A neurotic disorder in which a person is always in a sad mood, generally inhibited and
What is self-harm behavior So what is self-harm? There are several definitions, here are some
© Narrated by Andrey Arkadyevich Shmilovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, head of the department
The concept of subjective perception Definition 1 Subjective perception is the internal state of a person, which is distorted
Who is this bore? A boring person is, first of all, a boring person. In any action
After all, if I don’t burn, And if you don’t burn, And if
Currently, there is an intensive penetration of the systems approach into the theory and methodology of psychology. Us
General psychology test on the topic: Temperament and character 1 What theories of temperament
What is a reflex? A reflex is an involuntary reaction of the body to an external or internal stimulus,
What are mental processes and what are they? Mental processes are one of the key concepts