but she never compromised on her principles and love of solitude. Her mother was an extrovert, but the actress herself is not like her in this regard. “By the way, I’m not at all like my mother - she was a teacher and always taught me and many other people. And I'm an introvert. And when I have to go stand in front of the camera, I tell myself: “Meryl, you can do it!” as my mother told me when I was worried.” All this does not stop Streep from defending her opinion in public and performing brilliantly.

How do two personality types communicate?

Extrovert + extrovert

Everyone wants to talk, there are no listeners here. If both find the strength to pause in monologues, the conversation can take place.

Introvert + extrovert

At first glance, everything is perfect - one speaks, the other listens. The problem lurks in an unexpected place: extroverts like to invade personal space, and introverts let a select few in. An introvert, in turn, may not show sufficient attention to the personality of the interlocutor, and this is offensive. So such communication cannot be called simple.

Introvert + introvert

Oddly enough, these communications can be fruitful and enjoyable for both parties. Two introverts will always understand each other; they will not be bothered by their partner’s silence or rare communication. Meetings infrequently for meaningful conversations will take place while maintaining boundaries and respecting sovereignty. The relationship between two introverts who have found a common language can last a lifetime without conflicts, stormy breakups or enchanting reconciliations.

Johnny Depp

The famous Johnny Depp also tries to avoid unnecessary attention. In most roles, he literally hides behind the masks of his characters. Although many heroes are close to him in character. They are often quite reserved people.

Edward Scissorhands and Willy Wonka lived as recluses, Jack Sparrow communicated only when necessary, keeping his thoughts and feelings deep inside. The Mad Hatter, although he loves theatrical effects, is most concerned with his own experiences. The vampire Barnabas Collins from "Dark Shadows" is interested in people only from a gastronomic point of view, and the Indian Tonto from "The Lone Ranger" is no more sociable than the protagonist's white horse. But the actor is not embarrassed by his introversion.

Expert psychologists note that introverts are more focused on the inner world than the outer world, and accordingly, they are more interested in changing themselves for the better and increasing their not only intellectual, but also spiritual level. They are prone to deep reflection, so their activity is more expressed in mental research, rather than in continuous actions and pretentious behavior, so from the outside it may seem like passivity.

Johnny Depp Photo: Georges Biard, ru.wikipedia.org

Some people use hyperbole when looking at them, such as “they are so shy that they are unable to speak in front of people” or “she is so shy and reserved that no one likes them.” Meanwhile, these exaggerations are rarely confirmed by life. After all, introverts are the authors of many of the greatest achievements in human history, and are also some of the most successful businessmen and political figures.

Tags: introvert, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Johnny Depp, personal qualities

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